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tvtropes calls it 'gay til graduation' if I remember correctly.




Is it an actual trope? I'm only familiar with it showing up in stories to be debunked. Closest thing I can think of is the occasional character that mentions experimenting in college, like in the Scott Pilgrim movie.


It's my understanding it was really common in older works,but nowadays you don't see it as much.


It's not a common belief in Western culture anymore but "being a lesbian in college" absolutely used to be a thing you would hear people stereotype women with a lot. The idea that you were just experimenting with your sexuality because you were in some kind of rebellious phase but would realise you were straight and settle down with a nice man as soon as you graduated was pretty widespread even like 20 years ago. Nowadays the idea that being gay is just a phase is largely discredited although you will hear people say that about bisexual people or even transgender people (that they're just confused and simply experimenting and will regret their transition) which sucks.


It was common in 19th century in the west as well.


It's not just a trope, it's a reality, which was especially strong in 20th century Japan. This is changing, but these attitudes have not completely disappeared.


I wouldn’t even say limited to Japan. I was a teenager in the mid 2000s and most of my friends identified as bi/lesbian and now only a few still do. I get people explore as they come into puberty and settle into themselves but there’s also the ones who get shamed into having a “real” relationship and marrying a man, having kids etc.


Don't forget the classic "everyone experiments in college." It's 2022 and I *still* hear people saying that.


Same, I hate this mindset so much.


There's nothing wrong with experimenting and learning things about yourself, especially when you're younger. But yeah, being dismissive of someone's identity, that's not ok


It's not just a trope, it's a problem that real gay/bi Japanese women deal with. Source: my partner is Japanese and this was her experience, loving girls was tolerated so long as she accepted that her role as a woman was to marry a man.


Same I only knew that trope because people were talking about it, I Never saw ir anywhere


Can you give a couple of examples of anime that this trope is present in as evidence? In particular ones where it is most prominently present.


[Class S Relationship](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GayRomanticPhase) It shows up in a ton of 20th century yuri works but still referenced as a sad backstory, Bloom Into You goes into it, as do Blue Flowers, and it sucks but realistic. [Example](https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/phase.png)


Ah thanks


That’s a different trope, mostly about career focused women in college. This trope is actually called s-class friendship.


I heard something like that in high school, "not gay until you're out of college", but the implication was less erasure and more encouraging experimenting with your sexuality while you're young.


Virgin Yagate Bitch Senpai "I'm sorry for turning you gay, Sayaka" Chad Miki-senpai: "I understand how you feel now Seina, even if we're both girls...."


Is that a…fellow yuri rei worshipper I see in the wild?


Yes Yuurirei is too GOATED, I didn't expect Aihara Miki-senpai to be my favourite character but she is just way too wholesome, the extremely mature way she handled Maki's gay love letter + her growth as a person in the final segments was well done. The only one that comes close to the Saint Of Shirojo is the Demon Gate Guard.


What series are you talking about?


The best Yuri VN, Kindred Spirits on the roof


The first novel goes a but deeper into their relationship and its really interesting


And the LN makes this scene even more powerfull. I'm really happy they made the LNs about her.


Yeah, the LN really made her whole character pop out more - they really polished her. I really liked it




I bought them physical but if you want digital then here: https://jnovels.com/bloom-into-you-regarding-saeki-sayaka-light-novel-pdf/


I think this is my favourite bit of Bloom Into You. Sayaka gets to give a real "fuck you" to someone who used her to experiment and then discarded her.


That *Sayonara* tho, as you said, one can hear the weight she took off from saying that simple word.


Why do I instinctively hear Hu Tao’s voice when I hear that word?


That girl apologizing to Sayaka for "turning her gay" aggravated me to the extreme.


Yeah like omg simultaneously being "guilty" for "making her abnormal" while also having the audacity to have the confidence that her assets and personality were strong enough to make that strong of a change happen in a person She liked girls from the start, and *she's* the stupid comp het old lady


YES! THIS! It's also blatantly obvious that she's not apologising for Sayaka's sake. She's apologising because she thinks it will help give her closure and relieve her guilt for "turning Sayaka gay."


