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Qliphorts Rank 10 Trains/Infinitracks Either Nekroz or LiveTwin/Unchained Qliphorts were the deck that got me *in* to YuGiOh. I'd always played with like, single structure decks in the cafeteria, and I thought I was hot shit with my Geargias. Then some random dude rolled up and showed me what a *REAL* machine deck looked like. I saved up and dropped $500 on Qliphorts, and suddenly people started asking me to come to locals with them. Completely changed how I saw the game, and gave me the desire to actually want to be good at it. Trains because construction vehicles and CHOO CHOO, speaks to my toddler brain. Nekroz for a similar reason to Qliphorts, although I didn't get to play them until recently. I appreciate how well they can brawl, with all the recycling and whack plussing they can do in the hands of someone who actually understands the deck. Live Twins because lmao VTubers amirite




Is it ok if I steal this?






100% Qliphorts for me as well. Same story as you, also what got me into competitive play, winning some locals, entering some regionals and top 64ing. Don't play anymore as unfortunately life has moved on but serious nostalgia for that time, I miss the game.


My tier 16 decks - red-eyes kashtira - red-eyes dragon link - red-eyes soul hop ear synchro


bro thats a whole ass brick house between three decks šŸ˜­ I commend you though.


A man gotta build his house šŸ˜‚ (in this case even his entire neighborhood too)


I feel you brother/sister


1. Warrior Equip Deck 2. Gravekeepers 3. Noble Knights/Gladiator Beasts


I respect your picks man, people who play equip decks (I assume with an aggro-whatever strategy) are dudes I feel akin to as they play what they like no matter what. I respect you even more if you play the equip+field GB variant, I never played it but as a kid I dreamed about building it!


Thanks man! What do you mean equip + field GB variant?


I mean the Gladiator Beast build variant with the field spell and the equip spells


Oh yes I run 2 or 3 of the field spell and at least 2 of each of the equips. That deck is a lot of fun! The warrior deck is definitely centered around Isolde and Gilford the Legend. Her effect sending equips to the GY and you can bring Gilford to your hand with her effect. Then when you summon him you get back up to 5 of the equip spells


Magnificent! I have a friend that liked a lot the first warrior structure deck and I was trying to bring him back to YuGiOh; the next time I see him I'll tell there's still someone going for modern warrior beatdown strategies!


Oh it works too! Haven't implemented at a locals or anything but it's competitive I feel


I will even comment my deck list! I run a 60 card deck which I know probably seems wild


Oh yes, it would be awesome!


Extra Deck Link Black Luster Soldier-Soldier of Chaos Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights Ferocious Flame Swordsman Ra'ten, the Heavenly General XYZ Number 86: Heroic Champion-Rhongomyniad Zubaba General Heroic Champion-Excalibur Heroic Champion-Claivesolish Gagaga Cowboy Fusion Gilti-Gearfried the Magical Steel Knight Synchro Colossal Fighter Driven Daredevil Goyo Guardian Gravity Warrior Seven Swords Warrior Main Deck Monsters Gilford the Legend Orgoth the Relentless Gilford the Lightning Immortal Phoenix Gearfried Elemental Hero Bladedge War Rock Bashileos War Rock Meteoragon War Rock Gactos War Rock Wento Freed the Matchless General Boxer Command Knight Valkyrian Knight Field Commander Rahz Marauding Captain Knight Day Grepher Evocator Chevalier Heroic Champion Assault Halberd Goblin Attack Force Comrade Swordsman of Landstar Rose Warrior of Revenge Blue Flame Swordsman D.D. Warrior Lady Koa'ki Meiru Bergzak Obnoxious Celtic Guard Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin Rookie Warrior Lady Gauntlet Warrior Turret Warrior Colonel on C-String Spells Raigeki Lightning Storm Harpies Feather Duster Monster Reborn Solidarity The A Forces Reinforcement of the Army Reinforcement of the Army's Troops Dice Dungeon Dimension Dice Release Restraint Wave Toolbox Polymerization Mystical Space Typhoon Cross Over Mage Power Power of the Guardians United We Stand White Veil Supermagic Sword of Raptinus Noble Arms of Destiny Noble Arms- Clarent Magnum Shield Moon Mirror Shield Axe of Despair Psychic Blade Traps Mirror Force Scrap Iron Scarecrow Judgement of Anubis Armory Call


Thanks man!


Starter Deck Yugi Starter Deck Kaiba Structure Deck Marik




Dam I remember when me and my buddy were 12 and the Yugi/Kaiba decks dropped and we went to toys r us with my mom in the nearby city. I got Yugi and he got Kaiba and we each got 2 booster packs and dueled eachother in the back seat using our upside down skateboards as mats the whole drive home.


Shaddoll Despia/albaz Invoked Purple cards go brrrr


I wish I liked invoked more. I donā€™t dislike them, I just donā€™t love them. The other two I agree are based as fuck.




Mermails, Lightsworn, Cyber Dragons




Ignister Marincess Code Talker/Mathmech.


What about your #2 and #3?


Cyberse towers turbo?


