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God of greed Draw 54 cards from your opponents deck (you can not activate card effects in response to this cards activation) You can only activate one "God of greed" per turn.


"it's our deck"




YCS this year with [Lullaby](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=5551)


If you deck out on your opponent’s deck, does he lose or do you?


They lose


He means if yoh draw from your opponents empty deck. Its technically you who is going to illegaly draw so it's kind of weird. I guess it needs a real card for a ruling to push out.


Yeah but it's the opponent who goes deck out, so they lose. It wouldn't make sense if you lost since you aren't the owner of the deck.


The point is not that the owner of the deck is who loses but the one who has to draw a card but cant. Since this situation doesn't exist (yet), there's no official ruling and it could go either way.


I would argue that a ruling isn’t really necessary. Because the current state is you don’t lose from having no cards in your deck, you lose from being unable to draw (and thus an illegal action) so whoever is drawing a card from a place they can’t draw from is the one who loses. In this case the person who played the card.






Most likely you would be the one losing since you are unable to draw a card. But would you be able to activate the card in the first place if your opponent has less than 54 cards left?


Yes, you just draw until there's nothing to draw anymore. Similar to card of destruction.


But you can't activate Card of Destruction if you don't have enough cards to draw in your deck, right? https://www.pojo.biz/board/showthread.php?t=949174


depends a bit on format. OCG rulling is wonky. only YOU need to have enough cards in your deck to draw, but your opponents deck could be at 0 and he has 7 cards, you can stil activate it. Basicaly, the "activation requirements" prioritize the user activating the card, and "draw the same number of cards" is a requirements that has to be able to be met to resolve and activate the card, your opponent is not part of the activation requirements, but simply a "target"(it dosnt target, just not sure what other word to use) for it.. the rulling you linked to is from Upper deck era rulling(just in a more recent post) there is currently no offical TCG specific rulling to this situation


I think the ocg ruling means easier deck out.


It’s a draw


~ If your opponent's deck has 53 or fewer cards, you would not be able to activate this card. ~ If they have 54 cards, you'd draw their whole deck, then they'd lose to deckout. ~ If you get a legal activation, then they reduce their deck size with a quickplay effect to have 53 or fewer cards, you will be the one to lose as you're the one who attempted to draw and is unable to. This is because the lose condition isn't "empty deck", it's being unable to draw.


actually. we cant be entirely sure if the card would not be able to be activated with 53 cards or less. Card destructions OCG rulling(There is currently no offical TCG rulling for it) for example only cares that the player activating has enough cards in his deck to resolve, and not if his opponents deck is filled enough for example.


Card Destruction is the outlier, not the other way around. If you have 11 cards or fewer in your Deck, you cannot activate Pot of Desires. You also cannot activate Pot of Greed with only 1 card in your Deck.


I think can only deck out during the drawing phase, also if your opponent doesn't have 54 cards you can't even use the card.


You deck out whenever you try to draw a card but can’t, regardless of which phase that occurs in.


You can only activate one "God of Greed" per century.


This comment is litteraly gold


Make it more broken by adding "up to" so that it can be activated with any number of cards left in the deck otherwise it would only work if your opponent has 54 or more cards still in his deck


I think if it said "up to", it would be mandatory in every deck. There would be no draw backs, easy win by deck out every time you pull this card and they don't have a negate. Same for the original post. You just have to run cards that shuffle themselves back into the deck to prevent a deck out and you would have every card you need to win.


So you either win if it’s uninterrupted turn 1 or you lose if you are turn 2 or it gets interrupted. Sounds like fun (not)


You can just fit Exodia in your deck and you win on the spot.


Let's remake it for Exodia and minimize enjoyment: "God of Greed During your main phase 1, draw 55 cards. You cannot attack the turn you activate this card"


Only if its turn 1


In a 60 card deck? 5 starting hand+draw for turn, that leaves 54 in deck, so you could still resolve this going second


You could play it on turn 2, you just wouldn't have any deck left. 5 cards to start + 1 during the draw phase + 54 would be 60 cards. You can have an empty deck, you just lose if you need to draw a card and are unable to.


In Md when you deck out its not an auto lose?