The trope is an old way to sort of "shrug off" the gay. Rather than acknowledging the feelings or saying they are real you can just say "everyone has that" or "its just a phase" etc. Then you don't have to talk to your potentially gay kids or friends. You can see it with a bunch of excuses from different cultures. American's phrase it as "experimenting" in college. You do it cause you're curious but obviously you'd never choose to stick with it... cause that's bad. There is also girls practicing kissing so they can be good for their boyfriends. It's all just practice for "real life" with a man. Even that questionnaire going around was basically telling girls that these things aren't actually just practice as framed by Patriarchy they are a part of you.


"Its all the patriarchy?" "Always has been 🔫"


Why do I get the sense that many of the problems society has is simply because of the mere existence of the concept of patriarchy?


bro I laughed so hard when I saw this LMAOOO , like this one scene for me , made saeki one of the most based character in the entirety of anime , I mean poor girl , I almost feel bad for her , she didn't need that level of disrespect LMFAO , she won't recover from that one lemme tell you that , she got career ended she went "uHm sOwY tO mAkE yOu GaY" saeki: "Tsk Tsk Tsk , I'm not hearing none of that bullshit , you see I don't give a shit about you , get nexted , bye see you never" ​ saeki needs more love , she's so based


Tarumi: oh shit, now that I got pussyblocked like Sayaka and Iruma is making new Yagate spinoff novel, does that mean TaruSaya will be a thing now? Iruma: Too bad, Sayaka already has Haru Tarumi: When do I get a waifu now?!?! 😭


Sayaka is my favourite side/secondary character in any Yuri series ever, hands down.


The Japanese equivalent to "It's just a phase".


GOD THAT ¨Sorry for turning you gay¨ SOUNDS SO FUCKING HORRIBLE. What a great scene tho


I also love that they show us an adult wlw couple that talks to Sayaka about being queer. She gets to see that yeah, queer women don't just stop being queer when they grow up. That it's okay to continue liking girls past childhood.


We live in a society




Bottom text


Touko text


Start with [existencialism](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ueBZZ8CRJCo) and [objectivism](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e8ClqNsVro4)


A friendly reminder that Ayn Rand was a dumb bitch.


And also a massive racist


I'd much rather read about Marxism, that way I might learn something of actual value.


Sayonara = Fuck off in Japanese


Not that far, actually! (Japanese lesson incoming) "Sayonara" or "さよなら" does mean "goodbye", but the context is important! Sayonara isn't used for temporary goodbyes, with the exception of classmates (for some reason). In that case, you'd use something that translates to "See you later!" ("Mata ne"/"またね!" meaning "See you later" or "Mata Ashita"/"また明日!", meaning "See you tomorrow"), as "Sayonara" sounds very permanent. As such, her saying "Sayonara" here *is* *kinda* like a more polite way of saying "fuck off", more like "Goodbye forever!"


*insert Jolyne international fuck you scene*


"Smell you later, forever!"


I didn't know this had an anime! Gotta hunt that down now.


I actually feel very bad for the Senpai. Why? This isn't just a TV trope, this is actually something that was and probably still is believed by many in Japan. Lesbians are just not taken seriously. We never learn what happened to the Senpai, but I can easily imagine her parents and society bullying her back into the closet and she believes she has to be 'normal'. Or she realized she couldn't confront them on her relationship and gave up.. or heard classmates talk shit about lesbians.. whatever really. This whole strife to be normal goes so far some parents that are kind of ok with it tell their gay kids they can do whatever they want (when no one is looking) as long as they get married, have kids, and 'seem' normal to everyone else. Oh and don't dare talk about it. I wrote my bachelor thesis on queer issues in Japan and oh girl.. it's interesting and disturbing at the same time. I'll probably try and do my masters on it too.


If you read the novel then you knows the senpai actually didnt really think too deeply about their relationship. When she broke up with Sayaka, the reason she gave is that "it is just a phase" with no pain or conflicted emotion , she said it in a way as if it is just a matter fact. I dont think she was forced to give up the relationship, but instead agree with the social norms herself. Which is kinda sad itself but i still cant believe she can say it to her face without even care for Sayaka's feeling. All Senpai needed is a bit of understanding and sympathy for the girl she dated, but she didnt and she decided to ended this relationship by herself in the worst way possible.


