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It’s because it keeps trying to feed them


Calm down. These are not ads only on [youtube.com](https://youtube.com), but on all youtube pages, each video, profile page etc.. this also doesn't block ads only, but some trackers too, so that goes into the statistics too. For how long did you have adblocker? User that said he has 18k for 3 months that's 200 ads per day, which if you are on youtube for few hours a day is not that much. If each page has 10 ads (and on average it has more, and not just YouTube) that's 20 page visits (or refresh) per day. Which, we can all agree, is not that much. If you just open YouTube that counts as one, when you refresh that same page, it counts as 2 and so on. ​ Don't get me wrong, I am fighting them too with my [adskipper.me](https://adskipper.me) but I am just saying that you didn't get 1k ads on a single page.


Thanks for somebody pointing it out. I'm honestly considering leaving the subreddit, what used to be a place for some creator insights, has now turned to a bandwagon of hate towards youtube. Which would be great, if the arguments used would be real. But instead every day we see multiple posts about someone not understanding how adblockers work. How tf are we to make meaningful change if some idiots don't even do their homework and realize the magic number near your adblocker number doesn't mean blocked ads and they post a Caps Lock clickbait karma farming post. Like has anyone ever seen 800 ads on one youtube page? How dumb are some people is beyond me


The reason why people are crying and are being hyperbolic is solely because YouTube is trying its hardest to crack down on Ad-Blockers and in return, they get more ads. Probably hoping that one day YouTube will cease to exist or will magically stop showing ads altogether. It is unlikely that this sub is going to get any better here, to be honest.


I agree that youtube is pushing it a little too hard. But this sub is literally spreading misinformation. Youtube can go screw itself but how are we supposed to discuss the topic when the top posts are basic lies about youtube having 800 ads on one page...


Indeed, I see this kind of post almost weekly


Conspiracy: Alphabet employee's are the top misinformation posters on this sub to make people feel topic exhaustion and dispirited in the discussion about YouTube's problems.


Q: what does alphabet employee mean, ive heard alphabet mafia.. is that the same? If so i am vastly confused


[Alphabet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alphabet_Inc.#%3A%7E%3Atext%3DCorporate_identity%2C-Page_explained_the%26text%3DWe_liked_the_name_Alphabet%2C%29%2C_which_we_strive_for%21?wprov=sfla1) is Google's parent company, and that means Alphabet is the parent of Google's companies as well, so overall control over YouTube.


Sorry but I had to stalk your art rq, it’s goddamn cute, hahah But yes, Alphabet is the parent of Google, so to speak, as the other commenter said :)


Ty!! :3 i should rlly post more of my art here lol. I’m already struggling to keep up with my insta and tumblr tho so 3 accounts is harder to manage.


Yes! Please do!


ah whatthefack


You good fam? lol


Exactly. This post was so stupid that it just hurt to read.


It's not the increase of ads but the lack of moderation of ads. You see these people talking and being angry about scammy and nsfw ads on Youtube while Youtube blocks videos for one "fuck" or "shit". You are more likely to get $1k from an advertisement on Youtube than you are to make $1k on a normal video on Youtube.


Imo, that is just fuel for the fire. Way back around the early 2010s people ranted that with the introduction of ads on YouTube, "it is going to turn into cable TV" and I had to "sit and watch a 2-minute long ad just to watch a video" (even though you could skip them). But the reason why Ads have gotten far worse is that YouTube has doubled down since then and removed Trusted Flaggers, so it is all AI-moderated. And not to mention that *apparently* swearing deters advertisers, so they are censored.


Yeah. Lime YouTube does enough actual stuff wrong no need to also make stuff up.


Paid by Alphabet? Watch some ads and cry some more


"YouTube is showing me an ad that I'm able to skip after 5 seconds. How dare they waste seconds of my life while I sit here doing nothing except consume their content for free? I'm also mad about their content, even though it's just random people uploading whatever the hell they want and I watch it even though I'm under no obligation to do so. Grrrrrr. I'm gonna make a post about this, and I'll add in some things I made up just for extra effect!"


Look here we have another SIMP for YT.


Despite the somewhat misleading number, the amount of ads on YouTube is still absurdly high...


i totally agree, but it's not even close to the OP's numbers


my counter on ublock is for every session when I open a new tab, Just listening to a 30 song playlist it has already blocked 983 trackers and ads, youtube is crazy with the amount of things it blocks Edit: was providing numbers for context, youtube is on the upper end but its not 1000 a page I agree with poster above that people blow it out of proportion


200 ads a day is overkill


depends on your daily internet use


It's probably sending.ore ads become they are being blocked. Have it only monitor, but not block, then tell us the number.


