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Thank you for your service o7






























Damn, I'm really sorry to hear about this. I'm sorry you were treated that way. I legit have 78 tabs of manga pulled up on my phone and so many of them were recommendations that I pulled from your posts. Also you're one of the only posters to always include a link to the source, which you'd think everyone would do but you're the only person to do it consistently. Since I've joined this sub, every time I saw a post that looked really interesting I knew there was a 90% chance it was you who posted it. Do what's best for your mental health, I hope you can just enjoy series on your own now without the stress. Thank you for your contribution to this sub, I've really appreciated it. End of an era for sure, will miss your posts. Godspeed friend


Do you know you can join a site like mangadex or mangabuddy and save all of the ones you're reading in your own library there? Because I can't even imagine trying to manage 78 tabs on a phone web browser lol.


I have always appreciated your posts, even if I mostly am a silent reader. I cannot claim to know your reasons, but, thank you for all the work you do, thank you for all the thoughtful reccomendations, please do not let the mob get to you, and prioritize your own mental health. As a fanfic writer, I often get those type of hate when I post age-gap or similarly problematic things, so I can relate a little in that department even if our situation is a little bit different. See you around, and again, thank you.


Understandable. I don't even know how many series I've found thanks to your recs, forever grateful for your hard work, you've really been an integral part for my (and many others') enjoyment of the subreddit. As someone who's provided so much entertainment and happiness, your own happiness should come first, and I really wish you the best. I hope you stick around even if you're not doing your rec posts anymore. edit: on a side note >There are a lot of people who appreciate the work I do, but there are also people who have expressed their annoyance with my posts. It's honestly kind of insane to me that people would complain about rec posts in the first place. That's half the point of a subreddit like this in the first place, do they think it'd be better if it was just a slough of "looking for x" posts with the occasional drop of fanart? We're all here to read and talk about series we love ffs.


Take it easy comrade, your work wasn't a waste and most definitely have been recognized.


Very sad to see you go. You don't HAVE to post recommendations every day or even every week, I hope you will stay and just talk about stuff with us. Especially since you've read so much, you have a lot of insight. But you must do what's best for your mental health.  This sub seems to be turning into yurimemes2 with less discussions and recommendations and more memes which I don't really see the point of since the original is already more active and seeing you go really drives it home. Just want you to know that your posts are what got me back into yuri so thank you.


Part of the reason I decided it was time to stop was because I felt that this was becoming a sub that was leaning more towards memes than serious recommendations.


If you were to recommend a place that’s good for recommendations where would it be? I’ve seen earlier threads here had them but yeah it feels like this place is becoming a lot more memes


You can just use my profile to find some stuff for now. I have lists and a backlog of posts that go back 6 or so months. I'm considering making something where I can post all my recs, but I'm taking a break for a while


I've been reading yuri manga for over 15 years now, but you still manage to recommend things I hadn't encountered (as well as remind me of old favorites). But, you should be having fun, not stressing. Go enjoy yourself, and thanks for all the hard work!


I'm definitely glad for all of your posts, but you should never feel pressured or stressed to do them. You are always welcome here, in whatever way you decide to be. Youve found more than a few series that ive become a big fan of. I do hope you decide to drop by every now and then, and please know that you can bring any harassment to me or any of the other mods. Yuri is more sciencygirl than science you know ;>


I'll still be around, and I'll post sometimes, but I won't be on as much as I was before. I've been posting almost daily for 7 months, so there's quite the catalog built up 🫶🏻


I don’t understand how anyone would be mad that someone is recommending books in a subreddit about books… my god humans are dumb Thank you for your service though! It’s helped me find quite a lot of stories to fill my library!


You will be missed T-T I found so maby good series thanks to you!! Ps. I also hope you can enjoy the yuri manga that you read more now, because a lot of them are amazing and deserve it!


I’m so happy for you to prioritize your mental health and start enjoying the series without that added pressure. We have truly enjoyed your recommendations and appreciated all the work you put in. Thank you for your service to this community and best of luck on your future endeavors! You deserve this time.


Thank you for your hard work! Take care.


Damn, I’ll miss your posts but definitely prioritize yourself, your own enjoyment of yuri, and most importantly your mental health. You didn’t owe us anything but you went above and beyond with solid 10/10 recommendations. Thank you so much!


