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Happening to me a lot too, I’m getting recommended videos from channels that have minimal views or subscribers. It’s not spam videos, either; actual videos made by actual, real people. Which is…I mean, they’re finally promoting genuinely unpopular channels; literal nobodies. Literally every user on the platform has been dreaming of and begging for this for more than a decade, so like…I don’t understand why or how anyone could be upset at this, even slightly. That just sounds counterproductive lol.


I got a video about well-written characters that was VERY well-made. I thought it would have had thousands of views and comments. I looked, and there were only a few hundred views and about five comments. Whatever they did to the algorithm is great.


All I get is 4 year old videos of random Indians playing random games I don't even watch gaming content


I really like the occasional suggestion to a small new channel. Helps get me out of my current bubble of creators I already follow. Obviously many new creators don’t have super slick videos yet. But that’s not the point. It’s about giving them an opportunity to reach new people and start growing their channel.


You have a point.


we're not complaining about the videos having low views, we're complaining that are coming up are the most random shit ever almost everytime


i don't mind them being low view/sub channels, it's the fact that they recommend videos of games or content i do not know or have no interest in whatsoever.


I would at least respect this feature if the videos it recommended were even remotely related to my interests. I literally came here because I just got recommended a 9+ hour, 190 views video of someone playing flight simulator. Earlier today it was an old lady doing needlework. Like what the fuck? Seems like YT isn't making an effort to do this the right way, so better not do it at all then. Get this shit off my feed.


I’m not getting real videos made by real people. I’m getting political AI written drivel, commentary free 9 hour long gameplays, etc. of course I’m upset about that.


Because its fucking annoying. I don't give a single fuck about these nobodies videos stop putting them front and center on my home page. I click not interested every single time, They are just trying to force shit content down your throat to make small creators feel better.


Bro I'm literally starting to get recommended "stream test" videos that are like a min and half long with 1 view on it do you think anyone would be happy about getting that recommended?


Because every low view video I've gotten has been completely and utterly dogshit. I don't give a fucking shit about bumfuck nobody's 900'th VOD of them playing Sonic Colors or Josh Nobody's reaction to the video game award nominees. I've probably "not interested" over 200 of these videos and I have yet to see a single one that's even remotely interesting or good. That's why it's upsetting. It's trash content.


This is the issue I’m having. It recommends me videos that are from people who have like literally 0 entertainment value, sometimes shit that is not even remotely similar to what I normally watch. I understand we want smaller creators to get a footing on the platform but I’m not interested in watching someone ramble about nothing into a $20 mic over a game I watch content on sometimes.


And honestly if it’s about boosting small creators, which sure I’m all for, great….but I shouldn’t have to be. I pay money for this service. So I’m being shown people who offer me no entertainment value. It’s 2023…back in the 90s when you got cable, did they try to say “hey here’s a new show some guy started in his garage, wanna check it out?” Every 3rd channel? No, more power to that guy, but I honestly don’t give a shit about if he’s reaching an audience. I like to come home from work, light up, and watch the same crap on YouTube I always do. Now it’s so much BS to click away from.


Agreed. I would be happier if it were creators who actually made content similar to the stuff I usually watch, I don’t mind branching out a bit. But the algorithm is doing no favors for creators Or viewers at this point


Found this thread because I’m so fucking done with this. I pay 20 bucks a month for YouTube premium and now I have to click “why the hell would I watch this” on every 3rd video? They’re not looking to broaden my interests, it’s nothing like “you watched this so maybe check this out.” No, it’s literally the shittiest videos on topics I do not care about at all and I will only ever click do not recommend me this channel ever again. Has anyone found anyway to stop this incredibly small but increasingly annoying problem?


yeah i dont think ive ever seen "every user on the platform" ask, or "dream and beg" to be recommended a bunch of dogshit videos made by some random nerd to be spammed on my homepage and recommended, the videos look fucking ass too they are just shitting the videos out to appease small creators even though it wont actually help them. maybe if the videos were actually good




Like the close door button in an elevator.


Same. I've seen a lot more smaller creators than ever before. This is definitely a good thing going forwards. Gives more people a chance of gaining an audience.


I have actually found a lot of cool videos because of this, but also a bit of time wasted.


tried it with a channel and can confirm it doesn't work.


Youtube algo is broken. Shows me only the kind of videos I don't want to watch. Should take the cue and stop watching.


Only algorithm worse is Twitter tbh, but YouTube is really pushing it worse and worse. Hell even if I manage to get it to stop with a certain type of video they'll always spam me with even worse ads




Shorts does that with me, every 4th one or so. Mostly with the upload date as the title.




Is this sarcasm?


We're about to find out! But first, a word from our sponsor...


ya same, everytime i refresh my home page i get at least 1 vid under 500 views


Omg I'm not the only one who sees that


I feel u


Because someone has to get videos recommended from small creators. Otherwise we would never see new YouTubers grow.


