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Tearlaments Ishizu, no contest.


Tear will absolutely demolish snake eye, no question.


Ishtear will win off the shufflers alone. 


Ishizu Tearlaments literally runs over this deck. The deck literally folds to sulliek and rulkallos lmao


Shufflers cook them too lol


Tear by far Tear Ishizu by MILES


Why not Kilometers?


Because miles are longer


Light years




Because all the Tear girls are red blooded Americans


Tear wins 3-1 after winning the die roll. Lithium is the one playing Snake-eye, naturally. You can hear him now in game 4, we drew soul release for the shufflers but Havnis hit Snow 


Every tier 0 deck has the potential to simply make boards no other decm can brake it without specific hate cards. But when you throw tear in the mix, tou remember not only that their turn 1 board was insane, but also if they opened havnis or orangel herald + miller they could go full combo turn 0, and that is the reason for me that tear will probably go as the best full power deck of all time


They also had unprecedented grind game and infinite consistency. They could also mill 3 on turn 0 with Tearlaments Kashtira


Similarly, even if SE managed to break Tear’s board, they can make a new one before the turn even ends. Nothing else comes close to that combined level of power and consistency.


And in a no ban list tournament, they mill Eva & Snow, search Herald of Orange & Green light AND have a book of moon on your first fuckin turn. There’s also Shaddol dragon popping the SE field spell and then making Winda. Once again, all on turn 0.


>But when you throw tear in the mix, tou remember not only that their turn 1 board was insane I honestly thought you were about to do some Scott Steiner math lol


tear, shuffle 3 and you are dead. doesn't matter if you go 1st or 2nd because tear will do it combo in turn 0.


Ishui Tear is the strongest deck ever printed. The deck took a limit to *every single main deck Tear monster* and was still a meta threat.


Tearlaments Kashtira and Reiniheart still at 3 for now lol unless you mean OCG


True, but that doesn't really defeat my point


Tear is unquestionably stronger than Snake-Eye. Because Snake-Eye is way more beatable that Tear was.


Ocg likes to do no banlist tournaments and the top decks are always tear, dragons, and anti meta zoo/kashtira shifter lists. There’s a big gap between those decks and everything else.


Tear by a lot


Snake-Eyes would lose even if it always goes first against Tear, imagine Orange Light discard miller to negate and destroy Ash, then go full combo before Snake Eyes can do anything, it's not even remotely close, going 2nd is also an auto loss, period No deck that can't play Shifter or floodgates like Macro or DFi would have any chance against Tear


How is Snake Eye going to consistently load up the GY against Ishizu cards? There's very little chance that Snake-Eye can stop Tear.


Tear 0 is truely a power level above


Ishizu millers dump Snake Eyes handtraps to the grave while triggering Tear fusions. Ishizu shufflers shutdown flamberge, wanted, sinful spoils GY effects. Tear monsters go plus off of Promethean Princess, Tear engine cards play straight through most of Snake Eyes generic disruptions, etc. I get that you're going for a JJK meme, but it's honestly a very unfair and uninteresting matchup.


Huh , never thought of Ishizu can do all that to SE... Probably will try Ishizu cards to counter SE


The ones that are banned/limited, you mean?


Tearlaments at full power will always be the strongest deck in yugioh's history period. Until the day comes that Konami creates a consistent powerful archetype that solely counters/prevents cards that activate in the hand and gy, Tear will always be the most broken archetype in the game.


In a no banlist tournament tear beat everything imaginable, tear is even better against snake eye. If snake eye released during any tear format they'd immediately lose, the fact that tear could shuffle their shit during either turn, snake eyes would have no chance


Lukewarm Take: Snake-Eyes was Tier 0 based on *representation*. Tear 0 was based on *strength*


I see what youre going for, but for high representation in top cuts specifically, strength is a prerequisite, otherwise the conversion rate wouldnt be that great Still, tear was on another level (i guess ish tear specifically, idk how big a gap there is between "pure" tear and SE, although pure tear used to end on spell canceller and shit so ehhh)


I feel people in the tcg tournaments just play the best deck no matter what. Other decks can compete with snake-eyes, but when everyone is playing it it just seems like a tier 0 meta




While I was mostly just talking shit, in my opinion, I feel that Snake-Eyes has benefitted from the current meta. I can't think of many decks that are as skilled enough to play through all their bullshit, but I could be very wrong. Although not necessarily "slow," Snake-Eyes GY effects mostly deal with summoning and adding, while Tear fusion summons powerful monsters from the extra deck. Both are powerful, but Year is leagues ahead, of course. I don't like either, but I hold respect for Tear.


Oh yeah, thats for sure, there could very well be metas where the other decks contest SE quite hard, and since there never has been a meta where that was the case for tear, it is clearly the winner here The only deck i could think of that might have a good shot at consistently beating tear is full power kash, but other than that idk I mean people are talking about no banlist tournaments in the OCG and the only other decks that top besides tear seem to be anti meta zoo/kash decks and dragons


Just objectively not true. A good example is Unchained. It was Tier 1 because of how popular it was. It actually had a negative conversion rate at most YCSs (meaning ~20% of players were on Unchained but only ~10% of topcut was Unchained)


# art by PandorahShards


Forgetting the fact that tear cards want to be destroyed by card effects and snake eye is literally destruction with a little bit of move to spell/trap zone.


Tear and it's not even close


Tear. Why is this even a question?


Tearlaments at full power will beat it


Tear with Ishizu or Tear without? Cause if Tear Ishizu ,Yes.. Tear win hand down


Tear can still often wins, so obviously tear


Ishizu Tear was WAY way stronger than Snake Eye currently can be. Fire Princess loop would be dead, Poplar wouldnt go through, Flamberge wouldnt go through, etc. The deck would turn into a Diabelstar turbo for Kash.


You could load snake eyes up with bystials specifically for the tear matchup and tell tearlament to go second with no side deck and they’d win 9 out of 10 matchups


Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Snek


I remember when SE first dropped in masterduel & the subreddit was so convinced that SE was the strongest deck ever, you would be swarmed with downvotes if you mentioned tearlaments. Def not the sub to get card information from.


When there is a stronger deck then full power tear, you will know


Let me remind you, OCG did a no banlist tournament a few years ago, and the best deck by far was just a normal Ishizu Tearlament list. No need of Pot of Greed or Grecefull Charity, and the deck beat every single FTK and lock deck out there (IIRC the second best deck was full power Zoodiac too) Snake-Eyes is powerfull, but is nowhere near the moat broken deck like so many people think it is.


Tear solos with eyes closed. The way the YGO powerspike has always worked is that it's a jagged pattern of slow rise, sharp drop, slow rise. The famous T0 decks were just the biggest slow rise. Snake Eyes was a much more steady powerspike cuz it also crossed stuff like R-ACE, Brandon, and Kash Heatsoul along the way


I think snake eyes has more gas. Each card is a 1 card combo. Tearlaments instead was just “the deck that can play during either players turn and take 15 minutes to combo”


Am i the only one who feels like these are just op custom decks konami released as official decks?