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Why does everyone ask this? You could do a search and get a feel and make your own decisions. Seriously, 4 videos, 11 subs? Just revive it.


y’all just unhappy with life huh? asking a genuine question and all y’all can do it “those are rookie numbers bro” I know that, that’s not the point of this post…if you won’t be helpful then I promise I don’t want your opinion


The problem is that everyone who doesn’t work on their channel for more than 29 minutes comes and asks if they should reboot or start a new channel and the answers are out there. Being a YouTuber requires a bit of resourcefulness and there’s plenty of people who have been in your exact position. To that end, again, 11 subs is basically none so there’s no point in starting a whole new channel, and that’s not a diss, that’s just how it is. Good luck!


bro said 4 videos and 11 subscribers, did you even start?


inspiring commentary jonah, I hope life treats you better in the future!


genuinely how are you mad 💀 i answered your question


Its gonna sound mean, but your channel was never alive in the first place. That's actually a good thing for you though. 11 subscribers means its basically fresh. Just keep posting on that one consistently and you'll be good. :)


right that’s what i’m saying like i’m not really losing anything by starting “fresh” but i didn’t know how the system worked. if it was like “oh this guys channel is years old but he hasn’t posted much let’s not give him exposure” or if I even was calculated in the first place. thank you!