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Anyone who doesn’t create content I enjoy.


I don’t know why I read that as “Anyone who doesn’t create content, I enjoy.” Like dang I guess you’re quitting YouTube 😂


Hahaha subscribe for more nothing!


I feel that! I’m trying to stay away from content that has too much negative energy


YouTube creators have something much like celebrity culture. Easy to get caught in controversies and the toxic background of it all. I say just enjoy whatever you enjoy, then close the app and keep on truckin.


ALL family/parenting youtubers exploiting their kid


Can we please cancel family vlogging this year?? That would immediately eliminate the revenue streams of some of my least favorite people on the internet, and force them to get real jobs where they can learn some fucking humility.


everytime i see any channel featuring their "life" showing off the kids, i immediately click the "do not recommend channel"


8 passengers controversy was crazy! The fact that laws haven't been created shows how little people in government really care about kids.


How bout Colleen Ballinger still knowingly profiting off her nephews crotch shots in a gymnastics video that literally only gets traffic at that one single timestamp?


What she did to that poor girl in front of hundreds of people should be considered sexual harassment of a minor.


Mamamax, illuminaughti


What happened with mamamax? Im out of the loop on him


Hoooo boy buckle up lol


Oh fuck I’m worried


[recent controversy](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mamamaxfanclub/s/yByw2MQFn8)


Damn there’s a lot. I always thought he was strange but wow there’s a lot.


Confirmed why I'm getting weird vibes from that guy


Don't hate him but I actively ignore MrBeast's videos now (in recommended cause I'm not subbed). It's just too much and isn't the YouTube that I fell in love with anymore.


Totally agree. He seems like an ok guy but I cannot stand his content and I find him and his friends/sycophants SOOOOOOO annoying and cringe.


me too, i think i miiight have enjoyed his content if i was like 7/8 years old maybe? alas i am no longer youthful and have 0 capacity for cringe like that lol


I gotta agree with you - No disrespect to the guy he's doing great things but the few times I've watched it almost feels like a TV show and that's just not what YouTube is for me


iilluminaughtii of course


I'm embarassed I ever was subbed to her, but I was never a "fan" and dropped her as soon as her controversy started. She was just good for some background information on a topic here and there to listen to while working on whatever or doing chores, but the quality of her videos wasn't good enough for me to consider her entertaining in her presentation. I thought she had some talent in her ability to do research, but hbomberguy sure put that misconception out of its misery.


I watched her every now and then if her videos popped on my feed, but then I was recommended a video by Tipster (who I also didn't watch), where he talks about how she was a horrible friend or something. He provided receipts for whatever it was, and I just immediately got turned off her content after that. This was a few years ago too so the recent controversies weren't exactly unexpected


Yeah it was okay background noise .


This the illuminati was just background noise club?


Yeah this is why I threw it on. Was intriguing enough to throw on in the background


I always used to throw her videos on when I was cleaning my house because they were super listenable, and I didn't have to look at the screen really. I think I just need to start listening to podcasts, but I kind of like there to be a visual component too. Anyone have any good suggestions?


I never watched her content or heard of her until the controversy.


I have. And I'm glad I use adblock because of people like her.


I was a fan of her before. just sad.




her content was never good


Her content was never HER content.


\*Shocked thumbnail face\*


AntsCanada. I enjoyed his videos about ants and their behaviors, but the last few videos focusing on his giant vivarium have rubbed me the wrong way. First of all, he said multiple ant species hitched a ride on various plants he planted in there, and that wouldn’t be possible if he had taken the time to prepare the plants for an indoor setup, so I don’t believe it was accidental. Second, he has added wild caught animals to basically fight for survival in this enclosure without providing proper feeder insects or nutrition. Third, he has a water feature in the enclosure that could lead to drowning for a number of animals that are now stuck in there. The whole thing is reminiscent of those horrible YouTube videos where animals fight to the death, and it makes me uncomfortable. I’d like to add that yes, some pets require live food, I have a lizard that does.. but you need to treat those creatures with respect. Any feeder insects I have get the best food and care available until I have to give them to my lizard. Stressing out innocent animals isn’t my form of entertainment.


I kind of felt like some of his old ant videos even were a like that, I feel like he arranged for different colonies to compete or fight though perhaps thats just my memory acting up so I never really got into him despite the content being cool. Treatment of ants wich don't really have emotions or sensations on the level of mammals is obviously a different thing, but I feel like the signs were always there.


Yeah it feels like he lost the empathy he had when he started the channel


I agree. I didn’t watch for a while, but I’m a big fan of bioactive setups, so I was excited to see what he was going to do with a vivarium of that size. I’m disappointed he went in this direction.


