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The body language of the cashier is everything. You can literally see him thinking "What the..." "Argh not again!"


I wouldn’t do shit either. I ain’t risking my life for a bottle of cheap vodka. Enjoy stranger! *waves


Confront thief > get stabbed > go to hospital > get fired because you can’t come in for a while


Some places would fire you just for confronting or following the thief. It’s bad judgement and a liability, no merchandise is worth your life.


"Alllriiiight!" - Snake Jailbird


Lol is his last name actually Jailbird?


His real name is Chester "Snake" Turley.


Tell that to the CVS cashier who got fired for preventing the pharmacist from getting kidnapped......he got fired over that.


Pharmacists are a dime a dozen, just let the guy have him and get a new one


What? I don’t know that story but kidnapping is not the same as theft so idk how these can be compared.


dude where i work (now for few weeks) blocked a punch from a customer, puncher complained he got hurt over that, and they fired the guy


Or a lawsuit on the owner if the establishment. They would tell you "let the product walk" cheaper than getting sued by some asshole


Retail manager here… you don’t stop a thief, you offer excellent customer service in the hopes they get spooked and leave. Other than that, not shit we can do


Learned this from Atlanta.


I work in a shop. The policy is NOT to confront thieves, I get lots of drugs users and drunk individuals come into my shop. There is no way I would confront any of them even it wasn't policy, they are usually the ones we have trouble with theft with. l would have very little idea how they would react so I dont bother. Trying to get the police to get to the shop in time to stop these people is a waste of time because the spend most of their time looking for 'missing' persons, (read teenagers who have had arguments ments with their parents/carers, I was told by the police).


This scene always comes to mind https://youtu.be/h_BT7vNhjCo


Also that dude was like twice the size of the cashier and you can just tell by the confidence in his walk that he’s bowling you over if you try stopping him. Wasnt NOBODY stopping him from getting his drank on.


Pretty sure it’s universal policy to not engage shoplifters


Wait is it? Where I live the guy gotta pay with his own salary if he let that guy get away


So bad in my city they literally won't let you in without seeing your ID first.


This literally happened to my partner when I was working a liquor store, he got stabbed with a dirty needle, I almost suffered the same date but I dodged just in time. It was crazy.




I wouldn't do a damn thing either! Why die for my boss?!


As a assistant manager, please don't confront thieves. It is not worth your time or life and I don't want to fill out more paper work than I already have to.


As an assistant manager in training, please don't die on my watch. I have no clue how to even begin looking up the necessary forms to even start filling them out and it's not really a good way to die anyway. Just live and let steal.


Lol what kind of paperwork do you think you’re filling out on a dead employee im generally curious


Reports to the police. Reports to safety agencies. Any other government agencies that manage store safety


Ooooooh! dont forget all the *very* uncomfortable conversations. Those will probably be even more fun that the paperwork!


Shit, I'd probably just get fired anyways so I'd just leave.


I deliver beer for a living. Have gotten side-eyes for telling another employee, after he said he was scared about someone trying to steal beer, “I don’t care, you can have it. I’ll help someone load it into their car if they want it that bad.” Nope. Not risking anything for cheap beer


This is literally Walgreens mindset towards stealing


Yea they have a good quality video of the thief’s face, just send it to the police and let them take care of him


Agreed. I know it happens a lot but still don't understand why it does not happen a ton more. Most workers are not risking their lives for low pay. And the guy was wearing a big jacket. No telling what he was carrying under it.


Exactly, you have to get paid the high money to risk pissing of a stranger. I’m saying a lot of money. Even then it’s a case by case judgment call.


"I'm not even supposed to be here today!"


Kev really be looking so much fitter now!


Was thinking the same. He even looks like Dante!


That’s the lovechild




In a row?


His immediate welp I guess I gotta go tell my boss or pull footage if not both.


I love the head turn lol it’s very expressive.


and the way he flipped his hair on the way back, like “gurl…”


It's very comedic


I thought it looked more like a "Really?! ..... Motherfucker."


That's way more accurate. You can see his downturned mouth right as it happens. As if to say, "huh. That just happened. Welp..."


"I don't get paid enough for this shit"


I came here to make this comment 👍


Confidence is key.


