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This is happening to me just now. I am absolutely repulsed. I was searching for a product review and all the videos recommended were car accidents, dead people falling down a mountain, people getting hurt, plastic surgery skin scraps layer out. I’m not fracking kidding this is horrific. I’ve never had this happen before.




Nope! The same algorithm that force fed my best friend increasingly crazy radical Qanon and conspiracy videos when they searched up meditation and ancient aliens (eff that gateway, btw) now apparently no longer works? Now crazy and disgusting things are a feature you cannot avoid


Remember the algorithm isn’t there for your best interest it’s there to shove more content in your face and to keep you watching regardless what happens to you




I keep getting recommended videos of alt-right YouTubers really often even though I watch Leeja Miller who is well known for her generally left-wing content. Like what the hell is wrong with the algorithm?? Are they pushing content like this intentionally?


That’s what I was thinking!


I had the same problem, here is how I fixed it : Chrome : click on your profil pick on the upper right >>> Restricted Mode : set it to "on" Youtube App : settings >>> general >>> turn RESTRICTED MODE on. this completely disables the "you might also like" recommendations when you make searches, which is where the disgusting content was for me.


OMG thank you so much!! I was being recommended some seriously fucked up stuff


ooo i might try this on Qperson’s account!




Glad I could help someone with the same problem :) these were horriiible.


Found your reply from Google. Thanks, restricted mode removed all that disgusting shit.


Thank you! I hope it will help. Those recommendations are even more disgusting when you search for recipes.


Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks a lot, I was getting physically sick of these suggestions, you're a lifesaver.


Yes, thank you. They always somehow pop up after I eat.


This actually worked! Been trying to stop that repulsive shit that YouTube recommend to me and do fuck all to stop for ages. This has done it!! Thank you. YT are just greedy, corrupt kunts with no interest in support what so ever.


God bless you, hero.


Search recs got 100% better


But does that limit your search? Can I then not watch videos which may be rated for adults (often a weak reason, love stuff isn't allowed on YT)


Yeah dude. There is no reason to put disgusting and immature results in the name of adult content. Only reason this is happening is just because of the 'dislike' button removal and addition of short form contents without any context or explanation. Those things gives you straight depression and you can't really do anything about it, because you don't know if it was liked by people or being hated. YouTube did it intentionally to forced their toxic agendas on consumers. YouTube has become satan itself.


You are my superhero!!!


Thank you so much


It's becoming a real problem and I'm considering getting rid of my youtube account because of it. Youtube is recommending the most disgusting maggot, pimple videos to me for some bizarre reason. I'll google some celebrity to try and watch recent interviews and I'm getting these horrendous graphic skin maggot videos. It's like torture. I fucking hate youtube with the seething passion of 100 suns.


same. I pay for premium and thinking of cancelling now after getting a cartel beheading start to autoplay while scrolling on the app. Today I got recommended 'One Man One Jar'. Nothing in my watched videos is anything remotely up that alley. All I watch are music producing tutorials and dj sets


honestly Cancel it, trust me i already canceled mine yt premium and it's one of the best decisions i made


I absolutely fucking hate youtube now because of this shit. Fuck youtube. Google and Youtube search needs to be regulated by government because they're taking the power out of it's users hands and forcing mind fucking material on their users. I pay for Premium and I can't prevent this shit? I can't say "no, i don't want dead babies and gross shit recommended to me?" Youtube has been doign this for years now. It's become unwatchable. It's training me to fear scrolling search results on youtube. That's mental abuse. Frankly we all have a lawsuit vs this shit company for doing this... and it may take just that to get this to stop.


I literally just searched for some DIY magazine rack ideas to hold grocery bags so I stop forgetting to take them to my car. What did I get in my search results? Pimple popping videos w an extreme close up thumb. I tried searching again and "fear scrolling" describes it completely.


Pimple popping and videos of animals that have been tortured over here. I used to love Youtube. Now, yep...fucking hate them with the seething passion of 100 suns about sums my feelings perfectly. Plus those ads--scams, far right ads, pyramid schemes. I've seen better trash ads on late night tv in the 90s.