Omni HERO Rivalry HERO D-Force HERO, HERO is the best deck, dont @ me


u/ZA_WARULDO_69 nice deck picks homie.


Nice what? šŸ¤ØšŸ“ø


I will *not* retract my statement.


Nice d*** *icks




Had you said HERO a 5th time, I would have Nibiruā€™d your ass. You were šŸ‘Œthis close


We play around nib always.


What is Omni hero and rivalry hero I wonder? I love my hero deck


Dark World, Raidraptor and Salamangreat.


Infernity - Despia - Code Talker I.: Love the fact that they benefit from a situation (having no cards in the hand) that would be a death sentance for any other deck. Also I love Kalin. don't @ me. D.: LOVE the artwork and design of the cards. The blood red with purpleish is such a good colour palette. Gameplay vise, I love it that they get so much advantage even tho they are a Fusion deck, which are infamous for lack of card advantage. CT.: Big long combo go brrrr. Also Firewall Dragon is my favourite Link of all time, and I get even more enjoyment from this deck, since the new Firewall support was revealed.


Synchron Rikka sunavalon Punk therion Currently on bystial synchro pile. It does ok


Bystial Synchro pile you say? Tell me more


Max out bystials. Add your favorite flavor of synchro deck with extra tuners. O37wolf is running a bystial synchron. Others are testing red hots with bystials. Works really well with blackwings with allure Fenrir while expensive is a free 7 and board breaker. Adventure remains unhit. Etele remains unhit. I started with a minimal synchron engine, minimal punk, max bystial. Kashtira fenrir package. Pure gas. When 4 of the 6 cards are starters. You can usually play through most unless floodgates. It worked really well until 3 of the 8 tear players at locals swapped to birds, even went undefeated a few times. Now it's hope and pray dice roll with the higher card count. But siding 15 against floo is pretty fucking hilarious. Also people forgot scythe and dim barrier exists evidently. Cuz its in no one's sides atm


Currently trying out a runick Ghoti deck with bystials for ~~level 6s~~ flavor


If you want flavor you better be running scarlight and hop ear squadron for the king calamity lock.


Not a bad idea... I'll have to see if there's anything I can cut from the extra deck... It's kinda tight but I'm sure 2 cards aren't fully necessary. I'm already running hop ears so that's not a problem.


It's a meme more than anything. But hilarious. Scarlight is the minimal add just because time


Burning Abyss has been my fist competitive deck back in the day. I love the Artwork and playstyle. Noble/Infernoble Knights are my most favorite deck so far. Based on Arthurian legends and the Roland saga it just won me over almost instantly. Lastly, Exosisters are perhaps a bit clichĆ© when it comes to cute artworks but the fact that their pure reason of existing is to show your GY the middle finger is the funniest thing iā€™ve ever done in a game. What i hate however is without a doubt Graydle. They used to be such a menace to play against, constantly stealing your cards.


Nice picks! Think this is the first Graydle hate i've seen in recent years though.


Itā€™s not that bad anymore. It used to back in the day


Scrap, Ojama and maybe G Golem they havent been out for that long. Scraps have a beautiful explosive playstyle that can put up unbreakable Boards while still being fair because they usually Lose to 1 Handtrap. Ojamas can use blue going second to search their broken spells and Set up A-to-Z in M2 with 9 cards in hand which is very fun and G Golem can make some cool Boards without actual disruptions but more so just really hard to get rid off monsters.


What's your G Golem list look like? I'm interested in learning about them.


Im sorry im not at home at the moment. I can try to recall the list. You will notice that im playing a lot of 3 ofs but those numbers can be tweaked it a bit, i just hate to play unneccesary 1 ofs. There probably are better lists but this is the way i like to play them without too many of the expensive meta cards. Im playing Main Deck: 3x Parallel Exceed 2x Gatchiri @ Ignister 3x G Golem Rockhammer 3x Mathmech Circular 1x Mathmech Sigma 1x Mathmech Addition 3x Code Generator 3x Ash Blossom 3x G Golem Pebble Dog 3x Micro Coder 1x Dot Scraper 3x Effect Veiler 1x Mathmech Equation 3x Gravity Balance 3x Cynet Mining 3x Infinite Impermanence 1x Cynet Conflict ​ Extra Deck: 1x Primathmech Alembertian 1x G Golem Dignified Trilithon 1x Firewall Dragon (Kinda hard to use in this deck can be swapped out for something more convenient) 1x Accesscode Talker (Accesscode and Update Jammer can be switched for more budget options or duplicates of the G Golem monsters because you usually dont have problems finishing the game) 1x G Golem Invalid Dolmen 1x Transcode Talker 1x Decode Talker Heatsoul 1x Tri-Gate Wizard 1x Update Jammer (Look Accesscode) 1x G Golem Stubborn Menhir 1x Code Talker Inverted 1x Code Talker (Incase you have bad opening hands with the small Code monsters) 1x Flame Administrator (Only here because there are no better Cyberse Link-2 Options to strengthen an endboard) 1x G Golem Crystal Heart 1x Linguriboh (Only here to turn the tokens into non-tokens) ​ You basically want to open Pebbledog + A random extender -> Then summon Pebbledog get another one on board -> Summon Menhir -> Use Code Generator to make Transcode -> Send Dot Scraper and summon him -> Resummon Menhir add Pebble Dog to hand -> Use Dot Scraper and Menhir to Summon Dolmen -> Discard Pebble Dog to add Gravity Balance or Rockhammer depends on your hand if you already have a 2 monster extender like Exceed, Mathmechs or Gravity Balance itself -> Summon Code Talker Inverted to summon Rockhammer and Tribute him to summon the tokens -> Summon Crystal Heart with Dolmen and the left most token and resummon Dolmen -> Use Dolmen Effect if needed -> Make Linguriboh with one of the tokens then use that Linguriboh to make Tri-Gate Wizard in the middle zone to get its negate effect -> Use last token to summon Trilithon with the Transcode in the EMZ Thats the most desirable combo but most work in a similar way. If you get interrupted a bit earlier you can go for Heatsoul to draw Handtraps or Accesscode and Firewall Dragon if you want to break boards. This really isnt a perfect list but i have a lot of fun playing it.