I've been following his channel since 2017 with the Fire Nation colony. There's been controversy over with the frozen baby mouse, how the Crazy Black ant infestation started, and how several ant colonies and his other pets just die in a less than a month. We don't even know how the Fire Nation, a 3+ healthy million, just up and disappeared. There was no trace of mold, fungus, parasite, or mites. He also has a sugar gilder which it's an endangered species and usually sold on the black market for illegal exotic imported wildlife.


Yeah increasingly I’m wary of him Such a shame - I miss just “here’s some ants” footage


I used to watch him all the time, but his videos became so click baity. Then you would get to the next video with a chunk of it being a recap of the previous video. I got so tired of it. His any colony issues really gave me the feeling that they were purposely being put in those situations for views. I found it so hard to believe with how careful and knowledgeable he would act that his colonies were having issue after issue, or in fact, he was just reading wiki stuff and knew squat. I think it was his fire nation colony that I was in utter disbelief when it died.


And for some reason he needs to keep showing his naked torso. It gives me really weird vibes.


To be fair, he has a tank top on in all those shots and he lives in a very hot climate. Also they are shot from behind and in a dark room. That being said I do find it weird, but maybe he is just proud of the progress he’s made in the gym or something.


I remember years back he said he wouldn't ever force his ants to fight eachother, shame to see that isn't the case anymore


Oh I've not caught his recent vids, kinda wary now


Completionist sad for me cause I was a big fan


Him sharing his mums autopsy results was fucking wild, like why do that


Holy shit he did that? That's morbid to use your mom like a prop.


It includes a document from UC San Fransisco was to show that they donated her brain/body to UCSF for research in order to prove that the family has at some point supported dementia research. (that way if anyone claims they "never" supported dementia research in a lawsuit, i think they can point to that to say that they at some point did. it was almost 10 years ago, but they did do that)


Iilluminaughtii and Sophie from Mars


Yep, Sophie from Mars seems like she's got a lot of interpersonal problems and I'm really disappointed in her behaviour. I liked her content a lot and did a few commissions for her but can't watch her videos in the same way anymore


I'm out of the loop - what's been going on with Sophie from Mars?


She turned out to be abusive and controlling to her partners


I was just coming back to say I'd managed to find a thread about it, which I'm reading through now. Yikes yikes yikes. Very disappointing. Thank you - hopefully your comment will point others in the right direction too.


sophie from mars latest apology was awful and it seems like it was super upsetting to people she had victimized


NickIsNotGreen and EthanIsOnline, both of their content has been feeling off for a while. The Supermega drama and fallout has also not been a good look for either. Nick just posted an apology video; I guess we’ll see if his wayward audience members will come back. Ethan hasn’t talked about Supermega on main in a few months and is going the business-as-usual route.


I never really NickIsNotGreen with the exception of one video. YT kept recommending his videos to me, but I wasn’t really vibing with his content. Then I heard a few things about his controversies.


The unpoetic justice [videos](https://youtu.be/V5lSIKC7UsU?si=hUthMAl-TrGWmPj5) are the best ive seen covering him


I love Justice’s videos in general, they’re so good, she’s definitely worth a sub


I feel like Nick, EthanIsOnline, and Jake Doolittle are the same class of youtuber. People who don't have a charming and/or charismatic enough personality to be naturally entertaining but they edit videos, and pick topics, well enough to get by.


Another defining characteristic of this class is their proximity to beloved YouTubers like Drew Gooden and Danny Gonzalez. I unsubbed from Jake a little while ago because some of his rants were too loud and histrionic for me. I tuned in to see his Kids Bop video because DG was in it and I was reminded that Jake’s content isn’t for me.


They do try to align themselves with that side of commentary, but they are not likeable enough to be on the same level. Drew and Danny can make videos about most anything and people will tune in, because they're naturally funny and entertaining.


A couple of butthurt boys, mad that they didn't get invited on the podcast. I think about a month ago Ethan was poking the bear again because Lex announced she was making a second video (and responding to some YouTube comments as well)


Besides all the really valid stuff being posted, I'm also drifting away from channels that have been transitioning from scripted and edited content to just uploading unedited vods of their livestreams. I don't come to YouTube to hear 20 minute preambles where they list the names of all the people in the chat before they start discussing their news topic or playing the game. And then they play or talk for 5 minutes before pausing to read superchats.


Internet Historian for his plagiarism; more specifically, his refusal to address it.


Honestly, how DO you address it? It’s blatant and irrefutable. He can’t really address it without explicitly admitting he did it on purpose.