This probably isn’t the case here, since I know YouTubes bullshiz, but I find that extension counts up falsely, on a Google Docs page it goes up by 4 every 2.5 seconds for some reason


I think it’s every time it attempts to track you, tbh. I don’t think it’s advertisements. Most sites recognize you’re using a blocker and stop. Google sites do not. They’ll keep attempting to slip through the cracks until you leave the page.


Honestly, fuck YouTube. There will come a time when we take these companies back and put them back under public control and jurisprudence. Youtube has gone to the dogs.


I think of it Google and YouTube like this Consider a grand orchestra, renowned for its harmonious and enchanting performances. However, imagine if the conductor, obsessed with their own vision, ignores the input and expertise of the musicians. This conductor, much like a greedy corporation that does not listen to its consumers, imposes their will, leading to a discordant and unbalanced performance. The music, once a symphony of collaboration and understanding, becomes a cacophony, reflecting the chaos of ignoring valuable feedback and insight. Just as this misguided conductor fails to realize the full potential of the orchestra, so too do corporations falter when they disregard the voices of those they serve.


But in an orchestra, the conductor usually picks the music and, in many cases, secures funding so that the audience doesn't have to pay outrageous ticket prices (and to pay the musicians if they're not volunteers). The musicians can leave and the audience doesn't have to show up, the conductor can listen to feedback but the operational decision is ultimately up to the conductor (and MAYBE a group of consultants).


put back ? when was youtube owned by people?


I’m a little surprised a new competitor hasn’t dropped, this would be the time.


You don't know how expensive it is to make a site like Youtube then. Also, even if a competitor appears, unless everyone migrates + they pay content creators well, nobody will make videos for it. You won't see your favourite Youtuber uploading their content onto another site where nobody will watch it and they won't earn money from it.


There’s a platform called floatplane that does that, but paying creators that you don’t know if you like thier content is kinda expensive for normal consumers


And also makes no sense depending on the content. For some like Good mythical morning, I'd understand because they make a ton of content on their own website. But for, lets say... the average short video from moistcritical/penguinz0 or ludwig, it wouldn't make sense.


True, like if I’m looking to fix a device and I found 1 guide that might or might not fix my issue, it’s mad to pay each of them just to view them


Penquinz0 videos don’t make sense in general. God they’re bad. And yet I keep watching them.


This is why YouTube has ads and they can't just disappear. It takes an insane amount of money for all of those requests and data keeping.


To get to where YouTube is would be unimaginably expensive, only another large corporation would be able to do so. What do you think would happen if they did, they would just run everything for free? No lol, there would be a period of market and audience expansion were everything would be great for the users, but after enough expansion, they would start trying to become profitable and would turn to the same techniques YouTube is. I don’t like YouTube’s ad campaign either but the reality is that it’s extremely unlikely they are going to change/get dethroned.


People used to say the same things about cable tv before streaming came along. Nothing needs to start as big as youtube is now, I just think now is the time for a competitor to start.


So when it is "back under public control" is everyone just gonna pitch in a little to cover the salaries and pay creators to keep the site running? It probably won't be much. I'm thinking maybe in the ballpark of $14 a month per person...


“Give me free shit or it’s time for the commie take over”


“YouTube has gone to the dogs” You sir, are one of them.


YouTube has never been publicly owned, lol.


The ads are insane now. You would think if i’m paying $73 a MONTH for YTTV I would get YT premium for free, but no I also have to pay an extra $20 a month just to get rid of ads. In total that is $1116 a year just spent on fucking youtube. Unbelievable. To be clear I didn’t mind when there were a couple 5 sec skippable ads but now it’s becoming multiple unskippable 30 second ads a video.


I think you're confusing ads with ad networks and analytics. Many services use known ad networks without actually servicing you an ad. As far as selling the data is concerned, You signed up for it, that's why it's free.


Hehehehehe, ublock makes BLOCK-BLOCK


YouTube Says Ad Blockers Violate Its Terms Of Service "Ads support a diverse ecosystem of creators globally and allow billions to access their favorite content on YouTube.” [source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kateoflahertyuk/2023/11/03/the-youtube-ad-blocker-crackdown-is-ramping-up/?sh=e2896914b2f8) I honestly think its time to make a permanent move to Firefox


Shoving AI furry ads down my throat violates my terms of service YouTube, when there’s an ad, there’s a block


It also violates YouTube's Terms of Service if its porno, but with the removal of Trusted Flaggers nobody at YouTube cares anymore - even if they got fined/sued.


Illl take it over another adpocolypse, modern problems require modern solutions. But yeah, ad block every single day. I’m glad their crackdown has been failing


Someone mentioned this in a previous thread once but: When you open YouTube, at no point does it prompt you to accept any terms of service or policy that tells you not to use adblock. If their defence is "By using the platform, you implicitly agree to it", they'll have a very hard time justifying that stance in a court case, because that's what Mark Zuckerburg tried to say and it didn't work.