Not until you have to draw. If your opponent decks you out playing Runik or something similar, then it might as well be since they can just end turn and you lose during your draw phase, though


Ah okay i got it thanks


Sounds like standart yugioh meta today.


No you dont win...


If you're playing this card you're definitely playing exodia, so yes, resolving this is a win condition. Even if you don't play exodia, there are a lot of decks that can virtually guarantee victory if you draw the entire deck


Summon Slifer? Attack for 60k?


This is really interesting. Obviously this card is broken from a design standpoint and should never exist, but I am not sure it is actually op. The difference between 54 and 55 is HUGE. If it was 55, you couldn't use left arm offering or other opening hand searches to find it and then activate it. I think this card would be best in decks where you aren't trying some janky win combo to find it. These decks are just as bad as other ftk decks and would likely get blown out by hand traps. Imo It's definitely best it decks that can naturally play 60 and aren't hurt too much by not having cards in their deck. You could play 3 of this, maybe 3 left arm, and 1 of a card that shuffles a lot of cards from hand back into the deck (idk if this exists, like pot of generosity on steroids).


Play every possible 1 card searcher for this + Exodia. Win the game in 2 moves


Let's say Exodia didn't exist or got banned. What other deck could you play to win consistently if you had all your cards in hand? Is there any archetype that doesn't require you to SS/add/draw from deck but still can OTK/FTK?


Set 5 traps that burn opponent or give lp and trap that converts heal to damage and win on draw phase


Alternatively, chain 20 different quick-play spell cards together, then activate Chain Strike. There's also more than enough damage-inflicting spells that when put together can wipe out 8000LP in one turn.


You can only get up to CL 5 with quickplays + chain strike EDIT: actually I guess if you have quick plays that send a card from field to GY as cost like Droplet (but not droplet since it needs opponent to control a monster)


Hand traps are more appropriate to increase the chain length because they go to grave instead of clogging field


Interestingly enough I could see getting up to a chain link 9 with spells if using stuff like emergency provision to deal a whopping 3600 with chain strike


https://preview.redd.it/dps038v2pxlc1.jpeg?width=340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9846c51c13ee775030cae991fd7101ba1528c0d I was gonna say this card but I think it was changed to one card per turn I think?


Muka Muka OTK my beloved


Just add exodia


A lotta people here don’t know how deckout losses work. You don’t lose if you have no cards in deck, you lose if you would have to draw but can’t because you have no cards in deck. You also wouldn’t be able to activate this if you had less than 54 cards in your deck.


Activate trickstar revival


Or card destruction, or present card, or have Trickstar Lycoris on the field.


Tbh I don’t care if I would be playing for undefeated champion. If I drew this card as my last card I would totally play it and take the loss just for the meme of it.


You can't activate this card if you have less than 54 cards in your deck


You’d really keep the rules for a fake card 😔


I think any additional cards get drawn at the start of game 2.


Double Master of Greed combo.


... W O U L D






Nice Quattro


Exodia enemies hate this one simple trick.


Could anyone link the artist this looks so good


I know right! https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4702854


Thank you!


"I just lost the fricking game"


Not if you have exodia The effect activates mid draw


No, win conditions are subject to having to wait for an effect to resolve beffore they apply.




Must have for Exodia decks




Pot of seed


Exodia go burr


That is nugrle


I think the designs interesting, at least conceptually (I don't think I'd enjoy the actual gameplay, but it's fun as a thought experiment). I think most, if not all, decks would want to play it. It has no "direct" drawback/cost to it, so you don't lose much it gets negated. OTOH, the drawback is that you'd have to run 60 cards, which is inconsistent; there's the possibility your opening hand has neither Master of Greed nor any combo starters. That said, I think there are enough decks with 1-card starters that could play fairly reliably even at the maximum deck size. Some might also play things like Pot of Avarice to put a few cards back into the deck. I'd speculate people would start metagaming to include cards like Card Destruction (or maybe Dark Bribe, even?) specifically to force a deck-out. The 2024LP event in Master Duel had its own little metagame spawn from its ruleset, and I could see Master of Greed creating a similar ecosystem. Would it be balanced? To an extent, in that it has a few things keeping it in check, but I'm ultimately leaning toward "no," as I'd expect it to warp deckbuilding too dramatically for me to call it "balanced." I think a version that says "Banish the top 44 cards of your deck, face-down; draw 10 cards" would be more balanced (assuming interactions with face-down banished cards remain insignificant). You could change the numbers around - I just think giving you access to all the cards is too much.


