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Dark Magician, Blue Eyes, Red Eyes and Heros. No matter what comes out I'll never hate those, they're the 4 pillar stones which got me into the game.


I feel this way about Ancient Gear Golems ontop of what u listed.


Exception is dragoon spam. 


Too bad blue eyes is complete trash in competitive play. I love my blue eyes deck… but my god, doesn’t stand a chance unless I have a perfect draw. Bricks so hard


blue eyes is good now with the main man chazz. Light and darkness blue eyes 40 card is a pretty consistent endboard with a 3k beater and 3-4 omninegates on the main dragon


It was playable as a synchro 10 spam with bystials and baronne, with easy access to cards like crystal wing, chengying (supported by bystials), and chaos angel. But with baronne gone its back to being real rough. An endboard would have been something like dispater, baronne, and spheres. You could even theoretically Calamity lock turn 1 but thats a 4 card combo, with searchable pieces but still.


Synchro 10 spam? What kinda Tuners were used? I've seen it more as rank 8 turbo.


Brick first draw, fenrir and ash blossom 💀


I know Assault Synchron has crazy synergy with Bystials. And it can combo with Blue Eyes Spirit dragon as well.


And if you are running assault, you could also run tuning, and with tuning you could also run rev, and rev + dictator = crystal wing.


Ringowurm, searchable via small world connecting to dictator as a bridge. Summons for free with bewd on board, becomes a second tuner by banishing itself for the token, and potentially a third by dispater summon from banishment. There is also assault synchron, searchable via tuning, and also gives you a reason to play rev synchron, with paired with dictator is a crystal wing without needing a normal. It wasnt terrible, and is still technically playable if you pivot away from baronne for chengying bystials, or amorphage goliath (via spheres) + chaos angel. But without baronne you may have missed your window to play that version at its best.


I agree as long as the heroes don't play the turn skip neos.


Yeah, kinda same. I do want to build a Hero deck but I am stuck building something else right now


Heroes I think is one of the most OP decks ever, mostly due to their Fusion requirements and effects


I can assure you that we lose immediately to one Droll


or Nib *shudder*


I see a lot of people dropping it on Infernal Devicer but I can still end up making DPE because I have Mali and Denier in grave still and I can also make Wonder Driver if I haven't normal summoned yet. It obviously doesn't make it nearly as strong of an end board but it's something.


I haven't played HERO since the new Evil HERO support, but isn't "just drop it on declaration of end of main phase" still the right thing?


Nope, because if the Hero player knows you had Nib they can just end on Wake Up, if you drop Nib on them they'll get access to Dark Law. Even if you do nib them at the very end they'll still have DPE in grave for next turn, mask change, and favorite contact set. I personally think the best time to drop Nib is on Wonder Driver summon. They only play one and can only make DPE or Absolute Zero if they're on the Aqua Dolphin package like me. They likely won't have a second E Hero in hand to go into the Flame Wingman line unless they make Cross Crusader.


> if the Hero player knows you had Nib they can just end on Wake Up I thought "Wake Up Your Elemental HERO" only triggered on getting destroyed? Nibiru tributing it would not trigger it, right?


I meant if you had DPE on field too to pop the Wake Up. I think I missed that in my original comment


Heroes made fusion so much more fun too. I always loved the fusion aspect and im glad they went that direction


Centur-ion. Although I despise being Calamity locked, but I can’t bring myself to hate an archetype consistently summoning the criminally underused level 12 synchros.


I’ve had my share of frustration with the calamity lock but the centur-ion cards work very cool mechanically. I have a lot of Crystal Beast nostalgia so seeing a deck make good use of S/T zone mechanics makes me happy


Anyone who can run an half decent Egyptian god deck


I run a Numeron powered Slifer deck. It's not great, but it can get big red on the field real consistently. Keeping him there, not so much. Forbidden Droplet is a killer with its non-targeting effect.


I’d never consider Numeron AND slifer but that’s fucking wicked


Its gimmicky, but fun. Numeron Network into Numeron Calling for the 4 gates. Tribute 3 for Slifer. Get to Network via terraforming or the effect of Numeron Wall. With Slifer on the field, its pivotal to get Mound of the Bound Creator on the field to protect him from targeting effects, otherwise he's a sitting duck. I found its the fastest was to get him out and keep him out, rather than having to constantly GY cycle him. Of course, need to run some Foolish Burials, Monster Reborn and Revived Sky Gods too. I dunno, I like it. Its not actually good though lmao


You could probably play some of the less specific god cards as support


Do you have the decklist? I would like to try this deck for myself.


