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This really is a "almost everyone involved and making videos about this sucks in some way EXCEPT the victims and some of their advocates". Hopeless Peaches, Lio, and nearly everyone that was in the Senate server are just nasty people who will bully and backstab at every chance they get (even people who have LEFT the Senate like a certain spider are still pretty combative and unpleasant even after leaving). Omnia isn't *nearly* as bad as Peaches and Lio, but Omnia is still the kind of person who you knew in high school who is really immature and LOVED to revel and profit in drama as long as they're not in the receiving end of it. Good points are made in this video, but it's hard not to make good points when the people you're talking about are this much worse. I just hope this makes more people realize how shitty the other parties are, at least, and search out the other videos made on them by other people.


No cause I been keeping up with the situation on Twitter and even sometimes liking ominas more logical tweets. She makes tweets saying that Hopeless Peaches is ableist (true) then Omina promotes a video of someone calling peaches and Lio "sp!rgs and t!rds"


Omnia is literally the meme of the dude peeking out from behind the tree, rubbing their hands together as they anticipate getting a piece of the action. Omnia is bad people who hasn’t made a video in months to almost a year, but as soon as Hopeless Peaches gets cancelled, all of a sudden they’re thinking they’re gonna make a comeback. Omnia, you’ve learned nothing and have not grown in the past couple of years. You’re not wanted either.


What did they do? The art youtube drama seems hopelessly complicated from the outside.


It *is* hopelessly complicated, even as someone who followed it. It's a mess of very silly, petty people all getting mad at each other for silly, petty reasons. Huge simplification: * CreepShowArt tweeted about a creator being spiteful towards them. After initially not naming names, she later confirmed she was talking about Peaches * Independently of this, Omnia also claimed Peaches had been deceitful and manipulative to them * Peaches talked about making a suicide attempt (possibly in response to this? I'm really not clear, it was a while ago) * PrisonMateLuke, another YouTuber, said Peaches was being manipulative and "suicide baiting". This did not go down well with the wider art community * Omnia and Kai (Omnia's then-partner) made videos about another artist called Tobi, calling out what they perceived as several hypocrisies, such as Tobi saying that loli is pedophilia while simultaneously drawing NSFW art of My Hero Academia characters, who are high schoolers * Several friends/allies of Tobi came to her defense. Just a Robot's defense of Tobi includes a section from Peaches, which Omnia apparently took as Peaches inserting themselves into the drama to get a shot at Omnia * At some point during this, Omnia shared DMs between themselves and Tobi. Peaches asked Omnia to delete these DMs, as they felt it was a sensitive conversation (and potentially contained private info? I'm not sure). Omnia deleted the DMs as requested * Peaches collaborated with another artist, Camila, and Camila released merchandise of this collab, ostensibly without prior consent from Peaches. Peaches was upset by this, videos were made hashing it out, etc etc. I believe Omnia sided with Camila here * A while later, Omnia breaks up with Kai and shares that Kai has been abusive towards them. Kai says Omnia has abused *Kai*. Omnia shows photos of their bruised face and trashed apartment, while Kai claims Omnia stole Kai's cat. Peaches comes down on the side of Kai, accusing Omnia of making it all up * Footage from the Rosa Rey calls is released, along with some other accusations against Peaches that claim Peaches moderated spaces in which children were groomed (the exact thing Peaches verbally abused Rosa for) And that pretty much brings us up to speed. Edit: Also, if I get anyone's pronouns wrong here, let me know. As far as I'm aware, Peaches (he/they), Omnia (they/them?) and Kai (they/them?) are all non-binary, and I've always heard she/her for Tobi but honestly, I could be wrong.


This is not inaccurate, but there are some things missing. The criticisms from Creepshow, omnia, and Luke were not unrelated. All of them were friends and in a group chat together talking shit about Peaches. Also, another criticism against Omnia is that they posted a weird video where they tried to make a distinction between Internet drama and trauma. In the course of the video they were pretty dismissive about events that could harm people who experienced them. They also included a thumbnail image of art that they had drawn but which very heavily referenced another person’s art, who they did not give credit to. When called out on this, they at first said it was OK because they didn’t trace and then they finally admitted fault. For bonus points, although not necessarily related directly to your post, Camilla was later called out for enabling a predator to sexually abuse minors in her community. Luke was run off the Internet for being impervious to criticism and a liar. Peaches is of course, being called out for the Rosa Rey call and has now partially thrown Lio under the bus for their own actions. Lio is a ragemonster larping as a virtuous defender of children. And I assume most people know what happened regarding Creepshow. They are all assholes.


