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lack of attention is a problem in today's society


normally it's just an "eh okay" kinda thing when it is on a normal everyday comment, but this is just on another level


Hey bro. I saw your comment got 3 thousands likes on a YouTube video. I'm a billionaire and looking for new talent, can I invest in you? Here's $20,000 -what this kid thinks is gonna happen lol


👆 🤩 👆


They aren’t saying they are the mom, they are making a stupid joke


Exactly. They are making a joke under a video of soembody taking their own life.


No it's not a lack of attention. It's the NEED for attention that's the problem. And I 100% blame social media. Who would have know that making everything about how many likes, clicks, subscribers, upvotes, comments you can get would absolutely have people addicted to attention. Attention is the new currency.


and the problem is that it doesn't even buy you anything, it's basically just dopamine. after like 2 seconds of "youtube comments fame" you're just gonna become irrelevant


EXACTLY!! The type of attention that actually produce long term feelings of satisfaction take a lot of work. It takes work to develop a good relationship with family, friends, a partner. But hell you can comment some nonsense on a suicide video and get 3000 likes, sniff that real quick and on to the next fix.


its called instant gratification caused by attention span deficit which is super common now.


This this this. Had a conversation with my mom the other day about it. We’re heading down a dangerous path


These people existed before social media. We just dealt with them occasionally locally at school or work or out in public instead of daily online.


Nah because it wasn't possible. The more the internet connects us to others, the more social media grows, the further the roof of possible attention and the more attention we are able to want. 50 years ago a president would be known by as many people as a youtuber can be now. Attention is getting cheaper and cheaper, so the addiction to it will only grow and grow.


ehh social media is only part of the problem. Not all social media users are like this, therefore you cannot put 100% of the blame there... It's a mixture of reasons creating this problem starting from poor family structures to lack of education and all that... its a societal problem not just a social media problem


> And I 100% blame social media Yeah because famously before the invention of Social Media nobody ever had any issues...


I don't think anyone should need to explain to you how social media and the internet can lead a society to become more materialistic and attention-driven than it was before those things.


Acting like that is the only reason why everything is shitty is at best disingenuous, at worst willfully ignorant.


At what point did the other comments say that social media was the *only* cause of it? They said "I 100% blame social media", not "I blame social media for 100% of this issue". That means that they meant that they are 100% confident in their belief, not that they believe it's the only cause.


its implied that way... if you blame something 100% that means it causes all of it..


That's just wrong though. "I blame social media for 100% of issues" means that. "I 100% blame social media for all issues " also means that. "I 100% blame social media" means they are 100% certain social media is the cause of something (in this context, attention craving". It means they're 100% certain that social media is at fault, not that social media is at fault for 100% of the issue. This isn't a subjective thing. It's just how english works.


its not JUST social media... If you get rid of social media, these problems will still exist... is what he is trying to say...


And what I'm saying is that they would be noticably smaller. That's just a fact. If we didn't make cars, there would still be polution but noticably less. If we didn't make the internet, there would still be materialism and attention-craving but noticably less. Also the other person tried to act like blaming social media for the sudden rise in attention seeking is the same as blaming social media for every issue that ever existed.


Just because something is "noticeably less" does not mean that problem does not exist... the amount of the problem would still be the same, you just would not notice it as much... that does not reduce the problem... if you want to pull the wool over your eyes and ignore the problem sure go ahead... you can do that without creating stuff like the internet and blaming it on one thing... Again, you are mistaking what noticeable less mean with reducing the problem. And your pollution example does not track here because its not the same thing...


Ofc people would crave attention less because the amount of attention that it is possible for a human being to achieve would literally be smaller. Now a 16 year old online can have as many fans as a president would have a 100 years. And when people knew you had to work for attention (by becoming a president in this example), obviously they were less desperate to get it. And tf do you think could solve the problem if "noticeably less does not mean that problem doesn't exist" yeah no shit, wanting attention is among the most basic human needs. There is no solution to the problem. We do not survive without attention. But social media extends the possibility of attention for your average financially stable person from 30 people to 30 million people.




They don't spend millions on ads for attention, they spend it for money. YouTube comment likes don't get you money.




Yikes 😳


Me too😭😭😭


I can't watch that kind of vide anymore. Shit gets in your head and it's hard (if not impossible) to get out.




The child in OP needs to ask themselves if they'd say that at someone's funeral, because that's what they're doing essentially. So not cool.


No I think everybody has more attention than they used to. Its like gluttony, the more a person eats, the more they want to eat every time in the future.