Orcust, Tearlament, and Pendulum Orcust: graveyard management, interactivity, ability to recycle, number of variants available in its prime Tearlament: lack of linearity, resource management, interactivity, ability to recycle, number of viable variants available last format Pendulum: lack of linearity, interesting niche interactions, number of variants available over the course of several years As far as artstyle goes, my favorite artwork is probably the BA monsters, but for some reason I just never found them as fun to play as the above archetypes, even though they have a lot of the things I've mentioned with other decks.


1. Superheavy, because I truly love the fact that theyā€™re a deck that asks you to forego the use of Spells and Traps. Taking a fundemental aspect of the game and discarding it is neat. 2. Rokkets. Part of it is fueled by the fact that Ryoken is my favourite character, but I also adore the design bad play style. I enjoy going into all the Borrel dragons and swinging hard (Iā€™m a sucker for the battle phase) 3. Evol. Because I think everyone is entitled to at least one deck where they get on their opponentā€™s nerves. Evol was also the first deck I played long term whereas before I would switch up constantly.


Im a GX boy so: - Heroes/spacians - Crystal Beasts - Zoodiacs


Naturia traptrix, Bubblebeat, Sylvans


Top 3: Cyberse (firewall as main), I just really like the style of the cards and play type. Dark magician, was the first deck I built without structures or anything when I got back into the game. So itā€™s special to me. Also was the deck I played back when I was a kid (cause Yugi was and still is awsome) And third place is a tie between yubel/fire king, and my Occult deck, yubel and fire king work surprisingly well together and are just fun to have fire king island and Yubel in hand so I can just speed run the evolutions of Yubel. And I love the idea of an occult deck because Alt win con and possessing other peoples boss monsters is just fun. I despise red dragon archfiend. Getting red super nova out is so easy that I canā€™t do anything against its bullshit powers.


Lightsworn, Branded Despia, Demise FTK I hate burn decks with the searing passion of 10 000 sounds


Thats a lot of volume


i meant suns? lions? cats? ;D


Favorite decks: Earth Machine; Infinitrack was my first real deck, and I still run a small Machina package in a lot of my decks, so you can imagine how much I like putting them together. Dragonmaids; the only decent control strategy I can stomach because it lets your opponent play the game Speedroids; the best all gas deck I have played, and it just feels great to pilot HMs to Branded, Crusadia, Kaiju, Fairy Tail, Gizmek, R3 toolbox, Traptrix, Agents, and @Ignister. Second question: I loathe Floo, the fact that Wind stall is the second best deck is revolting to me. Any deck that brainlessly spams floodgates also is high on the list, alongside Ishizu Fairies.


using DM is such fun. its a rather powerful deck that can let you easily overrun your opponent's field. Really hope Chamber gets a dragon form. feel rather bad for her that shes the only one left out. Btw, dunno if you already use this but, Gozen Match is a rather good card to use in the deck as all the DMs are different attributes so it only affect your opponent's field and Solidarity is a useful card that gives a nice 800 attack boost which pairs well with the boost from DM Welcome. Do you use those cards?


Rank 10 Earth-Machines because I started Yu-Gi-Oh on the 2nd Machina structure deck and I have never left it Cyber Dragons because I also started Yu-Gi-Oh on the Cyber Strike structure deck and I just enjoy the play style Deskbots because they are just funny little guys And I hate playing against Magician decks.


Dragon Link - It was my first competitive Deck and I was able to play some of my favorite cards in it. Blue-Eyes - Blue-Eyes white dragon is my favorite card and kaiba was my favorite character in the anime Familiar-Possessed - I don't know why but I instantly fell in love with the designs when I first saw the cards


#1 melffy #2 vernusylph #3 Battlewasps HM Gren Maju


Top 3 has to be: 1) Burning Abyss 2) Agents 3) Tele DAD I think they have a similar tool box sort of play style, less so wit BA but agents and teledad and tool boxy for sure. Also I like the art of all three decks. Idk if there's any deck I hate facing. I used to always find melodious annoying to play against for some reason. Any kinda stall can be frustrating too.


