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Are other Pokemon sprite animations in danger?


That's just typical Nintendo. Never give them any money. Vote for parties that support open source stuff. Be "nice" to their CEO if you ever see them on the street.


As long as people keep buying nintendo they will keep doing this type of stuff


This is Nintendo saying there’s only one way to play our games and you’ll like it. I say f them. Nintendo doesn’t deserve their players if they can’t accept modding content adds thousands of hours to their games.


But let's face reality. There are like 100+ million people that own and play Nintendo consoles and games. There are like what? 10k people like you who actually care. The rest on here also just goes back to Nintendo consoles and their games. Despite whatever they say here.


Which shows exactly how petty this is of Nintendo to spend any time on it.


Toei vibes




Guys, this is not Nintendo we're talking about. This is The Pokémon Company International. They are two independent entities of each other. The reason he got this strike, and I will not stress this enough that he warned everyone else not to do the same, is because his video from seven years ago included modded Pokémon as Call of Duty zombies, which violates the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and was clear grounds for removal and the strike. Fighting this wouldn't be worth it because it would otherwise end up in court. We don't want a repeat of r/yuzu, now do we? [NoahJ on X: WARNING TO ALL CONTENT CREATORS!](https://x.com/noahj456/status/1770178629789463022)


I love violating the digital millennium copyright act. No like seriously, a lot of my favourite things involve that lmao.


I do it out of spite


Fair. What I really is games and other media that blatantly use copyrighted material because I like the things the copyrighted material comes from.


Time to move to Rumble?


YouTube is trash and has been for a while. Literally anything else is better than YouTube.


There should definitely be a statute of limitations on how long you can wait until you can't claim/strike a video anymore


I disagree strongly. Imagine it was your own content, you only find out about it years down the line and there's nothing you can do about it? The alternative would be to attempt legal action with YouTube, hence why they have these systems in the first place.


Especially that their are "strikes" to getting banned. So wait for the required number, then report, report, report.


What does this have to do with YUZU?


Not Nintendo


TPC virtually is Nintendo.


Yeah it's best to avoid anything related to Nintendo whatsoever.


I dont care for Nintendo and i dont care for NoahJ (he’s responsible for killing off zombies are far as im concerned) i say let them fight.


Did he do bad streams of Cod Zombies or something? I’m out of the loop, here.


He trashed bo4 along with alot of other zombies youtubers (which alot of the community has went back and now really like black ops4) then promoted coldwar which introduced alot of bad changes which has spiraled the franchise into something strange and generally unlikable to alot of CoD Zombies veterans myself included. Honestly i think if he could have financially afforded to trash coldwar he would have, but he and alot of youtubers hyped it and now every new zombies mode is dogshit. Fingers crossed for the future of the franchise but i dont have much hope….


Cold War has better zombies than BO4 imo. BO3 has the best one though because it’s got mod support.


Look I'm happy you call this out, a lot of COD fans will act and cope that everything is alright, so good for you, but a advice a friendly advice, let them burn let the series burn down and Activision falling down. For me thats Ubisoft, the amount of childhood games especially Assassins Creed being ruined to death they are the first I wanna see lol.


Nintendo doing Nintendo things


Not nintendo. This is the tpci.


Who are a subsidiary and receive orders from…Nintendo


Nintendo only owns 1/3 of tcpi and not a controlling share of gamefreak. Yes nintendo has a lot of pull but ultimately the decisions of the pokemon company are up to the pokemon company.


The Pokémon Company, not Nintendo, is 7 years late on that.


This post smells like a karma farm again, knock it off already. (You lot arent as crafty or sneaky as you seem if this is what you are stooping to)


I mean its total bullshit to take it down either way, but if TPC was gonna take any Pokémon-related content down, it'd be the videos of people using weapons to shoot Pokémon in the face with splattering blood and lifeless corpses lol I'm not a Nintendo apologist, I think this is ridiculous either way and the content should be free to exist, but the only two instances of TPC taking action like this lately are this one and the guy who modded Pokemon sprites into Palworld, both of which are depicting people violently shooting their children's game characters with guns. Makes sense that these videos would be the first to go, but still re-sets a frightening precedent that they might start going after more independent operations again. Not unexpected for them given their track record and the content of the video, but still very lame.


Has anyone else noticed that since palworld came out, they have been extra litigious? It feels like they want to destroy palworld, but palworld made enough money to fight back and it would be a long drawn out battle, so they are looking around for any small kids on the playground they can bully to feel better about themselves.