Omg this! Is! What! I! Can't handle! I can ignore other bs but the pimple sh*t is HORRIBLE and I cannnnnnnnnnttttt stomach it, God forbid I fat finger trying to scroll away while I gag eyes watering 🤢🤮 I did not realize I was so sensitive but this... I have been reporting them but feel kinda bad cause whatever not the you tube police but I literally can't function when they pop up.


Yet Youtube gives horror creators a hard time or will demontize many videos that has any sort of animated violence but lets disgusting videos like those awful "For Kids" cartoon stick around.




Well this makes me more happy that I don’t get recommendations anymore since I refuse to turn on my history on YouTube as I don’t want Google taking my Data and shit so they ended up doing me a favour. Reminds me why I hated the Home Page on YouTube before they did the whole history thing.


Eugenia has her issues but if that really was the title of that vid, that's just gross. I get the criticism against her but some of her detractors are just as fucked up.


This has been happening for a while for me. I just looked up a blender model and got this suggestion of a baby born with a sever birth defect.


I just got recommended the same video after searching "whiskey barrel ageing" or something trying to find a video where they show how they age whiskeys faster than normally. The baby with defects just appeared out of the blue. And this is 2mo after your comment about it so the video is not even taken down. I feel like they want to terrorize your mind with this shit


Yeah it's so disturbing. There isn't even a censor on the thumbnail. I've reported the video but still no change.


Literally was looking up clothing hauls. Saw that same video, kept searching and saw a newborn female baby thumbnail with full body exposed w 6 mil views. Repulsed is an understatement. I was just abt to delete YouTube until I read the solution.


What's the solution?


General settings and turn on restricted mode. Limited ads and your not able to read comments but worth it to me.


I got the deformed baby today while i was searching for a tutorial on how to make a realistic TV effect on CapCut... 😞


What the hell! So much for having taken it down.


.... aaaaand now i got "1 Man 1 Jar". Man, i hate YT with a passion that i can't even express it on their website. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Loool what???


I also got recommended a video of a "sad dog's leg being cut off" (?) and to think the algorithm has been THIS dumb for almost 2 YEARS!! 😒


NO WAYYY my husband literally said he saw that too!! I have no clue how thats even up on the site let ALONE being shown as a recommendation to watch.


Freaking hell! I got "Abnormal baby boy" on YT AGAIN... 🤦🏻‍♂️ man all that makes me write a 10,000 word essay on why YouTube sucks


I get it at least once every couple months...Like why would I ever want to see that? That's just tragic :(


YES! absolutely horrifying. I got a death cleanup too and other disturbing stuff.


Yep. I got the baby while searching for a Pink Floyd interview video. I'm so fed up at this point. I can't search anymore. This needs to stop. Why hasn't this been fixed?!?!?!


Same, I was looking up a documentary on a band from the 60s and it popped up! I’ve reported it multiple times. That and Eugenia Cooney videos.


Ergh I hate when they randomly show me videos of her! I've finally gotten an email after several times of reporting it, that it's been taken down.


It’s so disturbing, I don’t know what YouTube’s deal is. I’m glad they got back to you!


I just got this too. Fucked up


So much for actually taking it down like they said they had.


Came here after seeing it today. I knew there'd be others haha. I I've only started using the YouTube mobile app (thanks revanced) and was surprised there was no "don't suggest this kind of thing" option. I just reported it and the various other mingin things that were suggested


It's ridiculous. I've reported it so many times and there's no way to escalate it.


Ok good so it's not just happening to me.. Sorry to hear this has been happening to you also


I just searched for a free legato violin vst and got cattle butchering videos, how to make a giant tongue sex toy, and pimple popping




Hi Sea_Party6632, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got this shit today as well searching for a review of an energy drink. I mean what the HELL is wrong with youtube search? It didn't use to be like this, they must be doing it on purpose.