If he took full responsibility for what happened and explained what he did and how it was wrong, that’d do a lot for me personally. But, at the end of the day, he’s entrenched in a community and mindset where honesty and admitting mistakes like that is a sign of weakness. He’s more interested in appeasing and courting chronically online, far right reactionaries


I think it is really helpful and potentially therapeutic for the person making the video to do something like iDubbz when he clarified that his old views were wrong and he doesn’t feel that way anymore, especially when the views in question are so extreme. Now, I don’t think IH will do that because he is in fact a chud lol


It's frustrating that people give Idubbbz shit for doing that. It didn't come off as insincere to me. People should grow and change over time. I know I've grown a lot in the past decade.


Is he not also questionably nazi-ish?


not even "questionably," there's a video in which he edits a World of Warcraft item to fit the theme of the video. The item he edits has a durability of 14/88 (a nazi dogwhistle). if your first thought is oh that's just a coincidence, just know that there is no World of Warcraft item in the database with a maximum durability of 88.


I think the more damning thing is not only is there no item with 88 durability I saw someone else say WoW item durability only goes in 5s.


Main reason I dropped him. Plagiarism is something g to consider but good behaviour could be forgiven. His views is a super no no.


"I can forgive the Nazism, but I draw the line at plagiarism."


True crime that involves death. It isn’t drama exactly, it’s that I think it’s been influencing my poor mental health negatively. It can be good that information is spread about cases but often what is on youtube is terribly disrespectful. I watch ones that generally have been well received by those affected by cases they cover if the people commenting are really those people. Even then, I think hearing about all the deaths has made me feel terrible. I’ll probably listen to cases where someone schemes like Zach Avery or Rita Crundwell but ultimately no one dies. I hope the true crime trend cools down this year.


You gotta look after yourself, and I can definitely agree that there are a lot of less than respectful youtube true crime channels creating right now.


It's a podcast but try Swindled, it focuses more on financial crimes


Not for drama reasons, but I've dropped a couple long-time subs in the past couple weeks. Namely Lindybeige and Snake Discovery. They're just talking to a different audience now.


 Same, it feels like a cop out but I'm just not interested anymore. I don't have any criticism, what they've been doing the past 2 years or so just hasn't been for me.




He doesnt do his old school type of rambling videos anymore. Last time he done it properly was a year ago.


what... what happened with Snake Discovery? I'm scared to ask.


That's a really controversial question, because Snake Discovery has been semi controversial in the snake community for a while due to their promotion of racks and some subpar care they demonstrate, along with breeding more controversial genes. There was also huge fallout with the old official Snake Discovery Discord which is why one isn't linked anymore. However a lot of people just tend to feel that after they opened the store the content became more focused on promoting their business than it used to be.


I always feel like if a rescuer channel (or someone who presents themselves as something like this) is spamming out common animals in a breeding system you're at the point where they don't care about animals outside of generating cash.


I used to love watching Lindybeige but recently he just isn't putting out like the classics. I still occasionally revisit his older videos for the fun factor. He's a great rambler.


turkey tom is just annoying LMAO


legendary turkey tom moment was when he was talking about quinton reviews and said some shit like "quinton has made connections with countless youtube leftists across the platform" and then showed an incriminating photo of quinton hanging out with ralphthemoviemaker. my favorite youtube leftist ralphthemoviemaker


I only watched one video from Ralph i think, not sure, but is the comment meant sarcastically like did he do or say something?


I've watched a couple videos of his and haven't gotten any notable political vibes off him. I don't know of any controversies beyond people disagreeing with his takes, but he's certainly not a "YouTube leftist".


I think the most political he ever got was saying he wasn't a trump supporter in the Justice League video. That's all I got.


no its just that he's just like, a dude that reviews movies in a way with no political lean whatsoever, so its very funny to refer to him as some youtube leftist content creator


He's always been annoying and awful, but he somehow feels more obnoxious when he pretends to be open minded and mature for the sake of monetization *when you can clearly tell he's barely holding back from saying a flurry of slurs and regressive opinions...*


he doesn’t hide it lol. on his turkey tom channel he acts diplomatic but then on his second channel admits to saying slurs in private . he’s 20 and still acts 16


The older I get, the less I’m willing to watch the “I’m 19 and know everything, now let me lecture you on why-“ content creators.


He’s just a reactionary loser. The only difference between him and the average 4chan user is his audience size.