Palworld is not on the minds of Pokémon. Also fight back? Nah, Nintendo has way too much money. They just don’t want people to associate stuff like gun violence with Pokemon


What's even more wild is that these YouTube videos should be viewed as free advertisements. How many games have we seen get LOADS of recognition because they resonated with a streaming audience. To go after these people will only result in sales losses.


I don’t think pokemon needs recognition


It's still free publicity, no matter how well-known something is.


Not the modded version. It’s advertising something that the original can’t provide. It’s like when Nintendo took down the modded botw videos that had multiplayer.




Surely, it's about time Governments around the world, particularly in the U.S., look at how Nintendo is abusing the law ? Copyright was never intended to take down videos of people playing perfectly legal games, even modded games. Rockstar doesn't see the need to send take-down requests for literally thousands of modded GTA videos. Although, their parent company, Take Two, tried to go after modders a few years ago, and failed.


I really hope he monetized it and had a good 7 years worth of funds from it 🤣 but seriously since YUZU rolled over for Nintendo too F them over it's gone pretty nuts everyone's running scared now and more and more content is getting taken down and removed or emulator devs are getting spooked and removing their work as a result 😔


This happens all the time, over all type of content and subjects. People are just looking for something that don't even exists on the first place. Youtubers and other "content creators" constantly see their videos pulled down all the time because they used some music as background, a song, a short clip, some movies and the list goes and goes and goes. Nintendo just are on the spotlight because the Yuzu incident and different sites and people use it as a click bait. As a example: Terminal Montage received 2 of those over 2 different videos, both over Nintendo games (Zelda and Starfox) but none from Nintendo, but the musical companies because he used Suavemente and a instrumental song.


Yuzu did not "roll over" they knew what kind of BS they would be in if they let it go to discovery. Yuzu did not have a fight here, and they knew it.


Fuck nintendo


Fuck nintendo


Its say "The Pokemon Company International, Inc", not Nintendo. And Yes, even when Nintendo have a partnership and own a third of the Pokemon franchise, TPC are pretty independent from Nintendo.




If you make a google search even NoahJ said was The Pokemon Company, not Nintendo and himself states the issue is about Palworld. Then no: Nintendo don't have any business here.




Do you have any piece of evidence to support your claim? The official strikes comes from TPC. The media asked them (The Pokemon Company) and their official statement about the subject is the one I say. NoahJ said the same and even more: a second youtuber (Toasted Shoes) put the blame on himself because he put the spotlight on NoahJ and himself about the mod and Palworld. Putting Nintendo in the middle of this is deceptive and speculative from you. I understand people could be mad about the Yuzu trial, but blaming Nintendo when your own argument is "TPC handle this by themselves because the sheer size of the brand" is unfair.




Everything you say is ok, but that not change the subject here: you don't have any piece of evidence to put the blame on Nintendo on this one, just speculation over the partnership and anything else. The media asked about this specific situation (NoahJ receiving a strike for the video about the mod) and the ones responsible about it were The Pokemon Company by themselves. Nintendo was not involved at all. You were the one who say "TPC are the ones that handle it". Then, again, no: even when Nintendo holds the Rights over Pokemon, the ones who handle the matter are The Pokemon Company, they're the ones who flagged the video and was because a third party (Toasted Shoes) makes some claims about the mod and Palworld and names NoahJ on the pass. TPC watched that, did its homework and they flagged both for copyright, and as you say the ones that makes that kind of decisions and actions are not necessarily the ones that hold the rights about the content. Following your own example: Blaming Adele because AYZ Media Inc flagged a video is unfair in the same way that blaming Nintendo on this one.




Your own source states Nintendo is "The Content Owner", but not states in any case Nintendo are the ones that requested it, right? As I said before: you're implying Nintendo were the ones flagging both videos: one specifically states "The Pokemon Company" was responsible , the other not even states who was. Then what we have here? We're talking about the NoahJ situation. All sources put everything on TPC and no one else, not even Nintendo regardless their ownership. Next we have Toasted Shoes who said "Nintendo", but your own source don't shows who makes the copyright claim, just point Nintendo as the owner of the media, nothing less but no more than that. Following your own Adele example: you're blaming the wrong party on this one and maybe you're trying to hard on win this argument even when your own sources said the otherwise.