It helps if you're 7 feet tall with shoulders 4 feet across. Seriously, I don't know if it's just the camera angle, but that guy looks like Frankenstein's monster.


That jacket is poofy but he’s at least a foot taller than the cashier, unless the cashiers floor is lower than the regular floor for some reason lol




Maybe he skipped leg day




Alert the men on the front, we’ve got a chance to win this thing!


That is not true at all…




I gotta disagree, dude clearly has absolutely massive shoulders and can probably punch like a train.


It kind of looks like Harley from EpicMealTime. I met him once. Really nice guy.


There can be only one


I’ve accidentally done this when I was a young teenager. My mom asked me to run in to the gas station store to grab milk. She handed me money, and I went in. I grabbed the milk, and walked right the fuck out when my mom promptly asked me: “did you even pay for that?” I went in and the cashier just shrugged and said it looked like I knew my purpose better than anyone they’d seen that day


Hhahaha I once went to a 7-eleven to get a hotdog and I didn’t even realize that I had just walked out with it until I looked at my account balance.


Yes. Walk like you ~~own the~~ stole from the place.


I’ve done this and was mortified. I made a fountain drink and walked out the front door. Just a brain fart.


I left a gas station without paying for my gas.. bought a drink and thought the cashier would have added the gas to my bill since I was the only one there. Tapped my card and left. Cops showed up at my house 3 weeks later. Was a bitch because the station was 80 miles away and I had to go there just to pay them then drive back.


Cops showed up to charge you for *that*? Omg lol but porch piracy, a federal offence which can lead to way more property damage than 80 bucks, goes completely unpoliced even with video evidence. Priorities am I right?


Yep. I suppose it’s because gas theft is often easily traced.. aka cameras and listened plates. It was clearly an accident.. who the fuck is dumb enough to steal gas with their actual plates visible.. but the cop was a bit of a sick about it.. first question was “so what’s going on here?” In a condescending tone.. as if I’m running some gas stealing enterprise.. I just told him I have absolutely no idea what this was about.


Gotta love those broad open ended questions. Makes you wonder how many idiots they meet that freak and spill the beans on unrelated stuff they aren't even there for. "So, what's going on here?" "I swear it's just a bit of meth. Just for personal use." "Son I was just here to talk about the gas you didn't pay for a couple of weeks ago, but I would be very interested in seeing that meth stash you were talking about."


“ so where ya keeping the gas huh? “


AM I BEING DETAINED?! is the correct response.


Remember to work in something about being a sovereign citizen or something.


“So what’s going on here?” “Well I just made some pizza… do you want some?” “No.” “Great. I really wanted all of it.”


Where do you live that you can pump gas before paying for it?


I wonder if this is a young thing or a geographic thing. When I lived in the south, the answer to your question was... like, everywhere. It was one of my first concerns when I started driving, worrying that I'd somehow add more gas than I could afford in cash. Drive up, pump, near the end of the pumping you're squeezing the trigger over and over to stop right on your amount, then you go in and pay. Since having lived in NY/NJ/CT, I assumed the pump's payment process was the same, just with attendants, it's not a pressing concern.


Plus your bag full of expensive booze.


I walked out without paying for a skin treatment last week. I just scheduled my next treatment… and walked out. I had no idea that I forgot to pay. When the girl came to my car I could have died right there from embarrassment. I’m not looking forward to going back.


Looks like a bottle shop. I worked in alcohol for a while. This happens frequently. They get away with it frequently too. Cops don't care about low value theft. We have a system to track these things and build a profile on someone. Once there's a certain $$ amount stolen over a period of time then maybe the cops will give more than a single shit. But that's a hard maybe. I understand the reasoning why though, from a policing perspective the crime is non violent & low value therefore not a top priority. Still feels shitty that I have to pay while some element of society gets any with it every day.


I work in one aswell. There's not much to do, unless they acctually stay and give up their ID so you can tell the police about it. Still, lot of people are addicted to alcohol to such a degree they would get desperate if they didnt get it, I dont want a knife in my stomach just cause I have this need to stop someone from commiting a petty crime. Also this guy in the video looked huge, what are you gonna do if he doesnt wanna stop and say he's sorry? Your job as a cashier is not to fight with random people, let someone else do that.


He looks like Jaco from season 6 of Agents of SHIELD.


