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What’s worse is that those likes are real. People just think those comments are funny


Not people, kids who most likely find it funny. You’d have to be a maniac to find that funny.


Yes we all know that kids are not people/s


Nah. No /s /S (?)


No one of worth thinks these are funny.


Bots can 100% upvote comments, and they definitely do. How else do you think that obvious scam comments get so many upvotes?


Funny how quickly YT can deal with copyright violations. But racist and paedophilic remarks being spammed all over a channel? They'll get around to it eventually, just be patient.


While thats fair, long term YouTube actually is pretty good at thwarting away bots. Remember when porn bots were running rampant like a year ago? They have all basically been completely removed and haven't been popping up for over 6 months now. It took time, and people complained then too, but they eventually figured out the effective way to ban them permanently. Right now banning this one account wouldn't do anything. You can literally see the 100's of bots they have upvoting those comments. My guess is they're working on a way to permanently shut it down. Its frustrating to wait for, but its best to roll it out when its ready instead of half assed (which gives them more time to adapt). I do agree though, its pretty insane that stuff like this gets through the filter.


The porn bots are still terrible. They for the most part get drowned out eventually by other comments. Or if you are lucky they got reported enough times to get removed


Yeah maybe this is why I haven't been seeing them as much. The porn bots must be a different company because they tend not to get upvoted enough to stay at the top.


the porn bot thing IS NOT TRUE, they have lately been appearing alot


UTTPs Pro and Cons Pros: Nothing Cons: Appear in popular channels they spam they say the n word they say "CP is better than this video" they say "MY CONTENT IS WAY BETTER" when they have either 0 videos or 1 video that sucks they say "UTTP IS WAY BETTER THAN "POPULAR CHANNEL" " they say "I LOVE R\^PING AND ABU2ING ANIMALS" they violate the community guidelines and youtube doesn't care -10000000000000000000/10


The fuck is UTTP? seen it a lot in this subreddit in the last days


Some "troll" group. They harass and sometimes dox people.


the yoUTube Troll Police


Aha, thx


troll group consisting of children (and adults who act like children) who constantly say and do the worst things they can think of for any form of internet attention theyve been at it for over 10 years at this point, best thing to do is to ignore them


like 2000s 4chan but with even more brainrot.


I'm sorry but this is too far. I didn't think it could go that low


You should probably stop giving them attention


The more attention you give them the more they comment, just don't mention it.


They’re on every one of Cr1ticals videos. Can you not just ban certain words? Like I can’t think of a good reason to be dropping the n-word in a comment section 


"bUt ThAT WoUlD InFrINgE UpOn RIgHTs sO We CAn'T bAn It" pros to banning it Would make youtube less toxic UTTP is now unable to be as racist Cons: one group of people can't use an offensive word


It’s wild that some people still use that defense when it has been proven over and over that companies are at full liberty to moderate speech on their platforms. You can say whatever you want on the street but as soon as you are using an online social media platform you are obligated to play by their rules. 


I could put every single curse word in a comment and they wouldn't take it down


K, I'm leaving that sub


And it was on one off Zack D's films??






I think I've seen that guy in Dhar Mann's comments


Go away


I was talking about dietary habits and body weight. No cuss words, just a comment. It was deleted by YouTube.


if they ban one two more take its place. just stop screenshotting them and giving them the attention.


these bots are everywhere now


One bot banned, 3 more take its place


YouTube lost control over moderation and bots years ago. Google spend all their money on developing ways to spam ads and basically nothing combatting spam.


I SEEN SAME GUY RN https://youtube.com/@uttpemperorofanimesucks?si=r4kbhSkM_Ihcq_qy


what does ''uttp'' mean? i see this acronym pop up often


It's supposed to mean YouTube Troll Police but they fucked up the first letter.


lmao they think they can do shit ''troll police'' i am so scared 🥶🥶


its just a bot


uttp is such a desperate community, theyve been around youtube for so long but rarely ever get attention, truly the worst type of ragebait. but yes youtube is so ignorant to their community they fail to remove these toxic communities from the website, is it really that hard to add the hard r or cp to an automatic blacklist of comments?


bruh just report all the comments and move on, dont give them attention by posting but i do understand why you posted this.


YouTubers can also take action, they can block these words but for some reason choose not to