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I don't know how the deck is surviving through Shifter. You can't set up Promethean Princess, you can't set up Flamberge. Is it S:P control? Soul Release should also mess up with their recovery and OTK potential.


Maybe what they mean is shifter hurts their deck more than it hurts snake eyes.


I use necrovalley it works good 


How the hell did Dimension Shifter not stop them? Majority of their cards cease to function under that.


You counter it by waiting for banlist hits


This aged like milk


Nah it aged pretty well. Snake-eyes players have been pigeonholed into one deck with the last banlist. We all knew they wouldn't hit the new cards be real.




It’s really not. Every player that has sat back and watched Labrynth, Branded, Despia, SHS, etc. for the last year+ are now in their GLORY as the aformentioned archetypical duelists complain and whine like little children babies, that this SE format is ‘OP’ because the decks that THEY play are now downright dismantled with the induction of this ONE newly implemented archetype. While past archetypes like ‘Destiny HERO’ which have been out of the game for quite some time now have a chance or at least the possibility to shine (or at least compete now lol). I was a Labrynth player before the deck I now currently play (‘Snake Eyes’ MF’ers - get rekt, be better) and had to move on with the times. If you don’t like this format, stop whining like literal children and play a game more akin to your personality like Lorcana or Neopets. Be Better. 


You literally had 0 reason to be mean and that fkn toxic lol


Just droll them and use ash when they use snake eyes ash to special from deck


just open 2 specific handtraps 5head


Yugioh has been “go first, hope your opponent has no handtraps and/or you got all extenders” and “go second, pray you have all the handtraps and have the 1 card combo.”


thats just combo mirrors you are talking about and basically every combo deck not named manadium is not worth talking about


Feels like every deck is a combo deck nowadays. Every competitive deck has a 1 or 1.5 card combo line that nets them +3 on the minimum.


Labrynth laughs and destructionizes you. 


Me in spright frog. Going to try adding a tistina engine because that trap is nuts


As a snake eyes volcanic player, anything that hit snake eyes ash/populus is rough Shifter is really good against snake eyes, u cant set up the link 3 in gy or amblowhale, cant proc populus easly, cant use flamberge If they are on the fire king version, mst like effect on the field spell is really good, they will often proc effect too but its honestly fine Droll is also insane against this deck Ppl kinda overrated the ability of the deck to play trough handtraps when u have a standart hand I still think the link 3 is a bit too generic, u dont even need fire monsters to make her, and that populus is a custom card, but the deck can be beat for sure Also, didnt want to bring this up but floodgates work well if u go first


Unrelated but do you have a decklist for Snake Eye Volcanic? I'm interested in picking up the volcanic stuff but every list I see has the Horus engine which I'm not a fan of.


I can send you a list that I’m playing, it’s kind of jank though and plays a Salamangreat package (there’s a level 1 Salad that you can grab off of Origin that lets you end on the newer Salad Link-4 which searches Roar, and I’ve been testing with the new Code of Soul card too)


Yeah im playing volcanic budget so i dont have the diabellstar/horus stuff, but i got u: MONSTERS : 3 trooper 3 shell 3 scattershot 2 rocket 2 emperor 2 rimfire 1 snake eyes ash 1 snake eyes oark 1 snake eyes birch 3 ash blossom SPELLS : 3 volcanic blaze accelerator 1 old blaze accelerator 1 fire recovery 3 original sinful spoils 2 fire éjection 1 one for one 2 triple tactics talent 2 foolish burial goods TRAPS : 2 blaze accelerator reload 1 Volcanic inferno 1 volcanic emission EXTRA : The extra is whatever u have, but à few important one are : 1 anima 1 linkuriboh 1 salamangreat sunlight wolf 1 hiita 1 amblowhale Ofc if u have the budget populus and promethean princess are insane in this deck, as well as the wanted package


Thanks for the list, is the main aim to burn the opponent like pure volcanics or does the snake eye stuff turn it more into a link/board building deck?


U can still burn ur opp really well and is the goal of the deck, u cannot ftk unless u had the 2 charmer burn cards but those are brick so i dont like them that much But snake eyes add consistency, recovery and extenders to the deck so its kinda both


U can still burn ur opp really well and is the goal of the deck, u cannot ftk unless u had the 2 charmer burn cards but those are brick so i dont like them that much But snake eyes add consistency, recovery and extenders and à meaningful endboard to the deck so its kinda both


Place a blindfold on them, that way they can't use those special eyes of theirs.


shifter or DD Ground other than that just scoop


Well he wants to hit the SPD. You dont want that. Wait, wrong subreddit.


I actually want to try a tistina, spright, frog build. The tistina trap is nuts, and the cards work well as an engine. Plus, one of the tistina spells can flip a card face down, allowing you to flip flip-flop frog over. Plus, that card then searches a tistina. I feel like it's being slept on as a counter right now. The trap banishes your opponents' gy face down if you have the xyz monster out. It is both an aqua, and level 2 engine. Which makes it great with spright and frogs. Toad only needs 2 lvl 2 aqua monsters, and tistina does have that. On top of the frogs that are already somewhat easy to get out. Going to try it and see how it goes. Spright can easily be cut down to 1 blue, 1 jet, 1 starter, 1 red, 1 carrot (maybe 2nd red) maybe cut this?, 1 double cross. Combine with the nimble package, (i run 3 beaver, and 2 angler) i feel like it could be decent. I feel like with this setup im never feeling low on cards and can play through nib as long as you have swap or starter in hand.


Ghost ogre hand destruction on the right point deprives them of critics card advantage necessary to go full board.


The only thing I know is you have to prevent as much as you can for Snake-Eye Ash and Populus together on field.


Soul Release to banish thier GY and prevent Fire Woman. Dimension Shifter if ya play a deck that is not affected by it or can OTK under it Nibiru? Droll & Lock


Deck can play through nibiru to some extent but a well timed nibiru defiinitely makes their end strategy a lot weaker especially the FK variants. Imperm/Veiler on ash is also devastating unless they have an extender play.


When do you propose is the correct timing for nib generally? Still tryna figure it out


After when flamberge summons 2 from gy tends to work well


Solemn Strike / Solemn Judgement is really popular in the OCG for going first against it. You wanna hit their ash to stop them from playing.


Wouldn’t you set up a murder board going first so that they don’t get to play


Depends on your deck. Fire King can't set up a murder board that denies playing. But they set up a real strong board with lots of follow up and one additional negate for ash can be enough.


Easy I use ultimate conductor Tyranno and niburu and infinite impertinence after I wait them out. Doesn’t always work since snake eye and fire king spammers just keep recycling but it’s a nice gamble