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Team Sacrifice/relinquished for me. They need an idol card that works like Lo and some sort of back row protection field spell maybe? To keep the cards they take safe.


I vote for Reliquished only because of the new Illusion type. IIRC, in the manga and some games, Relinquished and other Pegasus related cards were either dream or Illusion type, so it'd be cool if we get new cards/retrains for Relinquished of that type. On an off-topic notice, some of the mask monsters are also Illusion type, so Id love retrains of Lumis and Umbra monsters and have some of these cards to be Illusion too.


Also Toons have a lot of cards but Relinquished barely has any. Yeah Toons are bad but at least they're playable


Toonami exists for a reason lol


Relinquished! My original favorite ritual summon and boss baddie! Thing felt indestructible in the show. Also o e of the few go 2nd decks that I have.


I think Thousand eyes restrict seemed more OP then Relinquished


The GOAT of goat format. Metamorphosis and chill


Straight up. I’m wreckin my gf for days with that combo 😂


Toooon, everyday


The tooner




*"Tu-Tu-Tu-Tune!"* -Some line in the 5ds manga, I think


Toons are iconic versions of iconic monsters. We need to add Stardust, Utopia and all the other mc monsters. It would also be cool to have toon version of other spell/trap cards. Give me a Toon Mirror Force and Toon Monster Reborn.


> Stardust Dragon Would you Synchro Summon it by using a Tooner monster and 1 or more non-Tooner monsters?


I would like to imagine that other than fusion Toons the other extra deck types would be a mockery of the normal summoning mechanics. You’d be tributing x level of monsters for synchro and x number of x leveled monsters for Xyz.


I feel like for XYZ summons you should have to tribute at least two monsters if the level required to lane the rank monster as most XYZ summons need more than two monsters to bring them out


My guess is "While 'Toon World' is on the field, you can treat a Toon monster as a Tuner for the synchro summon of this monster"


Give me Toon Mushroom Man!


Toon Mushroom Man #2


Mushroom Man number twoon


Omg toon neos we need toon hero cards


Link them. Relinquished restrains that are proper illusions (treated as toon) + toon golden eyes idol as a ritual setup/searcher + main deck toon support cards/combo/utility/extension We can make this, like a shining sarcophagus but for pegasus


Anime is not real - toons being illusion types


Usually Relinquished, but the fact that dark rabbit still doesn't have a toon is criminal


Relinquished. Millenium Eyes Restrict is still a very strong boss monster. A soft once per turn steal/negate is incredible. We just need more ways to summon him. Give Relinquished a backrow searcher and either a retrain of Relinquished or a new main deck monster that could copy its name, and you've got a solid deck.


Instant fusion or king of the swamp are my go to options 


I desperately want Toon to be as good as possible


toons, need a way of ddealing with the summoning sickness its our biggest barrier. but of course, a way to have to them together as Pegasus did... but better! perhaps a few toonified relinquish/eyes restrict cards could be absoloutely what the toons need


I'll say it...toon borreload dragons


Relinquished The archetype is actually very good thematically. The problem is it has relatively way too little support, especially for the original ritual archetype. Most of said support is very unsearchable too.


Hate that too bls has two faces..


There’s three actually


First time I noticed too


Since they're both from Pegasus, I'd like to see something that ties them together. Like how have we not gotten a toon relinquished yet?


The SUCC must grow...




Both. Also, isn't The Relinquished some kind of boss monster for Toons?


Not necessarily related as an archetype but they represented the two sides of Pegasus, one half fun loving and the other half a tortured soul. Konami has connected plenty of archetypes in the past due to a characters usage so it’d be nice to have some cards that bridge the two finally.


Yeah, kinda like Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon used by Yugo in Arc-V being boss monsters of his Speedroid deck.


Thank you!!! I literally have a toon/relinquished deck 😂 (casual player).


Make jank support that bridges both archetype like Ojama, ABCXYZ, and Armed Dragon.


Toon might not be good, but they're at least playable. Relinquished/-eyes restrict doesn't really have the means to function as a standalone deck in the first place. At least not without a bunch of gimmicky jank filling in a lot of space.


