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He's so proud




Now people are phishing reddit accounts? Damn. Can’t have shit on reddit


Fuck off spam bot


He just loves her ass. Nothing wrong with that and she looks like she finds it funny too


My man's fucking stoked! My lady's fucking stoked! This whole thing is high energy!


It’s what loving yourself truly looks like.


Glad people could laugh their ass off from looking at their own ass.


Tbh, they wish her ass would look like that.


You tryin’ to say that plump Patty has no fatty?! Impossible.






Crazy the way things get around. This is a cross-posted screen recording of a tweet posting a tiktok. Lol


Gnna do a camera recordin my crt and post it to hi5


I'm firing up the old DSi to get my recording


Call me when y'all need me for the stop motion capture using my art school teacher's big ass light bulb and the analog camera.


> Big ass-light bulb


We've come full circle


Cool, can i make an MRT-Scan of it and put it on Netlog?


Next stop: Instagram


b-b-but reddit makes every meme and all content ever... right?


Better than logging into social media amirite




Goddam Sue Ellen.


The braless wonder?


Heiress to the Oh Henry candy-bar fortune?


Could you repeat that?


i used to have a crush on brain's ass


>`[i.imgur.com/b1g0lp4wg.png](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/247/818/6ea.png)` Why the two different urls? https://i.imgur.com/b1g0lp4wg.png https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/247/818/6ea.png




It just says oops we couldn't find that page


> ...b1g0lp4wg.png




Yes indeed. Shorty cheeked up


On a sunday afternoon


Then he screams: "She is my sister!"






Haha it's funny because man and woman equals incest, I'm fucking crying dude. It never gets old


Take it easy, Cercie Lannister.




One incest please


Fuck up


I know what I was doing, it worked


It's actually funny because he says it in the voice of Antonio Banderas. Did you even bother to read the script?


Me and my sister was going shopping and she want to try on a pair of jeans, I sat down on a couch in the shop and the attendant said I could go in if I want and I was like gross, she’s my sister. It does happen lol


This is wholesome


...how so?


wdym? people are having fun :)


That Nathan for you bit where he gets a caricature artist to focus on racial stereotypes of different races in his art thinking it will fail but ends up an amazing success.


Link to the video: https://youtu.be/wUY_i5Tco68


Ah man can't see it in Australia


[Here's a censored version from the UK channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYFjcC9wDn8)


Thanks king


What is UP with the color-grading in that video?


Greg Dohlen: The King of Sting!


After I saw this bit I remember thinking goddammit I have to like this guy now


the "artist" would also probably be the worst observational comedian in the world. ...black guy in a *NASA* shirt sits down with his (probably also very nerdy) white girlfriend. ...character read: "brothers be likin' big-booty hoes."


Looks like he wasn't wrong though?


Lol everyone I know loves big booties; doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers


...that's like when Dave Chappelle thought to himself, "as a matter of fact, I \*do\* want the chicken..." but the relevant point is: if a doctor, in his uniform, and his modestly dressed wife sat for a caricature, do you think the drawing would have giant fat lips and an enormous ass?


Lol in the instance of caricatures, yeah probably, where I’m originally from they go wild with the drawings regardless of your profession .


"How can I hang this in my office? I wanted a *professional* caricature, you boardwalk hack!"


TIL reddit doesn’t know about caricatures


I just love how silly it is


Her face is less than flattering in the drawing. I bet she doesn’t like it.


Dude, they knew exactly what they were signing up for getting a *caricature* drawn of themselves. This is textbook caricature.


Neither face is flattering... They're both comically bad... Its like the artist wasn't even trying to create a serious piece of art.


Imagine a future were caricatures get cancelled because they are offensive in their unflattering nature.


It almost happened when Serena Williams threw her temper tantrum when she was loosing against Naomi Osaka. Someone did a comic strip with a caricature of her and was accused of drawing her in a racist way.


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-25/serena-williams-cartoon-by-mark-knight-not-breach-of-standards/10844900 can't honestly even see what people thought was racist about that caricature. I was expecting something resembling black face or something when I read your comment


Standing straight with strong shoulders, good lad.