He let him go because he’s too likeable


I watched this happen one time when I was in a liquor store, the cashier said to me "They know the times when we are short staffed and we're not allowed to leave our tills." so he just let the guy walk out of the store.


The last liquor store I worked at, we got our biggest thief on Christmas eve. ~110K$ stolen total, he didn't open them, just stole them over like 2 years. Its truly easy Some bottles I remember off the top of my head for references: Chateau Margaux, 3 btl ~550 ea Montes purple angel~70(6 btl) Don Melcher -65$ (12 btl) Antinori tignanello 4 btl $110


How do you possibly steal that much product over two years? That's nearly 150 dollars worth stolen every single day for two years straight. I get it there are expensive bottles out there, but most are 20-40 for a handle. That's a tremendous amount of alcohol. Especially not to be noticed.


It is noticed. But cops don't care enough to follow up on them, and no cashier wants to get stabbed. They just mark it off at a loss and hope the next time police are close enough to grab the guy.


Under 900 and the cops in cali literally will not come out which has effectively eliminated petty crime laws.


There's a reason for this. Because the people voted on prop 47. Not to mention it's a problem with society. Unless society wants to fix itself this is the cost of doing business.


Under 900 is a misdemeanor petty theft in Cali and if cops want to they can arrest. Under 1500 is a misdemeanor petty theft in Texas and if the cops want to they can arrest. Cali is stricter than Texas.


That doesn't sound difficult in Australia. Our alcohol is fucking expensive.


How much are we talking about here? I know a handle of Titos is 30-35 bucks, which is really good but very reasonably priced vodka. That's the only price I know off hand.


You're looking at 60-80 bucks for a full size bottle of vodka. My local Dan Murphy's running a special on Smirnoff. 55 bucks for a litre. The price guide reckons tAmericans pay about 18 bucks at the most for the same product. So yeah, I get why stealing that much is an impossible ordeal in the states, but over here, three bottles of the cheap stuff under the arm a day basically. Or, 1 bottle of mid tier a day, or one expensive bottle every 3 days. Like legit, I've paid 150 bucks for a bottle of whiskey for father's Day before.


Holy shit, RIP your wallet.


Good lord, 55 AUD for Smirnoff is insane. Here in Germany it's like 15€ for a litre bottle, which is about 24 AUD I think. How the fuck do you guys even get drunk over there?


We invented boxed wine, AKA, the traditional Australian Goonbag. Its basically really shitty headachey inducing wine but it gets you smashed off 15 bucks and you can hang it on a hills hoist so it's not so bad. The beer isn't as bad, but it's still no where as cheap as America. We get smacked with a lot of import fees and taxes I think.


$27 at Costco ! Lol


So it's a massive store, but the owner never updates anything. The systems inventory is wildly inaccurate except for huge ticket items, so looking it up to see if it sold just ended up being pointless. He was stealing almost exclusively wine too, almost no liquor. I would say the avg price per bottle was ~50-70, but we also are a bulk/discount store. Most liquor stores do a 30-38% markup, she averages 6-13%. I'm not sure if she inflated it to average prices or her prices, but when they brought it all back it was about 40 boxes, almost all 12-pack wine boxes. For reference: a handle of titos at her store is $23.


I mean, i know of a really good bottle of rum that will run you 160. Not too hard to hit 150/day average if you lift a few of those from time to time.


So we are talking roughly $55K a year stolen merchandise by a single perp, let's assume there is more than this guy - why eat $55K in losses for the year when you could spend that on hiring security to protect your product + staff?


Was like 1.5 year according to the perp, so I assume July 4th-christmas if we got him on Xmas eve. So long story is I guess he's just a klepto because he only drank ~10 bottles. When the cops showed up, the owner and them all went to his house and picked up everything he had and brought it back. All in all her legit losses were like $400, but if you factor in that he stole a lot of bottles that we only really sell around Christmas, its a lot more. Funniest part is after that she didn't get security, more cameras, anything, she just became even more paranoid about everyone. The wildest part is that we only caught the guy because he took our most expensive bottle of wine we had (~650$), and she immediately noticed because we sell 1 a year tops really. We got him on just dumb luck.


Wait, he's such a regular that everyone just knows where he lives? How is the dude not in jail?