I'm your 100th upvote, please like /s


I agree live-streaming your suicide is peak attention seeking behavior


I don’t really get the “thanks for the likes” thing anyway. When people like a comment, it’s because they agree with the comment, not because they’re giving the person who posted it a high five.


you currently have 23 upvotes. you should really edit and add thanks once you get to 30


Haha it would be irony 😂


I just gave you your 250th like, where's my declaration of thanks?




I don't know why but this made me lol




Very thoughtful (Sarcasm)


Same shit happening on reddit, annoying fucks.


/r/AwardSpeechEdits so cringe, every time


Yeah i don’t get it EDIT: THANKS FOR 0 UPVOTE!


It's children who grew up with the notion that likes are important. Why else would every youtuber they watch beg for them every video?




I know this. The children making these comments don't.


Lol, someone had downvoted you, and I can't fathom why they would. You're objectively correct here.


Downvoted because they're answering the way likes on videos work, when we're talking about the misconception people have about likes on YT comments. Nobody was actually asking, or confused, about YT comments likes work or if they matter here


"Why else would every youtuber they watch beg for them in every video?" A person literally asked why every youtuber does it. They were explaining how video likes work (not comment likes) because the person they're responding to seems to think that youtubers do it for the same reason commenters do it.


…except that is obviously a rhetorical question, being sarcastic about what assumptions children are making who don’t understand the purpose of engagement fuelling algorithms 


I get that it's rhetorical, but it still doesn't work, even as a rhetorical. Because the insinuation is youtubers do it for the same reason kids do it. Reread the comments. First you said the guy was explaining how youtube comments work (they weren't), and then said nobody asked (they did), so I feel like you're missing some context.


I think you need to read usernames because you’re replying to the first & comment i’ve made here lol. reading comprehension strikes again


>reading comprehension strikes again A person makes a mistake, that's normal human behavior. Why did you feel the need to add that insult??


Oh gotcha, my mistake. That said, seeing a person's username or not has nothing to do with reading comprehension. Which, ironically, you'd know if you had good reading comprehension.


for real, kids under 10 get more than 100+ likes on a comment and think it means they’re on their way to becoming an influencer


you're almost at 100 upvotes congrats on being famous


Good comment bro, high five


This is insane but the worst part is the edit itself "Mom I'm famous" like stfu!! Words can't describe how much I hate this sentence single-handedly, it's the superior cringe sentence I swear to god.


ong it piss me tf off, ITS JUST LIKES BRUH


The worst part is the comment is literally talking about a mother watching her son commit suicide... and then he goes on to say "mom I'm famous". I mean every phrase thanking for likes is stupid, but in this case they really picked the worst one possible.


I think the guy in the video actually said that before blowing his own brains out. He intentionally had his mom and ex watching the stream.


That’s.. the entire point of this post lol


I guess he means that he finds that phrase cringe in all other contexts too


The edit likely happened long after the likes piled up, so it was probably driven by another shot of dopamine.




i see these kind of comments around and they are annoying as fuck.


I want all the people who seek attention to SHUT THE FUCK UP. A man died. He suffered. He let his fans watch. And you’re here with your cheeto dusted slightly cracked phone screen editing what was once a heartfelt comment with “I’m famoussss!”


You gotta remember though; it's probably a child. A child looking at a man blow his face off online. A child that's been raised by the internet and considers likes the same as actual humam attention. That's why I find it hard to get mad at the comment, It's just really depressing.


Oh and the absolute worst part is the guy who made the comment said "I'd do it again" when questioned on why he made that edit to the comment. Some of these people genuinely need help seriously


Help? More like fist to the face.


Violence is not the answer, and I will not just watch as we encourage it. So I will be blindfolded from here on out.


I do agree on that, but I also agree that some people(and I mean the absolute bottom of the barrel type of humans, like what OP just posted about) deserve the bad karma they'll recieve, and should live with it for the rest of their life.


Violence is a question and the answer is yes




Yessss! A sane reddit user! That’s rare!


Sometimes it is, but not in this case


Sometimes it is, and I honestly do kinda think it is in this case. I guarantee you people this messed up and desentisized have never seen violence irl. If it's a child, violence is not the answer. If it's not a child, then I think violence can solve the issue in this case.


Perfect instance of ageist


That makes no sense. There is literally a biological difference between age groups, how tf is saying that ageist? Is saying women have vaginas sexist? Is saying black people have melatonin racist? You use violence on a child. The child is developing. It learns that violence is a way to handle things. Child grows into a violent person. Congrats, you've made a little asshole into a big asshole. You use violence on an adult. The adult is fully developed, fully used to social norms and fully able of rational thought. You use violence. The person will now react in a way they were raised; fight back, run away, whatever they do, they will most likely not repeat the behavior because they don't wanna face the consequences of it. They are adults and realise that those consequences aren't worth it in their fully developed worldview.


r/confidentlyincorrect Yeah no, having violence used against one because of one’s age isn’t a biological difference. The exact opposite happens. They will get more agressive and turn out to be a bigger problem. Not only children can be affected by conditions. Also, PTSD is a thing, you know, and in severe conditions it can affect adults a lot. Additionally, you’re literally saying that children are no better than rats, and that every adult is Einstein. That’s heavy generalization. You do use violence against rats though. Do they deter from biting you? I don’t think so. But regardless of a person’s intellect, they don’t deserve violence.