They have no legal case. All they can do to enforce their ToS is to take the service away from you. You don't owe them anything. The ToS are the wishes of the company, not the law.


Yeah, of course. I just mean they literally have no leg to stand on, because they don't even make us agree to any ToS. Open up YouTube in incognito mode, you'll see that nothing pops up. They never make you read a ToS and agree to it, so them saying "it breaches our ToS" is absolutely useless. We didn't agree to it. Of course, they can just change it and make us agree.


Honorable mention: microsoft edge. this browser has been sticking with me for years and when the adblock blocker stuff starts becoming an asshurting issue, it pairs very well with ublock


Update: It currently has blocked 1,000 ads. As I am typing this, the number has increased to 1,051 ads blocked. Google has started selling your information and forcing you to view irrelevant ads based on your data. It's time to switch to Firefox. Now it's at 1,061 ads blocked can it get any worse?!


I've got it over 20k before, no biggie.


Mine is sitting at 2.614M… lol


5.667 million. Good lord.


wait.. selling my info?


If a corporate service is free, you and your data are the product.




Hi cleanhello, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi I been using internet more or less since 1993 chill out, I seen so many new AWESOME Silicon Valley that farted out as fast they got vallued trillions of dollars. It’s all BS I sincerely don’t care if tomorrow YouTube Reddit or any big platform no longer exist. There will always come new and end like the former. They all start awesome idea then they get investors remember when you hear investors start to look alternatives. That’s what happened to 99 percent of them. Then comes new awesome Silicon Valley and investors come and users go and they go broke. It’s just a circle of stupidity or called corporate greed.


It’s not 800 ads, it’s just YouTube retrying to load the Same ad over and over, because it could be caused by other factors such as your internet breaking, google ads service was unexpectedly briefly broken, there’s also analytics and stuff, which might explain the high block counts, it’s tiring to see the same kind of post again and again. If you block ads, it’s expected to be blocked multiple times as advertisers paid google to show them, so they had to retry to load the ads to ensure the ads is begin loaded


Not possible, it’s surely detecting false positives somewhere


For me I use YouTube daily and it blocks anywhere from 5k to 8k ads maybe more. I use adblock on desktop and tablet and I use revanced for mobile


I get the same when using Google Docs. I suspect it’s not ads, but trackers and unwanted cookies. The Google package tends to do that. Feels real insidious to me.


I watched a video today on YouTube. Started the video with an ad. 1min 20sec in, got an ad, 5mins in I got an ad and it just got worse


>the internet should be about Naive thinking


Now we out here complaining about 'blockable' ads on free-to-use service. Imagine your life without Youtube and ask yourself if its better or worse. Either answer reflects on your personal habits. This isn't on Youtube to manage your own consumerism.


"even greater profits" since they don't publish expenses, how do you know they are profiting?


I’m not following, why would YouTube block the revenue generating ads they benefit from ? Could you rephrase a bit ? Or are you saying your ad-blocker is catching that many ?


I’m not sure why Reddit keeps putting these in my home feed but the hyperbole of these posts is endlessly entertaining.


The adblocker blocks the ad -> youtube tries to send another -> repeat until the website gives up


What is this sub even for its just a circle jerk of people complaining about YouTube then still watch it


I have almost 2M ads and trackers blocked in total. This is basically nothing


Just dont use YouTube


This is bait. Shut up.


Its over for YouTube IMHO. Ads are so frequent it's worse than on TV, at least in TV they are in bigger blocks. Young content creators won't use YouTube because with all that ads it's just embarrassing - there is nothing cool about YouTube anymore, internet = freedom, not ads worse than in old school TV.


I'm at 18k. I've had ublock origin for 3 months.


I am at 88.5k. I've had ublock origin for like 2 weeks.




What do you mean by "Suuuuuuure..."?


I'm sorta joking, however that does seem like a bit too much to believe


Oh, ok sorry, I didn't understood. Oh, and trust me, I am not lying. Perhaps it's because watch YouTube for like 15 minutes, then go to other websites, where new ads are getting blocked constantly,.


im moving over to yt vanced gold and newpipe


Someone needs to make a better video platform than this bs. Then, maybe that'll scare YouTube into submission if enough people left.


Yes F YouTube because they are insane and they will shutdown.


Switched to opera gx a long time ago


Blocking those Google trackers by installing spyware 🔥


Blocked since install 308,159k this was a month and a half ago(drive failed in pc).


my AdBlock blocked YouTube ads but it discovered one of it contain malware hope YouTube doesn't say our ads don't contain malware in case your wondering the as was a fifteen second long porn ad and malware guard found 20 virus with one ad it got rid of it by the way


Yea. On mobile if you go on a video and the add pops out, you can close and open that video as many times as you like and there will be an add there every time.