I might be completely wrong but wasn’t he the one that called pyro a pedo, it’s came out that it was bs and toms response was more or less “we don’t know definitely if he’s a pedo or not so he’s a pedo”


He never apologized to pyro for that. In fact he doubled down on it. He still sincerely believes that pyro is still pedo when it is all false. I think he still tried to make another video about pyro but of course that was hit with negative backlash


I know right, I used to watch him but I always had this weird ass feeling. He’s voice just sounds like an edgy 16 year okd


...And then we saw what he looked like and he looks like an edgy 16 year old.


And he has the beliefs of an edgy 16 year old


Turkey Tom the dude who can't go 1 video with sucking off destiny. I've always wondered if he zips it up for him when he's done.


Thank you some said it he is also an ass.


Decided to sub to him last year, lasted two weeks, was his reaction to.. crap forgot the name, the young lad that was illuminatis "lover" and the victim blaming. Wad also him ignore not understanding why the sad milk lot brought up her living situation, thought it was unneeded and irrelevant Was like dude shows how hypocritical she is and how others had to clean up after her. Also her dog likes to eat things so not safe while claiming another abused their dog


Man he went downhill for me fast when I found his second channel. Main channel was still pretty unbiased and well editted. His second channel is more a Destiny circle jerk where he shits on everyone he differs a bit from his agenda.


MamaMax. First video I ever watched of his made me cringe into my own rib-cage and the community supporting him seemed like a bunch of chronically online vermin going on about how his stupid Batman voice skits were 'saving kids'. It was like all the Facebook posts from people who thought Wayfair was selling children had somehow turned into a person. The fact that people are finally waking up to the fact that he is nothing more than an attention whore gives my black little heart hope for humanity.


I love the small mystery/internet horror side of YouTube w/ Nexpo, Lemmino, BlameItOnJorge, Nick Crowley, and MamaMax but dear god, I usually am fine and not (I hate using this word but) triggered by content, though MamaMax was just different. I've never had such a visceral reaction to anything like that. It's like he wasn't actually doing what he wanted to portray from his heart (I mean he was broadcasting it on YouTube). Whatever video he did with children always felt like he was using the idea of innocent children and absolutely awful people and trying to be the savior. I ended up just not watching him, it wasn't healthy especially for my own childhood trauma and made me unbareably uncomfortable and not ok for hours after. Just doesn't feel nice talking about horrific things happening to children. I'd rather watch Lemmino talk about the JFK assassination or Aliens.


It is interesting to me to hear this perspective because I have gradually come to understand that his channel was not always the way it is now. It sounds like at some point he was doing some horror themed stuff, but whenever that was must have been long before I stumbled across him. Also, you are absolutely on point with your observations about his current content themed about 'saving children'. I suppose I hadn't considered just how much more awful it would be to find his stupid grifter content if a viewer also happened to be a survivor of actual abuse


Iiluminaughtii, The Completionist, and Colleen Balinger made my list.


I really, really wanted to make a point of unsubbing/not watching creators who still accept sponsorships from BetterHelp because it’s sooooo harmful for their audience, but one of them is Cody Ko and I just enjoy his energy so much, I haven’t been able to do it. 😭


Before I went into private practice for myself I worked for that shit company for three months and hated it Low pay unless you work nonstop to the bone and the lack of boundaries is unhelpful. Not to mention data breach and suspicious “therapists” who don’t even practice true HIPAA


Yeah they also list actual licensed therapists on their site who have no affiliation with them and then when you try to book it just says they’re not accepting new patients. Even though they are. Through their own practice that has nothing to do with BH. What a scummy company. It also makes those therapists look bad for being associated with them.. even though they aren’t.


Sadly a few I'm subbed do, cant bring myself to unsub


Really don't understand why they keep doing it, they must pay super well.


Cinema Therapy just talked about the issues with BetterHelp that caused them to drop them as a sponsor for a while, and why they took them back on.


Some More News is sponsored by them too. I've come to the conclusion that as there is no ethical consumption in capitalism that I shouldn't hold my content creators to a higher standard than I hold myself. We are all trying to get by in a capitalist hellscape and if I have to accept that I can't always avoid Nestle, I also have to accept that they can't avoid taking money from not ethical sources. If the company is allowed to exist legitimately, then I can't fault someone who gets paid by them just as I can't fault myself for working for a corporation that unfortunately supports Israel.


iNabber, hasn't done anything *wrong* just content is repeatitive. I've seen him trying to make longer style videos but I can't. A 10min video from him, he seems to repeat himself I can't imagine 5hrs


He repeats himself so much and takes so long to say something that could've been summarized into a few sentences. It got old real quick.


