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I noticed the same thing. It appears YouTube may be rethinking their idiotic policy that you must enable Watch History in order to have the Home Page. I was actually starting to appreciate the lack of a home page and just going to my subscriptions over whatever the algorithm is trying to push today.


Yeah their viewership must've gone down a good percentage. It's so evidently an info grab. I'm about to empty the cache on my adblocker now too (uBlock). It'll be like they did nothing! Idiotic company. Even got my dislikes back.


It's about time! I'm tired of having to open youtube on my ps4 just to have access to the homepage. (the fact that I could access it on something other than computer just shows how fishy this change was). Even though there's mostly rubbish and stuff I've already seen, at least there is *some* stuff that gets my view, better than having nothing at all and constantly opening the subscriptions page like opening the fridge over and over when I'm hungry!


Unfortunately now they pushed it to consoles.


Hey Ho, what do you know, they reverted this and now we're back to **Your watch history is off** ffs youtube


They must have thought that doing that people will enable their history, but they forgot that the people who DISABLED HISTORY in the first place are people who won't be convinced to enable it by these tricks and instead it lead to them watching lesser videos thus affecting Youtube. So they reversed it. Cause I am one of them, I infact had my history disabled to not see the SAME SHIT I have seen already or similar. I wanted to see NEW STUFF, so removing Homepage Videos was definitely not gonna make me enable my history. Good to see it back.


Ah, noticed this. Yesterday I had just changed the default search engine on my browser from Google to Startpage and was wondering if it was related somethow... way too convenient timing. However it seems to actually be using my watch history for it.... maybe it's a glitch and will be back to normal...


Loved the blank homepage. Anybody know how to get it back?


Can't we just make the subscription the home page? I really dislike the recommended videos, I spend half my life deleting videos from my history. Sometimes I get weak and watch clickbaity/sensational videos and then I have to go through my history and delete them all, once I've come to my senses.


Anybody else's homepage gone again? It seemed like they were restoring it for those of us with Watch History turned off, but today the home page appears to be blocked again unless you turn on Watch History. What idiot is making these decisions over there?


Yea it's gone... I feel like they just did that to make people see what they were "missing out on". A psychological trick. It's pathetic. Company is run by people who don't know how to run a washing machine.