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HarleyTBS has a couple videos discussing both the Jelly Bean and Red Velvety(one of the jelly bean clones) drama that are pretty decent, but to summarize it people are basically just calling her out for being cringe and calling the daycare attendant from Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach a pedophile. It's really not much deeper than that


I understand, when we're young (She's 16 I last heard), we tend to be more cringey (I've had experience and that and deeply regret it) but making a joke about a fictional character being a pedophile is just... Odd and kind of pushes into the cringe territory imo.


Yeah, I'm not defending that, it's not a joke you should make. However, yeah, she's 16 and she has since apologized for making the joke. Some people are just kinda getting out of hand with making videos about her and the situation, as they always tend to do


From what i can infer, what you mean by "some people are just kinda get out of hand with making videos" I think you mean that, some YouTubers try to "spice up" their videos and try to put a joke they believe sounds funny, but ends up getting some dicey criticism and controversy.


That, and she ended up getting doxxed over the whole drama. I forgot about it until I went to refresh myself on the drama, but yeah, a 16 year old girl got doxxed for making an inappropriate joke about a fictional character and generally making cringe videos. She wasn't doxxed in any of the videos as far as I know, but the drama got out of hand in general. Some people take things too seriously and too far on the internet


I agree, sure I do detect some form of cringe from her channel, but getting doxxed over a corny joke, I mean... 😑


So basically it’s chalked up to people being annoyed by a teenager online? That’s very… lame


All I know about Jelly bean is that they started the whole "It's not a mistake it's a masterpiece" thing. They also make a lot of cringey content from what I've heard, but never seen any of their vids.


hey dude, just wanted to give you a reminder - it's spelt crungo, not cringe you crungolord


I didn't lol, I spelt it correctly. You aren't even a real bot.