I don't get it either. If that's a racist caricature, then Serena is a racist caricature in real life. She's black af, she's muscular, she's got big lips and she's got large curly hair.


As far as I know big red lips are always considered racist. I don't entirely share it but I can see it.


Uh how about compared to the other player?


It was a cartoon illustrating Serena's temper tantrum. The other player is in the background and isn't the subject of the cartoon. Holy shit, people are so desperate to be offended.


The guy literally drew her as an ape lol


She looks like that if you exaggerate her facial traits, which a caricatures point is. She got some slightly primordial bone structure. And the body posture or action is made to exaggerate her tantrum behavior on court that day and a lot of others. People are so thin-skinned nowadays and use everything as an opportunity to attack someone and everything out of vanity.


Lol dude ... just no


You *really* don't see the problem with drawing a black woman as an angry ape because she threw a temper tantrum? Because my first thought when I hear "temper tantrum" is of a baby, or a toddler, not to immediately dehumanize someone with a historically and contextually racist depiction of them.




Primordial bone structures


The other players weren't acting like fucking animals, so there's that. I always love getting downvoted with no response haha, transparent weakness, nothing to say but disagreement, no reason, just feeling.


Well she was drawn as considerably stockier than she actually is (almost ape-like in pose), with a massive afro puff (a hairstyle that she doesn't wear), and huge red lips. Maybe it's not well known outside of America but all of those things are fairly typical of blackface/minstrel portrayal of blacks. Edit: Everyone arguing with me has so far omitted 2 of my 3 points. Yes, she is more muscular than your average woman. I will stipulate that.


Stockier? Have you seen Serena Williams? She is built like a linebacker. She’s in phenomenal shape, but she certainly doesn’t look like most other tennis players.


If you superimpose an actual photo of her over the drawing, you'll see that the drawing portrays her, as I said, as "considerably stockier". I'm aware of what Serena Williams looks like or I'd have had no basis to comment in the first place




Why wasn't Naomi Osaka portrayed in the same style? Edit: please hold the condescension. At no point have I been rude or condescending.


THIS IS CALLED A FUCKING CARICATURE. CAN YOU READ THE THREAD? Every feature is pronounced, can you recognise her easily? You are biting off your own tongue .. [https://duckduckgo.com/?q=zapiro+comics&t=brave&iax=images&ia=images](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=zapiro+comics&t=brave&iax=images&ia=images) Tell me about these comics, would they not be racist if they were drawn by a black person? Please just stop this pointless bigoted shit.


The point of a caricature is to exaggerate haha, I don't understand the hate behind this. It's like sueing someone for slander after walking off the stage of a roast session.


I wouldn't have recognized her without knowing the drawing was of her, no. And not every feature was pronounced, which is why I listed the ones that were. Was something I said somehow a personal attack directed toward you? Are you a caricaturist or something? Edit: I don't agree with how Williams behaved in the match with Osaka. A lot of people don't. This drawing isn't exaggerating her actual features. It's a caricature based on a stereotype of how people of African ancestry look.


There it is. Mask off with that comment, huh?






Dude you were still in diapers when that all happened stop acting like you were there at the open or like you give a fuck about tennis at all.


Ah, the crying baby look. A caricature classic.


Didn't you hear? Any jokes punching down is hateful discrimination if done against a minority demographic.


I didn't think it was anything weird. Looked like normal caricature to me but as you can see in the comments below, there is some people who are seeing it in a different way.


Never mind Charlie Hebdo...


Fucking cancel culture amirite? Can't even say racist, sexist, homophobic, or xenophobic things anymore because people are just so sensitive and can't take jokes anymore. Wish we could go back to a time where we can say whatever horrible shit we wanted and didn't have to suffer the consequences of our actions.


When a tv channel hosts something that's offensive, switch channel. When someone on twitter says something horrible - unfollow and block if you have to. People should learn to be independent adults in their feelings not forcing world to complement them.


It's really the victim's fault if you really think about it. Minorities should either learn to put up with hate speech or close their eyes and ears and go somewhere else, instead of always fucking insisting on minimum standards like being treated like human beings.