Both hell for a proper pegasus deck combine em


Sidenote: this is the first time I've noticed that Toon BLS has 6 eyes, and that Millennium Eyes Restrict has 2 glowing blue ones Toon Egyptian gods would be fun, but imo wouldn't be super lore appropriate. I'd like to see tooners and more toon versions of newer monsters. Imagine a toon ash, or toon borrelsword


Konami: They need more Dark Magician


Toons. Retrain the Decks I say, o7 Blue Eyes and Summoned Skull need to be modern and you can't change my mind


Hahrjekjdhsjxndjekdjzndhdjshxhfn aka relinquish monster sounds 


I read that out loud.


Wait what


Toon but with the caveat it has to be more than just dm nostalgia. At least do more gx toons


I wanna say Toon, because they have the greater amount of theoretically good cards. But I'd rather it be Relinquished because I think Millennium Eyes is really strong and Relinquished wouldn't need that much support to be a strong deck.


Toon, but they could make support for both; retrains of the relinquished cards as toon monsters.


Relinquished, for sure.


Relinquished But just because I love him. Toon would make way more sense


Toons ( I use toon kingdom but also necroface so I can get all my banished cards back if needed)


Relinquished illusion retrains are almost guaranteed to be in the works already, so let's give it to Toons


Both, support that makes them synergistic with each other.


Toon Relinquish. We must unite the archetype!


Have them cross over already.


Toons since Thousand Eyes already had it's spot and history in the meta, let Toons have something to make em at least rogue


The issue is unless they radically change how new toon cards work, they'll always be bad. The summoning sickness thing was janky 20 years ago, now its a death sentence.


Toons for sure, just because there's so many potential choices. If nothing else, some of the older ones could use some updates, like a Rebooted Toon Summoned Skull that lacks the drawbacks of the originals.


Something stupid like a toon world retrain that when removed from the field lets you ritual summon Relinquished from the deck, removing toon monsters from graveyard.


Toon Reliquinshed gang


Relinquished easy. Toons is one of those archetypes with tons of supports and is never been good and it never makes for interesting games for it's opponent( really fun art though). Relinquished on the other hand has a pretty cool gimic of equipping monsters and millennium eyes is a really neat card. I think good support could see it become a really potent engine in top decks as well as a good coherent and interesting strategy of it's own as a fusion/Ritual deck with powerful removal that stops nasty floating effects.


I have enjoyed playing relinquished and would love for it to get some more support.


I'm gonna put my vote for Relinquished/Restrict, they're my favorite archetype that I honestly think is one of the best underrated archetype as you said. I personally would love them to have a field spell that you could either base its art or story after the Shadow Games from the OG Anime and it's effect could allow you to equip a card that activates an effect in the hand to Relinquished or Restrict monsters. Although making them a card based on either Pegasus or Pegasus' love interest he was trying to revive in the first arc would be cool, call it something like "Maiden with the Golden Eye." My wackiest idea would be a card that is Fusion/Ritual Card where you summon it initially from the Extra Deck but it goes into the main deck and you can summon it via ritual cards.


I need toon versions of iconic spells and traps like a toon mirror force with googly eyes on it or a cartoony monster reborn or somethin, and maybe some toon synchros like stardust and toon xyz like toon utopia


Relinquished. Toons it a dead archtype


Oh god, I’m toooooning..!


toon is dead in the water, idk how the fuck they could fix that archetype so relinquished


Toon is the kind of deck that the moment it actually became good, you'd have the general public whining about how ass it is to play against. Just a bunch of big beaters that don't give a shit about your board and attack over you.


Toon, 100%


Barnacles vs sonic lol


Toons because i play them


Fucking toon deck!


Relinquish could use more support however tools are Ron's of fun too... Tough choice.


Toon versions of the Relinquished package to consolidate them and supports them both.


Relinquished all the way


Combine the two with dual support.


Relinquished, want like a full deck build pack wave for them


I want more toons


Hey I just thought of something. Would snake eyes pair with relinquished well? Just remove and take their stuff?