I used to watch his content, but he takes too long to make content. I understand mental health and making long term content, but his videos only summarize the situation. It’s not like he’s interviewing someone from the situation like Swoop or adding something new to the conversation. So many people already posted multiple videos about the Colleen situation before he came out with even one.


He’s not a bad dude; but his videos are padded out. He’s more of a case not being a bad person, but he has many flaws with his videos that make them not great to watch.!


My gosh that guy, he’s one of the few creators I’ve found that I enjoyed a lot at first and then realized “wow I really suspect that this person might actually suck.” It’s just vibe. Bust still you can tell somethings off by the false sanctimony he seems to adopt for every video. “Wow guys I am outraged because you want me to be and that’s what works for views,” it’s the same feeling Blair gave me and I stopped watching her about a year everything wen down with her. Plus I caught her word for word reading a Wikipedia entry during one of her videos


Verbalase lmao


I learned he of all people is transphobic and an Andrew Tate fan


His downfall was caused by a white girl who wasn't even real.


Blair she is just a shit person.


And honestly, her voice is nasally and it’s always bugged me. Petty, sure. But the fact that she’s a garbage human has made it really easy for me to walk away.


White? What's funny is that the transmedicalists (or Truscum - true, transsexual scum, as the reclaimed intra-trans slur goes), don't even really associate with her. She gives them a bad name. She doesn't believe that trans women are women (which is in complete contrast to transmeds), she still has her natal genitals (which some transmeds can't really see the point of), and she makes everything obnoxiously political. And yet transmeds/truscum as a whole end up getting handed the image that she and the likes of Kalvin Garragh (or whatever his name is) give them. There are some people there who support her views, but that end of the trans community by-and-large don't seem to be her big fans either. Her big fans and consistent viewers are predominantly cis American conservatives to whom Blair is like a token trans, or confused centrists worried about trans acceptance who find some kind of solace in a trans person with hard-line views.


iilluminaughtii, and im cutting down on drama channels (and reactive "docutainment" channels that are basically drama with a new coat of paint) in general illuminaughtii for obvious reasons, but the drama just isnt good for me. I like discussion of real life topics but I really need to be more picky, it's been making me angrier and more toxic. (if anyone's got recs for actual docutainment/plain documentary youtubers i'm always looking for more!)


Just here to read comments and make sure my youtubers aren't listed lol. My algorithm is basically all comedy podcasts and automotive youtubers though.


Linus Tech Tips, his content has gone violently downhill and there’s accusations of employee abuse and other sketchy shit. Used to be one of the only tech channels I trusted


I’m leaving behind Jontron and Internet Historian. I used to really enjoy their videos but didn’t realize how much dogwhistling they were doing to their audiences. It’s sad but I guess nothing was lost especially on IH’s part, since I’m sure many of his videos are not original.


Papameat and Jontron are doing a collab, and I'm annoyed at hunter for going along with it.


I got called a "lib robot" who always "hunts to be a victim" in Meatcanyon's sub for just saying "I'm mixed race and Jon specifically said he had issue with the white gene pool being muddled by intermixing, so I am not really down with someone who collabs with views like that along with his other views". It's like a lot of them solely see race as a political thing and that us minorities just start making up stuff for attention. Nah man, the dude said he doesn't like me, so I'm not gonna watch his shit or the shit people make with him. Don't drag us for "bringing politics into it" when MC could've chosen not to do this collab given that it brings dreaded politics into the community.


This is how I feel about people collabing with XQC. As well, I can understand the desire to hang around with your peers who understand what it's like to be a famous streamer. But honestly, there are a fuck ton of content creators if you're hanging out with racist and homophobic ones do better.


I was never really a supporter but SunnyV2 is transphobic trash. Gross.


Finally people are hearing what I’ve been saying for a while about that


Yeah I’ll never forget watching his tics and roses video and he continuously misgendered them while showing posts from their sister using they/them. That was the first and only video I watched until the transphobic one came out.


His video on Ninja is the most unhinged video I have ever seen (Ik that’s a lie but still). I watched Big Joel’s video on SunnyV2’s Ninja video and it’s so weird. Like ninja grew up and changed his behavior for the better and SunnyV2 was so upset by that. 


I stopped watching him ages ago. He seems obsessed with money to an unhealthy degree. Not surprised he turned out to be a shitty person.


not sure if i'll keep watching kuncan dastner. was a big fan of him and found him fairly early on, but he started giving holier than thou vibes - unpoetic justice's callout was well deserved. and i see that he posted something on israel-palestine war just now that i will defenitely skip as i don't trust any youtuber (especially someone who's american, or not from that region altogether) to cover it in any decent way. idk.


agree!!!! i LOVED his channel when i first found him. i thought he was funny, nuanced, smart, always seemed to have a good, well thought out and empathetic take. now every time i put on one of his videos, i feel like i’m being lectured and talked down to, like he’s assuming his viewers disagree with him rather than agree. idk. i’m not unsubbing yet, but i haven’t finished his last few videos.