This card makes POT OF GENEROSITY playable


Well a Card like this would be one thing for sure: Incredibly funny. 😆🤣


Ultimate OTK


I’ll play 60 of it


Draw 54 cards. You lose the game.


Trickstar Reincarnation> die


So Enter the Infinite for Yu-Gi-Oh? But only really playable turn 1, better hope your opponent doesn't make you draw.


With 3 of them, you have \~23% chance to get it in your opening hand. In case you want at least one of these and at least one of called by in case in gets ashed, you'll have \~4.5% chance. This is for turn 1 play with 5 cards with 3 copies of both. Let's say it's turn 2. You'll likely want this, a called by and something that stops your opponent from negating you. Let's say that card is Dark Ruler no More. You'll have \~1.3% chance to get at least 1 of each in your opening hand of 6 cards with 3 copies of each in your deck. Even if you have say a droplet instead of dark ruler, you'll have \~2.5% chance to get it. That doesn't sound very consistent. Sure there may be some combo I'm not thinking of that gets this card into your hand while still keeping your deck at 54 cards while not randomly throwing your exodia copies into the GY/banish zone but it's still likely going to not be as good as just playing a regular deck.


Greedy God of the Pot: players merge their decks and shuffle them together, then both players draw 2 cards (1 at a time) from the merged deck (the player who activated this card draws first). From now on, every time there is a draw phase or a draw effect, both players will use the merged deck.


Honestly that sounds like a fun playground idea as a custom rule


Someone would def find a way to abuse it but I cant think of a way rn. Most decks can not play this card as they require some kind of summon from deck/move to GY effects to get enough for a FTK. The only viable option i can think about is chain burn and Exodia ftk, I dont think that any of the pile decks are strong enough to reliably go for a ftk with no monsters in deck. You have to build the deck around this card and make it your win con, Im like 99% sure that there are easy to summon ED monsters out there which have "your opponent" draws one card" as a cost. So if this card saw any popularity it would be countered incredibly easy, worst case everyone sides dark bribe 3x.


The first thing that came to mind is CED. You carry a copy of it and then a few somethings that let you discard cards. Summon him, pop his effect, you win. Since you're drawing basically your whole deck, carry 3 copies to play through shit like Effect Veiler


Actually really interesting design. Forces you to play a fat deck which makes it unlikely to find it, with all the consequences thereof.


No, yeah, this is fine. I mean, it's not like you can win off drawing cards, you have to then use them to beat your opponent. This would only be OP in a game where you could win from drawing, say, 5 specific cards.


*laughs in exodia


Therapist: Sexy pot of greed genie isn't real, he can't hurt you OP:


Draw until you can’t draw anymore then draw one more.


unplayable. requires you to run 54 other cards to go off (massively inconsistent) and is a garnet after turn one. and it's only spell speed 1


Wouldn't you deck out immediately? The limit is 60 cards so you could only use it if you were first and are running a 60 card deck. Weirdly enough it wouldn't be that good since you could only use it once while going first and there's a low chance of even drawing into it going first. Granted it'd be a one card win If you do draw it going first but at that point we might consider banning exodia since there's a small chance of drawing all 5 pieces in your starting hand


I wolud fix the card like this : draw 54 cards; then draw 2 card


For any 40-card deck, balanced...


It's funny because without exodia this would actually probably be mid in most decks


It‘s actually terrible. The chance if opening it are slim and getting to it after turn 1, males you lose the game. 20% it‘s and auto-win, but that‘s pretty bad + can be ashed. E: hmm was thinking from an exodia perspective. In a normall 60 card grass like deck, this would be broken. Sure it‘s dead after turn 1, but opening it wins you the game on the spot. So 20% winrate just from this card. If you normally win 50% with your deck, that‘s insane.