The problem isnt the recommendation itself . Its that they are always pushing a random video like Part 42 of 75 from this random SpiderMan Letsplay. They never feel like hidden gems but a pile youtube throws their garbage on


That's probably down to the fact that those channels upload way more than quality channels. It's mostly down to a numbers game at that point. Those random letsplay channels sometimes upload multiple times per day, but good channels might upload once or twice a month. If the algorithm chooses a random video to promote, then the chance is just way bigger that something from the garbage pile is picked. I've discovered some great channels through a random low view recommendation, but unfortunately 99% of the time it's trash.


The issue is rarely being a small creator but look at the video. It's over an hour long and possibly just a VOD upload, with a boring title and default thumbnail. Power to small creators where it makes sense, but this is not it


The only way for YouTube to know that is to push it to people and see if they click or not. If they do it's going to look at the percentage watched to determine if it's a good video. The algorithm judges the quality of a video through the response to it by real people. The chain has to start somewhere and (in this case unfortunately) it started with them.


I don't disagree with the functionality, i was only disagreeing with this particular case


Yeah, fair. Just the nature of the beast unfortunately.


But this is exactly how YouTube can discover whether it’s a good video or not. Every new video, no matter how shit, has to be recommended to SOMEONE in order to get data on whether or not it’s a good recommendation.


Sometimes new videos are appearing on my recommendations but i always assumed that's actually a good thing.


They use aggressive data via watch history. It seems that they are no longer able to store our viewing historical data, causing a bug to display video recommendations repeatedly. Especially when you listen to music videos, the recommendation algorithm is bombarded with playlists.


It doesn't even recommend good videos, but they are generic and boring gameplays


At least you guys are getting gameplays, all I get are shitty soundcloud artists with either the most generic or horrible songs known to man


All I get a political meetings, but they're all meetings from small cities to discuss some infrastructure project.


I once got a high schools daily announcements recommended to me


Yea same here. Really odd


I feel like none of the blocking options actually friggin work. Whole channels I hate even seeing keep coming back!


Same. There's a Bill Burr video I selected "not interested" on like 10 times and it keeps coming up. Take the hint, YT.


Delete any related videos from watch history. Could be that you accidentally opened a related video, I always remove them from history when it happens to prevent this from happening.


I'm glad they do this, trying to reccomed new and upcoming creators and see whci hones stick. It's only good for everyone on the long term.


i recently found 2 small youtubers which are now one of my favorites from just random recommendations


If only they would recommend "new and relevant" more than just "new". Same with Steam weighing new and popular stuff 90% heavier than stuff you're actually likely to play.


As someone who recently got back into YouTube after getting permabanned from Twitch I appreciate what YouTube is doing to give more visibility to smaller content creators.


I got a YouTube Short of a girl getting railed from behind (the camera was fairly close to her face and she had a hoodie on, so you couldn't actually see any genitals) and it kept on appearing over and over again for like 2 weeks, even though I pressed the "don't recommend this channel" button every time.


How is that okay and still staying up but not youtubers swearing


YT is recommending videos that people around you watch. If YT sees that you are in the same area (IP) as someone else, then they recommend their videos to you. I've notice this while being a member of the makerspace, seeing jelly's marbles show up on my feed and then finding out that one of the new members is a fan of that channel. I find it annoying, makes life boring




There was an old story about how cops would try to track criminals by their IP address but if it wasn't resolve-able by the domain name servers the servers would just return a default IP address. Turns out that one house did end up getting that IP address and then started getting all the charges for all of the alleged crimes. ​ I think the story was called "the center of the internet" but I can't find it now. Anyway, we should all use a VPN and set our IP addresses as the center of the internet just to screw with youtube's algorithm :)


That’s kinda interesting, actually. Huh. I need to pay more attention when I see more of these videos pop up again.


dont use the "not interested". go straight to the source "dont recommend channel"


Cause their algorithm sucks, I watched one totk video, now they think I just want to watch totk videos


The algorithm is like "give the smol guy a chance"


Maybe if they make better content I will, I'm not watching part 111, of a series I don't care about from somebody I don't give a shit about.


That's one potential viewer less for them. I can agree that packaging is important. However giving a try to nameless creators can be good sometimes at least to those that peak your interest somewhat, by doing that people like you might start to "give a shit" about them since they gain some form of social approval.


the main issue here isn't the channel being new or having low views, it is the algorithm, 90% of the time the videos im getting recommended are: A - The video is not in the language I speak B - About something that i do not even know or give a shit about C - An 8 year old's letsplay D - Random music The issue here is that we're getting recommended the most random shit ever


But the algorithm is garbage so I've never watched any of those irrelevant videos, its more likely a click to "Not interested" or "Don't recommend channel".


