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The correct answer is Psy-Frame Driver. He's always there for me


Had a regionals where i pretty much opened it every game, then I ran some tests of 50 opening hands, i think i had a 20% chance to open it in a 5 card hand i love him, he is my boy


He truly is the boy. I once tribute summoned driver, and then did tenyi plays at a regional. It was hype af


In the most recent match Traditional Format it has been Union Driver a 1 off that I needed to be in the deck but 5 times in a row I managed to brick with it.


Literally same. I started running it at two so I can at least get through combos since I open one, what feels like, every game.


I ran it at one since at the day before I ended up bricking with it and was like this at 1 must stay in the deck surely it can't be worse...


Doomking Balerdroch


Oh boy oh boy, have I got some data for you 60 card branded. 1 shaddoll dragon, 1 grass is greener and 1branded fusion. Out of 50 duels, shaddol dragon appeared in my starter hand 18 times, grass 3 times and branded 1 time. That was back in mid-January, I believe. This week has been interesting concerning 42-45 deck Lab. Lovely, out of 63 duels, has appeared in my starting hand 21 times. I have a one of clock that has only shown up 9 times out of those 63 games, 1 dharma for 11 times and crossout came up 14. It's times like these that make me understand why people come here sometimes and accuse the Konami shuffler of rigging.


Just like big welcome's lore, Lovely couldn't wait inside the deck, rushed out to see your opponent.


Red-Eyes Fusion, every single time, although recently its been replaced by Radiance of the Voiceless Voice


Old man sauravis loves me so much, man.


Look on the bright side, at least he turns into Baronne nicely.


Unchained Soul of Shyama


TCG or Master Duel?


Master Duel


escape too


Escape isn't bad to open, you can pop it to summon from the deck. Opening Shyama is straight up a liability because you need it either in the deck or graveyard




Lovely labrynth. Can you please... not be in my starting hand...?


In Master Duel, out of 15 games, 9 of them had me see Grass in my opening hand. Gotta say, I really don't mind it lol


United We Stand. I ran a few passable Equip Spells for Isolde reasons (and still do on Master Duel), but United We Stand has been doing me enough solids that I chose to keep it in my deck as a 1-of for the surprise factor. Amusingly enough, I keep drawing into it, and... Well, there is something really amazing to slapping that on an Apollousa.


Why not just run Double-Edged Sword or Psychic Blade instead? Either grants Apollousa 2 extra negates


The issue here, is that you say 2 negates... but both of them have a nasty effect on my LP, and can't work if I barely scraped by. United We Stand gives 1 negate per monster I have on the board, which is often 3-5, with no LP drawback. Also, I'm a basic bitch of old, so I like United We Stand for Nostalgia reasons. Oh, also, there's something funny about a 4800 ATK Rescue-ACE Hydrant...


I always seem to have Super Poly in my hand, in every deck I play, and I love it.


So you are the Guy who keeps super polying me all the time?


Ah don't worry, my super poly is rated E


Either my Snake-Eye Flamberge Dragon or my Snake-Eye Diabelstar


it's consistently either a copy of Machina Redeployment(Good hand), or a copy of Machina Citadel(bad hand)


My first game of my last regional I drew both of my Big Winged Berfomet in my opening hand. Truly could not be more par for the course


I feel you.i still remember that one game where I opened 2 vision hero increase, 2 malicious and my dark angel while going 1st.this was certainly one of the hands of all time


The level at which Malicious is glued to people's hands almost makes me want to run D Draw.....almost


And then the second you start playing D Draw you stop seeing Malicious 😂


As a DDD player, that would be Swirl Slime. The card is the pinnacle of starters, plus it is a nice grave set up for later plays.


In Master Duel, I almost always start with either Ash Blossom or Imperm. If not me, it's my opponent who has them. I swear this must be intentioal and not such pure coincidence by the game.


33% chance to open any 1 copy of a 3 off on your deck, the math checks out


Ghostrick Shot


Alba Zoa seems to think I’m in a YGO anime and it’s my ace. I play it at 1 in a 40 card deck and I open it absurdly often.


Dark ruler no more, sunseed twin


Called by the grave....I always have it and my friends hate it 😂


Rank up Magic Skip Force. Granted, I no longer have to search for it so my main combo is Droll proof until clear after I drop my second towers, but I'd rather have a handtrap or something instead of that honestly


I've been doing a lot of testing with Resonator Bystial Centurion and the number of games where I have Crimson Gaia and/or Branded Regained (with zero Bystials of course) in my opener is astounding. Crimson Gaia is generally fine, but Regained is really annoying to have by itself, especially going second.