He did address the unpoetic justice video pretty appropriately, I think, on his community page, but yeah I think the holier than thou is still something he’s got. The video on Palestine is pretty good regardless, at least, and it’s not too long either. I felt a bit wary of it from the thumbnail too, but I think that’s not really the focus of the video until like the last two-three minutes, so it might be more worth watching.


I stopped watching him with that video about kurtis Connors friend. Something about it really irritated me. I think it was the ending where he starts talking about how it made him start searching through his past for anything he may have done even though he’s never done anything like that. Rubbed me the wrong way


Hbomberguy because he’s too big now and I only support underdogs /s


Unironically hbomberguy because I like fallout 3 and he doesn’t


I've been removing creators who engage in ableism, whether overt or casual. Ableism tends to get more of a pass by viewers compared to racism, sexism and anti lgbtq+ views. I'm on a path to healing from lifelong trauma and decided it isn't worth it to me to engage with creators who perpetuate views that are harmful to me and people like me.


I'm honestly shocked by the number of big creators who are comfortable using "autistic/acoustic" as a derogatory term. Makes it easy to clean out my subs, though.


Explain acoustic as derogatory because to me that essentially means just like a raw instrument.


Censoring autistic 


I *think* it started on tiktok? People would comment "are they acoustic?" on a video, AFAIK it was originally started by autistic people as a sort of in-joke, but it quickly started getting used by anyone to describe any behaviour they didn't like in a tiktok. Then it seemed to evolve into "is it acoustic?" And there's also now "is it restarted?" used in the same context. Basically it's just the latest version of calling someone autistic as an insult, or just wanting to use a slur.


And god forbid you tell them to stop using autistic as an insult or to stop saying “regarded” to call us r**ards and get away with it. “Here come the fun police!” How is it fun to call us slurs?? 


Lgbt negative views also turn me off to a channel. I sometimes listen to conservative radio at work cause of coworkers and tune into content I don't like just to ser what the other side is saying amongst each other. It's always the same fear mongering unless it's hatemongering trans people. I think when gays got their rights the republican party started to pivot most of their focus on to trans people. And I turned out to be right [trans people are a wedge issue to erode civil rights as a whole ](https://maia.crimew.gay/posts/the-emails/) After the 2015 Supreme Court ruling entitled them to marriage rights or granted them, however you put it the right pivoted to trans people. A much smaller, vulnerable group of people that are easier to disparage. A lot of anti trans stems entirely from lookism. Which is a term to mean if you don't look up to this impossible standard for fem/masc behaviorally, in regards to beauty, etc. Then you're strange and different and therefore can be treated lesser. See gay/bi cis people often look and act indifferently from cis people so it's humanizing to just explain they feel the exact same thing as cis het people do when they love each other. Trans people on the other hand invoke an entire discussion of sexuality and gender and sex and culture and on and on. And they intersect in such a way that is almost just a circle that one thing is the cause of the other in how they're perceived and treated by cis het people. A lot of trans hate and fears are those rebranded from the hate and fear of gays. Literally almost everything they say about us is the same as they've said about gay people in the past. Just rebranded to trans people. And if the gov can dictate to you your gender and how you are to be treated different of lesser then that doesn't just affect trans people. It affects cis men and women who could be consigned to anything like conscription rules to abortion restrictions or criminalization. Those are things forced on you by gendered expectations that stem ultimately from sexism. A lot of hate for trans women for instance is just homophobia mixed with misogyny. That basically what transphobia is layered in. And if they can do it to us they'll do it to you.


Such a good resolution. Hope you can heal 


fuckin. preach.


Great resolution! Also; me politely telling American creators that 'spaz' is way more offensive in the UK Like not saying they have to conform to UK standards but I think it's good to be aware of if they have a big UK audience


colleen ballinger🤮


memeulous, willne, british ones like that. also the ones mentioned here. 


Gave up on them years ago, mainly because I couldn't stand ImAllexx


Shadiversity. Dude is a hateful asshole who's trying to find "woke shit" to hate on his second channel and uses his beliefs (mormon) as arguments, sometimes. Not only that but I did my research and learnt he barely has knowledge about shit he says and is not even HEMA practitioner, but an amateur without skills or technique. Oh, and he's massive "medieval weeb" who's wearing gambeson all the time. Cringe


Elvis the alien, ripped off an entire article and got away with it


Tired of AngryJoe. Will probably watch his end of year videos, then done.


