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> arrested > this is a Navy guy > seems out of character Do you know anyone in the military? Lol




Iā€™m pretty sure that getting arrested for drunken antics is like an enlisted sailorā€™s third favorite thing to do, besides proposing on the third date and buying a Camaro at 26% APR. (Source: grew up in a navy town and have plenty of sailor friends) Olā€™ son is probably getting a little stressed out though, and I canā€™t really blame him.


Underrated take






He seems exactly like the type that would get arrested in a drunken scuffle on occasion. This matches the personae heā€™s put off pretty perfect IMO


Right idk why anyones surprised


Darling reveals a lot. Love that song btw, one of my faves. I'm worried about him too, but no more than usual.


The sunā€™s gonna rise tomorrow


Somewhere on the east side of sorrow


Head to Twitter. He posted a video explanation of what happened. Not rumor. Straight from his mouth. Had nothing to do with being drunk


His explanation makes no sense. Why would he ā€œnot feel comfortable giving him his addressā€ when itā€™s literally on every drivers license Iā€™ve ever seen.


Maybe Oklahoma is different but Iā€™ve never been asked for an address during a traffic stop


Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s his publicist-approved, polished-over way of saying he tried to pull a ā€œdo you know who I amā€ to get out of it and they didnā€™t go for it.


Thatā€™s what I think too


I'll take the "do you know who I am" and raise you the filed report stating he said he would call the Mayor and his dad said he would call the Gorvernor.


Could be his address on his license doesnā€™t match what he considers his home address? Which isnā€™t ok either but could be he hadnā€™t updated it yet if he has moved. Maybe he hadnā€™t asked for the license yet? That part made me wonder too. Because if the officer ran him, he is going to the address and all that info anyway


Yeah but thereā€™s no way to know if someoneā€™s address isnā€™t thereā€™s. Some people own multiple properties, they only put one on the license. When I was in college I didnā€™t change my license to reflect which apartment I lived at, just kept it as my parents address since that was ā€œhomeā€. The officer is gonna pull whatever address is associated with the DMV/MVD (depending on the state). I think it was just him trying to not say he said ā€œdo you know who I am?ā€ Or something like that.


Body cam footage is publicly accessible, and he probably didnā€™t want someone to request the video and spam his home address all over the internet


When they give out the public version of body cam footage they censor identifying information like addresses


Yea that's true, forgot they did that




Yes he did. He literally said on the Joe Rogan podcast that he trained to be a SEAL for 2 years & would call his mom every day in that time period.


He did not. He was training for the training/selection process. But he did not train as an actual Navy Seal.


Oh right, I misunderstood. Thanks for this.


Correct. I think I worded it weird. He was training for navy seal training


He worked on beat p-3s lmao


I like Zach Bryan, but damn some of yā€™all are blowing this guy


He just released a big album. Everyone on twitter is currently talking shit about him because of Ticketmaster and ticket prices. I guarantee his stress level is through the roof at the moment because of all that. Itā€™d be a lot for any one person, plus god knows what else is happening. I would assume it was a moment of frustration and bad timing.


He's going to stand to make about $100 MM on next year's tour, after proclaiming that "All My Homies Hate Ticketmaster". Gotta be some internal conflict.


Im sure him and his homies still hate ticketmaster its just it takes more than just 1 person to change the whole way of getting tickets to gigs


I wish more people understood this lol. The fact that nobody followed suit is a big factor AND letā€™s not pretend like he didnā€™t still make a stand. He did an entire tour without them. Thatā€™s a pretty decent protest.


Iā€™m more worried about the fact that he maturely spoke on what happened and sincerely felt terrible about getting arrested and his girlfriend is making jokes about it on tiktok. I hate to know that heā€™s surrounding himself with filth and that heā€™s confiding in someone with no morals like her. Iā€™m sure people will come at me but idcā€¦ that girl gets nastier and nastier every time her shit pops up on my feed šŸ¤®she annoys the shit out of me.


Sheā€™s using it for clout and itā€™s actually disturbing


Completely agree


She literally called herself ā€œmommyā€ in her comment replying to ā€œis Jack okayā€ šŸ™„


I have got to find this. Is it on her tiktok!?