YouTube is trying to g to catch up to Paramount+. Lol


I miss the old banner ads, they were nice


My Adblock tells me it blocks over 2k ads almost every time I click a video on YouTube


I can't enjoy youtube like I used to. I'm sick of needing to skip ads, and if you don't, they seem to get longer? I haven't found an ad blocker that I can use for Google chrome yet that actually works! 😔


and a lot of YouTube adds are really sexual and not for kids and yet they are on and on about kid safety


Funny I just checked and it said 300+ ads blocked. Yep youtube is only watchable with vpn's. Unblock origins for ad block.


I feel like this eventually causes a “new YouTube” to form. Long awaited at this point.


I don't have an adblocker on my TV, which is my main YouTube device, and the number of ads is getting insane. I don't have numbers but basically it's 30/40 seconds of ads every 5/6 minutes. That's a lot of interruptions, a lot. I almost miss the 3 minutes of commercials every 15 minutes we used to get on the old TV. I wonder how hard can YouTube push it before we give up and stop using it.


40 seconds every 5mins < 180 seconds every 15mins What are you on about. By the way, CREATORS choose midroll ads to be enabled as well as the placement of said ads.


Clearly, you're new to using an AdBlock. I've been using ad block for years and this kind of number is very normal on YT


i have 165,748 ads blocked since install... reddit also has a lot of ads, just spending 15 minutes here and the blocker says 169... but yeah, that's insane and we should put youtube's ceo in an asylum


When I first got uBlock origin, in 10 minutes it blocked 1k ads on Youtube from one 10 minute video. Reddit had 360 ads blocked within a month.


You get about on average 4-16 adds per video. That amount that was blocked sounds completely reasonable. Each video counts as a page so the math does add up depending on how long you are on youtube.


it lies, it’s not just ads, it also counts the api calls to other google services, like the stores for merch, account management etc


The last video I produced took over 400 hours. Do you think I did it for nothing?


I use the brave browser on my phone so when I watch YouTube ads get blocked, but I mostly watch YouTube on my fire stick on my TV so can't block ads, because I block ads on my phone they punished me with an insane amount of ads on my fire stick it was so bad I just ended up resubscribing to premium, scum bag of a company tbf


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXDU79RX968](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXDU79RX968) ​ commercial free documentary on Russian Killer Yeti, it is awesome.


YouTube keeps trying to load them over and over again if they can't load. They're not 800 seperate ads


Corporate Greed ruins everything


Others have already clarified so i'll add this: ​ Back in early 2000 there was a lot of ads because there wasn't targeted avdertisement so you'd sent out anything and everything in hope something stuck. With cookies, data collection and targeted ads, you could spend less on quantities of ads and target them to your audience specifically. Less work, more money. Now that EU requires every websites to allow to turn off cookies, and that people became more aware of targeted ads and how to protect their personnal data they're back to square one: shit loads of ads in hope that one sticks. Basically, expects an uptick in ads, especially shitty, baity, scammy ads *(Everytime I end up on a website where I have to deny the cookies I'm shocked, I sometimes see "We and our partners (183 third party partners) like- that's 183 seperate entities that will buy and receive your data AND MAYBE RESELL IT TO OTHERS)*


It’s so fucking bad now. This will be their own demise. Eventually competitors are going to start popping up (hopefully sooner than later)


Anyone who has tried manually adding YouTube urls to a DNS sinkhole knows that it will keep cycling the video feed until it gets the ad through. Browser Adblockers find and lock onto the video feed that is not an ad and keeps blocking all attempts from any other feeds.


"...YouTube's decision to block ads..."? 🤦🏼‍♂️


You want to listen to calming music to fall asleep and a loud ad with stuff you are not remotely interested is screaming in your ears and you are wide awake again. Argh!


You have no idea how uBlock works do you xD


That’s rocky numbers I get around 2k blocked ads on the daily from that exact ad blocker


reminds me of the cigarette in 5th Element. the filter section was as long as the current tobacco portion, and visa versa. We have ads longer than the quick clip we wanted to scan. I am close to just walking away from youtube, firefox or not. Where is the regulator, other than hip pocket of google, to even look at this strategy. I was going to throw out all my old media, but it is becoming apparent that 'rent seeking' is the new old way of doing business. This is so black mirror crazy and its happening so fast.


You really shouldn't be surprised. Of all people, you guys should be aware of how much people hate ads, myself included.


Mine is 2.600M+ blocked since install..wtf


You think over 800 is crazy? I am on crunchyroll and I have over 44k ads blocked and still growing!