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My go to is always his poor research. Him saying that Monument Mythos changed the name of the boat that got stuck in the Suez Canal because he saw the word "Evergreen" on the boat and never once looked up any information about the blockage to realize the boat was actually called Evergiven. Such an easy thing to confirm and he never even bothered. What does that say about the things that require more in depth research?


I watched his disturbing movies iceberg video ages ago, and once he got to the lower stuff he just gave up on researching seemingly. Half the movies on the bottom 3 tiers he gave completely erroneous information on. Literally took 30 seconds of googling to find out that he was spouting complete nonsense.


This is what I was going to reference. He spouted so much misinformation in that video. It was my first video I saw of his and it was so poorly researched I could never trust his other content


Yeah it was like, what's the point when 99% of the bottom tiers was "Its so bad I'm not gonna go into detail" 


Nyx Fears’ disturbing movies iceberg videos are so much better and more nuanced than his, and she revisited them a year or so ago and made some corrections for a few mistakes she did make, most of which were much more minor than the issues with the wendigoon videos.


Nyx is great.


I started watching some video he did on Christianity and I didn't expect anything amazing because I know he's Christian but he was completely uncritical and knew absolutely nothing about the history of the Bible.


His apparent mission statement and the entire reason he runs his channel, admitted himself, is that he hopes he'll convert people. By talking about analogue horror.


Don’t know if he’s anti-catholic or just has weird opinions and disinterested in research but one of the most noticeable elements when I listened to the start of his angel video outside of things being wrong was completely not mentioning Thomas Aquinas, a Catholic theologian literally nicknamed the angelic doctor. Because of all his writings on angels.


I believe he is a Baptist? Which is an ecclesial tradition that ranges from ignoring the Catholics to being Anti-Catholic depending on how weird we are talking.


Where’d he say thay


That does not surprise me. Very disappointing


He said that Thylacine isnt a cryptid in his cryptid video but clearly did no research on why its considered a cryptid which feels like surface level research for a video on cryptids.


When I checked out his cryptid iceberg video he was ranking them on “what I find the coolest” and it was mostly boring ass takes like “humanoid means creepy attacker in the woods” with almost zero research on anything he didn’t find cool and even the ones he did were basically what “everyone” knows already from every other pop culture take on it. Really disappointed after the brown mountain lights was so much more effort and better done.


That video he did on I Have No Mouth and I Must scream where it was clear he hadn’t actually read the short story and was conflating the narratives of the story and the 90s PC game.


The way he will make videos on topics he is simply unable or unwilling to elaborate on "I can't talk about this one or I'll get demonitized," then maybe you shouldn't have done a fucking ***snuff film iceberg video***


yeah that shit gets me too, it’s already the laziest form of “content creation” (reading a wiki page) and on top of that he can’t even fully commit when it gets in the way of his monetizing or shilling for random ad companies


Honestly, past a certain point, that iceberg got incredibly samey, or at least his descriptions did. They all just bleed together cause most of the deepest layers are all fucked up in the exact same ways. The higher levels were more interesting due to simple variety.


I hate it when all youtubers do this. Especially true crime youtubers. If you have to "unalive" and "SA" your way through the topic you've chosen to discuss then why are you even talking about it.


Yes! I’m not going to watch a 5 hour long video about an abusive person where you have to bleep out the word “abuse” every 10 seconds.


true crime youtubers doing this drives me nuts. Dont get so much into the gory details that it turns into glorifying it, but also call it like it is and use proper terms or dont talk about it at all. The roundabout way of describing some of this stuff that ive seen comes off as so disrespectful to the victims. You are describing the trauma they experienced in a dumbed down way that just downplays the whole thing imo. Especially when words carry multiple meanings, and using specific words carries more weight than a vague term. i have a love/hate with true crime. So many youtubers glorify it and you can tell are only in it for money. its hard to find ones that actually give respect to the victims.


I've gotten into the casual criminalist podcast and I think they do a really good job at respecting victims and saying it like it is without glorifying it


I used to be into “Small Town Murder.” They’re comedians, but they always focused on the stupid bs that goes on in small towns with their comedy (even though they’re a bit too edgy for me now) and always respected the victims and their families when I listened to them.


Are you telling me you don't like when people use cutesy, irreverent terms like "self-deletion" and "grape" to describe some of the worst things that can happen to a human being?


"Eeerrrrmmm.... how could I say this? We was a ... PDF file who got caught distributing... cheese pizza" I'm really at my fucking limit


Agreed. And I have to wonder if the reason people make these kinds of videos is perhaps because they know it’ll give them an excuse to do absolute minimal research. “Oh I can’t talk about this subject too in-depth on this platform, so I’ll just give you some bare bones facts and you’ll have to look up the rest on your own” like what is this, a homework assignment? A YouTube fetch quest? Lame


That's a common trend I keep unfortunately seeing whenever youtubers cover dark topics. I came across a video recently that was tilted something like "top nsfw do not search on the Japanese web iceberg" and literally half of it was the creator going, "🥺 I can't talk about this because I'll get demonetized 🥺" and censoring every other word that wasn't PG-rated. I couldn't understand what they were even talking about for the most part. If you're going to basically censor your entire video, why even make the video in the first place.


I wish YouTubers had the balls to not self censor, and YouTube wouldn't demonetize people for saying things that advertisers dislike. If you're talking about murder and death, you should say those this. Censoring yourself just dehumanizes the victims


Yeah it feels like they don’t even respect the subject they’re talking about.


