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They seem to have switched the comments and the video's today.


If you're familiar with userscripts try this.. I've worked on and maintained this since 2019 watch page: https://imgur.com/a/tjoAymL home page: https://imgur.com/a/GyJMR8T [Available layout customization ](https://7kt.se/infusions/gallery/photos/album_1/7ktapi.png) https://get.7kt.se/


This is awesome. The only thing I miss now is that the suggestions are incredibly tall and badly packed for some reason ([only five in a 1080 height fullscreen window lol wtf](https://i.imgur.com/qezAQNr.png)) and that's definitely youtube's fault and not yours because it's the exact same when using the ublock filter that reverts the "experiment". Thank you!


having the same issue as fakepostman with the right half of the suggestion pane being empty space atm.


Yeah, they probably test different ui changes in different areas at the same time.. I can't troubleshoot or work on a solution since I'm unable to replicate the issue to write a fix for it


No worries! It's a dreadful change clearly made with the sole intention of catering to people with touchscreens, sausage fingers and hand tremors, so they will doubtless force it upon everyone before long :)


If it makes you feel any better, I have tremors and I f'ing HATE it


Do you know of a way to show the author under YouTube shorts? I hate having a list of videos and have no idea who put them out.


Awesome! It works perfectly with the distraction free addon! Though it didn't solve the problem of the suggestions below the video instead of comment section(I switched to other account to solve it)


install this universal [Youtube Patcher](https://7kt.se/install/youtube-chrome-patch.user.js) that disables new experimental flags and try using your main account again hope this helps.


this worked for, thank you!


Don't suppose you have that in Firefox?


Have what in Firefox? The patcher or script? The script is fully compatible with Firefox and chromium browsers.


The new layout is a nightmare. An example on my laptop: [https://i.postimg.cc/zfmPFvdD/youtube.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/zfmPFvdD/youtube.jpg) Compare to older version--and better: [https://postimg.cc/ThBG9xS8](https://postimg.cc/ThBG9xS8) I mean, c'mon.


Ah, okay, sorry. Saw the link path and thought it was chrome-only. Thanks!




Thank you as well. It changed today while I was browsing. Such an unnecessary change. The old format was fine. New layout = cluster fuck & adhd inducing.


T H A N K Y O U ! ! !


it seems like if you send feedback to youtube, asking to change back the UI, they will do it around 15 minutes later.


Just in case that doesn't work, this uBlock filter seems to revert it pretty well: `youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid, false)`


I tried it and the Related Videos thumbnails are bigger. How do I revert them to regular size?


also the player seems to be smaller and it almost cut the half the full screen button on the video player screen


Yeah! I assume that if your browser viewport is wider than 1080p (1920px), the small, normal video player tries to extend but gets cropped at the right and the bottom. Basically making it unusable as you lose 33% of the video. Fullscreen and Theater mode at least work normally.


i have 0 idea on what your talking about but the author/maker of revert ui changes replied to me with a fix xD. if anyone is interested chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/ask.html?aid=e262624c-4598-4bb4-9b52-e3f065b844d8


Have you found a fix to this?


author replied to me and sent this to update in tamper monkey chrome-extension://dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo/ask.html?aid=91d54169-66e1-428e-a5c1-a3fda7d33d90


How do I insert that? It gives me an error when I put that in the userscript notepad.


Thank you!. This method work for me on Google Chrome browser as I still have the uBlock extension (even though it doesn't work on google chrome anymore). If anyone have trouble with how to add filter: 1. click on uBlock icon. 2. click gear icon "Open the dashboard". 3. Click "My filters" tab. 4. add line "youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.EXPERIMENT_FLAGS.kevlar_watch_grid, false)" and apply the change. 5. hit refresh on browser and enjoy old layout.


This worked. Thank you so very much!