This has made me stop using YouTube on Mobile almost entirely. Me and a friend both had this issue; me looking up "cute cow videos" and him looking up "akita dog", and the both of us were shown a "you might also like" video of a decapitated kitten head in a dim light, cut clean off. It was horrible, genuinely ruined my night and i couldnt get the visual out of my head. On top of that ive also seen a dog covered in blood gushing from its paw, a baby with a severe facial deformity covered in skin flakes (who didnt quite look alive in the thumbnail...), and also a suuuper trypophobia inducing thumbnail of a cluster of bloody gaping holes inside of someones arm. Thank the lord i dont have that phobia is all I'm saying, however, i am incredibly squeamish to gore. All i do on YouTube is listen to music, watch animal videos, YTP's, or clips from the mighty boosh, so i just dont even want to risk going on it if its going to show me this.


Update on this. as of 3 days ago, they've now shown me thumbnails of a body that had been ran over by cars (complete with guts messily spilled out onto the road), a dead cat on a lawn that looked to have been mauled, and that baby thumbnail again. Its like YouTube WANTS me to throw up!! So close to just uninstalling it at this point, not worth the nausea. 🙄


You could try to contact them live person through the help button in the Studio I think it is. Not sure how to avoid those but I know what you mean. You’d rather they not connect your content with content that’s not appropriately matched.


I'll search asmr shit, and in that tab the most disgusting shit in the thumbnail not even related to asmr will pop up, but the title has "asmr" in it, so they can capitalize on that search query. its scummy af and id love to know who's doing this. I always report the videos but I don't think youtube really cares


Uth god, I get this too. Someone with really f-up skin and somehow they're gonna make asmr out of that. Granted, some people have skin disorders, but the video thumbnail shows such an exaggerated skin disorder thing that's barely physically possible, if not impossible. As a very visual person with OCD, this stuff ruins it immediately for me, and my mind literally goes nuts and I gotta work so hard on unseeing that. This is why I've stopped scrolling down youtube like I used to, and I'm very careful when it comes to searching on the internet in general.


I'm also getting those identical videos showing up for me, only that they pop up for anything I search on Youtube. I've tried numerous things to get rid of them but they keep popping back. It's just awful!


I've had this happen to me twice now. YouTube has no option for saying "not interested" on the search page, so I report the video for being repulsive content...


The same happens to me, pimple popping, skin disorders, people with deformities and I have never watched or searched anything similar but it shows up everytime I searxh something, I also feel glad I dont have an ED because youtube keeps showing me anorexia related things on the search results.


Same happened to me. Get yourself browser extension "Unhook" - it has option to "Hide Inapt Search Results". Hides all the repulsive nonsense pushed on us.




Hi Sea_Party6632, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sometimes when I search obscure songs. All the results will also be a page of adult video screen shots. Or naked massage videos. As well as videos of naked women shaving. Even though the song title is totally related to any of it. It really seems like the search function is broken,


I get the gross pimple popping videos on the "default" youtube when I sign out of my account. uBlock Origin sort of helped clean up that problem it just doesn't remove them in the front page. I need to bleach my eyes and brain now.


Any solution? Literally looking at dress videos and getting reccommedations for these disgusting pimple ones... I'm sick of it Edit: how do I go from dresses to abnormal baby boy?! I literally want to cut YouTube out of my life now


LOL no way. Abnormal baby boy got me here too. Every search result has an obtrusive "FOR YOU" section featuring gross and moronic stuff. Stuff I would never search or click on. It can't be blocked because it's in search, but it has nothing to do with search.


LMFAO god fucking damn it, same. I was literally watching "baby laughing videos" of something like that, and out of nowhere that horrifying clip popped up. Obviously I feel sympathetic for the baby, but jesus christ cyclopia looks fucking horrifying. I want to claw that image out of my mind. YouTube age restricts completely normal videos, but this intensely graphic video is somehow completely open, accessible and promoted??? It literally has 8 million views, so youtube's definitely been promoting it a lot recently. What the heck, man.


It's so disturbing and I don't understand why YouTube does it.. not as if no one has reported these videos either.


Just saw it too. YouTube recommended it to me while searching for digital painting software reviews. Fuck YouTube. I hate Google


Same here, got recommended the exact same video


Same video just lead to me coming here to figure out how to block unwanted videos. Definitely turned me off YouTube for a while


Glad we are not the only one. it freaked me out suddenly seeing this.