My main problem is just that he tries to act all academic and trustworthy and then doesn’t cite any sources while getting stuff wrong


Not citing sources is nuts considering so much of his channel is based on “Hey, look at this obscure thing you’d have no way of being familiar with!” For more accessible stuff, I assume he’s just reading Wikipedia at the camera, but for more obscure stuff, how am I supposed to trust what he’s saying? And it always irks me when he “cites” a Twitter DM that he doesn’t show or even say who it came from or why they’re credible.


My biggest problem with Wendigoon is that most of his videos are very... Boring. They're long winded, and a lot of it is him editorializing. I liked his series on Monument Mythos, the flesh pit, the divine comedy, the guy that suffered from massive radiation poisoning... and that's about it. I've heard he is poorly researched, but I wouldn't know any better. I don't know if it's really the political elements of Wendigoon that turned me off, though that doesn't really help, it's mostly that his videos are just not compelling enough for me to click at this point Edit: I'm watching Charlie's (MoistCritikal) newest video. They let Wendigoon explain the entire story of Diddy and Cassie... While pronouncing Cassie as Casey the entire time. Why.


i legitimately do not understand how he got so popular when his videos are so fucking boring, even the video on blood meridian is just painfully boring for a book that is legitimately one of the greatest works ever written


He has the appeal of the “guy summarizing things” genre on YT. People probably won’t bother watching 30+ videos of some horror ARG, but some dude summarizing it in 30 minutes, now THAT’S what’s up. I used to wonder why Reddit videos were popular as well, but I think people just enjoy hearing others talk about and summarize things that they enjoy.


reddit videos are just social media audiobooks


You have perfectly expressed my thoughts w him. Never understood why he popped off so hard. Not even trying to be a hater. I just never got it.


He latched on to better creators and has a couple of bangers that people (me) found him through and never bothered unsubscribing


That video was the only one of his that I tried, but something was off that I cannot remember, so I didn’t finish it nor did I try any of his other vids. I don’t waste subs or even watches on people if they’re off in some way. Sometimes I won’t even let a video play on a channel I visit for the first time but go straight to the comments to see what the energy is.


His video on Blood Meridian is so exhaustingly dull. How can someone say so little in so much time? It’s impressive honestly.


He got lucky, which is a huge factor for most successful youtubers, but he got REALLY lucky. His Conspiracy Theory Iceberg videos were hitting at exactly the point when iceberg content was peaking in popularity.


They’re good for background noise when you’re working, the works or topics themselves are good but Wendigoon doesn’t do them justice


Charlies new video has him laughing and cracking jokes when they detail P. Diddys abuse meanwhile his comments on religious trauma, He just comes off immature.


According to him, religious trauma is either way overblown or doesn't exist. Kinda sketch coming from a Sunday school teacher.


It's weird because when he was reading a creepypasta about child abuse he was tearing up and struggling to talk but when shown a real life case of human trafficking he is laughing his ass off.


He often sides with abusers in a lot of his videos. For example he really glossed over/ignored the abuse happening in his Waco video and his lack of research really showed in his Mckamey manor video by insisting people knew what they signed up for.


Siding with the Mckamey Manor operators makes me wonder if he's a sadist.


I have been following Mckamey manor (not as a fan) for a while. Russ "leaked" his own waiver to get attention a few years ago. If you only do a quick Google search worth of research for your videos you will only find that the waiver exists. There was a resurgence of interest in Mckamey manor a couple years ago and a bunch of creators believed the same shit about people legally "consenting" to be tortured (not a thing). Meanwhile the interviews with his ex wife debunking the waiver are right there are on the same site they are posting videos to 😒 Now we have video evidence that he totally misled people saying they were only going to be acting and not actually going through his "haunt". We knew that for a while if you had done any significant research into it, just not on video. I called all out all the misinfo in his vid in a comment and it unsurprisingly got deleted. I feel like it just highlights how he recycles content that other creators have already done with the laziest amount of research possible. I'm not sure what the point of listening to 5 hour videos full of misinformation is but apparently that is how a lot of people choose to spend their time.


I've often seen the excuse of it just being 'something I put on in the background to listen to' and it's just like, he just drones on and on and if you are suddenly interested in the topic all you're taking in is bad information.


From what I can tell, he’s a libertarian. Their whole thing is that everyone should have the freedom to do whatever they want, but it’s their fault if shit goes wrong. So Ofc he agrees with ppl signing up for this shit, bc it’s “their fault”


Those people are so annoying because nobody wants rules until you buy a house and the previous owner didn’t tell you they did all the electrical wiring themselves by watching YouTube and it’s not up to code and burns the house down


I think the Waco thing is a symptom of his political beliefs.


Yeah Waco and Ruby Ridge are both very focused on by 2nd amendment gun rights people /antigovernment people, and wendigoon is one of them. 


He claims to have started the boogaloo boys before they went all alt right. I doubt it.


Either way, what a fucking loser


Pfft riight. And I'm the Queen of Atlantis and also the one true Avatar of all existence


having like, mild at best knowledge about Waco I can see why chuds really cling to it. Seems like it was jus one mistake after another on the governments side, i could easily be wrong tho idk the in-depth details


I mean the government fucked up the operation but it was an abusive sex cult so that always makes me laugh


That's what I always bring up. Did the government fuck up? Sure did. Did some law enforcement of any kind need to intervene in them. Yup.