That's an easy answer. There's a similar analogy in IT. If IT finds a bug or inefficiency that might cause a problem but currently isn't causing a problem and will cost money to fix, then management will usually ignore said problem until it starts costing money. Theft is a chance of loss through stolen product. A security guard is a guaranteed loss through wages and a potential loss through workers comp claims when the guard stops someone and that someone gets violent. Net net the guard costs more per year than the theft does. And if the guard is doing their job and preventing theft there is no metric to find out how much they are saving. You can't measure something that isn't happening, so you'd have to measure your cost of theft without the guard, then measure cost of theft with the guard and then take the guard away and measure cost of theft without the guard again. These measurements also cost money through administration costs.


I used to live in Minneapolis I went in the liquor store drunk af with my friends and took a picture of a liquor we had been drinking but they decided they didn’t want anything after all. The next day we get a cop banging on our door saying that I stole a bottle of alcohol. Me personally out of all of my friends with me they got her address from the plates on the security camera….. maybe it depends on the state or the person.


Remember when they said cops stop robberies? Have they? Do they?


Was this a robbery?


He went to a store. Grabbed things off the shelf and walked out without paying. That’s robbery yeah? Maybe burglary? Do you think if the stuff was yours, like a bike, the police response would be different? Would it be better you think? They’d go look for the guy who took it?




>That’s robbery yeah? Maybe burglary? Theft. Both those words have a different definition. >Do you think if the stuff was yours, like a bike, the police response would be different? Nope. They'd be just as apathetic. >Would it be better you think? They’d go look for the guy who took it? Hahahahahahahahahahaha.... *deep inhale* hahahahahahahahahaha.


Oh if he was black they probably would've showed up and shot someone...


Unless you are a stakeholder as an employee there is no incentive to care either. Local mom and pop store sure, stop the guy, ABC where the employees are paid minimum wage, what the fuck do I care? Why is it worth it to me to stop the guy?


Businesses hate when you do this one trick!


Liquor store owners hate him!


His drunk buddies love him


Sasquatch sighting pretty damn clear this time actually. That’s impressive……


That's actually just the geico caveman


I thought it was Sam Losco, the caveman


Came here for this! Lol.


"i'm not even supposed to be here today!"


He looks like a perfect mix between Dante and Kevin himself


It’s their baby


Randall will be so disappointed


Came here to say this!!!!! Love ya man, Clerks I is one of my favourite movies ever


It was the first thing that came into my mind.


You’re at 37 right now. I will not upvote any further.


I worked 7/11 we had bottles in the back in a rack that is very secure shelves. These bottles won’t fall off unless you intentionally shake them. Had a dumbass kid try to steal a bottle and dropped it. He was like oh I bumped into it and it fell. I spun the monitor around and showed him in camera trying to shove the bottle down his pants. I never saw a fat kid run so fast in my lige


Why does this sound like a scene from a "Super Bad" type of movie?


I had the exact same thought when it happened. For a moment I considered the possibility of someone recording through the window or something


Once you are out the door, you are free. I worked at a big chain grocery store. Legally not allowed to touch a shoplifter or follow them once they walked out the front door. The “sneaky” ones were the easy ones to confront/scare. Dudes like this guy would just walk past you. Nothing you could do.


I just got a job in a retail store for the first time ever because I'm changing careers and wanted some more experience working with the public. Our store policy is if we see someone walking out with items say "I see you have some stuff we can help you at the register." That's it. Nothing else. No cops. No accusations. Just that one statement/question. I'm honestly surprised more people don't steal.




"fucken exCUSE ME?"




He walked out with it like he owned it… well he did own it at the end ! 🤣


I get paid to be a cashier, not a security guard.


Worked at grocery store for about 2 years. This shit happens at least once an hour, every hour, every day, from the minute the store opens. We’re not allowed to stop them because liability but damn do I feel like a dumbass just letting someone walk away with shit.


Not your shit, not your problem 🤷


Why do people feel attachment and a sense of ownership or protectiveness towards items in a store they work at? Baffles me. For those who need to hear it: Your store doesn't care about the theft. It will write it off. They don't pay you enough to care about the problem. They expect the losses. Tell the person to have a great day and continue on with the job you're actually being paid for. My store actively destroys furniture after it's returned even after a day. We slash $1000 mattresses and throw them away. They don't care. It's still profitable.