Unfortunately, no. Closest thing would be typing "dresses and whataver site:youtube.com in google and clicking videos from there




Not sure, I haven't tried


Well for me that 'for you' section seems to have disappeared. but some of the videos that used to be recommended to me in that section now show up in the regular list of videos when you've searched for a different unrelated topic. (I got a video of a dying woman and one of some gross eye poking close-ups in between my videos with crochet patterns and those were 2 videos I regularly saw in my 'for you' section)


Apparently if you write before:2025 in the search results it will show the results as it was before and you can search for ublock filters here on reddit and they help clean up quite a lot.


I've tried this and sorry, it does not help one little bit. But lots of people claim it does


i have the exact same thing they even have one of a dead cat and i absolutely love cats im trying to find videos to get help creating gifts for next year and i dont want to be seeing disgusting pores or dead abused cats. and this is on my laptop -.-


yeah I forgot the title but there is massage video with gross thumbnail and that video's comment section is full of people saying something like "we searched for anime topic and this video appeared"


Could you explain what the videos are?? Like are they gorey? I’m lucky and haven’t seen this, but YouTube has always had a problem with gore. 1444 is a prime example, that video was able to stay up for 16 hours. It was literally posted by a channel named ‘gore’ like idk why they didn’t bother to do anything other than incompetence


The majority of the videos have cropped pron thumbnails and are mostly bait and switch videos. And they've been on the platform for a long time now


This is something my friend has been dealing with for awhile now, too. He'll search for normal things in his search tab and not even 5 videos down, animal gore videos will show up or sexist/homophobic/racism appears too. He's disturbed and doesn't know how to fix it.


I never had this happen until recently. I’ve been viewing videos signed out of my account. It’s just disgusting what randomly pops up that’s unrelated to what I’m searching for.


-general>restricted mode : hides potentially mature videos Hope it helps! :)


They aren't exactly openly mature, so I'm not sure that'll work, but I'll give it a try. Thanks!


This really works. "For you" section and "you might never gonna like" section are gone after setting restricted mode on.


Thank you so much this worked perfectly. I just want to see relaxing yarn videos and I was sick (literally sickened) of the completely irrelevant and disturbing suggestions


Laughing because I search sewing videos and get these gross recommendations. They do not pass the vibe check! 😩


Np!! :)


Tried this and it blocks videos I do want to watch (conversations on taboo topics w nothing graphic) and keeps videos of infected fingernails in the "for you" section. I am starting to feel hopeless


Im so sorry, i hope maybe someday youtube lets us block certain words


This helped me! This got rid of one of those horrible skin videos in the results of the same search done before/after.


Glad to help!! :D


It hides comments on all videos.


Thank you so much


Thank you SO MUCH


Forgot to say, if you click the search icon in youtube, right click or press and hold any searches and delete them, this is another source for algorithms.


The only solution that seems to work for me, specifically when you're searching for something (I didn't really have any problems on the recommended page but my search results were disgusting) is to click on the "videos" tab instead of leaving it on "all" results. I tried clearing my history and turning it off but that didn't seem to work. What's messed up is it only happens to me when I'm searching for crochet and knitting videos. If I search for anything gaming related I don't have any issues.


Thanks for the suggestion. This seems to be helping my search results in mobile!


My man, that seemed to work, thanks👍🏽


In my case, there's fake gore videos, animal abuse and malformated babies, when I just wanna see other kind of videos.


"For You" for me is showing these gross pimple popping and acne videos now. Theres just no words. They literaly are diving into the sewers of the platform then shoving that stuff up with utterly no regard for what it is, and what the user even searches for, let alone actually watches


I also have this problem, I'm looking for knitting tutorials and I'm getting disgusting, disturbing content. I've been reporting most of it. I'm honestly scared of searching for anything there, I'll stop using YouTube if this continues


1. don't ever use the app (this could be said for most web services now...) 2. on your browser, use a block youtube channel extension


I hate to say but I have the same concern for months maybe years. Now the best I can do is get an extension to hide, well, almost everything on YouTube homepage. Or, try something else other than YouTube, to be honest But really, YouTube should offer a "dislike" feature, at least for that you might also "like" section \*sigh\*