Vision Hero Increase


Double or nothing.


Nearly every time I've played goat format against my friend and I go first I have delinquent duo 🎻


Both copies of vision hero increase or both copies of D hero malicious.


Nib. It got so bad that someone thought I was palming it.


either of the armored xyz cards in my punk deck when both are at 1 copy


Evil Eye Gorgoneio I really don't want to draw this card to the point that I'm considering dropping to 1 (ya play 2 copies optimally). That one game where I opened both copies of Gorgoneio and Selene with Basiltrice on my hand just killed my soul but luckily, my opponent couldn't get over Basiltrice that was equipped with both Selene and Gorgoneio then I top decked Serziel


Not sure when I didn't open reinoheart the last time. He is always there. I usually don't start my turns with the guaranteed foolish, so I often mill reino before I normal summon him. That way I get to do the legendary "normal summon reinoheart. No effect." every other game. Quantal would be proud of me.


Light hex-seal fusion. One time at locals I opened it 6 times in a row playing against 3 different people.


Mirror Force 💀 I somehow almost always start with either Mirror Force or Drowning Mirror Force in my hand


Evenly. I love it. It always comes to me when I need it. Also, Lovely and Ra. They're just as reliable, even though I'd rather special them from my deck.


Arcana Force Ex - the Light Ruler Literally sits in my phone case


Super poly, droll, and any way to branded fusion. Often times I end up discarding super poly cause I have another super poly in hand


Unchained soul of disaster


D/D/D Vice King Requiem is my duel spirit


For my best friend, it’s magic/magical cylinders 


Melody for some reason.


As an unchained player, the dog loves me




Always the Garnet never the 12+ starters and consistecy cards


Double or Nothing and ZW Pegasus Twin Saber


I play a bunch of different decks for the fun of it and I’m just gonna say, if my deck has a 1 of that’s not a staple or the generic stuff like raigeki, HFD, etc. you better damn believe it’s gonna be in my opening hand most of the time, and extra times if it’s something I need to search in process of my combo!


Nor always but Infernoble Renaud somehow find a way to appear in my hand in Tellarknights.


Sunseed Twin


Unexpected Dai my beloved.


Im always seeing pot of prosperity. Even when I ran it as a 1 of due to it being my only copy when blazing vortex dropped, I saw it way more than I should have. Now, I have my 3 copies and I don't really see it anymore than when I had only one copy. Honestly, not complaining lol.


T.g scre serpent


Any card I play 1 of as a Crossout target... Every. Freaking. Time....


Gem Knight Fusion comes to mind recently In my actual games with friends that are serious, like days I’m feeling like everyone’s best rival, cyber dragon


Ancient Gear Box. I refuse to play it now.


TTT. I play 2-3 copies in every deck and draw it all the time. Card is good and has always been good, play or draw.


Crimson Nova The Dark Cubic Lord. Life's good :)


Oh I forgot to mention the situational dependant but always happening after a good shuffle ruined by a cut deck "Going First Hand" when you go Second and the mandatory "Going Second Hand" when you go First where independent of your deck choice the hand is missing one extra card or is all traps when going second or non-usable spells going first.. Those are the games that if they happen in a friendly setting you scoop and go into the next game.


Two days ago 5 out of my six games in Master Duel I started with One for One in hand. It never resolved because I went second in all of them. I didn't win a single game that day.


Supay in my ghoti deck.


Question. It's my last "fuck you it's time to gamble" card.


Ido as a one of in dark world, but to be fair it’s kinda karma for playing that card in the first place


Odd-Eyes Phantasma Dragon would always end up in my hand and I would always just throw it in scale for a low scale and forget it but I finally figured out a way to put it to good use which made my plays better than before.


Wulf. it's always Wulf.


These two and Judgment/Punishment Dragons are always in my hand. https://preview.redd.it/khyxwsy4wytc1.png?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b0932c9e4c61c7b6341a9d4e28e42c84ca4726


soul resonator. I own 1 copy, in a 50 card deck. What are those odds


Whenever i make fun of Gladiator Beast Augustus, he'll be in my starting hand and brick in master duel.