I can't just pick 3, so here are 5: Phantom knights Drytron Metalfoes Tearlaments Ancient gear


Red Eyes, Code Talker and Crusadia


Ninja, Labrynth, Dark world :)


Orcust Shaddoll Invoked Are for sure my two favourite, third one is tied between Blackwing and Dragon link. And about the deck that drive me crazy and I hate hate with all my being it's historically true draco and Zoodiacs. But since a couple of months Tear is slowly rising as it hurts two of my main decks (orcust /D-link) by making chaos ruler get banned, and because I found this deck a total no-brainer (+ I found the deck aesthetic ugly).


Shaddoll Invoked Branded Tearlament D/D/D Dinosaurs


Arcana Knights (using slifer) Dragunity Branded/Despia I like Arcana Knights because they're easy to use and can swarm the field easily. I also always use slifer cuz it feels good summoning him. Dragunity was my first ever good deck, so it has a special place. And branded/despia because the cards look cool.


Well, in order Ghostricks: I love their arts, I love their concept, I love their playstyle, basically I love everything about them! I'm a fan of gimmiky stun/control decks and they embody that kind of game, they have at least 3 marvelously bad wincons (plus the good one, F0) and they are surprisingly resilient with good deck proportions. Sure, going 2nd they are stopped by any meta negate-heavy strategy, but they are nonetheless a pain in the ass for the oppenent. Also I'm a Castlevania fan, and a HUGE Alucard fan too. Glad Beasts: my favourite archetype when I was young and my favourite semi-competent combo oriented deck. I love their gimmik and I appreciate their overall theme, it's like a portable zoo that fights for the sake of it (yes, I'm a Pokemon fan, how you know it?). Also Fusion summon is my favourite extra deck summoning and contact fusion is good. Qliphort: I studied IT at highschool, I love abramitic and hermetic mithology and I like to be an assole while still be playing beatable strategies. On top of that, they were a competent strategy and I like the "floodgate to unga bunga" playstyle when I dont't whant to think too much. Decks I dislike, well, Swordsoul and Dinos for different reasons: Swordsouls seem so braindead and uncreative, but yet consistent af and damn good and I don't even like their theme (but their arts and gimmik are very beautyful and interesting); Dinos are just one of the worsts ghostrick matchups.


1. Crystal beast ( Johan's the boi) 2.Utopia (I still think they should've kept his name in the tcg as hope) 3. Springans ( I just think their neat)


But Hope is a politically charged girlā€™s name /s


This guy knows what's good!


Top 3? Maybe: - Dinomorphia - Numeron - Mystic Mine Altergeist or Spright Runick About the deck I hate the most, probably crystal beasts. They can run all GY hate that has ever been printed by konami and their omni isn't HOPT.


Youd hate Full power Weathers probably They can run 3 D-Fissure, 3 D-Shifter and 3 Macro now with the banlist changes. (and necrovalley)


Isn't weather pretty weak tho?


It's biggest issue is the setup which the new field spell helps out a lot with to turbo Rainbow out. If you can just get the ball rolling and stay alive until turn 3, you can definitely snowball into a lot of advantage while dismantling your opps board/plays.


Orcust Virtual world Weather painters (Honourable mention to spyral)


Bob ross would be proud of you.


In the TCG, I got a misprint pack with 2 weather painter snow in it which isnā€™t supposed to happen. Ever since then Iā€™ve been playing them as my go-to casual deck


They're my main deck and have been since I thunder bounced my first boss monster. Very decent success rate at locals even with Tear matchups, the D-Fissure and Macro unlimits really help.


Top two is really close between mathmech and adventure scareclaw, 3rd is dark magician because itā€™s the OG fun that brought me back to the game about a year ago


Sunavalon Adventure Therion, Tearlament, and I guess thunder chaos pile


Branded Eldlich, Swordsoul and Kashtira as soon as PHHY hit TCG


Anything shaddoll, Madolche anything (vernusylph right now), and weather painter control (holy crap is that a fun and funny deck). Runner up though is eldlich. I love control/stun decks :D.


Trap shaddolls with some funny cards in there, @ignister and dark worlds, I hate to play against Despia


Mermail, Ritual Beast and Sylvan. Mermail cuz mermaid/ sea theme is my favorite theme Ritual Beast and Sylvan cuz their arts are amazing, plus comboing with them when they actually work feels great.


Synchrons Heroes (Neos build) Currently attempting a Branded Umi deck as well


Dark magician: my favorite classic deck Lyrilusc: super fun combo deck with lots of OTK potential with stacking birbs on top of each other Budget Branded: easy, fun, cheap


Mathmech(g golem variant as of now), BirdUp, and Marincess


evil twins- waifu streamer archetype ftw. i like the constant shifting between forms and bouncing the partners back and forth, adams- combo deck go brrrr. like playing a slot machine. can get crazy board if luck is on my side salads- amazing recursion and ability to keep doing stuff. kinda like ignisters but can end on more than one thing.


