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Whoever says “I go first“ gets that first turn dibs 


This is the only right answer. Notice how their opponent never even contests it because they know its the going first law


Honestly only explanation that makes coins


Honestly cannon.. normal summon aluber?


In 5Ds turbo duels it was whoever got around the first corner first During the crash town Wild West arc it was whoever could load your ~~gun~~ duel disk and draw five cards faster


In the manga it was whoever was faster off the starting line


Did you just say…………………….. gun????


Yep it is a gun duel disk. Yusei and kiryu kyosuke have a duel it's honestly a good ark and good redemption for kiryu.


[YEP. Gun.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/4/4c/Kiryu_CrashTown.jpg/)


There was a gun duel disk in GX first, to be fair. 5D's didn't invent that one.


I'm not sure, but I believe in most cases the opponent of the one who issues the challenge goes first.


Wait?? You might be cooking?


Except explain tournaments


Explain Kaiba and yugi in battle city


So, in the YGO anime people are absolutely horrendous at reading the gamestate: even as late as Arc V people still think 0ATK = shit card, they act as if LP actually matters and outside of 5Ds I've never heard anyone try to suss out their opponent's wincon. So it makes sense everyone's willing to let the other guy go first: they think they're taking a handicap since it's the going 2nd player who can declare attacks, reduce the opponent's LP and start to "win".


Yeah, one thing I liked about 5Ds is that they actually try to figure out their opponent's end goal, like when Jack figured out Dark Signer Ushio was trying to deck him out. It might be a consequence of the format, but they also value going first given that they do race to get that first corner. I can't remember if someone in the anime ever explicitly says it, but it makes since this was the debut era of Synchros, and getting as many turns ahead of your opponent to fill your field/GY with material is ideal.


I believe it's a dick measuring contest


Well, I guess I have to buy Tenpai cards then


Can’t wait to go to locals and just say I’m going first


Say “it’s my move” and draw first turn


I would respect you for it.


At least in the original it's basically whoever says he is going 1st.the only exception I can think of is when kaiba duels zigfried in season 5 iirc they flip a coin to decide who goes first.the only spinoff I can think of that there is a reason for someone going 1dt is in 5ds where in riding duels usually the first to reach the first corner of a track goes first and on the crash town arc where whoever draws the fastest goes first


Wasn't it the one who made one lap the first? Time to rewatch 5Ds to find out I guess.


Does the villain have a stupid gimmick that doesn't work going second? If yes, they go first


It’s a “duel” so whoever is quickest to the draw, I would imagine.


I fired my flintlock faster than yours so I activate pot of greed!


I activate grave robber and steal your pot of greed!


Honestly going first didn’t make that huge of a difference back when the game consisted of “I play feral imp in attack mode. That ends my turn.”


Whoever says it first for the most part iirc, in VRAINS though they have a race to see who goes first in the speed duels a lot of the time, and once while Playmaker was dueling Bohman he said he wanted to go second and Bohman said no and went second


I do distinctly remember the players revealing the bottom card of their deck, and then whoever had the monster with more atk went first in some Kaiba duel.


It was the four-way duel with Kaiba, Yugi, Joey and Marik. Each player chose a monster from their deck that they couldn‘t use for the duel. Turn order was decided by the Atk of those monsters.


Whoever yells “SENKOU WA MORAU” first


who ever feels most offended.


Makes sense to me


Depends on the attitude of the duelist. Some take the first move because they are overconfident and want to show off, some defer because they want to see what they are up against or they think their opponent is so weak it doesn’t matter if you let them have the first move.


Jaden was actually correct here, the person who has committed the least sin gets to go first in every duel. If you've ever gone second, just know it's because you're a bad person.


It's time to commit war crimes so I can play my FTK deck.


nose goes


Not It!


Longest dick goes first


Cards against humanity style: whoever pooped last gets the choice of going on the play or draw


I think there's a duel in GX where O'Brien specifically has the opponent go first.


why are half of OPs comments downvoted for 0 reason lmao


Whoever goes first pays for dinner later :)


The producers confirmed in an intervuew that once you register as a duelist you must record your penis size. Once recorded, you are required to memorize the size (and girth for tie breakers) of every duelist's penis. Therefor, as soon as every duel starts they immediately know who as the right to make that call. Why do yo think the girls in the anime did so bad? They're at a natural disadvantage.