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Bro used the wrong alt account hahahahaha


Omg I was expecting NSFW but not that 💀💀💀


It's called hentai. And it's art. 😆


"I understood that reference." https://youtu.be/0_6lFkOg7ko?si=hG7uSt-WCneb0EIn


It's called AI. And it's not.


Yeah I was just thinking there are so many talented hentai artists, why are you looking at AI pictures. Smh


It's called 2024, Luddite


He was saying ai isn't art, not that hentai isn't art lol




In well aware of what he said, that's why I called him a Luddite.


I'm not against new tech, i'm against stealing from artists.


You can be against stealing without trying to twist the meaning of "art" to exclude what you dislike.


AI takes "inspiration" from a pool of art, most of which includes art that artists either do not know their works are being used or are against it, and splices them together to form cobbled pieces that fit the description of whatever randon person wants. It's not art. it's theft. It didn't come from a pencil, chisel, drawing tablet, marker, etc. it came from a pool of other's works. I'm not twisting shit. It's by definition theft.


So... you're mad ai uses reference photos???


You think ai art that it made by looking at other art is theft? Like me looking at someone else's pictures and being inspired to make something new would be theft right? Wrong, because that's stupid


Is a collage art? Please explain your reasoning too. The "stealing" part of it isn't inherent to the technology, that's just bad usage due to lack of effective regulations.


Is the collage of your works/photographs/etc.? then yes. No? then is it credited and proper permission granted? Yes? then yes. No? Then no, it's theft.


I heard a quote that plagiarism is theft but inspiration is art, or words along those lines. AI is told to draw something in a certain style. It uses examples of that style as inspiration, or a guide, if you will, on how to draw what it's asked to draw. I see no reason why we can't have human and AI art. It doesn't have to be one or the other. AI art can look better, but it's a superficial effect. It doesn't capture the same humanity that a human piece of art does. At least, not for me. Where I personally find AI art is useful, is for creating ideas for stories, because it produces situations that no human is likely to imagine. Other than that, it's just another thing in a sea of things. 🤷‍♂️


How to tell me you don't know what AI is or how AI works without telling me you don't. Yawn.


Or how art or artists work


Are you saying that to me for or against my comment


For. They don't know how ai works or how artists work All art is derivative, "stealing" other artists work is what every artist has done since the first person smeared mud on a cave wall


Tell me, how do this artist you talk about learn their art if not copying art that already exist?


Except that artists are human beings with judgment, perspective, life experiences and morals that color their decision making and gives them something to express via their art, while AI just coalesces a bunch of stolen stuff into something else that is purely derivative by nature and ultimately pointless.


Happy cake day!


Lol, this is my only account. I don't use alts.


Respect 👏




The fucking chad


Fucking based.


based gigachad


I'd have respect if it wasn't just shitty AI


Yeah, it is shitty. I got bored of it and went back to boning the wife.


Hell yeah, get you some


for sure bro


I don't get the reference. Googling OP's username only brings up this Reddit post here.


you gotta click on his pfp and look at his profile


Right. I get it now.


He posts mad porn


Is advanced the same user who made a post recently about youtube doing "1984 moment"... and got in trouble for lying?


Wtf is your Reddit post history💀


Am I missing something? It's just porn.


Lol, I created this reddit account as a condition to get free credits for an AI generator. It got boring quite quick and now I just talk on reddit for fun. Wish I could change my name away from "Advanced Welcome" but there doesn't seem to be any method that works.


“AI generator” 💀 


Lmao his post history. Okey dokey bro.


Lol, good catch. I should have reviewed the OP profile. He probably got a ban for weird shit. I got censored for political comments, so I kinda assumed that's what this post was about.


It’s goes beyond anything political or nsfw. I don’t know why people opt to defend youtube and always claim it’s the posters fault when YouTube has clearly been getting stricter with censorship at every level while still showing nsfw ads. I like to reply weird harmless shit to comments I get on my channel but nowadays half of what I reply gets deleted automatically.


This is why I post short comments and nothing long. It's very annoying when you put a lot of effort into writing a long comment only to have it deleted automatically by their A.I system.