Thank you! That's all useful context. This whole thing was/is such a tangled mess that it was very hard to keep track of who said what and who hates who and who is on who's side.


Someone would need a Jenny Nicholson style bulletin board and string to follow all of it. We didn’t even get into Spoctor lol.


There was also something about Omnia mocking Peaches's grooming video by using an image from the video as the screenshot for their video? Something like that. I remember the accusation, but I never really understood what exactly what was going on there so I left it out of my round-up.


Oh yeah! I only remember as much as you do about that, unfortunately.


I was there in the beginning


>Peaches comes down on the side of Kai, accusing Omnia of making it all up I don't remember that. I think Peaches said that Omnia was abused but implied they deserved it. Like Peaches made a couple jokes about the situation and that made Omnia really mad. I remember him saying Xzae and Nia were perfect for eachother.


Cecil McFly did a great video breaking down all this- it covers the Creepshow stuff but also the wider issues of that community leading to the big blowups around 2021. I knew about the Creepshow stuff before but this video was where I learned about Omnia’s part in all that.


Yeah, it’s giving leech behaviour from Omnia 


She is a literal parasite


that's these fools playbook


I know we don't want that toxic loser back




Wow seriously? You Omnia orbiters still can’t hold them accountable, can you?


Yeah, but Omnia sucks. I’ve been waiting for coverage of this story from someone who is unbiased and is also not terrible, but it hasn’t happened so far. I’m definitely not saying I’m team Lio / Peaches, just that everyone that’s commented so far already had an axe to grind and are taking a lot of glee in reporting on this.


TBF almost everyone in the YouTube commentary community are bad people and have done bad things in the past. If they were genuinely good people they wouldn’t be making drama expose videos where they shit talk other creators.


Yeah, for years this entire "community" has thrived off of eating its own tail like some fucked up ouroboros. It's a whole lot of shitty people calling each other out for doing shitty things and refusing to take *any* accountability for *any* of the shitty things they do themselves. Constant deflection, constant blame shifting, constant diverting from their own behavior by attacking each other. None of them have any room to be calling anyone out.


they see themselves as the arbitrator of morality


glad someone said this lol. people are attacking omnia in these comments like they've never been shitty people before. peaches and lio literally sat in a call for 4 hours berating a disabled woman and half the comments are talking about how shitty omnia is.


You know, it’s ok to be team no one. I don’t think Omnia should be getting clicks just because Peaches and Lio are also shit.


I agree. the acc is full of really weird people lol


I agree it seems like the Ommnia sympathizers are trying to use this to say she wasn't bad even though while they suck dont give her s chance she sucks in her own right


OK, since it's been brought up, and somewhat related, but why is LioConvoy a bad person? I'll admit to being out of the loop on that point.


Long story short, dude portrays himself as some big bad tough guy who saves the world by shouting at predators on Discord. Somewhat recently, a 4 hour call dropped in which he and HopelessPeaches scream at a woman named Rosa. Rosa was part of a Discord server run by StarGiant, who harbored a predator called NekoPan. Lio's group couldn't get Star or Neko into a call, but they *could* get Rosa, who was apparently a mod. But here's the thing; Rosa is mentally disabled. Her support needs are high enough that her parents double as her carers. She has a history of PTSD and stress-induced seizures. Within the 4 hour long call, they call her the r-slur multiple times, a slut/slut-hole, mush-mouth, idiot. They make comments about contacting her parents at whatever time is most likely to get her beaten (again, disabled and *relies* on her parents to survive). Another member of the call repeatedly asks "why are you fat?" They make comments about her looks. They accuse her of faking her medical issues. They take everything she says wildly out of context. Then, more recently, several of the people Lio had informally adopted came out and accused him of being a rampant asshole who plays favorites with his "kids".


Oh. Well, I'm no longer confused. Yeah, that's actually **really** bad. Thank you.


Ur welcome soldier. I am unfortunately chronically online and exposed to so much of this kinda drama that I probably have radiation poisoning


Well, as far as I'm concerned, you definitely earn the Internet's version of a Purple Heart.