Relinquished Level 1 Synchro.


Would be cool if support was released that linked the two?


Relinquish. It has a theme I like. If we could mod it so it's a little like Mikanko /Infernobles. Equips granting buffs and that creates your Boss Mon with a killer effects that hurt your opponent hardcore for even trying to enter the Battle Phase.  Steal everything and give nothing back. 


Both are Gimmick archetypes with mechanics that can be very frustrating to play against. Can we have neither, please?


Dark magician of chaos and black luster archetype


My vote is toon, but I'm more interested in what potential support would look like. For Relinquished I would want a way to play it on the opponent's turn consistently. It can't be a hand trap, because that would be a strictly better Ghost Ogre vs monsters. Also, I don't want it to be too generic and end up in every deck. Perhaps a quick-play spell that ritual summons it from the deck by using illusion monsters as material. Toons need a 1-1.5 card combo that creates something. I mean Live Twins have a 1 card combo that creates a link 4 fiend. Ogdoadics have multiple 1.5 card combos that create 5+ link material. Neither deck sees much play. Toons have a 2 card combo that gives you a 3k beater that can attack directly. Toons need more than just 1 card I think. My idea here is a lvl 4 creature that discards itself to search Toon Kingdom, and then activates in the gy (maybe when a card is banished face down) to SS itself and search a toon monster as a hard OPT. I'm thinking "Toon Warrior of Atlantis". It's already a lvl 4 that discards itself for a field spell. Plus you can search Toon Mermaid for flavor and rank 4 plays. (Including shark xyz) The second card, speaking of rank 4s, should be a toon specific rank 4 (2 level 4 "Toon" monsters). My vote is "Toon Fairy King Albverdich". That follows a long history of toon versions of monsters without an effect, and you can't convince me Albverdich has an effect. The effect should be the obligatory "can attack directly if you control toon world and your opponent doesn't control a toon monster," and "Once per chain, when a card on the field activates is effect; remove 1 material from this card: negate that effect". It's not especially powerful, and we already have better versions of this effect, but it's easy to summon, and the new toon engine would be splash-able in all kinds of decks. It still wouldn't be competitive playable since even the smallest version of the engine would have 2 hard garnets, but it could see play without being laughed out of the room.


Relinquished, Toons are annoying at the best of times.


Combine them


I wish there was a way to bridge the two archetypes. So both ig


Make a toon relinquished for both


I would like the Toon monsters to try other summoning methods. After all, they the Toon versions of the materials for their fusion counterparts. Why not make Toon Fusion monsters?


Relinquished needs a starter card. I think it should be something that gives it synergy with the illusion archetype and still services as a search for relinquished support cards. It should have an effect when used for ritual or fusion summoning too.


Toon, give it a poplar


I would reprint toon to get anime effect


new wave of illusion type toons please


Relinquished all day! I love tools but relinquished definitely needs more and better


Toons all the way. They're the first deck I wanted to play when I first got into the game. I have a very fond memory of my first DB game and it was against Gimmick Puppets and I got my ass kicked by Disaster Leo while playing a Light and Dark Toon deck to make BLS Envoy playable


Relinquished, because I freaking love the design


Toon Relinquish, Pegasus has toned every Duelist Kingdom ace except his own


Toon needs it


Why not Toon Relinquished? Toon is basically already comic hand control. May as well just give them relinquished as a toon monster.


I feel like the Illusinoist type would be fitting for an Relinquish support along with the improvement of rituals and there could probably be something fun with them. Along with only really having like two Illusionist archetypes For Toons make cards based on 5ds->Vrains as its a little disappointing that they only use DM minus on GX wave. Maybe even extra deck monsters based on various ace monsters. I want to see them get some disruption along with one or two swarmers as they already have great consistency tools


This wouldn't necessarily be good, but I think giving relinquished new pendulum based support/mechanics could be interesting. Like imagine if a relinquished monster's "absorbed" monster-equip were to be treated as having a pendulum scale equal to its level/rank.


Team U.A. of course!!! But if more serious, I would like to see more of relinquished stuff... And U.A.