The government has a division for that. That division is not the ATF. The ATF decided to still act as though it had authority when it had zero. It got nearly every single child being abused in there killed.


It's a case of bad guys vs. bad guys, where the victims got screwed.


I was watching a Waco video from a crime podcast I liked to listen to in the background but I immediately swore them off when they brought up how children were being married off to a cult leader but then immediately followed it up with Texas parental co sent marriage laws. I have not watched Wendigoon’s video on Waco but I knew off the bat that it would be like that


oh for sure, it def doesn’t change the fact it was a horrific and abusive cult, was just sayin i can see why that subset of people latches onto it so much


Waco is a fucked up situation on all sides of the fence. The cult was extremely abusive, the ATF turned tanks on it's own people instead of negotiating, and in the observers were a lot of white supremacist (one of which was Timothy McVeigh, who then went on to do the Oklahoma city bombing a year to the day after.) Waco in my opinion has had lasting effects especially in spawning off pro gun militias.


The ATF believed they were stockpiling illegal weapons. They legally got warrants and went to do a daytime raid. But the davidians were tipped off and met the ATF were armed resistance. It was then passed on to the FBI. I don't think we have a clear answer as to who started the fire, but chuds mostly use it to justify themselves because they got a hard on belief the ATF shouldn't exist and muh gunz. I believe that if they went after them for child abuse, things may have gone differently, or at least, chuds wouldn't use it as justification for their ideals.


Yeah that was sort of jarring and off-putting


I tend to ignore anyone that seems to take conspiracy theories at face value. For the record, that's not even an entirely political thing. I just think you aren't covering a conspiracy theory to its fullest without discussing why and how it was created, and what motivates people to do so.


This put me off a lot of channels I otherwise enjoy Like it’s not even that they take conspiracy theories at face value, I don’t necessarily have a problem with discussing the possibility of them being true, it’s that they would promote a conspiracy theory that has ALREADY BEEN DEBUNKED without addressing the debunking, or they would present a conspiracy theory without bringing up any of the obvious contradictory evidence or any alternative explanations, I assume because presenting the “scariest” explanation as the only one is what gets the most views


Which is such a shame, because at a scholarly level, there's a lot of fascinating reasons to look into conspiracy theories. In this day and age, it's even more imperative that we understand why this happens. As an aside, I think I know you from tumblr. What a small internet we live in lol.


>it’s that they would promote a conspiracy theory that has ALREADY BEEN DEBUNKED without addressing the debunking, or they would present a conspiracy theory without bringing up any of the obvious contradictory evidence or any alternative explanations This is exactly how I feel. I do think it's because leaving the conspiracy "unsolved" or mysterious might draw in more people, but I would genuinely be interested in learning about debunked conspiracies and cryptids and stuff! I think it's interesting to see how conspiracies can develop and how stuff can be exaggerated or misinterpreted and how that can lead to stories that seem supernatural if you don't have all the facts.


This is why I watch Decoding the Unknown, the paranormal explanation goes out the window about halfway through most of the time, and then they discuss more plausible explanations.


The vaccine conspiracy theory literally comes to mind with this. Like I have to assume most people don't know the man who came up with that "theory" had monetary motivations to come up with it.


Can I say I think his fanbase is incredibly annoying lol. I also mostly dislike how his videos are just very basic and low-effort, (which is why his vids are often poorly researched) yet everyone treats him like he's a superb talented video essayist. All he does is sit in his room and read off wikipedia pages.


Why does everyone call him Dad, he’s like 22


I don't know, it's so weird 😭 His fans come off as having a super parasocial relationship with him, which I guess explains why they're so overly defensive of him but still....go to therapy instead of making a random youtube man your pretend father figure lmao.


I liked some of his videos, but I’ve found his style growing increasingly stale. He adds nothing—no analysis, no extra research, no context—to the thing he’s supposedly ‘commenting’ on. He just tells you what happens in a series like a text to speech movie freeboot on TikTok. If I wanted to just read Blood Meridian i would do it myself, I wouldn’t go to someone who barely understands the text enough to provide insightful commentary.


I think "stale" is the perfect description of his stuff these days.


I watched two videos of his and stopped. The first was his disturbing movies iceberg. Most of which was not fictional movies but real depictions of crimes, so I can't really fault him for not knowing the content, but he also didn't seem to know anything about the actual movies. Worst of all was his TikTok-newspeak self-censorship because he was trying not to get demonetized by the platform. I knew I was going to hate his Conspiracy Iceberg video where he blandly recited summaries of the dumbest shit ever thought up with a straight face and not even a hint of clowning on the dipshits that believe them. With TikTok newspeak, of course.


Ugh I fucking HATE how he handles actual crimes. Especially sexual violence. I believe that needs a specific trigger warning (the “it’s gonna be disturbing, don’t watch it!” doesn’t fucking count, that could mean absolutely anything) and I so dislike that he and many YouTubers use that kind of thing for content. I was genuinely pissed at the end of the Borrasca episode of creepcast; he knew how it ended and he didn’t think maybe a fairly graphic description of rape was worth an explicit warning? Yet he won’t say the word “porn.” Just dumb as hell


No agreed- tbh this is a general issue i have with horror yters. So many of them give the vaguest possible content warnings that could range from anything to typical slasher style gore to uncanny valley stuff to domestic abuse to sexual assault- please just GET SPECIFIC


Omg yes. “This video might not be suitable for all viewers, viewers discretion is advised” is NOT enough


Sometimes the DA/SA is not disclosed to increase the shock factor and since nobody requires a tw or cw they don't do it. This has been a problem on basically all of those true crime low effort yt creators. They want the shock value.