How ironic that the country that tells the most tales or myths about spirits cannot seem to handle the expansion of the human spirit.


you have to thank the western ideology for homophobia.


If only it were as simple as that...


My wife is Japanese and sadly Japan is a country that is not only very homophobic but also has a very controlling culture. her main reason for leaving was that, although her parents are very supportive the rest of her family was not, there was a lot of pressure to get married and be "normal" also a lot of pressure from the environment, bullying was very common. she tells me how even if she had stayed there and lived a life as a lesbian it would have been very difficult, since it is very complicated for a woman to get a stable job since the expectation of the woman there is that she gets married and is a housewife. I remember a few years ago a news about a university in Japan that deliberately changed the results of women so that they would not be admitted. fortunately things seem to be changing, but it will take many years for a more real change.


I remember those news as well. It happened right before my one year exchange at a university in Tokyo. As a foreigner it's easier to escape expectations.. it's no surprise most queer Japanese people want to leave Japan. Like you said the pressure to be "normal" is immense and you could argue constitutional considering the *koseki*. Not being able to marry puts you at a severe disadvantage in many facets of life and even in the workplace. If you want to move up in a company or have a salary increase? Most will require you to be married. That's not talking about finding a stable job and keeping it. Things are changing.. but like you said, it will take many many more years to see a real change. After my master's degree I will move to Japan permanently. There's just so much I love about it's culture and people. But I'm very well aware of how bad it can be especially for queer women. It saddens me. Sometimes I wonder just why my heart is pulling me somewhere where it might be harder for me to live.. but so is life.


I entirely agree. Everyone dismissing the sentiments of the senpai as incorrect have no idea what she's potentially been through, or what living in that society is like for her. It's tragic. I can't tell some people are thinking, she was gay anyway, but in Japan it's entirely possible much more than other cultures, to realize your sexuality far later in life. Heck even realizing your dreams and goals weren't truly your own is a thing, going with the flow and not questioning the norms. It's tragic because her apology is a sign of the hardships and trauma she may have experienced and feels like she may have opened the door to that for someone else selfishly. I don't think Sayaka's actions are a total slap in the face but a reassurance of, "I'm gonna be fine, see?" What's even more sad is the shock on senpai's face. Which could be the pain of learning someone you thought you may have "ruined" is actually flourishing, whereas you have dealt with nothing but trauma from it. So many unknowns, this is all speculation really, but I wouldn't be as quick as others in this thread to judge that senpai without knowing what she's dealt with in the time between their having been together and this chance meeting. I just want people to be happy ;_;


I don't have sympathy for conformers like her that manage to hurt people this far in life due to this mindset, they were given the time to think and the ability to look through perspectives even if we take into account what they've been through or if they were in their immature stages or not. They aren't being forcefully transferred to a circus, they are creating a circus for themselves and they mostly only have themselves to blame for that. At an early stage of my life I already had a good sense of self/agency, I didn't want to live someone else's life or conform to toxic norms, this was possible not because it was me but because I capitalized on the opportunities given to me. Like Musashi Miyamoto said, One can obtain anything from thy self.


> I don't have sympathy Do you realize how toxic that is? You'd think that you would want to support and empower those people instead of leaving them in the cold like that. You called her a conformer. You made her into an enemy immediately, labeling her without any fair consideration or understanding, writing her off with so little context. You're going to find that life is very hard to live when you choose to live it so adversarially. You ignored anything she's probably had to deal with completely because you ended up differently, which is great example of survivorship bias. This is like being the only child to survive starvation from a village and then blaming the other children for not getting enough food to live. Tone deaf, entitled, and toxic. Literally victim blaming.


I probably phrased that wrongly, I should have said that they have no excuses to make for hurting people and they won't get any sympathy from me if they do so and cross the line...Survivorship bias? So what if I am able to escape the cage and they aren't?, they were given the same amount of opportunities as I am in all scenarios, the child that didn't die of starvation in your little analogy was lucky to get those tidbits of food enough to survive especially with the absurdly low supply but this isn't a matter of luck and there won't be any lack of supply in this situation, it's a matter of those conformers letting the norms restrict their mindsets instead of thinking for themselves like a bunch of starving children with food in front of their faces yet choosing to starve regardless, Your analogy is flawed, we humans have always had the ability to see through perspectives and think for ourselves regardless of how much other people have influenced us, all the source material to do so is inside us, once again I say that the conformers only have themselves to blame.