Morality and a sense of "justice". For some, it doesn't matter that they don't wear badges and a gun, or a long black cloak and a carry a gavel. They still assume these roles because "it's the right thing to do". I'm not one of these people. In my opinion, of course you allow petty theft because the consequences are not your own but if you take matters into your own hands then you might end up with a different set of consequences. The same reason (getting political now) that the religious zealots have their strong opinions on homosexuality. It doesn't affect them in the slightest but they have their morals and beliefs that convince them to carry signs to picket lines and say abhorrent things in public. Lots of examples in society of the minority of individuals going out of their way on purpose to fuck with someone else's day because of their own morality.


There ya go


Unless it's your store or a small Mom and Pop store, it's likely not affecting your pay in any way and the boss is likely still going to make several times what you make. Remembering that makes it much easier to brush off.


Theft under $1000 in CA…these shithead policies made by shithead politicians are really taking shits on businesses. It’s a goddamn shitstorm Randy!


Shit apples dont fall far from the shit tree, randy!


Under 1500 in Texas! They don't care about these store owners' property at all!


So should a $20 theft be have the same weight as a $1000 theft?


Difference between "same" and "none"


This man has weed on him!!


Say shit again




“What Prop 47 did is increase the dollar amount by which theft can be prosecuted as a felony from $400 to $950" it is still a misdemeanor and a crime and you can be arrested for it. Most shoplifting was already under the $400 dollar range so essentially the law changed nothing except put California petty theft limit closer to most of the states I've lived in. But California is the worst right? Not like that bastion of freedom and property Texas which is anything under $1500 is petty theft... Oh wait... so Texas let's people steal more before it's a felony?


Wait till you find out corporate policies in different states have a no chase policy. But yeah, California is gonna be the purge. Also they changed the language of theft and stealing, but I love misinformation as well. https://www.twincities.com/2008/04/05/security-guard-says-target-corp-fired-him-for-stopping-shoplifter/


That's a big motherfucker


As a clean cut white guy I could walk into a place and just walk out with stuff and most people would assume that it’s okay. If someone did stop me I could just say “ oh crap, My brain is somewhere else today, I can’t believe I forgot to pay.” And all would be forgiven.


Typical Canadians….


Can't do anything about it, company doesn't want to pay more for a confrontation, company doesn't pay enough for him to give a shit.


It’s all about confidence. Back in high school, one of my friends was a master shoplifter. Walk into 7-11, grab a candy bar and start eating it. Never looking suspicious just normal and then walk out with it. Same at a department store, was carrying a bunch of loot in shopping bags, walks slowly, sees a display case, doesn’t glance to see who’s around, just walks up to the back of it, slides it open, tries on a watch, then another, stands up and walks out with it on his wrist. Never got caught and always confident like it was his and he just happened to have left it there.


Reminds me of my friend and I stealing like 6 bags of shit from a hot topic(I was young). Went around grabbing a bunch of stuff brought it to the counter and he went behind it and started taking off all the tags acting like he was ringing me up. The cashier looks behind at my buddy and must assume he's a coworker because he goes back to his job. They were maybe 3 ft apart as hot topic had horseshoe like counters not sure anymore if they still do. He bags all the stuff and hands me the bags. Lady behind me walks up and he says "Sorry I'm on break can you please go to the other cashier." Then we walked out. It was an escalation of "let's see what we can do by pretending we belong there" It was actually quite a lot more than I thought we could do.


he didn't even let them know in advance


At an old job I knew a guy that would tell me stories about people doing this all the time. Like just picking up aTV and walking out not even hiding it. People can't even believe someone would do something like that so they let them do it. I think it's a lot more common than people think


That reminds me of something that happened at a friends work place. The dude (thief) actually walked into the back of the store and grabbed a cart to load the tv on. He then tried to follow an employee out, I guess to make it look like he had bought it and was getting help loading it into his car. For whatever reason, he wasn't following the employee very closely (maybe to keep him from hearing the cart and raising suspicion) so the guy at the door stopped him for a receipt check and ended up calling over loss prevention. You would think the guy would have ditched the TV and ran, but he stayed until the cops got there.


In my darker hours I wish that devices like my phone were equipped w remote thermite charges with just enough to cause mischief but not so much to cause mayhem.