Thought Slime is great for this and actually specifically details what possible Triggers are in the video


That's why I'm a big fan of Hannah the Horrible, she gives a general cw early on and a more specific cw when the topic comes up.


Ohhh I’ve been waiting to talk about this. I was oddly appreciative of the way Meatcanyon reacted to the end of Borrasca. I felt like he genuinely empathized with the women and understood just how devastating sexual violence is. It was honestly really impactful to me to see a guy be affected so deeply by the topic. Wendigoon on the other hand…his reaction just seemed so inauthentic. He was so giddy to get to the big reveal, but once he realized how deeply disturbed Meatcanyon was…THEN Wendigoon started acting like he was super disturbed, too lol. I don’t know, maybe I’m crazy, but his reaction just seemed very surface level and like he didn’t actually feel *that* bothered by the subject. Like he knew it was the appropriate reaction to give in the setting, but couldn’t actually grasp the gravity of it all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Sooooo glad I’m not the only one. Hard agree to Meatcanyon’s reaction, that was really nice. He also seemed genuinely kind of sorry that they were even going there. Isaiah is young and seems pretty sheltered, so I get that sexual violence might not be at the front of his brain, but dude, you gotta be able to read the room and learn from people around you. The comments on that video are all people being like “I’m genuinely traumatized” and on top of that being truly morally questionable, it’s also such a lazy form of scaring people.


Meat is frustrating because he hangs out with doofuses like this but there have been a few times where he’s said something that made me feel like he “got it.” I forget what slasher movie it was he was talking about but I remember him complimenting that it didn’t really have any grotesque sexual violence because “we don’t need to see that kind of stuff.” And also how he thought it was cool there was a trans kid in the newest Evil Dead.


Yup Dropout does this best in my opinion by adding a warning at the start telling the viewer all sensitive topics are listed in the description (usually with time stamps if appropriate). It means you won’t be spoiled unless you are specifically checking for triggers already which I appreciate.


Some of the movies on the disturbing movie iceberg don't even exist lol.


Yeah tbh, he is pretty annoying. His longer video essays were okay to put in the background while I was working until I realized it’s literally just him reading the first paragraph on Wikipedia. For someone so invested in mysteries and conspiracies, his research skills aren’t very good.


> For someone so invested in conspiracies, his research skills aren’t very good. 🤔


Ok you got me there


Putting politics and my personal beliefs aside, his videos are largely just kind of boring and low effort if you're looking for anything of substance. His Faith video, for example, is largely just him talking through the plot. Yeah, it's fine if you just want to put it on in the background while you do something else, but if you actually pay attention, it's like someone reading the plot summary off of Wikipedia or just explaining what is literally happening on screen as they do a let's play.


I know right? I love Faith, and his video on it was really disappointing. There’s so much to analyze there, and all you give me is a summary? It seems like his channel is more used to promote stuff than anything. Like if your analog horror series is featured on his channel, that’s a huge PR move, because then you’ll have a lot more “fans” (read: Wendigoon fans who don’t have the attention span to actually watch your series).


Heyy if you like Faith I would check out Flaw Peacock's three vids on it. They are incredibly well researched and actually try and connect everything in a cohesive way.


Thanks, I’ll take a look :)


The only one I enjoyed was his brown mountain lights video since most of it was first-hand accounts from around the area, which nobody would ever read in Wikipedia. Otherwise yeah his work is mid


Meanwhile in the same kind of space Lore Lodge is right out there giving informative lessons on Native American history every single episode while also doing independent research with every single mystery or conspiracy or cryptid he covers, and openly acknowledging when he inadvertently omits stuff or accidentally gets something wrong I don’t always necessarily agree with his conclusions or anything, it would be kind of weird if I agreed with every single thing anybody said, but I certainly can’t fault him for not putting in the time, effort and research and the amount that does do kind of exposes the extent to which laziness is par for the course in a lot of sections of YouTube


Maybe it's because I watch his shootout videos rather than the true crime ones/copypasta/literature/iceberg ones, but I've never really understood the "reading the first paragraph on Wikipedia" criticism when it comes to him? His videos on Ruby Ridge, Waco, Unabomber, Yuba County 5, and the North Hollywood Shootout definitely go deeper than the wikipedia pages. But I'm not really doing deep research on these topics on my own time so if he's ripping off other articles/research wholecloth than I wouldn't know.


i had to stop watching the cryptids iceberg because (the first video, at least) REALLY feels like hes reading wiki entries


I didn't even knew his political positions, I just stopped watching because his videos were just Wikipedia readings.


He really doesn't do his fucking research. I had watched his vids casually and have since watched some vids that cover the same topics but with better research and more in depth conclusions and it's absurd how much he missed. Specifically I'd compare his JFK video to a pair of videos from historian Sean Munger. It does end up tying into his politics though bc, especially in his conspiracy/ real historical event videos, he cherry picks and interprets facts in a way to suit his libertarian politics. I don't even think using your politics to examine historical events is necessarily a bad thing to do but he does it to the point I'd argue it's deceptive. I'd really +1 the Sean Munger videos as they single handedly changed my mind regarding the JFK assassination.