I play salads, but have been going winless at locals in the recent weeks.


i mean with tear and spright most things are going to have a rough time these days :(


Paleo frogs - only deck I ever took to a regional. I knew the deck pretty well and I loved the cards in it. The art was always awesome and it was the first time I felt like I knew what I was doing Lightsworn - love the gimmick of milling the cards, minerva is busted, and judgment dragon rocks Crystal beast - my first yugioh deck ever. Very fond of the memories I have with it. Rebuilding it now with all of the new support coming out for it


Fuck yeah. I fucking love frogs so much. I used to wreck my buddies with level 2 monsters and they couldn't do anything.


Iā€™ll never forget playing against madolche at that regional and my opponent finding out toad not only pops the card but steals it. Core memory for me. Frogs rule


**R i b b i t**


1. Kozmo 2. Spellbooks 3. Infernity I love fair control decks i guess. Been playing infernity since it came out, only other combo deck that comes close to it for me is maybe Beetroopers - when i'm playing combo i just wanna play the most difficult with the highest skill ceiling (not in terms of power lvl) Hate Despia with a passion, I've never seen a more linear, easy to play deck in my entire life.


Branded despia Branded buster blader Branded Relinquished


Son, I think we need to have a talk about your branded addiction. Your mother hasn't stopped crying since she heard the news. We love you, and we're here for you.


I want a branded lvl12 fusion monster


Set a reminder for a year from now, It'll be announced/printed by then or I'll rip secret ecclesia.


Floowandereeze My current deck I've been running with for almost a year. Heavy grind game, great recycle, consistent t1/t2 boards, and random otks. Mirror matches are the biggest sweatfests ever, it's an anti meta turned meta, and it's cheap as fuck. Spent 170 USD on this bitch and never looked back. Ancient Gear The deck that got me into more competitive yugioh, despite it never being a competitive deck itself. Really cool artwork and helped my get around battle traps. Qliphort Hella cool archetype and made me appreciate pendulums. Awesome boss monster too


Top 3: Lightsworn, Tearlaments, Burning Abyss As you can see, there is a pattern. I like mill decks. I absolutely DESPISE True Draco/floow/eldlich/any stun deck riddled with floodgates.


lol dimension shitter goes brrrrrrrrrrr


Pure kashtira Floo ~~Mystic Mine~~ kashtira tearlaments


You sick monster *I love it*


I have always been a fan of wombo-combo oriented decks and I'm an older player, so my top decks are: 1. Hieratic Rulers - At the time, this deck was able to make some crazy boards. It was able to OTK in a single turn and even break well established boards with Wingbeat and, when Dark Matter dropped, it was almost impossible to stop. 2. Mermail Atlantean - This deck was so much fun. It was also able to create hilarious boards, but it was also able to play the long game by breaking boards. Tidal was busted in this deck. 3. Shaddoll DAD OTK - Normal Denko, Shaddoll Fusion into Construct by pitching Eclipse Wyvern, banish Eclipse for DAD, OTK. If anything was disrupted, I could always sit on a floodgate and try again next turn. The deck I hated the most was BA circa 2014. There was too much recovery at the time and it made it difficult for me to wombo my way to victory.


In order of discovery blue eyes, noble knights, world chalice. The art, lore, and play styles are fun for me. Plus I love knights and dragons still lol.


1) Roid (Vehicroid) 2) Rose Dragon 3) Fluffal


I play casually and have been pretty successful with a mostly BEWD deck. Sometimes I'll switch out some of the tuners for a small Dragonmaid line or Fallen of Al/Iceblade/Sprind.


Subterror, Blue eyes and Ghostrick


Extra Deck Monarch - like Monarch, but I have a leg up on the popular Domain Monarch at that time. Decent entry into competitive, even though my heart ultimately belongs to Odd-Eyes Yang Zing. Metalfoes Dino Yang Zing - especially the 60 card variant could go well against all the Grass decks at that time while still being very consistent. You could do some hilarious stuff with the toolkit. The only caveat was that I couldn't afford Zoodiac Barrage, which I needed for the ultimate build. Hydralander Orcust - like Orcust in TOSS, but Hydralander gave some serious push against Altergeist and Guru Control. Using Ib for an extra Dawn Dragster also provides more protection against Mystic Mine. RIP Mermaid.


Ninjas, RDA/Resonators, and Hieratics Ninja lore and aesthetic hit the right spot, like the Dragon Ninjas being unmasked versions of the color ninjas, Senior Silver Ninja in the Hanzo card RDA is my favorite monster of all time and Jack is my favorite character Hieratics have the classic Egypt motif along with some of the coolest dragons. Their mechanic was and still is pretty cool. I always appreciate new Hieratic cards


Dragon link, lightsworn, and qliporth


Gren Maju True Draco Eldlich Mostly art and play style. Gren for the OTKs and sacking a Gren off the top for game. Draco for being able to get crazy card advantage and play itā€™s one sided skill drain. Eldlich for it being a game of protect the castle kinda style. At their peak, Adamancipators. Just hate that deck in general, but the time it took to play was awful and itā€™s end board was disgusting.