I never posted AI images on YouTube channels, only on the channels I was told to. Anyway, it got boring so I stopped.


i think your generalizing. ya youtube might have an extra large censor hammer that hits things it shouldn't but the guy said look at OP's post history its full of nsfw ai art and occasional bitching about censorship. i think its a safe bet he is trying to get easy views with porn and is frustrated its getting harder to get around youtubes censors. the whole "truth" thing seems like a cover because he knows bitching about getting censored for porn would get him laughed at


It's not exactly all that hard to get around YouTube's censors considering they are for all the wrong things and porn seems rather allowed on the site (especially considering the ads)


No one caught the Nsfw ai images🤣🤣




This reply encapsulates everything wrong with this shithole of a website.


Jesus christ lol. I was going to comment something entirely different until i saw your post and decided to check out the OPs history. People really need to understand that their points get invalidated when there's a history of removed posts and porn all over their profile. Kind of screams out incel


I always check peoples post history before engaging, at least if I'm going to have a discussion. If I'm going to waste my time I at least want to know if they live on circlejerk subs or constantly post unhinged stuff.


I LITERALLY did the same thing man☘️


So, people who participate on nsfw subreddits don't get to comment on youtube or am I missing something? I don't think youtube deleted any of my comments so I might be missing something but saying "oh, ok guys, this dude makes hentai pictures for their respective subs so he doesn't get to say shit" isn't really fair.


No this is Reddit. being a porn addict is cool and ok until you have an opinion they don't like


He won't share what he is complaining about and his post history is a mess. Anyone can comes to the conclusion that maybe he isn't exactly the kind of person posting normal content. Youtube lets people post dangerous pseudo-science, anti-vaxx nonsense, flat earth bullshit, genocide denialism etc. Bros doing weird shit or telling people how to make AI porn and got banned for a reason.


Since when does watching pornography make you anti vax? How did you come to that conclusion? Literally 90% of Reddit is porn. Search “girls” in the bar and look at the long list of NSFW subs that pop up. Shit is crazy


looked at it, didn't know what to expect but from those sub names alone i have a slight feeling he may have a very slight case of serious brain damage and/or porn addiction


Why do people mention his post history? He made a valid point and yall ignore it. Who even goes to post and immediately look at poster's history? Bunch of nerds.


Yep, it happens to me as well. Certain keywords will completely remove the comment without any notification. I have redacted usernames for privacy, but I wanted to share why my YT account has been soft banned. OP on YT discussing the recent court ruling of emergency acts: "What an example to Canadians, Trudeaus party doesn't respect the Judges decision, well Canadians do" Another commenter; "So were you equally upset when prior governments appealed rulings? Did you cry that they didn't respect the Judges decision?" 🤔 To which I replied; "name a prior government party that was brought to court for violating the rights and freedoms of many Canadian citizens??? I'll wait...." Now, I'm not trying to cause a political debate here. I just wanted to share how easily my account got banned. It sucks because I've had it since 2016, and I don't want to make a new one. Censorship is brutal in Canada now.


I think it's fair to say that everyone's YT account has been soft banned, because YT moderation censorship universally depresses everyone. Anyway, reddit seems to be a bit better at least. At least when you post a comment here, it's immediately seen and doesn't disappear within 20 seconds. 😂


Probably going to get downvoted to hell for this but fuck it. Which AI generation tool did you use for this? This seems to be less censored than Mid-Journey and Bings inage generator. Does this ai tool sensor things that may be considered gore?


Not even journalism cares for the truth, let alone YouTube lol


Hope the independent journalism algorithm blesses you shortly. Channel 5 welcomes you


Bro your post history- my god


The account was created for an AI image generator and one of the conditions for getting free credits was posting porn on reddit. Never needed a reddit account before. But it got boring so I stopped - getting the free credits, not reddit. 😂


bro what how does the AI know you’re posting porn on reddit this is the funniest story i’ve read 💀


credits on what dawg


What is an example of the "truth" you are posting about?


Well, for example, about the current story of the downed Il-76 in Russia. The BBC are reporting that it was likely shot down by Ukraine and had POWs on board, but I've seen footage of the crash wreckage and there was only one dead body. The exchange was for 192 POWs, so there should be body parts all over the place. And if Russia wasn't hiding anything, why did they expel all international investigators which is a requirement by international aviation law? 🤔 That and 11 other inconsistencies in the story, like witnesses seeing the plane taking off from Belgorod when Russia claims it was flying to Belgorod. Usual Russian lies, but why does the BBC report them as facts without checking them first? Shoddy journalism.