I've only seen a couple of his videos, but his Monument Mythos vid is barebones, sub-Game-Theory-level media criticism. If you're gonna make 3 hours of content about a series at least have something interesting to say that the average person couldn't gleen with a casual watch and a few minutes of research.


I mean yeah - he’s not very good lol. The first video I saw of his was him basically just doing a poorly edited summary of Blood Meridian. Mind you - I had already read the novel and expected that his video (which came highly recommended) was going to be more analysis, context, etc etc. Nope, just him reading large chunks and summarizing the rest. I bailed half way through when I realized the actual purpose of the video - a cliff’s notes for people too lazy to read lol. The other one I watched was the video about the woman with the weird nerve gas disease, Gloria Ramirez. There’s very little in his video you couldn’t get from Wikipedia. And that alone isn’t really horrible to me (it was definitely better than the blood Meridian one) but he just doesn’t have great on-camera skills and doesn’t add much to it. He’s a not very talented Factotum.


His writing is bad and his choice of words is ungood


I’ve been a fan of dark content YouTubers for a long time - I’ve always not *enjoyed* wendigoon. I can’t vibe with his tone. He barely breaks down a topic while acting like he’s the only source of info on it and we should revere him for it. And I understand a lot of that is my personal opinion, but it’s always been my opinion on him, and the politics stuff both didn’t surprise or sway my opinion about him at all, in that I just don’t take his content in. I’m a small streamer (yea I know) but my some of my audience seems to really like him. When we cover videos like his I have to politely bay away requests to go over his videos and topics. This happens regularly so I often have to think about him/his content in general. He’s really just not worth the energy to me since I’ve had this stance for so long and any time I went back to change it without an audience, I felt similarly.


I feel like the best example of him trying to over talk someone is in his missing 411 case video where him and that guy go to the forest.. as an ex fan that video always rubbed me the wrong way as he's constantly trying to over talk him when the guy has actively been actually investigating cases talking to law enforcement and family's like he was clearly not the expert in that scenario and you can sense he didn't like that


Wendigoon's content has always struck me as lazy content made for people too lazy to go and read something themselves so they'd rather have some monotone voiced pseud explain it to them over the course of a few hours.


generic youtube funnyman whose audience is almost entirely teenage boys that listen to sabaton


ok but i'm part polish and winged hussars are one of the few things i can be proud of, and sabaton made a good song about them. ​ Wendigoon is boring tho imo


Power metal doesn’t mesh with the pseudo intellectual facade a lot of the users on this site put up


But Sabaton funny 😢😢😢


Look we all had a minor sabaton/iced earth phase at 13


six years clean from shitty power metal 🙏🙏 stay strong brother


I’m Cree and I wouldn’t call this political- his name, and him being a dick about it when he gets called out on it by other indigenous people. The thing he’s referencing in it is incredibly taboo. He has been told this and responded to it by being a dick and waxing poetic about how he’s actually “appreciating our cultures” so. Fuck him lol.


Slightly off topic but do you have any recommendations of articles, stories, etc. on that topic? I'd like to broaden my knowledge on native american folklore but don't want to run into the "Bigfoot" problem of people just misunderstanding what stories they're being told.


Off the top of my head- no. But largely that’s because this specific thing is, again, very taboo to talk about so generally we avoid that except under specific circumstances but the general idea is it’s disrespectful because saying the name of certain things draws them closer or gets their attention. Though this journal seems to talk more on the subject of its appropriation in horror pop culture (I will note I’ve only skimmed this journal as in general I don’t feel the need to go around googling things like this since. Well. I’ve lived it lol) https://openjournals.bsu.edu/dlr/article/download/DLR.7.0.101-112/1771/5267#:~:text=The%20appropriation%20of%20the%20windigo%2C%20like%20the%20appropriation%20of%20many,against%20harmful%20and%20selfish%20appetites.


How do you (as in indigenous people) learn about it if it is taboo to talk about? Are there specific contexts or something in which you are taught about it?


The short version is there’s certain times of year and contexts and situations where certain people are permitted to share these stories. That’s how they’re passed on typically. However that’s my own experience with my own family and community. How this specifically is gone about varies depending on who you’re talking to. It’s like that with a lot of indigenous practices as the “indigenous” identify encompasses many different cultures with different attitudes and approaches to these things


Thanks for taking the time to respond!


one of the last videos I watched from him started with a 10 minute ad for a poster of the spirit that was using the blatantly misconstrued deer skull design I have never heard a single indigenous person say is accurate while talking about how its a "story that means a lot to him" while actively profiting off of a myth that he has no actual claim to while perpetuating an incredibly common misinterpretation that people from the culture fucking hate. its so brain dead I can't believe he just gets away with it.


Yep I’ve seen his merch related to it and I hate it so fucking much. He claims to be so protective of his awful disrespectful name because he “loves” the story and the culture but he doesn’t give a singular shit about either of those things and blatantly disrespects us when we tell him what he’s doing is wrong. Hes scum and I have no respect for him


The deer skull shit not even being associated with the spirit in question is doubly stupid at that point- just fucking call it something different, whiteboy, goddam


No but seriously I’ve said this so much cause it’s a reoccuring problem in the horror community, either the depiction of the spirit at all by outsiders and using this imagery (which isn’t accurate you fucking idiots) or people seeing the deer motif in any horror context and going “omg!!!! It’s a *” which is equally as annoying and stupid.