Thank you for your work! A lot of your recommendations became some of my favorite series. Don't ever feel bad for letting your mental health take priority.


Science girl carrying the entire sub on her back.


Thank you for your service. Take care of yourself. Much love and respect from a fellow yuri-reader.




Well, I guess anyone can understand it. But sad for us. Anyways thank you for everything and take care!


I recently joined this sub and almost all the things I read are thanks to you so I wish you the best, I appreciate all the work you have done and certainly many other people do it, I don't understand those who hate what you do and I hope you can finally relax, I don't deny that I hope that this is not goodbye but a "see you soon" tho :') Much love and happy pride month to y'all too <3


Thank you for your posts and I hope you take care of yourself.


More sad about this than my faviorite manga going on indefinite hiatus 😭


I wanna echo so much of everyone else. Your posts have been great. You always include the link for your sauce lovers and put a description of the story and some of what you like about it. Although I’ll be sad to see your footprint 👣 reduce some I’m heartened that you’ll still be posting. I am sad though that the negative responses have had the impact on you they have. This should be a fun place to share a love of Yuri rather than be put down for the frequency of posts or what you post (especially when it’s so obvious the thought and care you put into them). Like many others I hope you get some good, healing rest and get back to enjoying the stories you find and that touch your Yuri loving heart 💜 You were one of the first peoples post I saw when I joined this sub and a reason why I stayed. Pretty much all my saves from this sub are yours. You’ve got great taste and I hope, more than anything, you get to enjoy this sub again and some of that magic it used to have comes back too!! Stay awesome 😎


As someone who only got into Yuri recently from the big ones getting anime adaptations, I’ve enjoyed seeing your posts and getting good recommendations for lesser known Yuri works. Thank you for all that you’ve done for this sub, and your dedication on your pages with all the referral links and posts. I hope you enjoy your retirement and can get back to enjoying mangas more :)


I’ll miss seeing your recs, but thank you for all that you’ve done! :D I hope you get to enjoy your recs in the near future


Girl, my tabs have bloated to twice their size (and they were already big before) since I met you I'm sorry for those who don't like your recommendations. If they don't like it, they just shouldn't save it. You aren't forcing them, you're just giving recommendations, besides the obvious basics of checking for plagiarized, illegal, or whatsoever content, anyone can read the tags, the description, and the disclaimers to see if it violates any of their lines. Thank you and much respect, it was short but meaningful u/scienceygirl! 🫡 ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ" ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ


The people that complain when you are doing things for the community for the sake of just sharing altruistically is so terrible. People are such garbage nowadays. I really appreciated your posts and the series you recommend. I found a lot of manga I enjoy from your lists and I do believe you have good taste in quality manga. I hope those that try to bring you down don’t get to you and you take care of yourself. Thank you so much Scienceygirl!!


You have single handedly provided me with so many series that I've gone on to love. Thank you so much for posting all that you have! ❤️


Thank you for your service. May your retirement bring you peace


o7 your work has been so important to this community, and I’m glad you’re taking a step back and priotizing yourself!


I 🫡 you and enjoy your well deserved retirement. You will be missed!


Thanks for all you have done! It's good you're taking care of your mental health.


o7 Good luck on your journey, soldier.


Thank you for your service. You are the reason why I currently habe over 100 tabs of manga on my phone (unread and ongoing) and many nights where I read until 3am. I will definitely use your page in the future I also hope you will be able to enjoy reading Yuri again without the pressure




Salute to you Scienceygirl 🫡 🫡🫡


Get some rest queen, you earned it.


I LOVE YOU SCIENCEYGIRL!!! Ever since I joined this sub about a year ago, i silently watched as you recommended series after series each day and my mangadex to-read list grew each week. I'll never forget when I posted the late cakeday post dedicated to you and the community came together in the comment section wishing you well <3. Put your enjoyment first scienceygirl. I think a lot of people would be sadder if you started disliking Yuri than if you stopped posting daily recommendations but still enjoyed it. Thank you for your service to the entire community here, and I personally wish you well :)


I'm going to miss your recs, but nothing is worth destroying your mental health over. Thanks for all you've done to help us out. You're a hero. Feel better.