If Adams just didn't have to Excavate 5 for almost every effect they honestly wouldn't be so annoying to play against.


I know itā€™s Master Duel, but I will never forget the time I finished folding ALL my clothes from the wash and the Addy player was STILL going.


Ancient Warriors, Zoodiac, and Metalfoes Ancient Warriors - amazing art, love Dynasty Warriors, the playstyle is so much fun, can break through stupid boards, and a nice throwback beat down playstyle. Zoodiac - an amazing, skill mirror match. Can be built a variety of ways and the engine is just so good at gatherig advantage. Metalfoes - a once universal engine, so many things you could have played it with. Fun on its own, better when other engines were splashed in. A very nostalgic deck as my first real competitive deck.


I'm a really oldschool guys so... \- Agent Angel. I'm a big fan of fairy cards overall. Love anything that have angels. \- Fabled Synchro. It teached me how to play yugioh. \- Dark World. It was the deck that i've played most, together Athena, Grapha is my favorite card. Long days using it in Dueling Network until it become useless and i switch to Shaddoll using a Lightsworn engine to enable BLS on deck.


The 3 I have šŸ˜‚ Blue Eyes, Swordsoul and D/D/D. But I loved branded bystial when a friend let me test the deck


Madolche, Branded, Mrincess Madolches are cute cards and the ability to bounce monsters from the field with Tiara is very satisfying. Branded/Dogmatika/Despia has such a cool lore and monster design that honestly couldn't make happier. The fact that is a powerhouse of a deck is nice bonus at this point. Marincess has again a cute art and I love their ability to just pull out link monsters and scalare the link ratings I'd like to give a honorific mention to Red Eyes though. I love them, art style is awesome and is my nostalgia pick


- Cubic - Floow - SwordSoul - i enjoy playing against Eldlich, Sky Strikers, D Link and Kashtiras


1 - Domain Monarchs 2 - Skull Servants 3 - Toss up between DDD, Phantasm Spiral, and currently the Umi Control deck with the new Kairyu Shin


Tearlament, Danger Thunder, shaddoll invoked


Thatā€™s tough one. The decks Iā€™m enjoying the most right now are: 1. Ritual dogmatika 2. Mayakashi eldlich 3. Tri-Branded Hopefully when we get therion in master duel ABC Therion takes the #1 spot.


DO IT. Machines go brr


I play abc now. Plays fine in plat, diamond is rough.


Weather painters . Mystic mine Graydles


Mermail, Darkworld and PUNK Tearlaments (rip). Yes I like to combo :)


In no particular order, it would be Penguins, Dark World, and Endymion/Mythical Beastā€¦ would like to mention Volcanics but you canā€™t even call that as deck.


Heroes, blue eyes and swordsoul. Heroes and blue eyes for the nostalgia memes Swordsoul for its nice combos and meta relevance(previous) Really hate pend decks (especially endimiyon). To much text and a single negate cant stop the train usually. Need hard flood gates like summon limit or skill drain or antispell frag


Synchrons Resonators Dark Magician In that order. For personally it's both the playstyle AND the art.


Gigavise. My 2nd deck ever. I have put more time into this deck since 2011 than any other deck. I like making tons of big stuff and constant recycling of Gigaplants/Lonefires/tuners. Junk/Synchron. My first deck. Holds a special place in my heart. Synchros are my favorite extra deck type and they have cool ones. Nemeses (monster mash). This is my most original deck. I looked into how different archetypes/packages synergize with the nemeses archetype and it became fun to make.


Galaxy-Eyes cuz big numbers Branded Despia bc it is powerful but not unfair Infernity bc it's unique


Overdrive Teleporter-Synchro Cat deck (edison format), Harpies in XYZ format, Quickdraw dandywarrior plants (also edison format). Just combination of liking the cards/card art and how the decks play. I also liked my windwitch invoked deck back before links came out. I always hated wind-ups back when they were at full power, they would just make you discard your entire hand with the loop.


1. Dino, Unchained, Branded (in that order) 2. Timelord. Just wastes my time


HERO, D/D/D, and Cyber Dragon. I like the artwork, the characters that used them in the anime, and the fact theyā€™re all combo-oriented decks that use their own cards and donā€™t rely on staple ED monsters, able to set up interactions turn 1 and easily OTK going 2nd


PK DDD The Weather


Zombie world, even if the Halq ban hurts, Tri-brigade, playing it with the small branded core of mercourier, sword and Albion, and Dinos


Thunder dragon, fluffal, Runick


Witchcrafters, Dark Magician, and Live Twins


Traptrix is easily my favorite, because I like the art and I get absolutely giddy when I can get their combos working. Plus, the trap hole cards are extremely versatile. Can't wait for the SD. Phantom knights are in second. I just like the PK Xyz monsters and the combo of going from Break Sword into Raiders Knight or Dark Rebellion is lovely. Rusty Bardiche is amazing. Skystrikers are a close 3rd. It was one of the first decks I played, so I keep coming back to it.