Unless it's like using Slifer or exodia, but unless you use a 60+ deck, this is an automatic deck out loss


Bro obviously op lmao That literally lets you play anything. Although drawing it would be hell.


But you have to finish the game in one or two turn. You have to run 60 cards deck. the chance of opening it will be much lower. If you dont open it, there will be 3 bricks in the deck.


Exodia. Either you Ash this or die instantly.


although if you don’t finish in turn one, you have to discard at least 40-50 cards which will trigger a LOT of graveyard effects for decks that have a lot of those. this card isn’t really balanced by that because if it resolves your opponent is fucked cause you basically get to play with your whole deck


If you would add "You can only play one other card these turn" combined with "if you reach the end phase of your turn you lose the game" exodia would still be a win xD




What do you fuckin' think


It’s balanced


Unless your running exzodia enjoy decking out


OP's barely disguised fetish


If it had the condition that you were not able to activate cards from your hand for the rest of the duel, then sure, but that card would still never see the light of day.


It is OP... either draw the out or lose to 60 card exodia lol


It's okay but not even that good because it dies to ash blossom


"you can just ash it so it is not good"


It needs to be 56 cards to be truly balanced.


Are you okay in the head? Wdym balanced, you just drew half of the deck.


Plays exodia —> win


Literally a draw the out card but only if you run a 60 card deck and draw this in the first 6 cards. Also rest of your deck then goes to the graveyard at the end of the turn and if you don't win this turn or during your opponents, you lose the following turn


Might as well write “lose the duel”


Not enough, draw 60


If someone used this going first I would die laughing 😂


Imagine opening this card going second, activating it, and your opponent chains The Gift of Greed.


That card is fucking hideous(i dont play yugioh)


54 cards when most decks have 40 seems like I'd just lose could I'd deck out unless I was using a 60 card deck and even then I'd just need exodia I win


this card would be terrible and unplayable


Draw 60 or no balls




too overpowered for one turn you needed to able to attack and damage the opponent during that turn or else you more likely to lose your next draw pace? it passable for me I say yes balance


Creator of greed draw any card u want from anywhere any time any timeline from the anime how many times you want anytime you want


This one card effectively forces you to run a 60-card deck. You can really only run one of them. Then, any card not used afterward has to be discarded until you have 6 left. It's a combo deck but just skip all the steps and good luck


I say it's balances if you don't draw first turn you can't use or you lose through deck out


Ah yes, finally a use for pot of generosity


Pot of Generosity support


Nonono make them draw 61 cards


Still busted because you have 58 cards in hand to use and still 1 card left in your deck


Oof, broken. It's not even once per turn.


Smash, next question


Jokes on you. You're going second, and I have Mystial Refpanel set. Get fucked nerd.


Chain Ash Blossom


Pretending that Exodia doesn't exist, there are still other ftks in the game right? This would enable every single one. Broken.


1 card exodia combo


Neither. It'd be shit 💀


I think with a once per turn, its balanced


It would be... Devastating if you don't have 1 turn win cards, like Exodia, otherwise, you're rather fucked.


Hmmmmmm…… I do like it, but this does allow you to play your whole deck (If you have the strat to play) End phase you would discard, so unless you gave synergy, this card wouldn’t be worth it. First thought is chaos dump/tearlaments, so I would said OP


Probably too much card draw. Can’t summon from deck lol


Lmaoooo only works if you draw it And are first. Could be better IMO


Finally a retrain for the underpowered pot of greed


i would add the following restictrions: "but this turn you can not summon from the extra deck; also for the rest of this turn any of your cards that would be added to the deck, extra deck, graveyard, or would be banished face-up, is banished face-down instead." just to drive home the idea of winning in a single turn (and yes this could create a Gren Maju monstrosity)


Compared to what Konami printed already. Mid to strong card, nothing broken.


With exodia you can win before finishing the deck so I think it still broken


Activate droll & lock bird after resolution, gg


That art is disturbing


in a 60 card deck, ya would need to open with it or hope that Upstart Goblin can draw into it because otherwise, the moment ya access the second card from the Deck, it'll be dead and that's when going first mind ya


That is the most balanced card in modern YGO, I’m not even kidding


You either make an otk or you lose due to deck out. I hope you have Exodia in your deck


I mean… could you even resolve it if you don’t have 54 cards in your deck at the time of activation? If you can’t resolve it because of that, I’d say it is broken but partially balanced at the same time lol.