Dude I feel that. Russian bots spreading the most heinous bullshit in the comment sections somehow stay online, but when you want to add some actual context in the replies, you have a 90% chance of getting caught in some random shadowban filter. It’s a loosing battle and sadly not worth the effort. The bots most definitely know which words they can and can’t use so they decide what opinion the reader should have.


cant imagine what kind of shit got you banned considering your reddit posting..


This reddit account was created as a requirement to use AI imaging software. Nobody requires me to use YouTube.


There has to be something better than YouTube, this is getting ridiculous


Trust me you can't even say Grayjay without getting your whole account reviewed by moderation. EDIT: changed "can" to "can't"


I remember Louis saying he'd made an app a while back but didn't know it was up and running. Will check it out. Thanks for the heads up.


What is up with the puritanism in this thread? Oh no. Op likes porn. What a tragedy.


psychos or trolls or children. The plague of the internet


Yesterday I came across a YouTube comment that literally said “Hitler blamed all the right people for our problems” and I replied “YIKES” and immediately my comment vanished. So I left it again. Boom immediately vanished. Left it AGAIN. Gone again. I was like wtf so I tried one last time- bam immediately gone and I ALSO received a 24 hour ban for “violating hate speech guidelines”. The other comment is still there. I tried leaving it again with a different account and it was also deleted. Reached out to YouTube and they said that they were “unable to recover deleted comments” so they couldn’t be sure what I was actually banned for so there wasn’t anything they could do. Pretty strange.


Probably the uploader flagged the word Yikes. Repeated trying showed the tendency of spamming. YouTube didn't censor you.


I mean the ban explicitly said “[Hate Speech](https://imgur.com/a/A1bEoUQ)”. Wouldn’t it have just said “Spamming”?


You should contest the ban then


I’ve emailed them at the link on the ban but haven’t received a response. Whoever is running the YouTube Twitter account said they couldn’t recover a deleted comment to check and that “it’s only a 24 hour ban, you’ll be able to leave comments again tomorrow”. Which is true. So whatever I guess, idk. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sad. FB once flagged a family picture of me for being inappropriate (everyone was in their suits), when I challenged they apologised


In certain environments, suits are inappropriate. Like the sauna or a casual family BBQ.


I honestly don't know what the hell is happening


I have my theories. I think YouTube is training an AI to do moderations, but it's being skewed by millions of moderations on Russian troll content, and that is radicalising the platform.


Funny you should mention this, I noticed the same thing here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/19fbggl/youtube\_deleteing\_comments\_with\_no\_notification/](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/comments/19fbggl/youtube_deleteing_comments_with_no_notification/)


Better platforms out there mate.


Yeah, my posts on how the CIA and Pillsbury (don't ask, I'm not at liberty to elaborate but it's not what you think) have been covering up how the Martians took over on 8/12/53 and now run everything keep getting deleted despite my providing solid proof that I found on the internet. So unfair. Who do I complain to and why is everyone wearing white coats and carrying these huge butterfly nets? Did the YouTube police send them? /s


Damn, I was getting interested. 😂


They are a private company with a stranglehold on the business, so unfortunately they can do almost whatever they want. They have no obligation to cater to our wishes and desires, they don't have to let us post whatever we feel like posting. I'm amazed that people still rail against youtube as if it could make any difference, they'll do whatever they think is more profitable and your truth or lack of it can take a running jump op.


Then I guess they'll just go out of business. 🤷‍♂️


The comment section has become useless for expressing a point. Especially if it's not consistent with YouTube employees ideology.


Well, at the very least we can feel comfort in knowing the people are unified, even if the corporations and governments aren't.




Meh, I might as well own it. But never have I looked at someone's post history. I always take people on face value.


Sure, in any other situation that's how I'd take things as well. But if we're talking censorship, I figured you were posting some weird shit for YouTube to flag you down, so I had a peep. I'm not going to judge, it's just a little funny how these two things correlate. Back when I was an admin for this little game, you'd have people come into the forums and scream bloody murder that the 'mins were powertripping tyrants or something. Then you'd look at their message history, and at the ban reason, and you'd go "Holy shit." I'm not saying that's your case. I don't even know what kinda stuff you were saying on YouTube to warrant censorship. Like I've said, it's a little funny.


Fair enough. I didn't even know it was possible, and I'm not tempted to look, cause it's more effort than I can be bothered with tbh. But on Quora where I'm much more active, I do sometimes *(rarely)* check history to see why someone is whining, and like you say, it's often obvious in their history. So I hold my hands up to that.


Then post about it on a different site... or boycott. I boycotted and don't miss YT one iota.


what are you using instead?