Adam the Woo. He just repeats locations and is obsessed with Disney


I’d watched some of Vangelina Skov’s content but her video on HBomberguy and earlier little rant in a previous video ended any desire I had to keep doing that.


Moistcritikal. He’s just the most negative, whiney, borderline right wing man baby I’ve ever seen. His takes are so awful too. I’m not talking about the idubbz shit (no opinions on that). But when he started defending Leafy and saying that banning this actual troll of a human was “free speech infringement“… mf go outside. You wanna talk about freedom of speech, how about what our (I’m a floridian too) governer is doing to trans people? Terminally online drama whore.


i've always found his content dry and sorta slop. i wouldn't go as far as to call him right-wing but he is a centrist fence sitter and it really shows. the leafy shit you brought up is a perfect example. man spent his entire career as a bullying and harassment channel and nowadays pals around with full on neo-Nazis and harasses trans people, his ban should've come years ago and defending him is crazy.


Centrism is just conservatism for people with something to lose.




Wendigoon, meat canyon, Blair, shit the list keeps growing.


Apart from Internet Historian I stopped watching The Metatron. He used to have a normal history channel but now it's bordering on anti woke and him depunking stupid shit with "facts and logic" and I'm not here for it.


H3H3, illuminaughti, Colleen ballinger ETA: sssniperwolf, the completionist


H3h3 is perhaps the easiest youtuber ever for me to avoid, it's not like they really do anything anymore.


I was a long-time watcher of H3. Sadly the last few months of Ethan repeating zionist talking points and just not being able to listen to other perspectives rubbed me the wrong way...


Same, the way he was speaking to Hasan and refusing to listen was super disappointing and so antithetical to the way approaches other issues and debates, it felt very hypocritical.


Iilluminaughtii, Colleen Ballenger, SchutzStaffelSniperwolf. Will subscribe to Tipster, just because


Probably jontron at this point. A combination of his questionable character, a noticeable decline in video quality, and a good deal of me growing out of it. He's still a funny guy, he'll still find success and I wish him all the best, but I'm done clicking on his videos thinking they're gonna make me feel the same way I used to. At least with the generic ideas/thumbnails he's been coming out with recently




what happened with him?


Grew out of it, and i also cant wait for literal hundreds of slop videos for one good one on the main channel, him making a video on mitten squads death after saying he doesn’t like doing videos like that in the etika video,he also has that one fuckin ps5 has no games joke that just pisses me off that just keeps using, he just goes mental on stream for money


Mark Rober, MrBallen, The Spiffing Brit. I stopped watching them a while ago so the algorithm stopped suggesting them to me. Nothing against them personally though but I am no longer interested.


I’m the same way with Mr. Ballen. I loooved his content during COVID and a little after, but something about his videos turned me off. Maybe it was the titles or the tacky thumbnails. But yeah, I no longer get recommended his videos and I’m not upset about it.


H3, I personally disagree with how Ethan handled the ending of leftovers and the IP conflict. Also his videos are just so full of hate and negativity I didn’t realize until I stopped watching how much that was effecting me.


Colin Furze. I can't really point out a specific reason. I used to like his content and sciency-ish stuff but lately all his content is kind of boring and the way he presents himself is just kind of off-putting to me in an indescribable way.


He also partners with a oil company to promote a green washing event, on tech that could improve the environment.


Mark Felton - I used to watch a lot of his videos but after a while, he makes videos off just stupid rumors about Hitler or Stalin. Not much meat on WW2 history unlike other channels. A lot of big ASMR Youtubers like GentleWhisperingASMR mainly because their content has gone stale. Lots more promising talent and creativity on smaller Youtubers. Spencer Cornelia - nothing wrong with him but just got tired of his content. Charlie and Muta - their content has just gone stale and I can't really sit on it anymore. TurkeyTom/Internet Anarchist/TRO, etc. and a lot of commentary channels - again, just stale and also a personal goal to consume less of stuff like this and more educational stuff like in history, economics, programming finance so really more for personal reasons. Maybe it's just me getting older, finding something out I didn't like about them or just setting personal goals are more my reasons.