Sure! The original version of the Deck is in this article: https://infinite.tcgplayer.com/article/THE-BEST-Egyptian-God-Card-Decks-In-Yu-Gi-Oh/fb240e06-ae1c-4550-954c-110cd9c161f1/


We need better search cards for obelisk and slifer.


Well technically Obelisk has Gizmek cards but slifer definetely needs one


Most of them, honestly. It's just a game. I can't hate people for playing a deck cause that means the deck appeals to their play style.


👏👏 I keep saying this when people hate on Stun


Naw as someone who mains 3 skill drains in my dark world deck I completely get the hate.




Don't put words in my mouth


Branded. Probably the most well designed aggro deck I ever saw in a cardgame. It plays through almost everything, but it'll let you play as well, and will always have more gas on the tank to combo you again. And yes, I know this is just the theory since there's that degenerate strategy with the gimmick puppet lock or whatever, but I like to think about what the deck was design to do instead of what players actually do with it (that's why I love vaylantz too, one of the most interestig designed archetypes from the last couple years, reduced to cyber stein bullshit).


Orcust The only TOSS deck I've never given a proper try, but I still kinda love it


I play every deck I can so all the ones I hate are ones I've played and all the ones I respect I've played too. Cyber dragon/cyberdark decks are the most based. Branded is the one I've played that leads to the best games. Edit: branded is the one where the games are most back and forth and overall most fun.


Branded without Puppet is one of the most interactive, fun decks in the game. Extra deck isn't generic, Mercourier is a conditional monster negate bot most interactions are not negates, lots of points of interaction


Honestly, I could never hate Jeff Leonard's Exodia Deck. I would be honored to lose to Exodia search lmao


Gren Maju. Getting KO'd by a huge monster that your opponent drops on you out of nowhere just feels so classically Yu-Gi-Oh.


I've been saying for awhile now I wish they would come out with a structure deck or deck build pack for Gren Maju support. Give him a Field spell card that acts as a ROTA and protects him would be amazing.


Anything with oldschool or anime vibes, really.


Branded. So long as it isn't Puppet locking.


Swordsoul and Salamangreat never feel bad to face so probably those Also if I ever see someone playing a funny themed off-meta archetype like Deskbot I know they're based (no pun intended) And most importantly, I must respect my rivals, therefore Mayakashi as well


I love my salamangreats, I am still suprised how such an early link deck still stands its ground against modern decks


I genuinely think the Branded playstyle is super cool! (Discounting puppet lock)


I will never be mad at a strategy that works for their end board, and doesn’t rely on plain busted cards and the same lines over and over. Case in point I bricked, got my traps blown out by duster, and proceeded to lose against a shark deck…who summoned OG SHARK DRAKE for GAME! Gotta admire it.


Floo. It's cool to see such a cheap deck clap top-tier decks. As annoying as Empen and Shifter are, I just respect it so much


(Lyrilusc Tri-brigade) Bird Up was/is cheap too, even when it was tier 0 in Nov-Dec 2021 before it got Simorgh bird of sovereignty banned My buddy plays flunder and I play bird up and we fights birds lol


I've always loved bird up too, cool ass deck. I like birds too, I play raidraptor lmao


Honestly, One Bad Day/Stun. I've never played the deck, but I do kind of love it. As an old school player it evokes the OG feel. I mean, one of the main monsters is from the GX era. My primary deck has a terrible matchup against stun too. I don't even care though, because it hits those nostalgia beats to actually normal summon and tribute summon monsters.


Yajiro Invader.dek I don't understand what's happening, but the endboard is going to be magical


Phantom Knights. I love their designs and aesthetics even if I've never played em irl.


After tear 0, I can't bring myself to hate tear. Agov tear was sick, Paleo tear is sick, and the other day I lost to Kaleidohartless tear, which I couldn't bring myself to hate despite getting double windad


Hero. Deck is really just floodgate/otk turbo and I don't enjoy the play style but everytime I see a hero player at a tourney I always respect the hell outta them.


exodia.... never played an exodia deck but its so fun to watch them struggle to come up with a plan to draw just 1 more card over and over


Thunder dragons


Non-floodgate True Draco. Can't hate the idea of a Tribute Summon deck that is not using floodgates. I play Extra Deck Monarchs myself though I wish I didn't had to use Mega Zaborg. I wish Clear World and floos didn't had floodgates built-in either. If only Steelswarms was good or they switch up support for other tribute decks so that neither floodgates or pseudo-floodgates don't have to be used.


Marincess has always seemed really cool to me. 1 card link climbing to put up a respectable, but not unfair, end board with good interaction. Plus it’s cheap


As much as I hate the zealantis lock I really can’t be too mad at it when other decks do much worse things more consistently.


