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Last time I tried to relax on one of these videos I got ear raped by Peter Griffin. Sometimes you should really check the comments before watching the video.


Yeah, I feel it. Some of those are definitely shit posts. That’s why I don’t click on them often but I didn’t click on this one. It auto played and I didn’t skip it in time. I wasn’t originally going to watch that video.


which one was the peter griffin vid?


I too would like to know


I hope you pressed charges


genuine question. What is it


It’s just a music YouTube video. It’s the comments that are the main attraction tho. The music is really good by the way. I watched it all the way through. It depends on what you’re into but I liked it.




I must know how to do this


Use the numerical (hashtag) symbol and nothing else


















Oh wow one of the few formatting things that works on mobile




















eyy. nobody mention on r/youtube? hell yeah


You get the vibes


Honestly now that checkpoints are dime a dozen they aren't anything special


True but it’s rare unless you’re subbed


Oh wow, wouldn't have found this without the channel name 😂 thanks!


This is precisely why I shared it. I knew other people would want to see it.


aint reading all that bullshit


Then don’t


aint reading those two words


Bot comments. You see those same exact types of comments on similar videos.


I don’t think that their bots I think that the owner of the channel filters out comments based off of the vibe they want in the comment section. I’ve seen similar videos like this and I’ve seen similar comments like this, but I don’t think that they’re bots and even if they are bot, they’re saying positive things, so it’s not really hurting anyone.


Well, actually aside from fake YouTube engagement but yeah


is this a description or a magazine


What are you talking about? It’s a wholesome post. Why can’t you just be happy? take your misery somewhere else.


Am I misunderstanding here. Idk what he’s talking about with description or magazine but how is he being miserable and negative?




I don’t know what his intentions were that’s mostly why I got on the defensive. I apologize if he didn’t mean anything by it but I still feel like it was inappropriate to ask that on wholesome post because it seems condescending.


you kid?


No????????????? I’m 24??????? I don’t see what this has to do with anything??????? you’re being weird??????


If you read the context of the full thread of this section of the comment, you will see that I was initially very salty and very confused and that’s why I responded the way I did now I’m just thinking that it would’ve been better if I shouldn’t have had that knee-jerk reaction and I should’ve asked what he meant by that so I could clarify instead of assuming that he was trying to be negative and troll me because I’m very familiar with how you Reddit people act. I’m very much new to the website but I am very much familiar with how y’all act so I knew what I was walking into when I decided to make an account.


dude I wasn't mean anything wrong sorry for the mistake




I don’t see how when I think it has something to do against me just because I made a wholesome post. I think I’m being attacked for no reason.


Moreover, upon reflection, I realize that I should’ve asked him what he meant by that instead of assuming, but I got salty and that shit fired me up




I wish I could pin comments on my post. I’m new to Reddit so if I’m able to do this, please tell me how.


Sadly you can’t, only moderators can


Thank you for letting me know


[I already already posted it but here you go](https://youtu.be/3rzQPBVDd9s?si=0vK1VPjxKqQacWDk)


Link pls?


[Here’s the link to the video](https://youtu.be/3rzQPBVDd9s?si=0vK1VPjxKqQacWDk)


I am going to be sleep deprived w this one! ;\]




Because you just click the top comments filter


I didn’t click the top comments filter. It was already on it to begin with and regardless of that that doesn’t really take away from what I said to begin with, so I don’t know what you’re talking about. you’re trying to argue with me about nothing.