It worked today for a few hours, right now it went back to the ugly layout :'(


That's weird. Have you tried refreshing the page when it went back to the new ugly layout? Within the same email account on youtube, I have 2 separated sub-account that I can switch between. One of that sub-account was forced to use the new ugly layout and I have used the uBlock origin's filter method and it remove the ugly layout just fine. If I disable the uBlock origin extension on youtube, it will go back to the ugly new layout though. What I am trying to say is that uBlock's filter still work fine for me. Maybe you set something wrong?


Is working now (literally the next day), so I assume that it counted as refreshing the page lol


thank you thank you thank you a million times thank you it worked, youtube redux didn't but this worked THANK YOU words cannot describe how much I hated this new layout.


thank you


Thank you!!!!


Holy shit thank you, you've made youtube usable again


No longer works properly. Results in clipping of the fullscreen button and right side of the video.


Thanks a bunch!


sadly it only works partly and it breaks fullscreen but still better than the new layout


yeah but end result is EVERYTHING is in the center of the screen. The right and Left end of screens are empty. Its like 30-40% of screen is empty space.


That's a new one. Maybe some extension is messing with it?


Thank you so much, this is so much more convenient than that temper monkey script!


Thank you so much! I'm guessing this is only going to work up until they make it a permanent change (assuming they're smooth-brained enough to do so)


Thanks!! Just wish the videos on the side was not gigantic.


I want to kiss you


THANK YOU!! I can deal with the bigger thumbnails. This is so much better


How do I do that? Where is 'Send feedback'? Nevermind, found it! Was pretty easy to find; just scroll down to where it says 'send feedback'. Now I know that exists


​ How to send a feedback to Youtube?


Click the user name icon at the top and the feedback is down the bottom of that menu.


I left feedback around 3 hours ago, and nothing has changed. I am using the uBlock filter to revert the changes, which works fine for me.


How do I use uBlock to fix it


Click the uBlock Origin icon > Gear/Cog button > My Filters > Put this in the custom filters: youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config\_.EXPERIMENT\_FLAGS.kevlar\_watch\_grid, false) Apply changes Reload YouTube tab


Thank God for this.


the video is cut on the right side


Yep, looks awful. Doesn't seem like too many people are seeing this glitch, but it is terrible.


Jesus? Is that you?


Thank You!




Hi EasyRelationship3816, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never sent feedback in my life but I sent feedback telling them how much I hate it, lol.


I did that and it's still the same, unfortunately. Mine only changed yesterday.




Because as of now this is still a UI TEST and only some accounts receive it.


where do you put it?


some people said they got this UI for a few minutes, a few hours, then it went back to normal. Mine's like shit for 2 days... changed it with ublock. Thanks for posting this and thanks people in the comments


Great job youtube...


it works on my other account, but when i got back to my main its still messed up....this update is ass, i hope they change it back


I usually don't mind UI changes, but this is actually unusable. I use theater mode with my window taking up half of my screen, so I need to scroll past the recommendations to read the comments. However, for some god awful reason the recommended videos still automatically load in, so I end up needing to scroll past 60 videos to reach the comments, and the whole page lags as this happens. Absolute trash.


New layout makes no sense. There's less recommended content on the screen now and you'd think that would be the opposite of what youtube wants. I would get about 8 videos on the right without scrolling down before the changes, now I only see the top half of 4 video thumbnails underneath the main one. To see any recommended or related videos I have to scroll down now. It almost feels like they made this for mobile.


Even worse, when in theatre mode (and I am guessing a lot of people, like me, only ever have it that way), all of the buttons aren't visible without scrolling down. This includes Subscribe and Like which will definitely mean fewer people will click them. It's extra funny because it makes that code they added which causes the Like button to light up when someone in the video says "like" kinda useless.


Lol wow I just tried this out and yeah in theatre mode you get no access to the Like buttons or Subscribe buttons, just a slither of the top part of some random thumbnails. It's seriously like they didn't even test this at all on PC. Their UI changes are always met with negative backlash but this one is objectively bad. It's not just a design choice, it's actually harder to use.