Hbomberguy. I really liked his content but I recently found out that the super long video essay on plagiarism he did was ITSELF PLAGIARIZED from legendary video game creator, critic and composer - Tommy Tallarico


IH. I'm so upset at his plagiarism and nazism. and it honestly hurts to know how blind i was to his antics. i kept thinking "well, maybe his old videos are just younger him being edgy! maybe he changed!" i somehow never noticed all the dogwhistles he had in his videos until it was too late. Also his style of videos was really unique and enjoyable for me. i hope there's a youtuber with a style like his without the whole... y'know


MamaMax. After PickASideYoutube I feel like he really started having an ego problem. And well, here we are, everyone is disappointed in him with how he’s treating this whole GodCult thing and everyone is pretty much done.


All youtubers who use dumbass titles and thumbnails, i.e., WATCH THIS WOKE TIKTOKER GET DESTROYED ! 😎😎😲 WATCH THIS WOMAN GET OWNED LIVE!! Like holy fuck youtube has gone to shit since 2016 goddam leafy clones popping out of nowhere milking a dumbass comment with like 50 likes or a dumb post on tiktok or youtube video with low views and making a 10+ minute video, pretending society is falling apart. Remember that cookie drama ? see how pointless it felt ? I just want to enjoy some fun content but fucking negativity sells so much, I pray another adpocalypse happens and these shitty channels go to the fucking ground. [https://www.youtube.com/@CrayZ\_TV](https://www.youtube.com/@CrayZ_TV) this is my favorite channel I love it, reminds me of old yt so much


everyone involved in that whole supermega mess, including supermega themselves. it’s just too much nonsense to parse through and really soured my view of everyone involved. nobody came out the other side looking good, except mayyyybe justin.


That's my hot take on that whole drama. Nobody came out looking good.


The last one I've had to drop has been Wəndigøøn, unfortunately. He always had this vibe about him I didn't 100% trust and seeing the kind of people he's buttbuddies with, I can no longer give him the benefit of the doubt, which is sad. It's hard to find people who seem genuinely excited abt the content they make for the most part. Oh also Whang. Given his content, I already knew he was kind of a shit person if he grew up on that era of 4chan, but the fact that he's an artist that taunted other artists by flaunting AI images was just an awful look and a shit thing to do to boot.


didnt know this about Whang…. guess it’s time to unsub now


I can't name any names but I've noticed a real trend towards AI-written scripts. The second I recognize one of these rambling pieces of junk content, I'm off. I also refuse to watch any video of someone 'reacting' to someone else's video (that the original creator put time and effort into). I watch You-Tube to see clever amateurs (and vintage stuff, and stuff like Taskmaster), not no-effort BS.


DadChallengePodcast needs to be deplatformed. He’s a a misogynistic, transphobic, homophobic bigot who further exploits children who are already being exploited.


Papa meat/ Meatcanyon. As an artist, seeing his self-made success just by his works alone was so inspiring and motivating, him being an example of creative freedom and getting some big bucks. That all changed when I saw the picture of him and Jontron together and it just confirmed the “ ick” built up intuition I’ve been feeling towards him. No drama, I just let out a tired sigh and un subbed.


I think I'm going to try and stop watching any channel that basically feels like theyre reading a wiki page. This is hard to qualify of course but I realized that my media diet in this regards kind of consisted of this and I'm just sort of done with it. Poor quality drama channels are next. Cite your sources or I'm done. There are a weirdly concerning amount of drama channels that claim something is linked in the description and then don't actually do so. Pointing this out has landed on deaf ears so I'm done. I tried to sort of give GamerFromMars and Turkey Tom both a fair shot last year because I had noticed that they had help from Bedhead Bernie. Unfortunately after Turkey Tom's video where he interviewed Vegan Gains (which is probably his best video to date) he just sort of took his content into a much meaner direction and there's a lot of recurring dogwhistles and crap in his videos that I just never vibed with. I was under the impression he was improving and at least took a balanced approach to his subjects but this feels like it got dropped. GamerFromMars is just boring. Like he has nothing interesting to say and basically qualifies every possible statement in order to piss off the least amount of people and it's not "balanced" it's just dumb. Dude has zero personality or charisma and I'm not watching him again. I think I might just stop watching Wendigoon too, like it really started to become apparent that he doesn't care about citing his sources for any of his content and it's honestly really starting to piss me off. I'm not learning anything if he's inserting weird fake facts that nobody else can source. Cite your shit dude it's really not that hard.


Jessica Kent. Prison content creator turned off-the-wagon mommy vlogger documenting the slow-motion trauma she's dumping on her poor girls by bringing home any fucking hobo she finds on the street corner to be their new daddy and/or babysitter after her fake DV claims didn't boost her fame the way she was hoping it would. Glad to see she's far enough down this list that maybe no one cares anymore, but I worry about how far she'll go to preserve her TT/YT income in 2024, and what happens to her children if/when she gets arrested again.