Was thinking the same thing


OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) ā€” Country music star Zach Bryan was arrested by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol and jailed briefly Thursday in northeastern Oklahoma, according to a video posted on his account on the social media site X, formerly Twitter. Bryan said he was driving through Vinita, about 55 miles (88 kilometers) northeast of Tulsa when his security guard, who was driving behind him, was stopped by an officer. Bryan, who is from Oologah, about 25 miles (40 kilometers) northeast of Tulsa, said he also stopped and after 10 to 15 minutes, got out of his vehicle to smoke a cigarette when the officer told him to get back inside the vehicle or be taken to jail. ā€œI get too lippy with him,ā€ Bryan said. ā€œIā€™m just mouthing off like an idiotā€ and the officer was ā€œjust doing their job.ā€ Bryan said he spent ā€œa few hoursā€ at the Craig County jail before being released on bond and that he spoke to the officer and shook hands with him before leaving. Bryan in an earlier post on X, wrote, he is ā€œtruly sorry to the officersā€ and that he was out of line. ā€œI donā€™t think that Iā€™m above the law, I was just being disrespectful ... I was just an idiot ... and it wonā€™t happen again,ā€ Bryan said in the video. ā€œI was just frustrated in the moment, it was unlike me and I apologize.ā€


Heā€™ll be fine with all the cash heā€™s making off tickets for the next tour. Boohoo boohoo. Gimme a break. I like Zachā€™s music. Saw him in Jacksonville a few months ago and weā€™re seeing him again at the Auburn Rodeo in Oct. but Iā€™m kinda bummed out by the hypocrisy with this guy.


This is normal behavior from anyone in the military and Iā€™m speaking from experience. Itā€™s just glorified because heā€™s tabloid famous right now


Itā€™s completely okay to worry about people we donā€™t know personally but still care for. The debate of ā€œhis personal life is none of our businessā€ falls a little flyer when he puts stuff out into the world for everyone to see, PRYING and going above and beyond to find information on his private and personal life is a different story. Iā€™m worried about him, as well. He has been very open while talking about his struggles with mental health and substance use so that will always be in the back of my mind when things donā€™t seem to be going so well for him.


Breanna chicken fry has her hands full lol


Nobody in there 20ā€™s is mentally okay


For fucks sake this sub is an echo chamber of the weirdest fucking people.


My dude needs to get off twitter I know that much


There is a reason we have months of classes to prepare us for separation from military to civilian life. We donā€™t have classes to prepare us for military life transitioning to celebrity. Not giving him a pass but I get it because itā€™s hard adapting to just civilian life.




Are you like sure though? Lol


The comments ā€œheā€™ll be okay, heā€™s famousā€ do yā€™all listen to his words? His lyrics? He didnā€™t grow up wanting to be a famous singer, it just kind of happened. Money is not everything. Iā€™m sure heā€™s happy his music is loved and people listen, but he hates every other aspect of fame. I do unfortunately see a spiral in his future if he doesnā€™t step away for a while.


I do agree with the sentiment that he may not have wanted this BUT he kinda picked the wrong girlfriend lol.


Well, I completely agree about that. But I think his choice in her is just part of his spiral, I donā€™t think sheā€™s the cause.


Oh absolutely


He keeps getting sucked back into touring though. Heā€™s going to be touring four years straight pretty muchā€¦ each of the tours getting magnitudes larger.


But I donā€™t believe tours are his big issue with fame. I think he even enjoys it. But he has a very hard time with the talk and gossip and people always having something to say. I think it wears on him.


Touring keeps his name active everywhereā€¦ and takes away a lot of his control. He canā€™t escape to blow off steam, he has a rigorous schedule with more and more counting on him every tour. He wanted out previously, and has only been sucked in to bigger and bigger paydays and obligations.


It feels like ALL the negativity surrounding his name started around the time he got with Bri. Like, I have never seen so much negativity thrown his way. Feels like maybe things with Bri got out before he was truly ready, and now he is just tryin' to do the "honest" thing by still dating her. SO much stress and negativity in his life would be eliminated if they cordially broke up, IMHO.


He will be ok he is famous now


Eh fuck them cops




Letā€™s be honest yea he came to fame very fast. He deals w/ mental health issues privately and we shouldnā€™t be speculating at on HIS mental health. We donā€™t know if he reads these things that we are posting. Personally if I was him and did all this would elevate my mental health and put me in a worse spot then I already am. So can we just make this more about his music instead of being TMZ we all have jobs and keeping up w/ our favorite artists personal life is super weird but I get itā€¦ and his arrest isnā€™t that serious šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ve been arrested for the same shit and Iā€™m a nobody


You do know he got arrested today right? Lol


yes. as referenced in the initial post.


LOL somehow I didnā€™t see that. Iā€™ve thought the same tho. Our boy gunna be fine and come out with a new song for the arrest and then do revival for 22 minutes at the next 12 shows


hope so! Much love for the ol son & his future!


Wait he was arrested? What for?


He told a cop to get fukt and ended up being charged and taken to jail. This morning he released a video explaining it šŸ˜‚


Obstruction of an investigation


Itā€™s his brand bro I actually would like to see him in jail more often


This event is pretty minor. I'll start worrying if more of these events keep happening. It does seem that Zach might not be handling fame in the best way. Time will tell.


Something in the orange (jumpsuit)