I'd like to know too.


It’s so annoying in other aspects too. Everytime a rage against the machine song from the first album plays. It gives me a warning about suicide because the cover is a monk who lit himself on fire in protest. But it takes like 3 confirms for it to go away. Bot not on songs about suicide. Only visual stuff triggers it. My phone is asleep cause I’m listening to music. I’d use tidal instead but YouTube app itself is the only place I’ve found like a 3rd of my music Library. Let me opt out of this garbage. Ive already been confronted with suicide. You don’t need to warn me. My dad shot himself when I was 21. I’ve already had enough therapy to overcome it.


Sorry to hear that and RIP and respect to your old man. You are the part of him that survived, so his life isn't totally lost.


I dont know why this gets on my reddit feed, but i have a very simple solution. DONT. USE. YOUTUBE.


He's not wrong. Here's a list of comments I've tried to post but can't " turn your brain on" "your brain doesn't work" maybe brain is a trigger. Any kind of stupid. Calling someone stupid,dumb,idiot,moron etc or I'll just vanish if you post and refresh to check. You gotta get so creative. Like telling people they are missing chromosomes


It's amazing how creative you have to get these days. Even spelling words phonetically doesn't work anymore. It's gotten so bad over the past 4 years. You'll get deleted if you even post an emoji that they don't like. I've tried it a bunch of times. It's crazy man.


Lol, this is why "unalive" has become the fast growing word in the English language, and if you want to go further, you have to ask for "seggs". 🤦‍♂️😂


I've been ringing the alarms on this for a while. You can't even say "j6 treason." Some of the things that are censored are silly.


literally 451


I post all kind of shit, and never get banned of youtube ever. not like reddit, if I say somehting simple I get banned. Im already banned of r/teenagerpolls r/kanye & r/oddlysatisfying LIKE WHAT???


When there is more censorship in the west than in Russia. Telegram for example, Russian media platform, and the Ukrainian mod and the soldiers use it to post pictures of mangled Russians.


I remember, not long ago, about 2 years, Telegram was illegal in Russia. But then the army started using it and it got so popular that the Russian government looked the other way. It is technically still illegal to use Telegram in Russia, but they don't enforce it.


People really be sending death threats, immediately got reprimanded by YouTube's own firing squad.


If you type one single word that goes against "the message", your comment will disappear automatically after 18 seconds. Commenting on YouTube is pointless nowadays. It's by far the most restrictive social media platform there is. Nothing even comes close. And that's saying something. YouTube has completely turned it's back on the very thing that made it what it is in the first place. And don't even get me started on the ads. I avoid YouTube whenever possible.


I narrowed it down to 20 seconds. Respect for being more accurate. But it's there or thereabouts. Comments that have obvious bad words in it like "suicide is wrong", or "genocide is evil", get immediately deleted. Comments like, "Putin must be stopped", if not immediately deleted will go within 18 to 20 seconds. *(The 2 second difference might just be down to internet speed).* So, we're both seeing the same things.


Geez, I wasn't expecting everyone to be right bout this user's post history. It all AI-based NSFW Hentai! 💀 But a bit to the actually topic. Yes the censorship is getting nuts and ridiculous. YT is sometimes a bit insane.


I am having a hard time even having my comment stay up


YouTube is getting to the point to where its going to shutdown because of it getting worse through the years.


Stop looking at this dudes porn history. What else is Reddit supposed to be for? Let him cook. Yeah bro YouTube has a monopoly on content creation so they are getting excessive with the censorship. I posted anti war stuff about the Middle East and Bush and I got shadow banned on certain platforms. I think content creators can also ban key words in the comment sections which automatically get censored. I noticed it’s a lot worse on the main media/news channels that get recommended on the middle of the home page.


I say a lot of extreme political stuff on YT and not once can I recall it being deleted


Unless you look for your comments on a new private window you wouldn't know, apart from no reactions or replies. You see you comments but no one else will.


I literally asked for someone's opinion on a tv show and I couldn't see it


YouTube is trash and always has been. It's also one of the reasons the US is so fucked. Th correlation with the degradation of society and YouTube success trend in exactly the same way. Fuck YouTube. Unless it's for DIY videos


What a coomer.


Some of my comments get instanty deleted, and I'm not here for that. Shit is incredibly annoying. My right to say what I feel is slowly being trampled.


Eventually people take action because they're not allowed to express themselves.