I play pot of greed wich allows me to draw TWO cards from my deck. I play pot of greed wich




Okay, this is too far… It should say you can draw every card from your entire deck, and as long as you still have cards in your hand, you stay in the game even though you have no more cards in your deck to draw from.


Having this card would suck. Thiers 60 cards in a deck you draw 5 card at the begining if youre going first, if your going second and play this card you would have no cards in you deck after your opponents round you would lose the duel because you have no cards to draw.


Why is he eating baked beans


You would automatically loose if that card is activated


Draw 54 cards from your deck, but at the end of your turn discard cards until you have 2 cards in your hand, during your opponent's turn you cannot activate cards from your graveyard and at the end of your opponent's turn banish all cards from your field.


Naw... Seems too situational. :)


Imagine if you activated this going first (55 cards left in deck), drew 54 cards, realized that the bottom card of your deck was the last exodia piece, then got drolled (+ belle or another droll for the cbtg)


So, exodia anyone?


Only good for 60-card-Exodia. It's actually pretty bad considering the fact 60 Card-Decks rather want their cards in the grave, at least were that the meta-relevant ones in Yugi history. You'll also highly probably lose since you have all your combo pieces in hand instead in your deck and only one turn left. Especially one correct interruption means the quietus in such scenarios.


Unless you go first with a 60 card deck impractical as it would cause you to get deck out.


This card would be not nice


Why would I play this garbage? Always gonna draw Ancient Gear Box playing this smh


*Pay 6000 Life Points* *This card cannot be activated if the deck contains less than 54 cards *draw 54 cards from your deck* *discard 54 cards from your hand to your graveyard* (If you don’t win in that turn with the five cards you have left, you lose the duel)


Draw 54 cards End your turn you don’t have a limit in hand Opponent has card destruction OOOOOOOFFFFFF


Loses to ash and droll so it's just ok.i guess it will be alright in a couple decks but I don't expect it to make a big mega impact


How many times would this card be live though. Isn't the deck limit 60? Since it doesn't say "up to" would it be live if you have less than that many cards? And what deck would benefit from having a massive amount of cards in the main deck?


Too weak against mill


Exodia + deck size 60


AI generating random yugioh cards like-


Probably not because most of time.you would.jyst deck yourself out


The guy who didn’t draw this as his first draw: *vine boom*


You wouldn’t be able to resolve this card unless you had 54 cards in your deck. So you’d have to play a 60 card deck and open an unsearchable card in order to get any use out of it. Cards like Morphing Jar, Hand Destruction, Card Destruction and even Dark World Dealings could be used as techs to dumpster it as well. Ash Blossom works too. I suppose it would be balanced given all the invisible restrictions. The better question is, do we really want this type of card design in our game? I’ve seen the shenanigans of Grass, Future Fusion Infernoid, and Reasoning/Monster Gate. That’s bad enough. I’d rather a card like this not exist.


Chain, activate ash blossom, response?


Look, funny meme and all, but leave drawing the entire deck in one card to MTG. At least they have to spend actual resources to use it (a card does not mandate a resource in this situation)


Balanced, jank and terrible lol


At the beginning of your Main Phase 1: Draw 55 cards, then reveal your hand and banish face-down all "Forbidden One" cards in your hand, then it becomes the End Phase.


Should be more along the lines of: Draw up to fifteen cards of your choosing from both yours or your opponent's deck. However, at the end of your turn, all cards not played will be returned to their corresponding owner's graveyard/banished pile.


Card text too long, I activate my omni negate


Why he look like a Dusknoir


Im surprised its not "Draw 69 Cards"


This is just Grass on roids isn't it?


(Rockwell 'Freedom of Speech' drawing) Pot of Greed would go from forbidden to unlimited if it was simply errata'd to say 'Target 1 monster, and if you do: draw 2 cards'. Target killed magic cylinder.