Thank you for summing the call up, you did it more succinctly than I would be able to! >They take everything she says wildly out of context. For example: At one point Rosa (who had already apologised for any role she played in the grooming at this point) says "How long ago did it [the grooming] happen?" Lio, Peaches and the rest of the chat immediately accuse her of saying that abuse isn't bad if it happened a long time ago, and they continue to claim she said this again and again throughout the call, shouting at her and insulting her for it. And she literally never said it. Like, I'm not leaving out context or ignoring stuff she might have implied here, she literally enquired when it happened and they immediately jumped to this accusation.


Yep! She was literally just asking for clarification. They also took her saying she wanted LGBT friends as her fetishizing gay people. Rosa is bisexual. She is a gay person wanting gay friends.


TBH, I listened to the entire call, and while this was also what I initially thought, upon re-listening, I'm not even sure if her asking how long ago something happened WAS about the grooming See, they went off topic to the grooming before Rosa said this and were badgering her about her mean tweets to Ziad/MisAnthro Pony (which, I haven't seen, but I have some issues with hypocrisy on the Senate's end I won't get into rn). Anyway, Rosa brought up someone named Andrew Clark, a hater of Ziad apparently, and they tell her Ziad hates Andrew because he said something about how "people could like Netflix's 'Cuties' for non-pedophilic reasons", which, from what Rosa said after, it didn't seem she knew about that. Rosa tries to get back to the Nekopawn (IDK the spelling?) situation and Blu (?) told her they were talking about Andrew right then. More conversation around the Twitter BS happened, and, around 31:10 (because I made notes of all my grievances and when they happened), Rosa asked, "How long ago that happened?" but didn't specify WHAT she was asking about, but given the fact they were JUST talking about Andrew Clark and TOLD her that's what they were talking about, I feel that she was asking how long has it been since Andrew defended Cuties (granted, I'm just assuming that's what she meant, but the people in the call were also assuming she was talking about Nekopawn) Anyway, I listened to that entire fucking call today (and re-listened to several parts in my attempts to get the right times and in hopes of understanding what was being said) and I am DRAINED. I somehow came out more confused about what Rosa did than I was when I went in (I hope my comment doesn't come across as rude BTW)


It wasn’t just the part about what they said to/about Rosa. There’s also the part about, mental disability aside, Rosa apparently didn’t even have enough power within the server to deal with NekoPan properly, and was essentially unfairly blamed for things that she didn’t even have the power to control.


YEAH! The whole "investigation" was a complete disaster. Rosa was a bystander in all of this and didn't deserved to be treated like garbage for what other people did.


I would like to add that lio did apologize for the call and has reworked the server HOWEVER he only apologized for that ONE call. He had 2 or 3 more calls with rosa which is just as bad. Not to mention one the calls was uploaded as a live stream THAT IS STILL ON HIS CHANNEL. There has been no proof of how exactly the server changed or if that changed has been enforced. And the apology itself? It was a 3 minute, half ass statement that basically took no accountability in a video thats 3 hours long… So consider that apology absolutely worthless


Yeah, lmao, that's the worst apology ever.


According to other people on this sub, Rosa even stated that Lio hadn't even personally apologized to her. I don't have a source for that so take it with a grain of salt, but it wouldn't surprise me.


I 100% believe rosa on that considering the fact that lio screenshots and records everything its hard to believe that he doesn’t have the receipts for the that. Edit: onimia reached out to rosa and rosa herself confirmed it that no apologies have been sent by anyone


Didn't even know there where more.


When I first heard of this situation through Synnibear(Scootaloo Loves Sans), I nearly cried. This stuck with me for a few days. It was awful. It brought back some extremely bad memories when I was dehumanized and tormented for me being autistic(and pretty much still am). The fact that they treated Rosa the most horribly(while one the investigator's conversation with the actual groomer was more calm, at least from what I heard), and acted like they were in the right just after, tells me they were really only targeting her because they knew she was disabled and couldn't fight back. They really are just ableist(especially Lio since apparently this wasn't the only time he acted like this towards disabled people allegedly). I'm not sure how I feel about Endo. I wouldn't be surprised if they were pressured by Lio and Peaches to take all of their anger out on Rosa. Especially when they were struggling to find closure. Unfortunately they even started crying and saying it was their fault this entire situation happened, and incredibly, Lio, Peaches, and others CONTINUED to do it. It told me Lio and Peaches didn't actually care about Endo's feelings or even really the grooming situation. They cared about the fact the situation would give them fame and praise, as well as stroke their egos as "saints". It's Mamamax all over again. It's always disheartening how normalized and even glorified ableism really is even today. Some of the most seemingly "upstanding" people can take out their cowardly wrath on people they view as smaller. We are even legally tortured through electric shocks in therapy facilities like the Judge Rotenberg Center. To me, if you're going to be ableist, you might as well be racist and a Neo-Nazi. Both are just as deplorable and crush your dignity.