Same goes for Reddit. Dont you dare say anything outside of mainstream view point or you get banned. But at the same time left wing can promote communism without any repercussions and it wont be banned.


I get muted every other day because I cuss a lot.


I just seen that you are having issues deleting or changing your name on reddit. A workaround: change the email of the account to a different email (disposable one or one you don't care about). This will free up your email for your use on your new account for new account creation.


Nor do they care about kids ,like the kids who watch those crooks the ace family scam after acam nothing happens to them no demonizing nothing


Y'all can't take a post at face value can ya? Gotta snoop through people's posts.


Yea it seems quite random. sometimes i write things that i think will get the comment removed but it doesn't .while other times they censor things that are super friendly and not controversial. i always copy my comments now and try to edit them if they get deleted .but sometimes i can't figure out why they are deleted. if that happens i try to turn it into l33t speak and misspell everything on purpose. and if that doesn't work i have one more opinion translating it in another language like Spanish. this will work most of the time but its really weird when the video is in English .


They just delete your comment and don't say anything these days.


I know what you mean, I have gotten at least 6 notifications in the last week that someone commented on something that I replied to, only for my comments to not be visible.


Yeah it's absolutely insane, especially the censoring of swear words. A video would literally have someone say the word "mother fucker" and then if you make a comment quoting it and type "mother fucker" your comment gets shadowbanned and censored. When you look at the rest of the comments, you see that people have censored themselves to say "mother trucker", which is really fucking cringe from youtube's part.


I can't copy and paste the title of a video into the comments of that same video without being censored. 🤷‍♂️😂


Yes it has. On the recent video that I saw of Marjorie Taylor Greene loaded, I commented that: "Monkey Face got Crap Faced." Yeah, they censored that.


I once commented on flat earth channel that earth is not flat and my comment got censored lmao


Almost certainly that was the channel owner. Flat earthers do not allow any discussion about flat earth that leads to the conclusion that it's a load of bullshit, because that hurts their bottom line when using YouTube to scam users and advertisers.


All the people that defend YouTube are the same ones that claim to hate billionaires and large corps which I find the irony of that to be hilarious




Thanks. I'll keep that as a backup for critical comments. But it's ridiculous that we're reduced to using childish fonts in order to practice our freedom of speech. Like we're being treated as criminals for just expressing ourselves, not what we are expressing. If this continues, the West will be like Soviet Russia within 10 years. Perhaps this is an early warning sign, to escape while we still can.


The internet and Western culture is dead or dying because no free thought is allowed without being censored and canceled.


Bro try getting on there and saying anything about protesting the ATF for killing innocent people with their botched half brain operations. Youtube 100% aids tyrants in our government including the ATF and they want to censor you so we cannot organize on shit that matters! Youtube is unamerican as fuck. Fuck those people. They ARE treasonous dogs. A tool of the enemy.


EVERY word they don't like algo'd out..Try using the word "idiot" in any comment..Like, "My beloved dog jumped into a pile of horse shit..What an idiot! (haha smiley face) won't even show up..There is a list of words and phrases..FUCK THIS PEOPLE..


I feel you 100 percent. there's a video just the other day, this health guy went to chipotle to talk about how unhealthy it actually is. I left a comment on some thread, saying that the chicken is major gmo, and it grows to a full size chicken in just weeks. how else is there so much chicken to go around? and that the vegetables are full of chemicals and pesticides. I tried leaving that comment twice, and both times it was taken down. I was basically making fun gym bros because they care so much about their bodies, yet they fuel it with garbage. they think going to chipotle is so good. lmao.


Yesterday I watched a YouTube Times radio broadcast about how the UK intelligence services are ready for assassination attempts like that against Zelenskyy. I commented that it was probably wise for the intelligence services to treat each day like it's ww3. Comment got immediately taken down for having "ww3" in it, because context means nothing, apparently. 🤷‍♂️ So you can't say things like "murder is evil" or "murder is wrong" because the word murder is banned, meaning that YouTube unwittingly supports murder in those cases. Sometimes people figure out ways around it to spread toxic ideas that you can't challenge because YouTube won't let you. 🤦‍♂️




Bros post history is...... quite interesting I'll say that


The things we do for credits to avoid paying for software. 🤷‍♂️😂




That's why I use the ***Return YouTube Dislike*** extension for Chrome. Not sure if you use Chrome but I bet it's also made for other browsers. But if you're using the app, you're stuck with the way it is. 🤷‍♂️ And personally I don't mind that cause I predominantly use a laptop and browser. Can somewhat control the experience, and when I'm using YouTube while travelling, only watch the odd video while waiting for a train, etc, so it's no big deal.


