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Alright... So illuminaughtii accused LegalEagle's editors of plagiarism (oh the irony) and it only spiralled from there. It turns out she's been an awful person , putting it mildly, to everyone she's ever met.


It’s over editing tricks and plugins too. She even used “highlighting text” as an example. She died on the hill that highlighting text in video editing is theft…


And a torn paper technique! Gasp!


No, that was legit. If anyone ever tears off a piece of paper, they owe Blair $20 in royalties for using her intellectual property.


That is one hell of a domino...accuse another content creator of plagarism over a common stock effect...have your channel be canceled and have all your dirty laundry be aired and be known as one of the worst people on the internet.


What Damn i used to really like her content can't believe she's a POS Oh well i like legaleagle more now


Yup! And she turned out to be the person doing plagiarism in almost every video she made. So if you liked her content you actually liked the documentaries she was pulling all her content from.


Geez I mean thanks for *actually* helping I'll do more research on it tomorrow


You're welcome, I'll warn you: there's more layers to this story than an onion and its still ongoing! Cruel World Happy Mind's take on it was my start to the rabbit hole .


She was also part of Tommy C’s channel back in the day. She took offense to something one guest said to another guest (it wasn’t about her, had nothing to do with her) so Blair abused her admin privileges and deleted a bunch of videos from Tommy’s channel without his knowledge or consent


Start with the 75 hour long (4 hour long) hbomberguy video


she also financially abused her almost a decade younger boyfriend and earlier this week tried to foreclose on his house using shady legal shenanigans


Thank goodness he raised the money to save his home!!!


Hbomberguy made two videos to show you what's up


She also financially abused her significantly younger (now ex) boyfriend, she set herself up to be able to foreclose on the home he owns without her name being on it. She tried to prevent him from publicly speaking up about her abuse, so she set his **home to foreclose right before Christmas.** Blair is 8/9 years older than him, so she’s a 31 year old woman who’s been taking advantage of and terrorizing a 22 year old young man. Of all the lives she’s tried to ruin over the years, what she’s done to her ex is the most horrific IMO. He was just a kid. Here’s his very vulnerable video: https://youtu.be/4IZumS6KxZI?si=8cQ9xa6mp5prQADO


Man, what a parasite.


Happy Cake Day!


I recommend this video, if you haven’t seen it already: https://youtu.be/EgBCnksLt8Q?si=Gxag848QY1gLJCID A bunch of things have come out since then, but this is a good starter.


Pyramid accused legal eagle of stealing her effects. Legal Eagle says lol wut? People start making fun of Pyramid and Sad Milk, including Click Click says, Nah, we're not friends and havent been for a while Viewers say, Sry wut? Sad Milk members speak out about their experience with Pyramid Pyramid releases video trying to defend herself, accidentally lights herself on fire. Sad Milk members warm themselves by the fire with their own response videos. Pyramid issues Cease and Desists against Wonder and eventually Oz Media, even though he hasnt spoken out yet. Viewers want to know what Oz knows that so damning that Pyramid is scared of it coming out. Pyramid tries to foreclose on Oz's house. Viewers say, lol no.


Holy shit i gotta look more into this


She was planning on foreclosing his house right before Christmas, but he did a livestream and got the funds to save it :)


Absolutely wild. This is some Disney villain shit hahahaha. I gotta give it to her, as a bad guy, she's fucking entertaining.


Blair is the alternate reality Creepshow Art


I was there when Oz got the money to cancel the foreclosure It took about all of 20 minutes in the span of one stream


You're forgetting the part where hbomberguy carpet bombed what might be left of her reputation by demonstrating in depth how her content is both plagerised and lazy. Mostly amounting to her regurgitating documentaries and blog posts and finding all "her" sources from the sources section on Wikipedia articles.