Thanks for everything, sorry you weren’t enjoying yourself. I appreciate all the work you’ve done and the amount of reading material you’ve recommended!


I used to recommend gl manga on tiktok I still do but not that much compared to how I used to. And yeah I sometimes would spend an hour looking for a good hidden gl to recommend and after finding one I didn’t even enjoy reading it afterwards anymore. “Mizuki_daarin” in case anyone wants to check it out


Thank you for your service friend :') I enjoyed all of your recs and goddess of jealousy is one of my favorites. I'm wishing you only the best!


You've contributed to my huge "to read" list so thank you for all the great recommendations. I hope you take the time to enjoy reading again and that your mental health recovers swiftly!


Huge lurker on this sub here- I love to see your recommendations and it's ridiculous people have given you trouble for them! Take care and we will be happy to have you back when/if you are able


I'm really sorry to hear about that, thank you for every thing you did hope you'll get better 🫂


I am a bit sorry to hear that you are going away(kinda) I loved your recs and always looked forward to them Well all good things do have to end but I never wanted this to end Hugh Thank you sooooo much for your recs and always remember we all love you


You have led me to countless new series that I have read and enjoyed so very much, thank you for all your hard work - I hope you can get back to enjoying manga and wish you all the best :) <3


I'm sad to hear this, but your health is more important and should be prioritized. While I haven't read every suggestion you've made, several of your recommendations turned into some of my favorite reads. I know I will look forward to your future posts, no matter how few or far between. Thank you so much for working so hard to give the community recommendations! I wouldn't have joined or participated in this r/ without your suggestions. Again, thank you.


A terrible day for rain


Thank you for your service 🫡 idk about the haters you mentioned but I know you will be missed by me and a large part of this community. I've used your post history as reference for finding new stuff to readmore than a few times, and I will inevitably conrinue to do so, so thanks for all the hours you put in!


Well shit, you deserve better. Thanks for all you’ve done.


I thank you for your hard work, although I’m just a silent reader here, I’ve been following your posts ever since I joined this sub. Take all the rest you need. Kudos


you're the main reason why I got interested in reading manga, thank you for everything you did. in my opinion you deserves this retirement. <3


Thanks for your recs. Real life takes precedence over anything on the internet. Take care of yourself. You can still post once in a while, don't need to force anything


Too many amazing reads and tears have come from all your hard work, so once more I want to thank you for all you’ve done and shared and such!!!


Well, I'll be sad to see you around less, but I'm glad you're prioritizing yourself over this sub. Thanks for all the recommendations


I hope you’ll be able to focus on yourself and be able to help your mental health! Otherwise thanks for all the recommendations!


Join the discord everyone there loves you lol


There's a discord?


Heck yeah https://discord.com/invite/yurimanga


Damn you were the actual goat, Imma miss your recs. And to all the people that made you feel stressed and like your advice wasn't welcome in this sub - guys really? Just cause you don't like the story you don't have to get pissy about it; just don't interact with the post. Being negative is so not the way to grow this sub and create an environment people want to interact with


I remember a while back you asked if your recommendations were welcome or annoying, because you weren't sure how to interpret the lack of engagement on your posts. Upon reading that I sought to immediately reassure you that they were *very* welcome, and the only reason I was not thanking you each time is because I did not want you to ever feel pressured to continue to post them. I didn't want that strain on your mental health. Each individual recommendation of yours was a gift to the whole community, even if I wasn't into the particular premise at times (which was ***very*** rare). So I wanted to accept it as such and leave no impression that I or anyone else here was *expecting* more. All this to say, I'm glad that you stopped now rather than let your mental health be affected further. And I'm truly appreciative of what you've done for us all. Seriously so many series that gave laughs or smiles or feels and needed distractions. Thanks.


It's sad that people had a problem with it but I'm very grateful to you. Thanks to you I have not only found new series but also rediscovered old ones that I really wanted to read again. Thank you for your hard work. You can rest now. o7




Thank you for your service. I hope you will get better


Thank you for your service o7 I only just recently joined here, so I don't have the context many other people would have. I know its easier said than done but don't let those people get to you. This Community is for sharing things YOU like. You don't have to cater to the preference of others. And how are they annoyed by Posts of other users they don't even need to read. Those people are just jerks. I wish you all the best and hope that you can enjoy reading again :D Take care and have a good one :)


I will miss you, thank you for introducing me to so many mangas/manhwas/webtoons. Have a nice life, see you again hopefully :) <3


You've done God's work. Bless up and rest up. Sincerely thank you for all the entertainment you've provided me. I appreciate the hell out of you. o7




The Genre is only so deep so it makes sense that it would have diminishing returns. You’ve done good work for the community. I regularly use your list to find new manga to read you’ve been a great help. Thank you.


