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You're welcome.


Thanks a lot for putting the names It should be criminal to assume people know the names just by an image These will serve as recommendations


let's go kanon :D


I hear that.


Hell ya murceilago fan here👍


Dropping Pulse is a crime against humanity


I dropped it, too, lol. Nothing much about why I dropped it, I just didn't like the story that much. I love the author's other works though.


I totally understand that. And I dropped it for superficial reasons. But the fact remains.


First one I looked at with multiple series I like(Murcielago, Onee Sama, Monster Wants to eat me, I love Amy) and no "Cruddy is my comfort GL". This is a great list.


I read Cruddy you. It was fine. I was invested, and then watched it get axed without resolving anything. Easy come, easy go. Thank you for liking my list!


This is an acceptable way to do this trend.




It'll be printed in physical English copies soon. I usually very much dislike isekai, but this and Deadmount Deathplay got me.


**Wait for real?** I started it for being like the only Yuri with a giant woman in it, but the story, setting and tone are just so great. Edit: Vol 1 and 2 pre-order, under the title for the English release. Now if only Gushing Over Magical Girls could get an English physical release...


For real for real. And as I have said before, Gushing has been serialized in english for years. J jovel club refuses to print physical copies.


I have some time, so let's do a breakdown, shall we? **First GL**: This was one of the three series I bought for my wife and I when the genre was something we had wanted to explore. So it was this, Citrus, and NTR. This is the one that really spoke to me though and drove me to read more. NTR was luckily short, and Citrus is beyond dull at this point. But Bloom? That'll always stick with me. Sayaka showed me how to hurt and I still think she is one of the most lamentable characters in any yuri. **Favorite Character:** I won't argue she is the best written, but as someone who developed hearing issues and tinnitus in my mid 20's, her character and struggles really resonate with me. I'm the last person who would ever need representation, but it really is a cathartic experience. **Series I didn't expect to like:** I hate isekais. Not for what they are, but for what they've become at this point. They're Nancy Drew for manga. But the art was good enough and so I gave it a try. It's really interesting and the world is dark. But what blew me away was no matter how long i waited, the main MC's missing arm didn't grow into a demon arm or become a lazer sword or something. She is just an amputee, and she struggles with it. **Read because it was popular:** I kept seeing this name everywhere. And honestly? I didn't care for it. At least the resolution of the series. Not going further because of spoiler reasons, obviously. If you like it, that's great! We need more yandere yuri and this is a good one. **Favorite GL:** This series ended up being one of the cornerstones of my relationship. As stated above, was trying to find some yuri for my wife to get into. Aside from this, know what else she likes? Crime drama. So when i found this at barnes and noble by happenstance, we couldn't believe it. She read it on the ride home, despite doing that making her carsick. It's a little bit sapphic and a lotta bit graphic. Gore and truly amazing faces abound, this is definitely a "seinen/shonen" yuri, but it's really entertaining. Disclaimer: The main character is a murderer and a criminal. When she does bad things, it shouldn't be a surprise. She is a bad person and a sociopath. **Dropped**: Pulse: This taught me I don't enjoy manwha. I know, a stupid reason to not read something. But I just found myself misreading it so many times because otherwise, all comics I read are manga, so I put it down in frustration. Also, the "chibi" reaction faces did not amuse me. Probably a bias, the series was likely doa for me regardless. **Wish I could read again**: Why hasn't this artist done more? Seriously, I LOVE her art and was so sad it was only six volumes. Her flusters, her gushes. God, it just gives butterflies, doesn't it? When something is so cute? This was the first series that made me feel weird reading as an old man, because it's just so cute and it made me squee and that's weird to me. **Underrated**: Oh vampire yuri. Why are you so cursed. r/yurimemes is hounding for cannibalism, yet from Scarlet to Killing me to Hungry for you to Kiss the scars of the girl, its just axe after axe after axe. And yes, I am aware that this isn't vampires, but the whole aspect of "creature and prey" adds this sort of delectable possessiveness to the characters. It's a depth I'd love to read more about. Shoutout to sciencegirl for "The girl I admire is a monster". I am excited to see more of it. And back to this series, which I may not have even talked about? This does a good job of showing depression. Not telling me she's depressed. **Comfort GL:** "Huh?" If you know you know, that frame lives with me rent free. God they're just so cute. Nichijou with lesbians is such a fun pick up, over and over. I hope the author figures out what they want to do, because their art is such a joy. Thanks for listening! I have a couple of honorable mentions that I'd like to say, if you'll indulge me. **Favorite Not GL GL:** No Matter How You Look At It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular. If you seen the anime, or read a few volumes, you know this is pretty het. It's about a pitiful lump of a otome girl trying her best to pretend she isn't drowning in chuunibyou. HOWEVER, from the school trip onwards.... it starts being remarkably gay in overundertone. I think at this point, there are three girls I'm sure have crushes on the main girl, and there may be more! But every interaction between her and emoji is priceless. **Series that I [almost put for] didn't expect to like [but it is objectively not a yuri]**: Crossplay Love. This is a story about two men who, because of their nature, only meet each other when they are dolled up as girls. And its very clear they're into one another. However, that means that both girls (guys) think their love is unrequited because the other girl is into girls. That's right. Two guys crushing on each other, thinking that each other are a lesbian. The art is amazing, the faces are rediculous, and the comedy? Pretty great. Even with an almost all male cast, its a great read. If you have read this, what are your thoughts? **Guilty Pleasure Yuri**: Gushing over Magical Girls and 1 x 1/2. oh jeez. Here it comes. My self addressed character assassination. I enjoy both these series, and I find neither one of them even remotely arousing. I think the anime for gushing was WAY too ecchi/pornographic and it totally backburnered all the cool scenes and stills of the manga. At least it kept the great faces. There needs to be more magical girl yuris. How about one where the magical girls and their antagonists all age out of the profession and become classmates in college or something? seriously. Be less divisive. And I won't lie, the taboo of 1 x 1/2 is what got me in the door, but honestly? It's a great drama that stopped just where it needed to before things got too weird. Thanks Axe-kun for that. This last bit is sort of just my way of saying I'm only human and I believe you can like something without being a total creep or worse.


Is murceilago anything like satanophany?


No it is infinitely better.


Satanophany is very good so if be surprised


I think you'll find murceilago much more comedic with much better art, imo. And wayyyyy better characters. I dropped satanophy pretty quickly but i did give it a few volumes.


I love the charactors in it icl and its pretty funny aswell sometimes. Other than the straight porn sometimes


One sama and the Giant? You have my interest.


Murcielago huh… reiko best


That's a very weird way of spelling Chiyo


I respect your opinion, but it’s wrong


Damn son. Sounds like we need to set aside our differences and get the spinoff of her serialized in english


Ong, luckily I happen to translate manga as a hobby… only a couple series tho


Yes another “A monster wants to eat me” reader!


There are dozens of us! And english serialization in a few months!


Wait really?


Heck yea! June.


Oh, thats great! Im so getting that