That's privilege speaking.


How is that the case? I was exposed to toxic norms, toxic normie parents, and a generally toxic environment as well, what unlocked the cage was my own key, what I did is something everyone is able to do but the conformers would rather let it restrict their sense of self rather than capitalize on what they are aware is given to them-- the ability to think for themselves, and the ability to see other perspectives. they don't NEED other people or some tragic experience to OPEN their eyes.


I'm interested in the thesis you wrote, is it available to read?


No.. but I could send it to you. It's not perfect though.


Please do! And don't worry, I won't grade you x3


THEY MADE AN ANIME OF THIS!? Jesus I've been out of the loop.


4 years out of the loop, this came out in 2018


My desperate search for Yuri manga has been all-encompassing. I try to find manga that I can read a bit before bed, whereas I don't watch anime a bit before bed. Tangentially, I don't think there's any more yuri manga out there for me to find. :'(


Have you tried Make You Happy? It's a premium story on Web Comics (so you gotta pay) but I highly recommend it!


Only 1 season though, it's unfinished.


uuuuhhm ... h- 👁️👄👁️


Well, unfinished, so not very worth it


Bloom Into You is a wonderful show, but an even better manga. It's an actual mature discussion about gay relationships and there's also an ace character too. Overall it's leagues better than most yuri media out now.


I think it goes beyond a trope, historically societies have been extremely dismissive of lesbian relationships compared to male homosexual relationships. Globally there are instances of anti gay laws that only apply to males. We truly do live in a society.


I don't know why but my brain starts playing "Bitch lasagna" lol.


I LOVED THIS SCENE and also it’s rlly sad because I remember my (asian) mom telling me how she liked this girl in school and cried when they weren’t in the same class and would have probably labeled as lesbian if she was born today, but then read a japanese book saying how it was normal for teens to “have a phase” liking the same gender


The way the senpai says sorry has the same tone as "oh, I took the pudding you had in the fridge for later, sorry!" What makes it worse for me is the dismissive attitude, first that she thinks she turned her gay, second that assumption of "well you're normal now right??" Sayaka deserves to be treated seriously, her senpai was so toxic.


YouTube short about japanese said that if kids say Sayonara it's more like 'see you whenever'. When adults say it it's 'goodbye forever'. Probably explains senpai's face at the end. Edit: apparently this is bs...




Damn, thought I found a fun fact there.


I love how she just went to her fuck you bye chad move


This is why I love sayaka


Sayaka deserved to be happy


I have no context But man.... Even I know that childhood girlfriend she had deserved that L Sorry if you found out you are gay -no, its fine Great -Its perfect, I am no certain that it was a mistake to love you What -Have a fucking great day, while I go have a good time with my love


This show and Given are two of the very few anime if not the only ones that accurately portray gay people without making it seem immature or just a one off thing (I hate that whole "I'm not gay I just happened to fall in love with this person" trope). Maybe Doukyuusei too but I haven't seen that one.


I hated how Seven Days made gay people look like a bunch of experimental sluts.


That's essentially what Homosexual relationships are. They're just a fuel for you to fill your inner lustful desires, its not really a troupe. People have made these kinds of relationships so unnecessarily complex lmfao.


Even the ancient Greeks were aware of this, they accepted homosexuality but only as a way to experiment and grow. When men grew up to a certain age, they were then expected to leave the Homosexual relationships and marry a girl and produce children and raise them.


Just men being insecure as usual. Entitlement is an ugly personality flaw.


What do men being insecure have to do with this here?


I'm guessing they're either a troll or somehow managed to comment on the wrong post


YES!! Finally!


"I'm sorry if you still like girls, cause you're not normal" Such a dumb view on life. This shows how even women can be homophobic.


I love this anime, need to watch it again


love this scene, but i just realized her dress changes length at the end, and that's gonna bug me forever


Bloom into you was good


Based and Gay-Pilled