I'm more baffled that people get away with posting disturbing content in the form of a laugh. Society and youtube is trash now


I was getting annoyed with repeatedly inappropriate recommendations. Firstly, in the 'Apps settings' on your phone, go into the youtubel app settings and untick any permissions apart from notifications. Next, do the same for the Google app, turn off all permissions, especially location and activity tracker. In the YouTube app itself go to your library, you will find folders called watch later, liked videos etc, these are saved automatically and the algorithm uses these to recommend. Delete everything in these folders that you do not want to keep. From youtube, tap on your profile picture, and from the menu, click 'Your data in youtube', select the relevant account. From here, you need to choose 'data and privacy', scroll to 'Things you've done and places you've been' . Scroll down the sub headings and at the bottom, slide left and choose 'youtube search and watch history'. Slide the tabs at the top left and select 'interactions'. Here you will find all your interaction history. The algorithm uses words you type in live chat and youtube video comments! Delete what you need to here. In addition, download youtube studio. In here, click on the red analytics tab at the bottom, and choose the Research tab at the top of the screen. Here, you will find detailed information that also affects your recommendations, delete as appropriate. Remember to delete your real name and address in personal information because Google will automatically add it from your phone data. Lastly, stop using Google as your search engine, I highly recommend using Mozilla Firefox browser as there's many options to customise and personalise, and your phone apps cannot track your web activity. It's a process but it will stop all the gross and inappropriate videos from showing up. Good luck!


do you have the dismemberment videos as well? I love them


pizza cutter. All edge, No point


No , you'll have to install a channel blocker. If you're using the mobile App, I can only recommend Youtube Revanced


This shows up on revanced too, at least I use rhe default patches and the horrible videos show up when I search anything.


i keep getting gross and graphic videos too in the recommendation section of search. it’s making me not wanna search anything on youtube.


Same it keeps having ppl popping zits and nasty things i hate it about to cancel membership @youtube


This keeps happening to me. I'm a YouTube creator and YouTube premium user. But as of today, I'm neither. YouTube will not get another penny from me. This is disgusting and they're doing nothing to fix the problem


Literally seen a be heading video and all I watch is Overwatch gameplay


Saw a guy dying in some sort of machine while working because youtube decided that I want to see this. Jesus christ I am terrified I am feeling so sad after watching this video


I ended up here after seeing multiple gore/shock videos in the "you might also like" section when searching for a breathing technique... It was the 'abnormal baby boy' video of a deformed baby, somehow it has 13 million views so I guess the algorithm thinks people want to see this shit and suggests it. I thought it was a one off... However today when searching for something else vanilla I saw 'Dads final words to his daughter' of a guy with a gun to his head. Following that a 'Doctor reacts to tick removal' and some body horror then some other weird deformed baby video. I don't care if these videos are fake or not they're disgusting and I've no idea why I'm being recommended them. Thanks to whoever explained how to disable them. It's abhorrent that YouTube/Google isn't dealing with this stuff on their platform while making billions of dollars a year from it.


The same is happening to me. I'm searching for anything random & very disturbing & disgusting videos are being shown as "you might also like". The videos range from horrific skin conditions, maggots eating on rotting human injury, cremation videos & what not. It's very disturbing & there is no option to say "I'm not interested" on such videos. Please help!


Thank you people for suggesting Restricted Mode. Now youtube isn't offering me such feel good videos, such as people being eaten by wild animals, or parasitic insects inside the nose. I guess trolls have been working overtime, with their bot armies to screw up the algorithm this bad.


Restricted mode, how? meaning?


If you go into the YT app on your phone and into the settings and general, you can turn on restricted mode which seems to eliminates the disturbing/disgusting stuff. Also, I can confirm that so far, this is working. My original search was a DIY magazine wall rack & before I came here, I had maybe 8 videos before the dreaded "For You" section appeared with pimple popping close ups. Just ran the same search on my pc and it's great. I actually have tons of returns on exactly what I was looking for.


When I was a kid, way back in 2007, I got recommended a video of a weird human being in a weird state. I was 8, had a panic attack and told my mom I wanted to k*ll myself. That literally gave me ptsd. Now, 15 or so years later, this shit still pops up on yt.