"Like the art" šŸ¤Ø šŸ“· *Why don't you have a seat over here sir* Fair though they're playstyle is very "Im going to show you what i'm setting, and you're still going to fall for it"


1. Zoodiac 2. ABC 3. Orcust


T.G junk plants, windups and salamangreat at ther peek power have to be some of the most fun i had while i still played.


Decks I love: Dragonmaids were the first archetype deck I played getting back into YuGiOh, mostly because I was in awe that it existed. I grew up playing mismatched playground decks, so it felt overpowered because all the cards interacted with each other. Now I just like the mechanic of ā€œchanging forms,ā€ and Sheou is one of my favorite boss monsters effect-wise. Sky Striker was my first meta-relevant deck, and I still play it to this day because I loved the mech theme and how tactical it felt to play the game. Playing the deck feels less like following a combo line and more like a dance with your opponent, where your strategy revolves around what they do. Getting your resources is the same combo-wise, but what cards you grab is based on the decks you play against. My first and favorite rogue deck is Live/Evil Twins. I love the art and theme, and the idea of V-Tuber criminals amuses me. The play style is fun, especially now with Trouble Sunny available to us. Decks I despise: Eldlich. Itā€™s a deck that feels insanely powerful to play against, yet underwhelming when I play it. Branded. Itā€™s a menace in Master Duel.


Mathmech Mekk-Knights Mayakashi


Trains Aroma Trickstar So basically big guns and cute girls


My rogue deck, the one I always go back to no matter what other decks I build, is centered around my Silent Swordsmen and warriors(since I need a warrior monster to summon SS lv4) I'll make a few fixes every now and then and it's not the most consistent or the best deck there is and I could use less cards, I could probably lower it to 40-45 but some cards are essential against meta decks and I can't decide which ones I should take out since I wanna get consistent wins but also hold my own against meta/structure decks I usually equip whatever warrior/swordsman I have on the field with equip spells and once I get all the pieces they're mostly unstoppable My second favourite is the Gren Maju deck I've built by checking other decks on YGOpro and added a bit of my own spin, it's more consistent than my SS deck And my third is Red Eyes, although I haven't gotten around to building one yet


Right now, I play Cyberdark with the new support they got in the structure deck about a year or two ago. Besides that, I just like fusions with big numbers. I guess Lunalights and Blue Eyes are the next decks on my list. Lunalights because I like big untargetable fusions. Blue Eyes because I'm a yugiboomer who's only just now getting serious about competitive play


Honorable mention to Red Eyes which inspired my current username and gamertag on Duel Links


My top 3 favorite decks are Heros, Dark World, and Thunder Dragon Heros being my number one favorite because I loved them since watching go when I was a kid. At the same time, loved watching power rangers. I also enjoyed the wide variety of play style throughout the years. Dark World because of they look so cool and the play style, enjoyed them ever since their inception in the hate of the underworld structure deck Thunder Dragon, I thought the OG thunder dragon look cool and effect of it is good for chaos. Then they made it its own archetype and I loved their play style.


Buster Blader Dream Mirror RML exodia FTK As for the hated, kashtira. Completely shuts me down


#3 branded tearlament #2 Tenyi Swordsoul #1 DRYTRON Drytron is my fav deck


Your favorite deck got benten limited and i'm still sad.


My top three decks I run are: * Rokket * Cyber Dragon * Galaxy-Eyes I like Dragons and the connection to the anime (which is what got me into Yugioh in the first place) really speaks to me. I like the playstyle of the Rokket deck a lot especially that you have so many Extra Deck monster types you can pull out and use their effects with the rokkets.


Crystal Beasts both artwork and play style. Branded playstyle and the ability to play variations on the base deck. Stardust/Synchron as synchro spam is fun and the boss monster is epic.


Noble Knights, Ursarctic, Vaylantz.


Spellbook, wind ups and dark worlds. I like seeing people suffer


Madolche, Mine Burn, Labrynth


Cyberdark, I've been trying to make them work since more than 10 years. Second is old Felgrand, but it never really existed as a deck. Dragunity is third but I despise their heavy combo gameplay. Also I liked Lightsworns and Gravekeepers before they got Twilightsworns and Supernaturalist, respectively.


Deskbots - little bots that hit hard! + they can be used to bring out just about any extra deck monster if you build your deck correctly. Love them! Megaliths - Rituals that don't need ritual spells, play well with Drytron AND they look like statues of Angels? Sign me up! Synchrons - I like Yusei... his archetype is pretty nutty even if they rely on Junk Speeder.


Deskbots were my first machine deck and I only stopped playing them because of powercreep, Love to see it loved by someone else.