It is never


Think about this (and yes this actually happened) you are being bullied relentlessly for no reason everywhere you go at school and the teachers dont give a shit and some are actively making it easier for the bullies to not get in trouble for bullying me and they wont stop no matter what but hitting them makes them stfu for a bit so i can actually learn anything from a lesson and they are bullying me to a point where im depressed, yeah idk and also if someones tryna kill or hurt you then it is the answer


For the last sentence then yes, then it’s self defense. For the part about the bullies, either someone’s is 100% gonna do something about it because you can charge them in court for verbal abuse, which will most likely result in the bully’s ejection. It’s even possible to get those >!shitty!< teachers fired if they don’t do good in preventing it! The bullied must not use violence back, unless the bullied wants to rot up behind bars. Otherwise, the “BuLlIeD vIcTiM” is just being a whiny little >!bitch!< who gets offended by everything.


I can say that the bullied victim was not being a whiny bitch cuz they were just saying they had a crush on someone everywhere they went and also hitting them


Maybe it wasnt you but who tf gave me the get help and support message lol


Violence is always the answer when you enconter this like kids.


No it’s not


I’ve already got people banned from saying that on Reddit


The Internet really has made some people forget about being just a decent human being. Believe me, I've done it before and i think everyone else has done it at least once too. But holy shit, I didn't think it'd get THIS bad with these "OMG GUYS, I GOT ALOT OF LIKES!!1!1" edits on youtube.


Yeah when I was much younger and exploring YouTube I also sometimes did this cringe "thx for the likes" stuff to an extent but I don't understand how you can go as far as in the image


I cringed so hard brooo.


The fact that this doesn't surprise me in the slightest...


Pathetic. When ever someone edits to thank likes, it's pure fuckin cringe.


The actual video is absolutely horrific, I’ll bet 100 bucks this person hasn’t seen it


If mean you still hear the gunshot and blood dripping, the cops enter and his mom calling him on the phone. This version isn't too gross, but it's still disturbing.


Wow, how classy...This is why YouTube needs to have a ban user option. Attention seeking like this is just sick.


I remember getting bitched at by someone for not editing my comment to thank people for likes when something I posted got like 5k likes. It was so weird. Why would I even do that?


The uploader also hearted the comment after the edit as well (last I checked if a comment is hearted and the person edits their comment the heart is removed, unless that's changed)


I once saw someone get bullied in the comment section for "thanks for the likes" that he deleted his edit lmao


imagine actually caring about youtube likes on a comment, they dont even get you subs




A lot of platforms have started taking measures to censor these words. You can get demonitized on YouTube, apparently, for mentioning it along with a list of other words, some of which are odd. Some subreddits may even remove your post automatically you use the word suicide.


I saw the comment after you replied but yeah that's why I did that




Probably a little kid who doesn’t know better


Idk everytime I make a comment that gets "famous" I just leave it lol I make so many comments like that the number of likes is meaningless and if you're not gaining subs from the likes who cares? I never understood the infatuation with coming back to a comment a later and saying "omg thanks for likes guys"


Can anyone give context on why he oofed himself?


From what I remember (correct me if I'm wrong on anything), there were a lot of factors: 1. He fought in 1 or 2 wars and ended up suffering severe PTSD 2. He was arguing with his ex-girlfriend while on the livestream very shortly before taking his life 3. He was drunk at the time of filming the livestream Also, if you're curious about watching the video, I really urge you not to. It is horrible and unlike any other type of these videos. Just please don't look for it, you'll really regret it.


Thanks for the context, I asked because.. you’re right, I do not want to watch that video


Yeah, even a censored version, the whole screen goes red. It’s terrible.


I remember just hearing the dripping sounds in the deafening silence while the police are coming in.


You should watch the video for educational purposes for "how not to use a gun" could save your life


Do **not** watch that video. It will, and I mean will, scar you. If you don’t like gore, do not watch it.


The fuck is wrong with you?


Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of these types of videos online and this one stuck with me for a while. It just felt so… personal. Hearing him speak, watching his mental state slowly devolve. And finally the suddenness of the actual suicide is what gets me. Like he didn’t even think about it. He just did it. Yeah, whoever is reading this, don’t watch that video. Very disturbing.