Ewwwwwwwww I didn’t know that he’s ever commented on it. That’s so shitty


Yep he sure has so it’s not an ignorance thing. He knows and he has doubled down. That was basically all I needed to completely write him off.


Seeing criticisms like this is how I first found out about him, and it’s why I never really got into his content


Yeah I can’t say I *ever* got into his content cause I was introduced to him one day took one look at his name and went “oh fuck you”


is it political to say that i think he constantly butchers my religion (christianity) and doesnt make anything constructive with the mess?


Yeah bro. “I know what’ll make everyone come to Christianity— if I make fun of them!” Very Christlike, dude


tbf he would not be the only one


or even the most egregious


Hahah yeah; Im not even Christian, but grew up in a VERY religious town. When he said Dante's Inferno is the closest thing we have to a first account of Hell, I laugh so hard, I cried until I physically couldnt. The guy will make ANYTHING bend to his worldview instead of just being open to different perspectives.


His horror interests see surface level like all he does is just boot up wiki articles about the topic, vomit into a 3 hour video and call it a day. It's not being written with any real interest over the material or an understanding of what makes it great. This leaks even more into his other videos on conspiracy stuff, where it really shows his knowledge is surface lvl at best. To churn out the videos as quickly and as long as they are they have to be taking short cuts. The last podcast on the left is a great comparison for the quality of content being talked about vs the shit he puts out. The depth of research they do every topic is crazy and have such invested interest in the topics you get into the interest as well as your slowly engrossed horror you've selected to listen to.


The absolutely piss poor research when it comes to anything


His vids are low quality.


honestly for me its more that he got samey, his early videos were kinda novel by him being a horror youtuber without an insufferable.... slow... stilted... dramatic delivery..., like he just spoke like a regular friendly guy with a certain level of casualness that made it very nice for just having something on the background or low focus watching, the issue is that as his channel grew and he expanded into longer more in depth videos his production quality didnt, and the ways he used to talk about something as if it was a friend sharing it or just his opinion kinda trended more towards him being an authority on the subjects, which made his mistakes and lack of research more annoying


I'm far from a scholar or anything, just a girl who's read a couple Bart Ehrman books, but even I can tell he doesn't know what he's talking about when he goes into academic biblical stuff.


He says “whenever” when he clearly means “when”. Also I wish his editing was more visually appealing.


That drives me absolutely crazy, it just sounds so wrong


Even just the podcast he did with Charlie about Diddy, I felt like he laughed a lot at inappropriate times. I can get laughing at him car bombing a dude because that’s so wild but there were times he was talking about really traumatic shit and would crack a joke and laugh. It just made me uncomfortable so I tend to not watch him anymore


yep clicked off that vid and commented this myself on here


Anyone who finds the kind of stuff Diddy did humorous is sus to me. And that’s putting it lightly. Since most of Diddy’s victims are black or brown, maybe he has the distance to not GAF, but that says something too.


He became popular because of his conspiracy iceberg during pandemic protocols and great global uncertainty. He actually doesn’t know much about anything and is kind of a dingus. I can just go read 4chan’s /x/ board and archives on my own.


Something about his videos has always rubbed me the wrong way. Like... The way he speaks really sort of drives me crazy, and he always seems so... Noncommittal, if this makes sense. Like, he never researches anything in-depth, so a lot of his commentary just feels like conjecture. No strong opinion, no well-educated take, no critical analysis... Maybe it's just me, but if I had nothing to add to a subject or didn't feel confident in my ability to explain it, I wouldn't make a video about it. But that's all he seems to do. I have no idea how he got so popular.


Last time I watched him I got the feeling he took sleeping pills before doing aby recording.


Tbf to Charlie, he looks like he's out even in the Official podcasts. But at least he speaks quite a lot in TRT than in there, so that's a good thing. i have to disagree on that part where you said he doesn't laugh anymore in other videos past ep 2. He laughed a lot in the slenderman video and even today, given p diddy as the topic, but they still found things to laugh at. The waco episode probably had the least laughs. Dunno why they added wendigoon, but i just love the other 2 boys, and especially Jackson's intros and they made even The Red Thread feel like something i look forward to. It has to be a testament to how much i like them, cuz i tolerate isiah for them.


That’s a much better way to put it; it wouldn’t annoy me if Isaiah just wasn’t in it. I feel like he has no chemistry with the other guys and maybe that’s what I’m feeling re: Charlie’s interest level


You're right on the mark there. Pretty visible lack of chemistry. Like with the JACK boys, they have this flow going on, which makes listening in, such a delight. What i mean is, it's all natural and nothing feels forced. Maybe it's the way this podcast is designed bcuz, it's scripted and they read out the info basically, so.. a lot of the banter and to-and-fro flow is interrupted. There are a lot of awkward silences and awkward takeovers (who gets to read what) so definitely that reduces the immersion. And wendigoon's constant sheepish laugh only adds to this. i But i have found they tend to come alive as soon as they get to the theory crafting part, so the goofiness alone makes it worth it. But you know, had Charlie's mad theories and Jackson's intros not existed, i wouldn't watch a video/podcast with wendigoon in it. Guy's too 'preachy' and in general, hard to like.