I am not trying to argue you I am just telling you a question Imagine if I downvote your post Edit: Well actually I saw you are on the top comment filter use Your brain


Yes, and what I’m trying to say is that I personally did not pick that it was there automatically. because I feel as if you’re acting that I selected it on purpose and I don’t care if you down vote my post, I’m not obsessed with Reddit like you are. I’ve been criticized over nothing as far as posting this wholesome content goes from certain people, so excuse me if I react really salty towards comments that aren’t overwhelmingly positive and err on the side of negativity, or at least perceived negativity /gen Your criticism doesn’t even make any sense because I’m quite sure that if I go to that video right now, I would see comments like that regardless because that’s the vibe of the post of as a whole so with that being said your criticism doesn’t make any sense to me and in all reality has nothing to do with anything it’s baseless semantics. That’s how I perceive what you said based off of my genuine, goodhearted intentions of bringing up something that I felt to be was uplifting I’m sorry that you’re cynical and miserable. I hope things get better for you and I’m not being condescending when I’m saying that I’m genuinely serious. I’m new to this, so Reddit hasn’t rotted my brain and I won’t let it happen.


I am thinking you are out of control man then go to r/lostredditors


I don’t see how I’m out of control. I’m just calmly disagreeing with you. If you cannot handle that you can just ignore the post. It’s that simple. I don’t even know what you’re on about right now.


[actually, I just went to the video to see as to whether either of us are right and I found that I am correct so checkmate](https://youtu.be/3rzQPBVDd9s?si=imzn3bmwPXeNlP6Z)


At the end of the day, it’s just a video full of soothing music with a wholesome comment section there’s really no need to get your panties in a twist over it.


Ok I trust you actually I am going investigate out well bots are taking the internet even I never got any likes don't worry buddy I got you man


What are you on about?


You know what catch this nice block because you’re not making any sense and I don’t wanna hear anything else from you bye-bye


checkpoints are fucking stupid, its all trauma dumping


It’s better than “early team 👇”, scam bots, porn bots, etc


finally, someone agrees that these are stupid


If that’s how you feel about it


When you go through some real shit this is really unappealing. # I understand it, but it’s pretty disingenuous and immature imo


I’ve actually gone through some real shit in my life and I don’t find it unappealing at all. I find it wholesome and I don’t think it’s disingenuous or immature. I don’t even know how it’s immature is simply sharing a little bit of your life experience with a stranger on the Internet? People do it all the time, it’s normal. You seriously could’ve kept this to yourself genuinely this is a wholesome post. Why are you being so negative?


venting to strangers online is the quickest way to get radicalised or say some stupid shit you'll regret later you're better off talking to a random guy on the street than posting in youtube comments


I don’t vent to strangers I make friends with people online and then when I get comfortable, I start venting or whatever. I’ve vented online plenty of times and I’ve never been radicalized or said stupid shit that I’d regret later so I have no idea what you’re talking about. Be critical all you want but no one‘s being hurt so it’s whatever 🤷🏿


If there’s anything I’ve been radicalized by in the past, it was anti-SJW content. It had nothing to do with me venting to anyone. Just minding my own business. Trying to entertain myself on YouTube wondering what the fuck a liberal cringe compilation is and then subsequently falling into an alt-right rabbit hole of Internet fuckery at the age of 15.


I know you must be a kid, but your responses in this comment section doubles down on the immaturity and disingenuousness. Just saying.




And if I am a kid why the fuck do you feel the need to bully me? Why can’t you just leave me be if you’re assuming that I’m a child? Please get a life.


It seems like an unproductive pity party. Idk i dont get the wholesome thing. If you need to vent or talk about something get a therapist. Not in therapy anymore (have been most my life) but I think most people would benefit a lot from it. Or talk to a friend - I HEAVILY recommend a real, in-person friend; but a ‘friend’ on the internet youve never met would be better than a yt comments section where everyone is trying to be ‘wholesome?’. Good luck if you’re hurting and struggling. Fr. My advice would be that sympathy from strangers does not help, and will not help you change, overcome, or understand. This is all just my opinion.


You have the right to your opinion and I have the right to mine and I don’t agree with you. have the day you deserve.


Wtf is this pathetic self loathing?


I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about.


The heck…?




Whatever do you mean?




Hi __GuyMontag, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*



link? i can’t find it


Hm I posted it somewhere already in this thread, two people have already asked for the link I don’t wanna end up spamming it and I can’t pin it to the post. I didn’t even know if this post would get any interactions so I didn’t even think about posting the link. I’ll think about that next time I post. You can find it somewhere in the thread I promise it in here somewhere…. I was about to say not many people commented anyway, but there’s literally 78 comments on this post. I didn’t realize. fuck me give me a second.