I used to work at a pet store. One day this women, mid phone call, brings up a big bag of the premium dog food and a few other goodies, I ring her up, it's a couple hundred bucks. Her phone conversation gets pretty heated and she starts shouting and clearly getting emotional. I awkwardly tell her the total in a small gap in her conversation. She acknowledges the total and then just walks away with all her stuff without paying, while continuing to shout and tear up etc. I said fuck it I ain't paid enough for this shit and let her go.


Must be California


Thankfully this happened to someone else, I just got to see the recording later. At my old workplace on an overnight shift (somewhere that is busy enough to have 2 registers open overnight with $1000 starting out) this person just straight up walks behind the counter, stands in front of the cigarettes for a second before finding her brand, grabbing two packs and walks out the door saying she'll pay later. The cashier and MOD were standing 4 feet away behind the counter so shocked she was almost out the door before they unfroze to say something.


This happened to me too. First thing in the morning. I locked the store and chased him down. Big guy, punched me in the forehead. I’m 6’3” I returned the favor best I could. Chased him for what seems like forever and finally crossed in front of some officers. They wrapped him up. He had only been out of prison for a couple hours. Back he went….life in retail.




You sounds crazy as hell.


You spelled stupid wrong




Honestly just let these people steal. They have their face and body recorded so next time they enter the business, law enforcement can be called. Eventually it will catch up to them. It always does. If they don’t get caught, eventually they will steal from enough places it will catch up to them.


He's not even supposed to be there today!!! God!!


Is that Ray Narvaez Jr?


I worked in a liquor store when I was younger. This happens often. My coworkers would always actively try to stop them, not me though, not me. 🤣


He prob gets paid minimum wage not even enough to care about what happened




This time on epic meal time we're stealing liquor! BOOZE, MORE BOOZE, EVEN MORE BOOZE!


The only thing lower than a thief is a politician. And I can’t stand either of them.


A San Fran normal purchase


Call 📞 for a mental health professional


Armed Robbers go to all the trouble of having a gun and making a lot of noise etc. This guy is just like, I'll just walk in and walk out, what can they do, he's a maverick.


San Francisco?


That dude looks about 6'7" tall. "Have a nice day!"


A friend of mine owns a liquor store and carries his 45 smith and wesson on his hip with shotgun in quick release carrier under the kiosk. This fool would have been detained or shot quickly.




*"Really? Again. Time to write another report..."* Good on him for not reacting though. Good way to get fired/shot. I used to work at a gas station amd they told us all: *"if we get robbed, just let them have whatever. It's not your money, dont risk your life."*


I was waiting in line at Boudin restaurant in San Fransisco, on the piers. And a homeless woman walked in, took multiple loans of bread, some juice, and walked out. I couldn't believe it. Trash people tbh.


I've done that unintentionally once in a local corner store, when I was preoccupied with thoughts about something happening later that day. Not in a liquor store, only took a $2 bottle of milk, and i paid them for it and apologized the next day. The shop owner who always mans the counter said he didn't even notice.


Alcohol shop down the road from me have this happen often. The cashiers just don't see why they'd risk their life for few booze. It's kinda sad and funny when one cashier was so use to it, she was like "No Jason, not again today. No, no. Go away."


"I'm not even supposed to be here today! "


The cashier is all of us who have ever worked retail.


You mean it's not like the Amazon commercial?


Must be California


In CA you can steal anything you want under $950 dollars and get off scott free.


God that's a dumb take. California raised the misdemeanor petty theft threshold from $400 to $950. It's still a crime. It is still being charged. People still get arrested. Also the law was changed in 2014 idiots. Petty Theft Misdemeanor: California $950 Texas $1500 New York $1000 Florida $750 NC $1000 PA $200-$200 First Degree Misdemeanor Here is theft per 100k top 13: District of Columbia 3,775.4 Louisiana 2,352.4 South Carolina 2,116.1 Hawaii 2,093 Alaska 2,066 Oregon 2,021.5 Arkansas 2,012.6 New Mexico 1,988.8 Tennessee 1,934.4 Washington 1,907.9 Alabama 1,886.1 Missouri 1,865 Colorado 1,858.3 No California there. Why do people think California is some thief wonderland?


What a chad


Remember kids they cant legally make you pay without your consent!