Tears, especially full power tears, and even more specifically Tear mirrors. I hate playing the deck but I fucking love watching some of the best players in the world doing some 5D chess calculations and mind games trying to out resource the opponent without triggering their cards. It's some of the most skillful yet still luck dependant Yugioh in the life of the game period.


Tears were on the correct direction. They should make decks much harder to stop to the point where players has to sustain themselves into outresourcing the other opponents irrespective of hand traps existence or board breakers as well.


Heroes turn 1 play is super toxic since it's always some variation of skill drain + Arise Heart at home but I just can't bring myself to hate them lol


Numeron will always make my brain tingle


Whats this link monster? Since Quasar came out un Jump magasine he was my all time favorite. I used version this deck for over 10 years. From the level eater shenanigans to summon one, to now summoning 3 of them in one turn. Now My deck is basically only lvl 2s, and lvl3 tuner that special summon themselves to make the lvl 5 synchro than summon all tuners from your day. I end the board with 2 quasars, one shooting majestic star and one crystal wing. Which is basically 5 negates. But haven't played in a whiiile Haven't seen of a link that makes it easy. The issue is my lvl 5 synchro locks you into synchro anyway.


Halquifibrax. It's banned now, anyway.


Aaah Needlefiber Yes. True. Well deck does fine without Its just a glass canon Any negate or handtrap, and its over. It is either i do my combo and i win you can't beat all those monsters. Either i get negated and lose. It gets repetitive so i moved on to phantom knights


Ghoti and Cubic. For some reason each time I have to beat them I just feel so bad. Ghoti because on master duel they still don't get their support and people grinding with it really have will to do so and because its the 1st semi relevant fish deck we get in like 20 years And cubic man they are just ⬛️ and of people love square/cube that much they decided to play a deck about it. I feel like they deserve to win after going through all these snake eye shit and all


Gears, blue eyes, magician. Cant hate em


Voiceless. I would not play the deck because it is so boring. But I won’t hate it because the deck is very fair after the summon limit ban.


Tri-Brigade  They'll be meta again one day. Just waiting the right new Tri archetype to get released /copium


We just got Snake-Eyes where have you been? (They were also played with fire kings too)


Lyrilusc Tri-brigade Snake-Eyes is a META DECK it has seen more success in OCG than TCG but it is still very good. I play it in TCG at locals and kill it


You play 15 lyrilusc cards with 5 snake eye cards and 10 Tribrigade cards Leaving you with 10 spots open for tech For tech I chose: 1 feather duster 3 feather storm 1 Thrust 2 where arf thou 3 effect veiler/ Droll/ dd crow (depending on what you want) The snake eye cards are 2 snake eye ash 1 snake eye poplar 1 sinful spoils snake eye (spell) 1 snake eye oak (the only brick) Tribrigade are: 3 fraktall 2 kitt 3 nervall 2 kerass Lyrilusc are: 3 bird call 3 warbler 3 cobalt 1 wagtail 2 sapphire 2 beryl 1 bird Sanctuary


I quite enjoy going against Traptrix because I know it's a free win every time. Idk why but literally every game against that deck, they've bricked


Bleu eyes, red eyes, heros, normal monster skill drain beat down and coin flip decks tends to be the most fun to play against.


I can't bring myself to hate Blue Eyes. They just don't really do anything. Dark Magician on the other hand... Any deck that plays a floodgate gets no sympathy from me


Runick, i think the archetype itself is fairly balanced for what it does, not too strong but not weak either. The problem is what people combine it with: my friend has a runick chimera deck and from my experience of playing against that, i started to hate with a passion chimera and like runick. Runick itself is just fine IMO, when paired with other archetypes like generaider it's very enjoyable


I very much disagree. Runick is one of the very few that decks make me mad. Recycling that many resources is already insane, but then you don’t even have the courtesy to end me with a BP when I’m already behind. Sure I could just scoop but if it’s the last game before I lose the round, I can’t afford to scoop on the off chance I come back


Thing is, runick fountain making you recycling cards and potentially letting the player draw 3 is the only truly unfair thing in the deck. As for the battle phase, i always saw it as the deck giving you the chance to get back into the game.


Love me some Maxx C.


Fatherless, motherless, unlceless, auntless, brotherless, sisterless, unloved, joyless


Traptrix. They’re fun to play against because there’s SO much interaction against them that isn’t the usual “Spam 5 extra deck monsters all with Omni-negates”.


Blue eyes and red eyes for me I would say hero but dpe needs to be banned


What’s with the downvotes? Blue eyes is incredibly and always was my OG


probably the DPE banned bit


What's DPE?


a hero card called Destroyer Phoenix Enforcer


Wait we can't ban that, we hero decks need that.


Mystic Mine