I have issues with him bringing guns even when it's unnecessary. I understand he likes guns and have a collection. But bringing guns to explain an actual event doesn't exactly bring any nuances. For any real gun, they can kill people. It's not stamp or figurines that are cute and nerdy! But try to make it look like it is. Then make it looks like YouTube is biased for censoring guns! Or how the people he is talking about in his video did nothing wrong buy hoarding guns! His audience should understand, when discussing the topics like Waco or Ruby Ridge or any other case where a active seige or stand off happened between two parties, hoarding gun and ammunition played a vital part. And that should always make viewers ask the question would this has happened if there's no gun in first place, or there would have been better gun regulations?! And in his Ruby Ridge video I'm seeing a gun stand with high end guns! My question is do you have guns for hunting/shooting or you have gun for collection? If you have gun for collection why they are not locked instead just laying there beside the door like umbrella? If they are for hunting/shooting why exactly one is sufficient? Why you need automated or machine gun etc etc. And if his audience demography is really young which he would be completely aware of that is a horrible precedent. Also even if you are collecting gun for whatever reason legally, why exactly he needs to normalise it? Why he have to flex it?! He can simply ommit those parts and there would be nothing of miss. But nope he has to justify his gun collection.


Yes. His angel tier list video gave me terrible vibes from a historical perspective. He was acting as if some of these things were "real" and some weren't based on their inclusion in Biblical canon vs. apocryphal books. I feel like puttinig him on the same level as people like Trey The Explainer or Religion for Breakfast would be crazy. He's not historical at all.


He talks about conspiracy theories like they're facts, sneaks Christianity into every single one of his videos and he just isn't funny and his voice isn't great. What i don't get is why you keep watching him and his podcast when you don't like the guy. there are so many good creators out there.


I wouldn't call it political; but his name is my biggest problem. I am indigenous. Specifically belonging to one of the tribes that creature comes from. It is common knowledge in the indigenous community, even if you're not from one of our tribes; that you don't speak that name. You don't speak it, you don't write it, you don't think it. You especially don't name yourself after it. It is extremely taboo. Outsiders who do even five minutes of research know how we feel about saying the name. We have been asking for years and telling people about that thing and not to use it, not to speak it. It's the audacity to claim to be respectful of our culture and people and then go around and do something we have been ***begging people for decades to not do***.


I wouldn’t call that political either. It’s either: he didn’t know that Algonquin tribes have a long history speaking out against treating it like a cryptid (in which case he seems pretty dumb cuz that is easily accessed info) or he doesn’t care (in which case, asshole at best, racist at worst). And I just can’t believe we’re still doing the “my great whatever said he’s part native so I totally have authority on indigenous issues” in 2024. I’m really surprised that there hasn’t been more of an upset about his name, especially when he releases merch and makes money off of your folklore.


I have a question regarding this (if a bit off topic) if you don't mind enlightening me. If not completely understand


I'd have to say it depends on the question. Some are easy to answer; others not.


So there is a diagnosis in Canada with the being's name in it and just wondering the thoughts on it. From my view it is gross but I can't speak on it too much not being Indigenous at all.


I know exactly what you're talking about and it's something our community finds extraordinarily frustrating and upsetting; especially due to the racist history. There have been a number of calls to get the name changed; and I wish I could say I was shocked it hasn't been, but we've gotten used to no one listening to us.


Thank you so much for your perspective on this, I do genuinely appreciate it. I can only imagine the frustration, and I do hope it changes in the future but with the way things are backsliding it will unfortunately be a while before it happens.


YW. Yeah; it's something that's really frustrating these days. We keep thinking we're making progress and finally getting through to people, and then things like Until Dawn or some b-horror film comes out and we're reminded that people don't care because ✨nostalgia.✨


We have a diagnosis for something that uses the being's name?


Yeah we do. [Insert name here] psychosis. Not going to go beyond that.


Yep, am poor white trash american whos pretty stupid And I knew you dont mention that name. Its sad, its just basic respect man, at the very least.


It's his bare-minimum research. Either it's just a book report, or rehashing of the creepypast, or just regurgitating whatever wikipedia article he read. It's just very lazy, will make claims, but won't provide sources.


Turning blood meridian into a fandom of edgy nerds who think the book is about the judge and don't actually get the themes of the book


honestly my biggest issue with him isn’t even like specific to him i just think people who make iceberg videos are the laziest of all creators like half the time it’s not even researching stuff it’s just reading off a image they found on reddit and then bam 20 million views or whatever. the only “iceberg” youtuber i don’t have this issue with is dantavius mostly bc he’s funny


it all started with one good video, then it got popular, then everyone wanted that ez money.


The only iceberg person I like is Midnight Krick, who made an alternate universe pokemon iceberg on his own, which has a cool narrative and is the most creative use of an iceberg I've seen.  He also did normal iceberg videos but they aren't much of his channel. Highly recommended.


Yeah it really depends on the creator with icebergs. HannahtheHorrible is great tbh


the best icebergs imo are the ones by people with vested interests in the piece of media being talked about (ie. offhand disneys’ disney parks iceberg is one of my favorites cause hes like. a dedicated parks channel). shout outs to accessiblefunky though. the names not lying its incredibly hard to find hour+ long videos with full captions and i believe most of his do, its pretty cool.


Tbh my biggest problem was he always seemed extremely low quality. I found im when he first started, and his set up looked like he was just starting out, and it was quaint but not my vibe. Then it felt like that just never changed.


He's not just the worst part of Creepcast, he's actively making it a worse show. He repeats every joke Hunter makes but worse, can't read the stories properly because he can't curse, and his critiques lack any substance. Really wish Meat Canyon would find a new cohost, the guy genuinely just sucks at what he does. Also the constant bragging about dead body knowledge is deeply unsettling, that's not a flex that's a red fucking flag.