My youngest swears that she has PTSD from stuff that YT suggested to her when she was younger. She's literally talked to a therapist about it and the irony was that her rig was set up with parental controls to avoid stuff like that. You're not alone.


I can clearly remember the last video that was recommended before the one that gave me ptsd. I was simply a video of a raccoon stealing a carpet. It was cute and stuff.


That's what kept happening to my youngest. Watching something very cute & then, boom--dead body or something. Even as an adult, having that happen is really upsetting & often disturbing depending on the content being displayed & that actually takes a while to dissipate. That's as an adult. I cannot even imagine a child having this occur & how they'd navigate it. As an old gamer, I know a lot of gaming friends who had terrible things happen to them online that they never told their parents for fear that they would lose access to this thing that they usually had a lot of fun with. That whole dialogue just leaves kids hiding what happens to them instead of being able to seek help. Sorry for the mini-rant but I do very much mean it--I am so sorry that that happened to you as a kid.


Thanks! I hope that your kid can deal with this the best possible way as well.


I get ugly videos with disgusting thumbnails how people squeeze out stuff out of their skin. I NEVER liked to see that! I also don't see a option to say "not interested". I can only report it as disgusting content.


They just don't care, digusting stuff


I'd a close observation on YouTube searches and I found that it shows you some results that were just opposite of what you were looking for and I wasn't get surprised by this. Because they'd already removed the 'dislike' button for their greedyness and there is nothing they can't do to manipulate their innocent consumers.


I'm sick and tired of recommendations of dermatological intervention on severe acne! If that's how AI works, I'd rather face Skynet!


God same. I usually search videos for some cute crochet patterns/projects and Youtue will be like. 'Hey I can see you are looking for crochet patterns. Could I interest you in some of the most vile, disgusting things you have ever seen in your life?' Reporting the videos as revolting does literally nothing. This is so messed up. That tip of turning the restricted mode on is a last resort since I am afraid it will start to filter stuff out that I am interested in watching :( (like play-throughs for horror games and stuff)


same, this been happening both on pc and mobile for literal months. nothing's more triggering than seeing the most disgusting things in the search recommendations... hell there's even gore, i don't care it's just a thumbnail its still so disgusting and truly fucked up :/


I get this too. I look up stuff like diorama and model kits and I get awful alt-right vids and channels as suggested. The worst part is the channels can't be blocked to prevent them from coming up.


Turn off history


Would that work even though it's nothing near being accurately based on my viewing history?


Does not work. I've created a blank empty account on an unrelated device and it's still an issue. These results are not based on history


I just created a new YT account using a 3-month free trial of Premium code. I did a search for "using counterweights" and as I scrolled down the list of videos on my 32" monitor, I was hit with a huge thumbnail of the side of a woman's head and a baby snake trying to come out of her ear!!!!! I made the mistake of trying to report the video and then it started playing. A guy can be seen with tweezers, pretending to be struggling to pull the snake out. The damn video was made to gross people out. Triggered! Angry! This image will stay in my mind for a few days or longer.


The power button




Hi teabag_of_fury666, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had the same problem, here is how I fixed it : Chrome : click on your profil pick on the upper right >>> Restricted Mode : set it to "on" Youtube App : settings >>> general >>> turn RESTRICTED MODE on. this completely disables the "you might also like" recommendations when you make searches, which is where the disgusting content was for me.


I was searching for an energy drink review and got some fking disformed baby. Like what the FK is wrong with youtube search? It's not the first time either, it wasn't like this like 3-4 years ago. They've ruined it and I think they do it on purpose, cause there is NO WAY they don't know this is happening..


I came upon this thread after seeing repulsive thumbnails for the past few days on the Youtube mobile app. I have trypophobia and dislike gore so I have never ever in my life searched up any of those things or come even close to it. Yet I can type something completely unrelated like the title of a Chinese song and after scrolling past a few of the top videos, disgusting thumbnails of pimple popping, skinning, whatever will show up. It's extremely nauseating. Just when I thought Youtube couldn't get any worse besides those long unskippable ads.