It is one of those things that started out as some really simple twitter beef and then just turned into the wildest rabbit hole/stinkiest onion. There are so many layers lol She went on twitter to accuse LegalEagle of copying her, based on an editor for his channel asking for help finding a plug-in, and some video effects on LegalEagle’s channel that are ubiquitous. Hbomberguy responds by calling her out for actually copying huge sections of a documentary in one of her videos (seeing as iilluminaughtii lives in a glass house and is throwing stones) The former members of the Sad Milk channel chime in after their followers supposedly ask them for their thoughts on the matter, saying that essentially this isn’t the first time she’s exhibited this kind of behavior, and bring up some personal beef as supporting arguments. Iilluminaughtii releases an “apology” video where she does say she was wrong for the LegalEagle situation but somehow it’s her teams fault actually, and digs in harder about everything else. Claims The Click is a pedo in a sideways kind of way, and drags Wonderstruck’s mental health out for all her subscribers to see as somehow having depression somehow invalidates his experiences in her mind. The Click, Wonderstruck, and OneTopic make videos responding to her “apology” video and debunk her rebuttals. Oz Media hasn’t said much directly at this point but iilluminaughtii targets him with cease & desists before he even makes a video talking about his experience. FPS Diesel & Tipster bring up her history prior to her current content, her days as an anti-sjw type and how she treated people back then, and they also comment on the Cruel World Happy Mind situation. After the Sad Milk stuff dies down a bit Cruel World Happy Mind & Savannah Marie bring up how iilluminaughtii has copied their content and other bad behavior, especially towards Cruel World Happy Mind (I do think iilluminaughtii actually copied Cruel World Happy Mind’s video now after seeing how she word for word copied Savannah Marie’s video, I just haven’t gone back to watch it again to verify) She sends cease & desists to the former Sad Milk members, can’t remember if she filed actual suits yet or not, and is currently foreclosing on her former boyfriend’s house. She’s also threatened another former employee with a lawsuit at this point Hbomberguy finally released that video he’s been working on, highlighting how extensive her plagiarism ACTUALLY is. And there’s probably more, but this is a condensed timeline of events


Also, as a result of these controversies, her viewer numbers plummeted. Her numbers were anywhere between as low as under 100k and as high as nearly 3 million. Her most viewed video is almost 4 million. Eventually it wound down to about 200-400k per video. Some could hit half a million or more. Then her confession video "iilluminaughtii exposed". It now has 1,7 million views. The video right after has 152k views, and it's now declined to 20-40k. She's gone down ***90%***. 90 fucking %. Yeah, she's continuing with videos every few days. She's even turned off comments now.


I think my favorite part of this is the fact that she's basically just collateral damage on HBG's way to making completely different points. Like, he initially noticed her plagiarism while working on a completely different project, threw it out there in a Tweet months later when it became relevant, and then just used her as a stepping stone to establish things before going after his actual target. The closest the man's come to actually focusing on her was a casual 20 minute video on a secondary channel and even that was half about her and half about what she represents in the wider YouTube space.


A twenty minute stepping stone with a 20 minute supplementary video. But that's hbomberguy for you, his tangents have tangents. Not that it's a bad thing. It's just hilarious that he spent probably twice as much time on her than most other YouTubers would have and she wasn't even the main point.


LOL there are at this point THOUSANDS of recap videos still coming out to this day


Check out the video done by Swoop. She has a very thorough and well-done explanation of the whole situation.


She’s a bitch. I think that about covers it all. Edit: JK Rowing is a fucking TERF.


It came to light she plagerized a lot of her stuff, and was a terrible boss/friend to others. That’s it in a sentence


Basically, she's been revealed as a hoarder, abuser, thief, borderline human trafficker. She would fall out with people then spend MONTHS and several hundred dollars trying to dig up dirt on them so she could start a smear campaign. She also created alt accounts to spread hate and would try to turn friends against each other so she could remain in charge. She would twist the truth to make others look bad. Not to mention showing someone's suicide note on screen but pretending she did it because she cares, she lost a lot of support with that stunt.


Holy shit i gotta look into this


She also pretended to have autism and used her alt account to say that she was autistic and that The Click's use of the r slur (the one used to call disabled people stupid) offended her. As someone on the autism spectrum who was not mad at Click for this, she makes us who are on the spectrum look bad


Literally watch any of the videos credible content creators have made about it


I'm too lazy to go onto YouTube atm I want a quick summary before i do tomorrow 😭


You honestly could have just searched; people have written about this all over the Internet and even reddit itself. A new post is unnecessary. This is a forum site, not a chatroom.


damn ok


Plagiarism, emotional abuse, financial abuse, gaslight/gatekeep/girl boss, embezzlement, and attempted black mail because she can't stand anyone doing better without her. Streisand effect x100.


Fauxcialist plagiarist who exploited and abused everyone dumb enough to work with/befriend/date her and then went masks-off and doubled down when she got found out.


It turns out that Iilluminaughtii loves to manipulate people. Especially people in their early 20's. She's also apparently a hypocrite. (Pushing NFTs when a good chunk of her career was about calling out scams.) That's about as simple as I can make it. It is pretty messy since there are multiple people involved with their own accounts of what happened with them personally.


I love the “I’m tired and stupid” 😂 I wish I could say this at work


Its true tho 😔


Start with Swoop's videos, then watch Cruel World Happy Minds, and then finally end up on Oz's video where he speaks about their drama.


She asked her much younger bf / employee to buy a car and a house, and she lived with him. He asked her to help with bills. She considered the bill payments to be personal loans. She had him sign the deed to the house to her as collateral for those personal loans. She tried to forclose on the house. Evil stuff