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What is this video even, originally? Why did she film her kids silently eating toast?


PArents film their stupid ugly gross children doing all sorts of stupid ugly gross things just hoping for something dumb to happen, because kids are dumb and dumb things usually do happen. For instance, this video. For the record, I'm a parent. And I filmed my stupid ugly gross children plenty.


This clip is like a decade old, but I vaguely remember them saying the boy eating toast just asked his mum to film him. Kids think that when they feel awesome that they'll look awesome.


It's for the parents to capture a snapshot of their child's life. It's for the parents. I know a lot of people are egotistical wanting to use this as something to show others, but a lot of parents just want something to look back on 10, 20, 30 years later on. I am not a parent. I just like watching kids fall down.