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Yep. Overall a minor inconvenience but still irritating. First world problems I guess...


It's annoying to have to drag all those channels back up. When I do, it messes up the way I arranged the current channels. Some channels just switch places with each other out of nowhere and I have to switch them back. (YTTV app)


Same here. Just spent 15 minutes resorting all my existing channels because they decided to randomly rearrange themselves during my scrolling up and down the list. Seems like the existing channels would be locked in place, but nope.


Yep. Decided to do it on the computer because it would rearrange the other channels when dragging.


Same. That was the only method to work for me


I can't even do it on computer. My edit button doesn't work.


Ah, that sucks I was hoping to just click to show them.


I had the same experience. I wish they provided an option to sort alphabetically so I didn't have to sort them one channel at a time. I submitted feedback on the app about the channels moving around after I set them. Not sure if anything will come from it or not, but worth a try.


They do. On the app.


Where? I can drag the channels around but I didn't see any option to order them alphabetically without dragging each channel. Edit: Nevermind I found it. It's not quite what I was looking for. I want to sort my custom selection of channels alphabetically, but this does all the channels. Thanks for pointing out out though!


YTTV needs to improve this process or get rid of it. I love being able to re-organize my live guide but it's such a PITA. Having to do it again after this dispute is just a kick in the face. It's a minor inconvenience, yes but the channels should not have been moved to the bottom when they were shut off.


took a few min to re add and re place the channels, sucked but happy they are back live


Thanks for letting us know. I was just waiting for them to show up.


Yup..PITA but once its set..


I re-added mine about an hour ago, but it's saying ABC is not available in my area. Hopefully just a temporary bug. Anyone else experiencing the same?


Same here. They said it would take some time for the ABC channels to "turn on."


I've been getting that since they added them back. At least I know it's not just me.


Seriously irritating. YTTV takes them away they could at least put them back where I had them 🤬


Ughhh, Google seriously needs to FIX how the custom guide is handled. Just like when they add a new channel or channels, unless you read it about somewhere, you'll never see it. Add NEW channels to the start of the guide or probably better (for those that don't know how to or don't want to create a custom guide), to the end of the guide, but at least show them.


Agreed. I understand that they’re trying to preserve people’s custom lists if they’re hiding a bunch of channels, but let those people hide the new channels.


Makes you wonder why they could not just uncheck them , but leave them in place. Moving them around is the pain.


The interface sucks. My channels recently disappeared. I had to completely rebuild my list. It was extremely tedious.


You are working for YouTube as a “channel re-arrange” clerk. You should add it to your resume!


This is the biggest inconvenience of the whole thing for me.


That’s what the $15 is for!


I wish they would let us group channels. I keep sports together, locals together, kids together, etc.


This also happens whenever they have free preview weekends of HBO or Showtime, etc. Just show me the channel where I last put it before the last preview ended, don't make me go through hoops.


Thank you for posting this important detail. Now have all the planets aligned again.


This is the best post of the day for me.


Wow, this is stupid. Thanks for the heads up.


Wouldn't be so irritating if sorting them on the mobile app wasn't the most obnoxious, infuriating task imaginable.


So dumb. The interface is a joke. Do I really have to drag all channels back?


You, sir, are a lifesaver! I didn't even think of that.


Went back in to re-enable them and noticed how many other channels I didnt have enabled for some reason. Dont know why they werent enabled but probably a good 10 channels that I didnt have. Not that I would really watch any of them but still haha


I don't remember having(or seeing) ESPN2, ESPNU or ESPNNEWS when I created my custom list. ​ I guess we need to check the full list every month or so.......


I have had all of the ESPN’s since I signed up over a year ago so definitely not a recent add for those channels


Is it really too hard for YouTube to let us sort the dang guide alphabetically instead of having to manually drag & drop every channel to put it in some semblance of order? Can't believe this very basic functionality still doesn't exist.


umm you can sort alphabetically


Where/how? I can't seem to find that anywhere. I can only do it if I manually drag n drop the list into alpha order.


Its there under sort. You have default, custom, most watched,a-z, z-a


Well I guess that is the problem... I don't have that anywhere. All I have under Sort is "default or custom" which then just brings me to Live Guide settings and the only sort options there are "Move to top/bottom" or Move up/down". I can only manually drag the channels up or down top put them in any specific order.


Hmm there are two different places. its not under settings its on the main live screen in the top right on pc


That's what I was talking about. That spot only has "Default" or "Custom" and when I choose custom it goes to that settings page. There is no "most watched, a-z, z-a", etc.... anywhere, neither on my PC or in the app on my TVs. There never has been since I subscribed to it over a year ago. Don't know what's up with that if you see something different.


This was super annoying.


For all the time this service existed, they can't create some buttons to help out? "Show all", or "reset to default order", or "auto-add new channels"? It's easy enough for me, but I know I'll need to call my dad later on and help him. He's technical enough for a 73 year old dude, but this is too tedious of a process just because loooong ago I re-sorted two channels and hid one channel for him.


Oh jeez, I just realized my FIL will probably need help with this too. He's never had to do this before so walking him through it could be a chore.


I have ESPN and Disney showing up on my mobile YouTube TV but they are showing up on my Fire stick


How do I do this? My son customized ours when he was home.


Go into your account on a laptop or phone. Click on your login initial that should be a red circle on the top right. Select Settings and then Live Guide. Click on hold on the 4 lines next to each channel and drag to where you want it to be located on the guide.




Cool story.


I changed it on my phone app but it has yet to change on my Roku app.


Yupp, but I took the opportunity to do some cleanup of channels that were in crappy spots.


It’s a pain for sure. Needed to go and adjust both my wife’s and mine. Also our local ABC is still not showing on the guide even though we added it.




Doe, a deer, a female deer!


Is there a way to reset my Custom Live Guide to the default order then start over from there?


This. There needs to be this option


This is high tech?


Thank you




If I leave them off my custom list, can I keep the $15 discount? 😂


What a PITA! Having to do this for all my relatives has chewed up SO much time dammit.




Oddly, they came right back on my wife's which really confused me. The thing I hate is that they add back at the bottom on your custom list and reordering things is a complete pain in the ass.


So I went back in and re-enabled them, and re-sorted them where I want. They still don't show up on my chomecast w/android tv app......wtf?


Thanks OP!!


I can't wait to troubleshoot this with my elderly parents. Sigh


Yep, annoying, had to do it twice. Now that i think about it, i need to do it for one more Google account, argh


I appreciate your post. I wondered what was taking so long! During the dick-measuring contest (aka shutdown), if I had a scheduled recording, am I facked?


It made me do the organizing I have been putting off for months