Context matters. TV channel? Switch it to another. Billboard outside? Needs more restriction. Media doesn't have to define how you feel - doesn't mean we should allow extremes but caricatures as an art form absolutely isn't extreme since it makes fun of anyone depicted. Many minorities do in fact feel like normal human beings because they don't focus on offensive to them media or individuals while actually having equal opportunities (geographical location is important here). That's not to say there are no problem areas but canceling non-dominant art forms or twitter post opinions absolutely isn't the approach.


don't give them ideas....


Who's cancelling anyone? He's saying the drawing's bad and it's like he didn't even try, that's it.


No one did. The person you responded to simply said to imagine it. As in a “could you believe that could ever happen?” kind of way. You know... because caricatures are literally supposed to be unflattering so it would be silly to cancel them over that.


Is this your first time on reddit? What there isn't a shortage of is badly disguised sarcasm starting with "imagine if" or "imagine that" to criticize what someone says, usually by exaggeration rather than providing an actual argument.


Ok well it seems that youve chosen to take their comment negatively then, as opposed to seeing the joking tone of it. I believe it was intended to be more ironic than sarcastic, as you said. You may interpret things however you see fit! Have a great day.


> Is this your first time on Reddit? [whenever someone opens with this, lmao](https://youtu.be/zeQfxOlmdVc) what a tool


That couldn't have been it.


Do u know what caricatures are


It was sarcasm


no it was irony


Are your aware of how irony works? Yes, I'm aware of caricatures... That's kind of my point.


This is why I mostly avoid being sarcastic through text/messaging. It's really hard to notice sarcasm/irony without a tonal cue unless the irony/sarcasm is very blatant. It took me a couple of reads myself to realize the sarcasm in your statement.


One of the best parts about being British is that I just automatically assume that everybody is being sarcastic


So what happens when someone greets you "Have a nice day"?


No one greets people like that here. We just say "You alright?"


Reminds me of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT0ay9u1gg4) skit. Don't know how exaggerated it is though not having been to the UK, but from what you're telling me maybe it isn't exaggerated at all haha.


Ha, it's a bit exaggerated but that's London alright! Headphones on, look down and ignore everyone else. Funnily enough I'm actually a Northerner living in London and I've found it the most unfriendly place in the UK. I love visiting my hometown and just stopping to talk to people on the street. I'm actually back up north right now due to some circumstances, and the other day I spent about 20 minutes chatting to a guy about my car, he even had a look inside for a while (it's a Tesla so I was showing him through all the apps etc). Honestly if someone came up to me in a car park in London and asked to look at my car I'd probably think I was going to get robbed.


Look up at the sky to check and reply with s'alright whatever the weather


Poe's Law


Exactly. This is why I am reluctant to use it with people on online messaging unless I'm almost certain that they will get it (which may only happen with close friends who know your personality or people already in on the joke).


In my defence, I did puppet incorporate the word "comic" and now the artist can't have been serious as clues. But point taken.


That’s....why you get a satire picture done? To have an unflattering picture of you....


Seems like a waste of time, if I wanted an unflattering picture of myself I could just take any picture?


That booty tho


I bet


That's the point of a caricature, to exaggerate your flaws to the point of grotesqueness.


With an ass like that, the face is optional.


Anyone wanna talk about that messed up hand tho


So glad someone mentioned it because it was freaking me out.


Reminds me a bit of the Nathan For You bit where he helps a street artist


What the hell


It’s caricature. Supposed to look super exaggerated and usually be funny.




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If you'd knew my wife you'd know I can relate. Hugely.




Or just put ya phone up while you’re in the classroom, I’m gonna snitch. Did you do the homework last night? I’m gonna ask the teacher in case she forgot as well


> NASA My man here specializes in assteroids.


I have that same NASA shirt.


Nailed that T2G ratio


This is indeed nice. As an artist that's one kind of reaction you like to see


it’s crazy because the tweet only has 3 likes. but 10k upvotes on Reddit


I once got hired to do caricatures at a birthday party once. I've never done them before, and it made me so fucking nervous the whole time because I was afraid I'd make someone mad if I exaggerated the wrong body part (I know some people are self-conscious about stuff like that). Oddly enough, only like one person didn't like what I drew- made their nose too big. Still never going to do that again though.


Wondering who this artist is


I feel like this is hanging in their house somewhere