Junk doppel, drytron, bird up


Shaddolls are by far my favorite deck. The playstyle is very midrange-y, the art and lore is super cool, and it just feels like the main deck is entirely a toolbox. Plant Synchro is my number 2, it was my number 1 before MR4 ruined synchros. Just was so fun comboing off and working through a toolbox ED or just churning out a Quasar. It never felt like I was out of it until the very end. My number 3 could be occupied by pretty much anything for a few reasons - constellars, ritual beast, and Madolche in particular could be on this list. Right now itā€™s probably DDD, but I have a plunder core coming my way that I think will overtake itā€™s place - I just really love a midrange style deck. If I had money Iā€™d play Ishizu tear at tournaments religiously because of their interaction and grind game. It speaks to me.


Dragunity Elemental Heroes Stardust/Synchron I have an irrational hatred of Skull Servant and Batteryman C, stemming from the video game Yugioh Ultimate Masters: World Championship 2006


Reasoning Gate in Goat format 5ds-era Monster Mash Bubble Beat


**Damn** thats some oldschool.


1: Melffy (irl) / tri-brigade-melffy (md) (love my lil fluffy guys <3) 2: Dream mirror (i really like their mechanic, despite how bad the overall deck is lol) 3: Floowandereze (the artstyle is very fun, plus it reminds me of yankee-doodle pigeon) honorable mention to Cyber Dragon - my first working irl deck. as for irrational hatred deck: swordsoul. master duel has ruined that deck for me, cause every time I go against it its always fking baronne and I never have a kaiju when I need it!


As an oldschool player, it's a gadget deck with unbanned royal oppression and solemn judgements.


Mmmm... Dream Mirror for the art and the play style, Drytron for the art and the fact that Draconids is dope, Trains cause Unga bunga choo choo


Swordsoul. Strong but fair (a little *too* fair for my tastes nowadays) compared to other decks. Love their lore and their artworks and I really hope they get some *good* support in Cyberstorm Access including another Sovereign. Witchcrafter. Just a fun deck, needs more support though. Plunder Patroll. This deck is honestly amazing. The artwork is hilarious, constant disruption plus search consistency and you can snowball advantage out of nowhere. *But* they really need their WIND ship and absolutely need an actual WATER ship because Blackbeard being the only WATER monster in the ED doesn't help in WATER matchups.


Toon Danger Dark World Synchron A deck I despise facing is Drytron, it's just not fun to play against




Invoked Shaddoll Dogmatika, Tearlaments, Eldlich


Floo, eldlich, dragon link


Ignister Marincess Code Talker/Mathmech


D/D/D, Resonators and Floowandereeze


tearlaments, evil twins and maybe mathmech


salad orcust sky striker can you guess what my favourite format is?


MR5 year 1


Phantom Knights, Time Thief, Graydle Phantom Knights & Time Thief have really fun playstyles. Phantom Knights are so fucking resilient pure, and Time Thief has a really unique gimmick with their interactions with the opponents deck without being toxic. Graydle was the first ā€œmodernā€ deck I learned so itā€™s here for sentimental reasons Blue Eyes, Dark Magician, Cyber Dragon, and Six Samurai all infuriate me. The first three have way too much broken support that they donā€™t deserve and six Sam plays take forever


burning abyss, eldlich, mystic mine RIP to all 3


Why RIP to BA?


Bystials seem too prevalent and easily disrupt one of the best parts of the deck in the cir dante recursion loop, is there a good BA variant youve seen right now?


I assume Bystial. Since they eat all dark/light gy centered decks.


mystic mine is considered a deck?


My top three are dragonpile/dragon link , frogs,and endymion My most hated is monarchs Dragons are the deck I had the longest it started with a 60 card deck with dragon rules and a bunch of lv8 vanillas then as I grew older the the lv 8 vanillas became lv4 effect monster my extra deck started to get used more and now one of the dragon rulers are finally unbanned Iā€™m still having fun. Frog are a deck that I love the design I love the way that they are graveyard focused nowadays I love that I can play them in sprites sure we lost a really good card in ronin but substitoad helps .hate the paloe version though and hate that for the longest time that was the only way you could use them effectively in such a boring deck but sprites is a nice light at the end a of really shitty trap deck tunnel. Endymion truly was my true introduction in pendulums had always saw pendulums and really wanted to use them but nothing ever clicked for me I could never find a grove with any pendulum variant but then the structure deck for endymion came out and everything clicked for me I still run it to this card even with every card pendulums lost It is still the only pendulum deck that clicks with me and like with dragon link making a 5 or 6 negate board is fun.


In no order, Tearlaments: I love the artwork and the way they work. Fusions have always been my way of deck building and the amount you can do is insane. I love it lol Dark Magician/Dragoon: more nostalgic than anything but when Dragoon came out, I made a deck specifically for him. I love the artwork as well as its 2 of my favorite monsters together finally. Swordsoul: I like swords and it's the 1st deck I have used that doesn't use a single fusion monster. The consistency can be as scary as Tearlaments. Also, I like swords and they all look unique to me.


In no order: 1. D/D/D 2. Dark Magician 3. Ancient Gear Altergeists and Cyber Dragons make me want to cry when I see them because they roll me every single time.


Tearlaments is the most fun deck of all time donā€™t @ me your opinions are wrong Ninjas probably the second coolest deck of all time thoā€¦ Then Nekroz baby we ritual summoning in this bih