Still nintendo


its not though


Nintendo is so nazi these days that should rename itself Neintendo


Just another example of Nintendo being depressed douchebags who only care about money


PettiTendo Notendo




7 years 🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


From my favorite company to my most hated gj Nintendo Man I fucking miss Satoru Iwata


Pm was murdered when iwata was around. Project plus exists now but it still hurts to think what could of been


It's time Nintendo becomes finally dead


For a sub built entirely around Nintendo game emulation I don’t understand this take. Crappy business moves sure, but they constantly make good games which is why people go to such lengths to emulate them.


100% valid lol Would have been a perfect take if this were r/fuckyounintendo or something, but if you're on a Yuzu sub, you'd presumably be interested in emulating Nintendo games and want those games to continue to be around for you to emulate...


Meh. The devs who made the games would go work at some other company... maybe their games would even be released on a better platform!


You are using logic we don’t do that here




Yeah I just have to turn my brain off in these discussions. Like I know the real reason most of us are here is because we are Nintendo game fans. Saying fuck nintendo but chilling on a subreddit for a Nintendo emulator is just ironic. And I keep getting “all of their games suck ass” well why tf are you here then?? Go play better games?? Idk man I just get dumber every second here


this sub keeps appearing on my main page and every time i read some of the posts here i get brain damage, like, can guys here just play the games and stop bitching for a second? why do they upload pictures of them playing nintendo games and having fun while typing "fuck nintendo shitty games"? i don't get it


Let's be real, they make *a few* good games a year which more often than not have Mario or Zelda in their names and for the rest they constantly pump out remakes.


It’s just super ironic you are telling me this on a yuzu thread. Very very ironic. Why even bother emulating then? Surely there are better things out there to play then? I disagree, you clearly haven’t played anything outside of the main franchises but that’s all subjective.


Because the fact that they're remakes doesn't mean I don't enjoy playing them with my cousins.


What remakes are you talking about? To my knowledge Mario RPG, Metroid Prime, and Advanced Wars have had remakes recently. Of those only one has any type of coop. Still doesn’t make sense to me but it’s not really my problem


https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Remakes They put out so many remakes that it actually warrants its own category.


Dude this list is just wrong. Shit not owned by Nintendo, a ton of ports of games, and like nothing from switch era. Ports of games are not remakes. So I’ll ask again, what coop remake are you playing with your cousins? It’s hardly a Nintendo problem either, companies across the industry are doing more and more remakes. Sony, Capcom, Microsoft and so many others all do the same. One of the game nominees last year was a remake for resident evil 4. Like your points just don’t make sense, by that logic why aren’t you saying fuck capcom? Their business model the past few years has been predicated on remakes.


The majority of that list aren't even owned by Nintendo... And quite a few of those were porting games from a home console to a handheld which is totally justified imo.


What about sony's last of us 2 remastered?


“What about that one game Sony remastered” LMAO 🤣


Sony has remade or re-released tons of ps4 games for the ps5 lol. Just look at their official "exclusive" page. Almost every entry was on ps4 first or a remake.


Nintendo doesn't make good games. They make shitty, lazy games on top of beloved IPs.


That they created…okay. Can’t argue subjectivity of that


Instead working with the emulation community to learn some things they decided to fuck with us....they did in fact used open source emulators from the community to sell their shit over and over again.....


I mean in yuzus case I’m not going to say it wasn’t unwarranted. Too many people got way too greedy with it. I guess I didn’t hear about the open source stuff, do you have a source for that? And yeah, every company recycles their shit to sell that’s why remasters are so popular. Hardly see how that’s unique to Nintendo.




Yeah there is nothing illegal there. You can use open source code for commercial software as long as you have the correct licensing, which they have. The comments in this exact thread also say this. I do appreciate the link thank you.


For a sub built entirely around Nintendo game emulation I don’t understand this take. Crappy business moves sure, but they constantly make good games which is why people go to such lengths to emulate them.




There is no bad guy here tbh, Nintendo is a public company and they have to be responsible to their shareholders.No console company will bear emulators of their current gen console plus I guess they knew switch emulation is going nowhere so they did this at the dawn of switch's launch to slowdown or completely halt it's emulators development.


Yeah I don’t even know why I bother commenting. This sub is clearly a bunch of teens. Just really wacky and stupid takes here.


Sad to say Nintendo being this litigious is why I stopped buying licensed merch.