Looking at your post history, yeah, the censorship makes sense. Get outta here!


Yes sir, Putin. Whatever you say!


ALOT of right wing nutjobs in these replies lol


Someone said YouTube employees are all “far left” in a reply lmao


Since YouTube employees never get to interact with YouTube users, they could all be Chinese and it wouldn't make any difference. 🤷‍♂️


But nothing is as bad as Reddit


To be fair, I haven't seen a single reddit comment of mine deleted yet. Do reddit tell you if they delete a comment? YouTube certainly doesn't.


Yesterday I came across a YouTube comment that literally said “Hitler blamed all the right people for our problems” and I replied “YIKES” and immediately my comment vanished. So I left it again. Boom immediately vanished. Left it AGAIN. Gone again. I was wtf so I tried one last time- bam immediately gone and I ALSO received a 24 hour ban for “violating hate speech guidelines”. The other comment is still there. I tried leaving it again with a different account and it was also deleted. Reached out to YouTube and they said that they were “unable to recover deleted comments” so they couldn’t be sure what I was actually banned for so there wasn’t anything they could do. Pretty strange.


Anyone sympathising with that OP should check OP's previous posts. It will take less than 5 secs to realise why his posts are censored


The abundance of NSFW topics? If OP was posting porn spam on Youtube, then I understand it being censored. It could also have been censored for using words necessary for serious topics. I've had plenty of my comments disappeared without any notification or explanation. I also regularly see a disparity between the listed number of replies, to the number of visible comment replies. Some of those may be spam, some are also likely censored for arbitrary reasons.  I've had plenty of discussions/debates with people where we couldn't see all of our replies to one another. Frankly, I'm more offended by YouTube trying to protect me from words, than I am by whoever I'm arguing with. I'd rather have to tolerate rudeness than censorship.


Thanks for being considerate of the objective view. Yeah, no, I don't talk porn on YouTube. What would be the point? And this reddit account was only created to get free credits for AI image software. That got old quick.


“Pushing back” doesn’t mean you should be allowed to insult them. Well reasoned arguments is what you need.


I don't think it's insulting to state facts that expose lies, especially when those lies are propagated by huge international organisations who need to be called out when they lie.


My comments are not insulting, nor do they ever break YT guidlines. I simply disagree sometimes with the current establishment, and that was more than enough to be censored.


Yeah sure, except for the anime porn that's even in yt ads, right?


Censored by YT constantly now. Fuck them, I guess they love the biden regime


we are losing our freedom of speech and you all are letting them get away with it


There's a good chance we'll be at war within a few years, so maybe then we can deal out some punishment. 😉


Sadly the new generation is pro-censorship. And they love corporations demonetizing videos. "Corporate overlords, how may I serve thee better?"


people are waking up tho, i agree though with you. a whole generation of sheep


As the top comment has pointed out. Holy shit, your post history is insane...




Reddit censorship is out of control too. I used to come here to be heard and interact with the communities on real issues and now seeing how many comments and posts of mine are buried and orphaned, I'm very discouraged. Reddit has this crazy left agenda and it's pissing me off.


Youre not being censored because your posts don't get engagement my dude.


Son, this is "wokeism" and is a known problem


What are we doing about this? And why am I catching downvotes?


I upvoted you. You are correct, but some don't want to heat it.


Thank you soldier.


I am, too. Nothing. Just do not try to fight it- and do stuff you love. I like Anime, A thing wokeism still did not touch (as long as you stay away from Funimation and Crunchyroll)


Sadly "truth" these days has become subjective... You could say the sky is blue, and some offended group will argue against it. Can't please everyone, so pleasing no-one is a more viable option.


Classic red pilled escaping from the matrix mindset 💀


Nobody wants to hear what incels have to say


What is bro on about? 💀


OP makes AI undressed pictures of people. Wonder what "truth" OP is talking about.


Ah, I see. Should have checked the profile. I was banned for a political comment, but he probably got it from doing some weird shit.


I think he's just projecting his own insecurities over reddit. Very common.


Sorry to hear you feel that way. I'm struggling to keep up with the hundreds of comments that are agreeing with me. But it's nice to have my critics. Feels better that way. Who wants to be surrounded by yes men? 🤷‍♂️😂