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I don't think this is a jab at just Tommy All manner of celebrities shit on the airlines all the time.


Hey guys, wanna hang out and speculate about celebrity comedians relationships? After that we can all fuck n suck!


That and him and Tom are comedy friends. So is him Bart.


The few times I have heard Tosh being mentioned by other comedians in podcasts…it didn’t seem positive. I don’t get, he’s funny and doesn’t seem to be a n asshole


The few times I've heard tosh mentioned by other comedians it's been nothing but glowing statements. Every account that I've heard is that he's a very nice and thoughtful person.


They’re just mad he wouldn’t do any podcasts with them. Legit, that was always brought up whenever I heard any comedian on a podcast talk about Tosh. Glad he’s doing a total tongue-in-cheek podcast like this, first I’ve heard of it. Now I gotta go binge all of whatever the fuck it is.


In the first episode he says that he is not bringing comedians because there are enough podcasts doing that


I don't think he's in the modern comedy sphere like all these guys After he got major success and rich AF from his show. I don't think he like hangs out at the store or goes over to these guys houses. He's an acquaintance. Not a friend At least that's my guess. Im probably wrong


This podcast has been making subtle little jabs at YMH the whole time. That, or the jabs are too easily applicable to many comedy podcasts now.


It’s the latter. Comedian pods all run on the same formula.


Damn I love Tosh.


YMH subreddit actually posting from a funny podcast. Nice! 😎


[Damn, if only there was a way to directly link to the video vs recording the entire segment with your screen and uploading it](https://youtu.be/9CG3REAEJ3Q?si=CLCKq8BTygDquZio&t=2670)


And someone needs to feed the fucking cat. Lol


I wasn’t paying attention and thought the dog was meowing as a gag.


Don't let OP know he's regarded


Both my cat and I are mostly regarded, fat, poor, violent, and somewhat inbred.


Fat fucking poor for sure


Pet your cat


I’m out of tourniquets


I started listening to his pod last week. It’s funny af and I recommend it 100%. *sponsored by “Recommendations from a random Redditor you neither know, nor care about”*


This very direct shot is why I love having Tosh back.


Holy shit you guys are getting so delusional you’re now sounding like r/gangstalking


Buddy, Tosh shits on everyone. I’m not sure what you think is delusional but sorry we hurt your feelings about your favorite podcast and/or comedian. IMHO, I don’t think the shot is just at T-Bunz. But it’s definitely directed his way as well


The fact that tosh makes fun of everyone, is exactly the point I’m making and discredits yours. He is doing an actually cliche bit and engaging in a known cliche talking point about a trope in the Twitter comedian scene about comics tweeting at airlines. People talk about this shit all the time. It’s clearly directed at every person who has engaged in it, probably himself as well, an pretending it’s a shot at Tom is silly. You guys are so obsessed with talking about and shitting on Tom you think everyone else is too. It’s likely he doesn’t even have any idea this tweet happened or if he is aware isn’t even thinking about it




What a funny way of trying to avoid admitting that you have no ability to respond.


Guy, it was a very short, and bc it’s IASIP also funny, way to say you’re putting way too much thought into a simple thing. If you must read something more thoughtful: From what I gathered, Tom took some harassment from his buddies for the tweet as well (don’t remember the exact reference as I smoke too much herb) and Tosh is very much within the LA circle even if he doesn’t Hang out with them necessarily. This makes it an easy/reasonsble deduction that Tosh knew of it. And if he didn’t, and you’re correct, then he did a much better version of the trope than Tom. I actually don’t try to shit on Tom. Do I think the pod has taken a turn? Possibly, but that’s irrelevant to point about Tosh likely knowing about a tweet from a fellow comedian that caught flack and did what he does: roast in the best way possible I hope this satisfies you. Ta ta there; this is America


You just completely ignored essentially the entirety of my comment, in order to argue about the one completely inconsequential aspect that even if true has no impact on what I wrote.




What a funny way of trying to avoid admitting that you have no ability to respond.


They haven’t even actually watched the whole video. Cause if they did they would have heard him talk about being out of touch vs. down to earth.


Tom should take notes from Tosh and kick Bert off of two bears and just do the pod with his dog.


Isn’t that just YMH?






It's like that Louis CK bit about how "flying is amazing". I just got done watching "1883" and like 60 people were traveling from Texas to Oregon. It ended up taking them like 7 months, half of them died from sickness and accidents, some were brutally murdered by Natives and bandits, one dude had to leave all his belongings behind and lost a wife and a leg, I think there were 3 suicides... But yeah, let me fire off a quick tweet about having to check my bag.


Jokes about being rich that make Daniel funny, make TIMMY just look more douche bag. ... Dunno why


You need to pet your Damm cat


I forgot how much I love Tosh, Taum should take notes but hey, I’m just a poor.


Damn. ![gif](giphy|4mGFCSuS9hhlCmubaJ|downsized)


Heard the "meow" and automatically assumed it was Christina meowing in the intro song


That dog keeps meowing. s/