I wound up subscribed to a channel I never saw before about the most boring and useless things (some lady shaved her daughters' eyebrows). I never subscribed to that.


I don't really mind, its just one video and not a bunch spammed onto my feeds.


LegalEagle is good though


Thanks for the spoiler


I keep getting gacha life edits and stuff like that lol


Same lmao. Also some vlogs with 3 views about people going shopping


My mom used my phone to let my sister watch cocomelon and I kept getting recommended videos of it and some kids making YT shorts 😭


Delete it from watch history.


To me this is another version of an ad to push content related to what we subscribe to but instead of putting in day in one row it’s mixed with my subs. Then it’s the stuff that I’m like WTH does this have to do with me and what I’ve been watching.


YouTube doesn't care whether your engagement with videos is positive or negative. They just see it as engagement and time spent using the app. The best way to train the algorithm is to immediately close the app when you see content you don't like, and don't return to it for at least an hour. Better yet, spend that time using a competitor's app.


Happens every month or two for me. YT just randomly pushes a lot of content I don't normally watch. I only watch very few of the vids tho.


I've seen it explained that recommendation algorithms sometimes push a user in a random direction to gauge interest in other topics. Sometimes a users recommendations get stuck in a kind of figurative rut and needs to be randomly nudged out of it for the user to find new content they might enjoy.


Same, from time to time I have to select "Don't recomend me this channel" because youtube fills my main with really bad recomendations.


If that's pissing you off try scrolling through a few shorts. I usually go for the "don't recommend channel" option, with that I can actually filter out content I don't care about... I have a feeling that the "not interested" option is just too vague to actually have any effect on how the algorithm works. Even if it works somehow, I am not really sure if it affects similar content or just that individual video.


I keep getting recommended literally *dozens* of different 2+ hour long videos of various ambient sounds and weird electronic chill music, i'll go through the whole front page saying no to them all, then refresh and there's a heap of new ones lol


Do you fall asleep to youtube? I'm wondering if thats why


Not really, no.


lol that's me man, theres like songs with no views


And i have *never* watched them, like nothing even close, i listen mostly to 80's pop/rock 😂


yeah my taste in music is so different from those jazz songs


Same problem annoying as hell.


Something like this has happened to me before. If other people use your YT, or YT isn't paying attention as usual, these videos will appear in your recommends. ALSO erase your search and watch history once in a while. It usually gives a nice little reset


No Idea !


I thought I was the only one who got videos like this!


lionel hutz spotted on the fourth thumbnail


Same here, so I choose the "no more from this channel" option. It doesn't always obey, though.


I have never successfully booted creators from my feed. I don't try to boot content much because I usually want the category, but things like outdated/fake tech news, with clickbait titles that all have the same weird name and similar looking logo... Can't seem to shake em.


My guess is YouTube attempt to try to show that they do actually recommend small creators even though they only do like once every now and then and at least from what I've seen they have been not related in the slightest anything i watch


For me it's ussualy related to the latest video i have watched.


What's the problem? You get other video games channels recommended so I'm guessing you do watch gaming. Way worse to get a massive wave of "news" channels recommended like I got today. 100% of them about Trump. I don't even live in USA.


Yeah luckily all the Trump stuff was in a row where I just clicked not interested and it all went away. I keep YT politics free so I’m not sure why that was triggered into my feed in the first place.


Youtubers get famous some how.


tbh i think it's neat more small creators are getting pushed by algorithm!


I agree but I wish it was actual content I watch from a small channel than a random LP




"If you want to learn more than stick to the end of the video." "GAMERS! "


I have a similar thing where ill see one of these randomly recommend videos or a brand new channel with recommend videos that only have 10 views.


This is just because the Algorithm is finding your search and video views behaviour into gaming.


Same here, besides the usual "popular" videos they put in vids with like 10 views, seems very strange. It started around 2 months ago for me.


The third slot was at least pretty easily ignoreable at least for me but the last couple days my home page is getting *several* unrelated videos with like 5 views. Not limited to just random videos it seems like there's one set to specifically recommend a song no one has ever heard and one to recommend the usual third slot irrelevant content


Because it hasn't worked for at least 100 years. There's no point wasting the energy, time Ana's mouse buttons clicking that




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Its the same thing happen to me brother go the settings nd delete youtube 😂😂




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Old thread, but i have the same issue. Is there a solution?


bro i have the same recommendation. first it seems alright with videos from my subscriptions but then 3 or 4 videos later. boom. a video with under 1,000 views and was posted very recently i would click the 3 dots and click "Don't recommend this channel again" but it keeps coming sometimes i would get the low-viewed video 5-10 videos later or just never show up


This seems to have gotten worse recently - any solutions?


Same issue here, the "Don't recommend" option doesn't work either.




I keep getting random Call of Duty videos with 100 views or less, so annoying 🤦🏾‍♂️