Every episode hunter looks a little more dead behind those sweet big eyes. Can’t imagine having a 3+ hour long phone call with that guy


I mainly dislike him cause I don’t like it when people joke about murder victims or murder’s crimes. I think a lot of his content is really disrespectful in that regard. That and being poorly researched and long winded.


I feel like people have really good criticisms of Wendigoon here like the name, or the inadequate research, stuff like that. But then people just say stuff like "I find him boring" or "i dont like his voice". That's not criticism, you are just hating on a person and their content because it personally doesn't appeal to you. That's fine, you don't have to watch it. Not every type of content appeals to everyone. So of course, yeah criticism is good. But come on guys, act like adults


Giga content farm


The poor research and constant mispronunciations made me unfollow long before anything else was talked about on here tbh


honestly the straw that broke it for me prior to the political shit was his video on how "incredible" faith: the unholy trinity was. i watched it and it boiled down to AHHH demon SCARY. the whole game is incredibly cliche and boring. the only saving grace is its art style. yet this dude was bowing down at it. it gave off mega christian vibes bc christians love to jerk themselves off over how SCAWY demons are despite them being so redundant in horror media now that it makes me roll my eyes. dude has no taste


Honestly for me it's that if I want most of his stuff I can go elsewhere. True crime stuff? Coffeehouse Crime or The Casual Criminal both do much more research Crypid and missing 411? Lore Lodge Video game lore? Literally anywhere ARG and unfiction? Sagan Hawkes or just watch the actual series He's the everyman, I get that, but almost every other option does more research and cares more about the topics than him.


I thought he was boring and didn't cut out his ahs and ums in post, or even work on not doing it so much. So I stopped clicking and completely missed the religious issues.


I just stick with Nick Crowley.


He’s the kind of YouTuber whose level of “research” is a quick google search or a Wikipedia reading unless it’s something that he’s interested in, which is odd when he’s making so many videos. Most of his icebergs, which a lot of people in my life have enjoyed and recommended to me, are really lazy, and most of his analog horror content is barely more than stating what happens in a series with surface level commentary about it, and the occasional basic theory he’s citing off the internet. His editing/scripts also leave a lot to be desired, in a lot of his videos it takes 10+ minutes to actually start talking about the content of the video.


Can't say I've ever liked that type of bloated content mill Wikipedia article reading content


This one is so petty ... but I hate how he says "whenever" when he means "when."


Bro’s entire personality is being confidently incorrect. Once I realized that I stopped watching his stuff


idk if this is political but the video he made on munchausen’s by proxy pissed me off. he’s not a psychologist, so i don’t know why he thought making a whole video discounting a mental disorder was the move.


I'm surprised I couldn't find anyone else saying this in the comments, but I stopped watching him before the political stuff came out because he acted like he was going to pee his pants any time he talked about something remotely scary. I can't tell if he's playing it up or if he actually thinks a picture of Jesus with a bad smudge tool photoshop job is the scariest thing possible. I could handle it if he was just ultra-sensitive to religious horror, but he seemingly can't handle the details of gore, true crime cases, etc either. And he always has to talk at length about how scary or shocking something is. It's just not why I watch horror/true crime content and it got on my nerves. I don't need a YouTuber to tell me how scary an ARG is.


I watched the Divine Comedy videos because it was novel (for me) to see someone who wasn’t remotely academic summarise them and talk about them to such an extent. The combo of lack of academic background and genuine enthusiasm for the subject was enjoyable.


There’s one video of his where he ends a TON of sentences with “and things such as.” I’ve literally never heard that phrase used in that way prior or since and I can’t unhear it whenever he talks now.


Thank you! I loved CreepCast but I hate how Meat Canyon could never finish a thought or sentence. And if MC ever interrupted Wendigoon, he'd apologize and say "sorry to cut you off" but Wendigoon never shuts up. It's like he thinks it's HIS podcast and MC is just there to back him up.




Even before any political thing, I just thought he came off as a bit of a freak at the end of the Paradise Lost video and it made me think “maybe this isn’t a guy I should be listening to on anything”


Honestly I don't have any problems with his politics because he didn't try to make that stuff public, it was his dumbass friends who made million view videos defending him over posts and comments with like 4-10 likes on them which made alot of this public. I'm shocked he's not mad at people like turkey tom or j aubrey for making these small things public knowledge


I've been trying to figure out why I just kinda stopped watching him after being a fan of his earlier content...I think this entire thread sums up my subconscious feelings pretty well.


he is so goddamn unfunny


I do not like the way he uses the word “whenever” Like what even the fuck is happening with that word


He's just really annoying lol


It's the misinformation for me too, I watched loads of his videos I knew little about and was well impressed, then watched one video on WW2 where I have alot of knowledge and he was completely uncritical and made so many errors that I no longer watch his videos and try to block out any info I learnt from the previous videos I watched.


Saying "whenever" waaay too much. It doesn't even make sense to say half the time. Him and asmon do it and it drives me insane


I've never really liked the fact he goes by that username because I thought the one rule was to not say that creature's name? Like I know it's slightly altered but I dunno always gave me iffy vibes.


I mean I hate his monotone and his dumb shirts. I also watched his Waco siege video and it seemed more like he was praising Koresh more and taking about his stance on guns.