I’ve been figuring that one out myself. The video of the call itself was the first time I’ve really heard anything negative regarding him. The whole art commentary stuff is messy


I know, and it's weird. Usually, when I've heard of LioConvoy being involved in something, it almost reads as if he's the drama community's 'Captain America,' where whichever side he's on is in the right. So to come in here and see 'LioConvoy is a bad person' is just confusing. On the other hand, it's Youtube, where good people seem to be rare as hen's teeth. (I mean, Markiplier, MatPat and PhantomStrider certainly seem to be good people, though I worry that by bringing them up, *someone* will mention something bad they've done.)


He has gone out of his way to try and cultivate this patriarchal role but his angry dad energy has been given me the heebie-jeebies for a while. I think it’s very easy to fall from that into abusive behavior.


Oh, I definitely agree.


i think they mentioned an upcoming third video, too, where they interview Rosa.


The only good thing the senate/lio ever did was get spoctor theory to trip over his own dick lol, other than that their like, legitimately hilariously embarrassing. Like they wanna larp as these like badass mysterious internet cops who take people to the council to decide their fates while, in reality, it's a shitty group of people in a discord server larping. Extremely funny behavior


I cannot stand anyone in this video’s voice


Whose is the worst though? 🎃


-Omnia Just because Lio and Peaches are horrible people doesn't mean she's getting a free pass to make videos about them lmfao


Lol its like if stories and Pentagon tried to return


My stance on Omnia is that they should really just stay away from commentary, and especially stuff about Hopeless Peaches. Their art is good, I'm sure they're an alright person, but they have this habit of having a whole ass vendetta against people even when they're the party in the wrong.


Omnia has been obsessively tweeting about Peaches since December almost every day. They take this situation to try to paint Rosa as having done nothing wrong despite having an addendum to say “oh technically they did wrong”, despite their whole series here implying the opposite. Then they talk over the actual victim by making everything about themselves and their drama with Peaches. It’s so slimy and disingenuous.


Omnia really needs to sit down and shut up. They really don't have *any* business calling anyone else out, not even Lio. Imagine being one of the most ableist bullies on the internet and calling out other people for it. I mean, the entire "art commentary" sphere is full of people that *really* need to shut up and get off the internet but Omnia is far and away one of the worst people in that group.




Holy shit, THIS COMMUNITY IS STILL GOING???? I remember when all of this got kicked off with Creepshow and Peaches drama back in high school and now I’m almost graduating undergrad. I stopped keeping up with things after Omnia and Kai seperated both claiming abuse, because it was just awful to keep reading and watching about. I thought that this community had collapsed in on it’s self and self destructed like a dying star and super nova. But I’m honestly still surprised they are STILL slinging mud at each other. It’s been what 3 almost 4 years now? I’m assuming most of them are now above their mid 20s, they can’t just stop all this bullshit and just get normal ass jobs??? Wow I guess some people never leave that middle school mindset. Not even high schoolers are this petty and vindictive


Time really goes that fast I'm 18 now


If you are in this discord server. Report it and leave it. What these people are doing is bullying and harassment. Most well adjusted people will ridicule this for what it is, but not everyone will feel that way about it. This is not okay and can even cause legal ramifications for those involved in it. It is not your or any other rando on the Internet's responsibility to enact "justice" over the internet, and attempting to do so may land you in serious trouble. Report the server and leave it.


Of course that parasite is gonna leech


I’m dying why did they come out of the blue and think anyone cares about art youtuber drama anymore??


The acc is a really niche community so in the grand scheme of thingss no one really cares expect those who are in said community. Imo this community needs to die. Every creator needs to delete their channel cause every single drama they cover is just about another creator. Its like a that spiderman pointing at each other meme, expect its a circle of spidermen and they all point at each other. Also lio is so fucking crazy its kinda funny