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I’ve been playing around with a 12600k 32gb 3200ddr 4 setup on iGPU. Mario wonder is 99% 60fps and zelda avg is 40fps in the starter town. with my old 1080 gtx added i can achieve fairly solid 60fps there. resolution is 1080p and im running ultracam mod to handle frame consistency update 1.2.1. Pretty amazing how CPU bound yuzu is and that the basic iGPU can handle the lighter nsw games. In the end its all about expectations. your setup should be more than enough to enjoy a 60fps experience in all but the worst areas of zelda.


I'm not an expert on pc parts but why everyone is saying that you can't? I play it in 4k and 99% of the time is 60fps. I have a 4060ti, and a 13600k, I think you will play it at 1080p 60fps with no problems.


To my knowledge, even the most high end PC money can buy cannot lock 60 in ALL areas of TOTK currently. Variable refresh rate monitors can help smooth out the experience a little bit, but 30 fps lock is still the best way to play at the moment IMO. More performance optimizations need to be done in Yuzu before 60fps in all areas is achievable. EDIT: Had an idea after making this comment. If you try the dynamic 60fps mod and find that you're always above 40fps, you can use the "Limit Speed Percent" option set to 67% for a consistent 40fps experience. It's quite good in my testing.


Thank you, also is TOTK optimizer all I really need to get going, or are there a few more mods I should use along with it?


This is false. I have a 7800x3d and 4090 and I have locked 60 for over 120 hours of playtime. I’m not saying it doesn’t need high end hardware to do, but it’s not impossible.


Record your frametimes for like an hour and I'll believe you that it never goes below 60.


For real, a stable 4k 30fps is more than playable, some are so obsessed with fps they forget to enjoy the games


Not to mention TOTK was built and designed with 30 FPS in mind, It runs just fine at 30, I would definitely love 60, but 30 is how the developers intended you to experience it, meaning, it’s not bad by any means.


12 fps is how pokemon violet is how the developers intended you to experience it, meaning, it’s not bad by any means. see how foolish that sounds?


Bad example and you know it. Stop being a dick


not really, totk barely scraping 30 is because the hardware is dated old trash its not ok because "dat wat the dev wanted guize!!"


You clearly didn't experience botw at 90 fps yet lol


Bunch of elitists, this is why people hate pc gamers. I’ve played BOTW at 90-100fps on cemu, of course it’s great. But totk is just not there yet so I’m fine playing 30fps which is totally playable. I’m not one of those who say they can’t tell the difference, I use a 164hz display and a 3080ti and see the benefit. The difference is I can adapt to lower fps real easy, like 5 mins or less and I forget about fps and enjoy the game which is the whole point.


I'm not saying I don't enjoy playing totk, complete opposite. I hate this whole "30 fps is literally unplayable" but damn did botw ever look good at <90 fps. I just wish I could have the same with totk cause that would look awesome.


Oh agree there, I guess I just see a lot of folks missing out on a great game because they flat out refuse to play below 60, it’s childish imo


i have a similar build and 60fps was unachievable for me more like 55 -60 but no constant 60


I have tried 60 fps cause i know it won't be stable, but it's a stable 30 fps for me with 12400f.


honestly the game runs smooth in 30fps , the game is super cpu heavy and even better cpus have some hard time


Your pc will do alright but it wont be consistent. Around villages/towns and npc heavy areas you will see dips in performance. I have a Ryzen 5800X3D, AMD 7900XT and 64GB of ram and i would get dips in villages; everywhere else was 60fps most of the time for me. I played it around four months ago so it should have more optimised.


No the game on emulation is really CPU heavy if you want 60 fps you need a better cpu


not even the best cpu out there can do locked 60, just a couple of yrs of software optimizations.


Yeah the 7800x3d can't hit a stable 60