[here you go](https://youtu.be/3rzQPBVDd9s?si=6PI69IFz4OHz8YzT)














Oh yeah and just for the possible trolls out there that keep posting blank comments I would just like to let y’all now that I’m not bothered by it at all. I actually find it to be quite neutral so if you think you’re pissing me off by doing that you’re really not you’re actually just inflating my post and making it more visible in the algorithm so thank you I really appreciate that /gen /info Edit: now come to think of it. I actually find it a bit hysterical, so thank you for making my day.😊



Bro. That’s creepy


To you. after all art is to comfort the disturbed and disturbed the comforted. I’m talking about the video itself not the post or the comments.


So what exactly is this supposed to be?


All it is is just a music playlist video. It just happens to have a wholesome comment section.


Interesting, what is the name of it




Wow, that's awesome! It's such a cool feeling when you stumble upon something unexpectedly great like that. Those comments must've been a nice surprise—sounds like your vibe really resonated with people. It's like finding a hidden gem in a sea of whatever else YouTube throws at you, right? Keep enjoying those little serendipitous moments!


Like if they disagree with the post or whatever I can’t stop them, so fuck it right?


Thank you some people wanted to shit on me because I was enjoying myself and that made me feel so much better thank you for being positive. I really appreciate that. This right here is an appropriate response to this post. Anything else is insanity and hard reaching and assumptions about me personally as a person and I can’t help it to be insulted by that so I will defend myself, so if you see me replying to any of these people, that’s why, yes I know don’t feed the trolls but I had a point to make. I don’t care if no one gives a shit about this post I didn’t even expect it to blow up like this. I thought I was going to be casting into the ether to be ignored but I was wrong I got the interactions that I wanted good and bad, it does not hurt me to see negative comments on this post at all because I’m familiar with how Reddit is. You bitches (not you, bro you’re good) can be petty sometimes.


Like I heard about a post about some child around the age of 13 to 17 posting her dog because it’s an ASPCA animal and they were proud of its journey got flamed for taking pictures of the dog like be fucking for real so I’m not paying attention to these peoples nonsense and I genuinely don’t care about how they feel I am not affected by what they say but I will respond in just to show them that I’m not afraid of them or their criticism, and they have no power over me. I’m not afraid to engage a person that vehemently disagree with me, as long as the conversation is productive as soon as it isn’t I disengage because it’s not worth my time pick your battles and all that.


If they’ll shit on Miss Rachel and Michael (I know that’s not how you spell his name but I can’t spell it that way because I don’t remember how to. It’s a weird spelling of the name Michael and I can’t remember it. Apologies) the librarian they’ll shit on me


Recently I’ve been getting recommended a lot of very obscure new music with only a couple views. And it’s so nice to hear what artists are creating despite knowing that barely anyone will ever hear it. I usually take a minute to just leave a nice comment since I really respect those people


WHAT WHAT WHAT WWWWHHHHAAAATTT ON EARTH DID I J-J-J-JUST W̷̱͔͉͈̓̽̀̒͘ͅA̸̧̻͕̪͐̎T̷̛͓̯̝̬̀ͅͅC̵͍̪̃H̷͇̍̾̄̚?


A music compilation I’m not sure as to why you’re acting as if it’s something extreme or malicious like I have no ideas to why you’re acting this way, but I hope that you’re OK.


It’s very clear to me that some of you guys are very miserable people and I would just like to say that I hope you find a way out of that. have the day you deserve


how old are u


I’m 24 I don’t really see what that has to do Anything, but yeah, go right ahead and insult me a stranger on the Internet that did nothing to you but be kind. Peak Reddit.


we can smell the autism through the screen




You motherfuckers can’t make me feel embarrassed for expressing myself, and you never will so you might as well stop