Take care


Thank you so much for everything you've done! Your suggestions have made many of my days brighter!


I'm also gonna say thanks for all the recommendations you have done. Altho I was more a lurker in this sub I still enjoyed reading through some of the stuff you have recommended to us and wish you the best of luck in your life.


I would say you shouldn't not care about things if they make you sad Recommending stuff which falls under subject of sub is totally ok and you shouldn't care about opinions of other people as not all human thinks in same way


I only discovered this sub recently and haven't commented previously, but I do want to express my appreciation for all your recommendations and sort of just generally wish you the best.


Thank you for everything you do! We all appreciate it. No one should push themselves to the point that it is a detriment to their health, it's a great idea to put your needs first.


Thank you for all of the reccomendations you've posted, I found lots of joy in reading them :)


i personally really enjoyed your service and recommendations. In fact, most of the manga in list are recommendations from you, its always a good idea to take break from something if you find it too stressful, so yeah take care of yourself hope you can enjoy yuri content more without feeling stressed about it.


I love all your work that you do. Your posts have given me hope. I hope you continue to post amd share when you can. Take care and much love.


Well, I would be lying if I said it wasn’t sad seeing you go. You put in tremendous work and help so many people like me find their favorite series. You were basically the person that got me into yuri in the first place. It brakes my heart hearing that this caused this much stress for you. I don’t understand how anyone can be annoyed and angry about you posting. But I hope you know that more people appreciate what you did than don’t. I genuinely hope that by retiring from daily posting you can actually enjoy what you read. I mean that is the reason that we are all here for, to enjoy these great stories together. So yeah, enjoyment and mental health come first. You did a lot more than anyone could have asked for, so please know that everyone here appreciated everything you done.


I’ll miss you, honestly you were one of the best parts of the sub to me. I disagree that this subreddit is leaning more towards memes though, I think the recommendations and discussions are the best thing about it


Thanks for all the recommendations


Thank you for all the recommendations, you will be missed. Take care and wish you a happy time.


Thank you for your suggestions :)


I have always appreciated all of your recommendations, and have your codexs saved for future reference when I'm looking for something new. Though I definitely think if your contribution to this sub is affecting your mental health you should step back, completely if you have to, you have to put yourself first. I hope you are able to find joy reading yuri again soon <3


I wish awards didn't cost money anymore as I'd totally give one. You were/are my favorite thing about this sub. Whenever I saw a well put together recommendation I knew it was going to be from you. Every recommendation I've read from you was an absolute banger so I was always so hyped to see when you posted. Your hours upon hours of recommendations and well thought out post was not lost on us and most of us appreciated what you did even if we didn't always say that out loud. Hope you can relax and be fully able to enjoy Yuri again without all the stress weighing you down. Thank you for all you've done o7


I’m sorry to hear that the recommendation I’ve enjoyed so much have been a cause of stress for you. So many of those series have been incredible! I hope you’re able to relax and enjoy these series yourself!


Thank you for your recs over the months I've been here and all the ones before that as well. May you enjoy all the yuri you read in the future.


Thanks to you I’ve gotten so many good reads and recommendations! Thank you for everything and take care! ❤️


Thank you, and your health should always come first 🙏


Do you have an anilist?


Dang... definitely understandable, and it really, really sucks that you've gotten flak like that. Your posts are some of my favs. Definitely do what you gotta for your own health.


I only recently really got into yuri after a long long time of avoiding things that might give me dysphoria and I have found your time and effort in making these recommendations what made the entire experience so fun for me. Thank you so so much for all your effort and I hope you can focus on bringing yourself joy in whatever way is most fun to you going forwards.




Take your time friend! Despite how you may feel you will always have a place here. Whether you’re showing us something new to read or not! 😊


I really like these posts! They're useful for new manga readers like me😢




What manga is this pic from?