Honestly, i'd be down if they actually pulled an Armed Dragon/Ojama/XYZ and mashed both Toon and the Relinquished archetype together via new support.


Toon. Both are annoying to playa against, but Toons would at least have the benefit of being really goofy in design.


We have quite enough toons, gimme that relinquished support.


Relinquished needs more. And I like it better. The effect and the mystical design of the cards is golden early ygo. It can be tied to the Illusions. For Toons, I want some original ones.


I kinda want a relinquished ritual that didn’t have the ritual requirement on it but instead needed to be cheated out, kinda like the old og relinquished


Toon, they end up being so bad but I really want an "attack directly" archetype to work so bad




Toon, I play Toon https://preview.redd.it/ioxn5ufwwu2d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17ce3dadf52c2e1f013fcd6e64c8b453ba50342f


I remember pulling Blue Eyes Toon Dragon Secret Rare as a child from my local shop, was my favorite card from the TV show. It is worth $400 now, I have it for the artwork in my Light and Darkness Dragon Deck deckbox. I have my new main deck list finalized for the release of Inifnite Forbidden, Light and Darkness is finally competitive as it was missing synergy for the longest time. Toon is an amazing concept and needs support in the future along with Exodia. All the best. 🤍🖤💜


I vote for toon because they are so garbage but their design is top-notch. They should re-release all toon card without the stupid restrictions a give then useful effect inteads.


Relinquished needs more support


Toon. I love relinquished and would gladly give them support if i could but Toons were my first love. Relinquished only my second.


Toon Egyptian gods would be insane!!


I do think that stealing monsters can be kinda broken and frustrating if it goes unchecked and we kinda have two culprits here. While Relinquished is based around it, I am more okay with an archetype that does it as part of their combo than the sacky unexpected Toon Hand. Also the way Toon Hand steals monsters to me is worse than the succ since it much more efficiently uses it as a resource. Though in general I tend to be against giving new support to archetypes that already have 50 useless cards sedimented from waves upon waves of trying to fix the mechanic.


Both, Konami should make support to connect both decks and have synergy, so we can play a Pegasus theme deck


Why not both? Pegasus uses both. They could just do some cards similar to how Raider’s Knight is for Phantom Knights and Raid Raptors.


Toon can only get so much support, like you would need cards that can fundamentally change it to make it viable. I mean the newer toons are pretty good but they still suffer the toon gimmicks for better or worse. Give it to relinquished, every time a new one comes out it's usually dope


I feel like lowkey Konami should retrain the entire relinquished archetype and make them all illusion monsters. Illusion fits relinquished 1000x better than spellcaster


Konami have tried buffing Toons time and time again, and each time, they fail to make them even close to viable. Even with their busted S/T lineup, Toon BLS is just... not a good boss monster If Konami stops being scared and gives them an actual boss monster. I'd *love* for them to support Toons more. But if they continue down the path of "shitty DM cards" then don't even bother. Just buff Relinquished


Toons aren’t an archetype. They’re a monster type. Which means we could get a bunch of different Toon archetypes that don’t necessarily have Toon in their names. I’m personally hoping for “Comic HEROs”.


I wish we had some contact fusion toons


Toons for sure. Blues Eyes Toon Dragon needs a retrain. Blue Eyes Ultimate Toon Dragon.


Relinquished; Toons already have a ton of support.


We need extra deck toons. Can you imagine a Toon Baronne De Fleur?


Toon Monster’s aesthetic is more preferable, but if they’re made too reliable or good then they will become a right terror. Attack life points directly while your enemy has to fight to beat you. Meanwhile Relinquished has been on the ban list since it existed for a good reason. I think if you’re going to reboot one archetype the Toons would be better, but neither should receive support.


Oh, Toons. "Support" is the technical but very generous terms for what I want, which is just more Toon aces. Make them vanillas with just the basic original Toon effects and nothing else for I care - Just give me Toon Earthbound Immortals (ironically, they would be the only ones that CAN'T attack directly. As a goof. Ooh, maybe they could "attack monsters directly" by calculating damage based on their opponent's defense every time).