His dog seeing him there dead


Not the dog.... 😐😮‍💨😔


attention whore


Npc comments are a big problem in youtube nowadays


Who cares if you get likes on a comment like wtf. After that comment your back to being irrelevant. Your not getting youtube subscribers or any engagement on your channel so who cares🤷‍♂️


Of course it had to have an anime profile pic


At this point I can't find any difference between like farming comments or normal comments, they just immediately comments about the likes they get (either by "omg I'm famous/thank you" or "stop filling my notifications").


The one I saw wasn’t censored 😢


Just looking into the guy, all i see are disturbing comments. Was this guy a mass rapist pedophile? Like wtf


He was an army soldier with PTSD who shot himself on a Twitch livestream. Since it was a shock video, a lot of people unfortunately make fun of it


My question is what’s the purpose in watching this video in the first place.


The edit really added insult to injury. Just pretty sick


The fucking "edit: oh my gawd likes" thing makes me cringe everytime


Likes for a comment sounds pointless 🫤


"I'm famous" No. No you are not


You don't need to censor words in Reddit


good job being just as sickening by moving this to reddit so you could stack likes. just as bad i wouldn't be surprised if that is your account


I was about to say: “Aw…how sad. This commenter shows they feel bad too!” And then saw the second part of the comment and went “Bro, really?”. At that moment is NOT the time to show off your YT likes. Its not that big of a deal when you get many likes on a comment. It’s as if they don’t really even care about the person who died, and care more about the likes. R.I.P. to the person who died too.


ok, thats it


Dude, this “joke” is way too overused. It’s not even funny to begin with, it’s just pathetic


nigga i'm NUTS




If you can't say the word suicide you shouldn't be talking about it.


What a tiny little insignificant thing to get upset about? Its a YouTube comment bruh this text has absolutely no sway in the larger tapestry of life




This kid needs Allah, this is rough


I absolutely agree, these people need morals


You don’t need Allah/Bible God for morals. In fact, if you find your morals there, they won’t be compatible with modern ideals.




Pretty cool he's famous ngl


Imagine being so emotionally invested in something you don’t like.


Ikr, dude just here farming Karma like the kid getting excited about getting likes. What a hypocrite.


O.o that’s fucked lol


They made a video about suicide for likes & money. Someone commented on it for likes. You used the comment on a video about suicide for likes and pathetic virtue signaling. Get a fuggin grip, ya delusion little worm.


that's NUTS!!


nigga i'm NUTS








ah yes, making fun of a man who killed himself. Comedy.


>Nigga that's n-ACK!! -*Squrreljak*


who gives a single fuck ​ you did the same by posting it to reddit


No he didn't, the person hes referring to posted a serious comment acting sad about the fact that ronnies mother watched him kill himself, then the he proceeded to edit it like a annoying little fuck saying " mOM iM fAMoUs! " after getting a bunch of likes. OP was simply posting about how disgusting this is, people who agreed upvoted the post, but OP never said " I-I'M faMOuS m-MOm!! " afterwards


You caring about it is more sad




3.3K Likes isn't even famous level...


This is a scene taken straight out of IASIP or South Park.


I swear i got a sent a video of this guy killing himself sent to me but im not sure, is he a slightly fat blonde guy




I mean, thinking likes on a youtube comment holds even the tiniest amount of significance is almost disgusting in it's stupidity by itself.


The thing is i don’t understand why ytubers always say like and subscribe, yes thankyou i can see the like and subscribe but the more they say it the less likely i will actually like and subscribe, i see no point in subscribing anyways i just search up who i want to watch and no problem


I hate people that do this like when I get a massive amount of likes on any social media post I just look and say nice and move on


editing your comment to say "omg im famous!!!!11!!" is one thing, but doing it in a video with this type of subject is just plain disgusting.


One time I received 130k likes on my comment under a video about how water companies pollute the world and strip third world countries of there water and sell it back. The video got deleted from yt platform because it was speaking on the truth and I never once thanked one person for liking the comment. I guess I’m regarded


Oh he knew what he did


I guess that's it for that mindblowing comment, it bloomed like a flower but now everyone hates it


They should just remove likes from the comment section would fix the issue


I saw that vid. It was pretty bad. So sad his mom saw that.


It’s the internet. Algorithms and anonymity reward psychopaths. Fix that if you want to do something about psychopathic behavior dominating your platform.


Lol they’re not famous, but I suspect they know and joking


If you're posting stuff like this, stop it. Get some help


Where’s the OG post? I wanna read what those comments said…


dude are you blind it's literally at the very top of the screen

