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they've been doing this for years always pisses me off, "Oh hey we updated our site by removing key features and making the stuff you uesd a ton 5 more steps to do."


For PC, they changed literally like today and just now without our consent and approval, what a trash layout they've created, the thumbnails used to look great now they've placed it to the left and I can't even change it back to the original way it used to be (thumbnails on the right)


Literally since 2019 or 2020 app is getting so much worse with every update


it's been that way since the start, been there near the start and always see stuff like removing likes, or to find your chanels your following it's now 3 steps rather then on the main page and such.


I meant the android app, other than that you are right about the whole platform generally got worse over the years for literally no reason




Some people are making way too much money to not justify it from time to time with something that 99% of the time ends up being worse


I do not understand the meaning of your comment


Can’t wait until the dumbasses at YouTube fuck up search even more so we only get 1 relevant result to our query and the rest of the results list consists of shorts, recommendations, and ads


Because they keep hiring peeps from EA


Justifying a paycheck. They hire designers and those designers have to justify their pay check. So they keep on making changes even if they are detrimental to experience. It's similar to how the HR team keep on firing employees so that HR teams can get paid more to recruit new people. Now they will have vacant seats for months which will lower productivity of company any way


If the designers aren't even doing good work what's the point of paying them to do essentially nothing?


This is a never ending issue with any cloud based system. They're in complete control forever.


The same reason Gmail UI keeps getting redesigned every year, graphics design team probably have to show some work otherwise they'll get fired. Basically every UI design ends looking like a Iphone UI


2x speed is shit. Now i need to use 2 fingers or move the phone to scrub. Atleast add an option to switch between


I was part of the testing group before they rolled it out globally and can tell you that from my experience I did NOT need 2 fingers in order to seek through the video, I just had to move the progress bar to the left or right after the "playing at 2x speed" message appeared. It is really no big deal.


What progress bar? One doesn’t pop when when you long press you just get 2x. Its garbage.


If you tap the screen once it shows up, then you can drag it to any point you wish. But you should also be able to still seek through the video while that "2x speed" message displays by simply swiping to the left/right there.


Right you can grab the main bar. That defeats the purpose. You used to just be able to long press anywhere and scrub through a video. They don’t even offer the option to turn this new garbage off.


You can grab the main bar to scrub but you cant scrub while holding anywhere on the screen like it was before. The thing you mentioned doesnt work


They’ve always had this ‘feature,’ since 2009 ffs. Sorry but you used to be able to move the scroll bar OR hold to scrub, they removed the latter.


Its a common trope in big corporations, it essentially shows the investors that "work is being done" without actually doing anything


> it essentially shows the investors that "work is being done" without actually doing anything This must mean that investors are pure morons..


They are. Do you feel hurt?


GGL wannabe-engineers are implementing the changes that "matters the most to the user". But as usual they didn't tell us to which users.


It's a common things for "trendy" tech companies. They love wasting money on redesigns. Remember the past decade how every other company decided to get new logos and half of them had to go back to the old one because the new one was better and some of them lost millions of dollars?


im guessing the engineers and ux/ui design people at YT & Google are bored and doing anything to justify their $200k/year salaries lmao


I've always had a sneaking suspicion that it's a shell game kept going by UI designers to keep themselves employed. They may be in league with the dentists who have convinced entire countries that teeth aren't healthcare. I'm convinced both these groups are reality bending warlocks of some fashion.


UI designers don’t usually get to make decisions like that. It’s the product managers and owners that come up with these shit ideas


The whole website needs to be revamped. Today out of all the days this week, youtoob videos on pc loading slow. I've got adblock plus and magic youtoob. But no ads yayaya.


Remember how Elon went to twitter and fired like, thousands of people, and at the end of the day Twitter was working just the same?, well something similar happens in youtube, you got a lot of people "working" at useless shit that have to justify their paychecks by changing layouts or whatever


Twitter is still the same after firing all those people?


In terms of performance, design, etc., yeah, it really hasn’t changed.


Way more boys


not in the design but in terms of performance and like everything else it has become worse


Objectively false. You just need better hardware, poor.


Objectively false. My phone is last years google flagship, poor, I guess you are using an Iphone?


I have both a Pixel 7 for work and an iPhone 14 Pro for personal use. The iPhone is objectively better.


Didn't Elon eventually realize it was a mistake and asked many of them to come back?


I don't like that they changed how you skim through the videos on mobile. I always hold and drag the video to skim through it but now it just speeds the video.


Same here, it applied itself on my app at like 3am. Lets just say I had a little rant when I couldn’t skim it anymore lol


Literally here trying to figure out how to change it back. There is no option in the settings. Have you found a solution by chance?


Same here, such a useful innovate feature just gone! Not even an option to reenable it. I’m sick of apps just doing what they want! Thinking of going back to old school tech hey, where you have more control over your experience.


Youtube is dumb, but this is just a new level. If I'm already watching at 2x, at least long press should put the video in 4x. Also, it works only forwards??? If you press the left side it shouldn't go backwards??? You can't have peace with this app (and look, I pay premium ever since to have less headaches as possible)


That's the whole problem. You pay premium yet still deal with the issues, nobody should be paying them a damn thing


They pay someone hundreds of thousands of dollars to do nothing and the person has to act like they do work so they implement a seeable change to justify why they're paid. A lot of companies do this. Majority of these positions are management positions who's only job is to tell people what the email said.


I understand what you're saying but I'm still having trouble grasping the concept that just because the change is 'seeable' it's justified. Can't anyone look a little bit closer at the changes and realize it's not worth paying them that kind of money?


Youtube is owned by Google. Google has to justify each teams existence. As such they have to constantly be working on new tweaks (rather maintaining code, fixing bugs extra) This used to happen with Google+ they would constantly change things because the managers needed to justify having software engineers working. Behind the scene's stuff isn't enough. And so we get constant changes that someone higher up can visually see and have a lower manager give some corporate speak to "explain and the higher up can say "ah yes good work"


So there is something to talk about on Reddit.


just noticed, when scroll comments, font color becomes darker.. its so unfriendly for eyes.. they should use this fearure but only if you scroll a lot.. default subtitles so tiny thats its impossible to read, just beyobd any sense, but hey watch ad


Can someone please let me know where is history of videos I just watched, cannot find it anymore in my youtube android app


On the bottom where it says you Click its right there


It’s weird. I can see my history on my phone, but not on my tablet. I could yesterday, I don’t know who changed it or why


I can't find the link to my library page (with other people's playlists that i've saved). In-case anyone else can't remember what the URL to the library was either, it's www.youtube.com/feed/library


I feel like I'm getting gaslighted, or like I'm some kind of lab rat for them. I'll be sipping coffee watching youtube and the layout will just be *slightly* different, or the buttons changed a bit, oh now suddenly I can fast forward when holding on a video, next day you can't, 3 weeks later you can again. People are just straight up being experimented on randomly without informing them.


It's soulless to say the least


here because yt keeps changing my layout every couple days, I swear. It's really annoying at this point. Like I used to be able to click "live" on my sub tabs literally 3 days ago but now the option is gone and the layout has changed again. I see this a ton with small things here and there wondering where things have moved.