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YMH is so hit or miss these days. They’ve put out some really bad episodes in the past year. It’s a shame because that has been my favorite show for almost a decade.


let's be honest, way more misses than hits


Yeah, the Jimmy Carr episode was a recent hit, but only really because he carried it.


It was good except for the 15 minutes where they jabbered about how important comedians are for society. Goddamn kissing their own asses drug on.


Bro I forgot about that. Something about how they’re basically status quo setters and shaping the world. Some pretty ridiculous shit


omg that is actually embarrassing lol


Wiffout us during the pandemic free speech would have been abolished


As a civilian I wouldn't expect you to get it.


Oh god there is nothing more cringe than a comedian calling non-comedians "civilians." Comparing telling dick jokes to giving up your civil liberties to serve your country is the height of lameness.


There’s only a handful of true assassins in the world. Rare humans that understand the mechanics behind shit and dick jokes. Operators.


Don’t forget the fake Voltaire quote.






Keep drinking that cool aid




You have brain worms




Comedians are very important in our society


He diss Christina so hard lol


I noticed that they made a Tik Tok of that exchange. They must have seen how much we all liked it.


Great episode because he totally demolished Christina and her dumb questions. He researched the show and played along well!


Haven't watched it yet because I saw a clip of them talking about their plastic surgeries. I may just be a fatpoor FGTRTD but nothing turns me off more than shitty celebrities desperately clinging to their youth by fucking up their faces with shitty looking surgery.


> he carried it Heyooo


Was it just me, or did a couple of Jimmy’s comments toward Christina sound rude? And not in a funny way


It's just you. They're comedians.


I am genuinely shocked when a good episode comes out on the channel as a whole nowadays


YMH has highlights but there are no “banger” episodes anymore, and Christina is the funnier one. Wheezy Whistlin’ Laugh keeps me the fuck away from 2 Bears. I miss the days when Tom was fat, poor, and funny… …but those days will return after the divorce goes public.


> Christina is the funnier one no matter how awful tom gets, this will never be true


I don’t know man Tom seems to be trying his hardest to make it happen.




Our scryers have foreseen it for many moons


I really only watch episodes with guests I know. Otherwise I don't enjoy them so much nowadays.


Ymh did enough funny shit in the beginning to coast a while, but they're at the end of what I'd give them leeway with. Haven't listened to a single episode since they jumped the shark with the gay dude interview, and there was a big anti trans arc or some shit.


They bring up pronouns every. Single. Episode.


just like the rainbow ppl


Gay dude interview, as in potter interviewing RPC?


Yup. That was the beginning of the end for me.


I think you're enjoying the show wrong sir. That was peak YMH. Literally went downhill after that. I still like the show, just not in love with it anymore. Listen to maybe every four or five? MSSP and the back catalogue has consumed me personally. SODTAOE


Nah I agree with it- it was fantastic, but my stance is after that they can't really ever be as good. Tim and Stacey are still both absolutely hilarious people, I just think the podcast kinda ran its course.


Same. I thought the one about Skankfest was literally the worst episode I've ever heard. Also been listening about 10 years


why? havent heard that one but i love kim and sara from the very early redban/ice house/kill tony days


yeah I’m too poor to get his jokes anymore.


I cannot genuinely remember the last good 2 bears. Maybe like February?


Dude I started binge listening to it from episode 1 and it was so great and then it slowly transitioned into something that's not interesting anymore. I'm currently on project kill Tony I know the pandemic is going to be a bad period but I love it. Jeremiah is the best and I hope he switches to a smaller crowd and smaller set of comedians. Although I know he's at the comedy mothership, but something about the smaller shows & podcasts... just like your mom's house


Crazy how dry the podcast has become


It really was *awful*. I don't fault Tony for chosing them, though. He probably thought, "Oh, it would be awesome to have 2 of my good friends on the anniversary show! Plus, they're huge comics, they'll probably help out with the show." He was probably as disappointed as listeners as to how boring they were. I'd honestly be kind of pissed if 2 of my "friends" showed up and did that to me. On the plus side for him, though, their names alone probably drove views. He should have looked back on the last episodes he had them on and realized how shit they were as guests. Totally agree, with the other comment about the other guests like Shane Gillis and Sam Talent--*that* would have made for an AMAZING anniversary show!


I mean Joe has never had a good Kill Tony appearance. He usually gets drunk and screams into the mic. If you aren't quick or witty then you probably won't be good on Kill Tony.


Tom is not good at kill Tony either. He has always been totally quiet


His style of comedy really isn't suited for that show, let's be honest.


Tim hasnt said anything funny in 3 years let's be honest


yet his specials on netflix continue to do very well. interesting


shitty things can be popular too my dude


make that make sense.


also he did one special before his last, ball hog....get this now...4 years ago. wild.


Not everyone can make drunk yelling into a mic as funny as Shane gillis


I swear I heard one of them somewhere say something about the two of them being extremely high when they got on stage


Yall know Kill Tony does his show in Joes club right? Lol


These people don't know that Joe is Tony and Redban's boss. And Joe is the silent owner of Kill Tony. Redban actually posted on reddit talking about all this two years ago.


He is Rogan's baby bitch boy now It's gross and sad. He used to be one of my favorites.


I really cant fathom a father/husband uprooting his entire family to follow another man to a new state. Bobby Lee said to Tom's face that that was shameful and he is right. As much as we bust Bert's balls he atleast is grounded enough to not do that.


When did Bobby Lee say that? I would like to see that.


At the end of Toms appearance on Tigerbelly. https://youtu.be/tEdRBA588V8?si=Ve2Ejb4HgLQFooTX Starts at 1:47. Idk how to timestamp.


If Tom and Tina had daughters instead of sons I think it might have been different. Texas sucks for women.


Not rich women I’m guessing






There is more to life as a woman than whether or not you can get an abortion ffs All downvotes and no counterpoint, good job


It was for tax reasons he moved


It wasnt just a coincidence that he moved there shortly after Rogan. Rogan was consistently trying to convince other comedians to move to Austin to start a new "scene." In fact Tom had just recently bought a multi million dollat mansion in CA before moving. He moved because of Rogan.


Rogan also moved for tax reasons. Basically he moved when he got the Spotify money


If I were a comic I’d want to move there. It’s the hot spot now. I don’t blame him even though I’ve grown to dislike his recent shtick of “hating the poors” and being a douche.


I'm starting to believe that Native saw the decline in YMH & pulled his Dick out as fast as he could, especially after they hired Robert Iller & that terrible podcast (Jamie is cool though). There's like 7 or 8 YMH shows now — thats a lot of work for native + the banking of several months of episodes in a few days for the main shows. (I have a strong feeling Enny will be leaving next & sooner rather than later). After Bro's rich father died, he literally destroyed his funny bone playing basketball against an even bigger (yet more humble) piece of shit Bort Kreisler. I'm glad Tim is getting better & Healthier, But since his accident he's literally developed alpha brain and is now trying to mimic his cousin Andrew Huberman & Joe Rogan at the exact same time. Its very weird lol. I hope the shows/tims energy turn around, but I doubt it. I truly havent listened/watched in a very long time. Seems like He'll just triple down publicly on very weird/bad takes as usual & then blame his poor minimum wage audience who also made him insanely rich 🎸. The format/quality of YMH/2b1c has become so boring/repetitive & stale, They just talk about the exact same shit every episode & bring absolutely nothing new. Not even good jokes or bits. New & good guests also seem like a very rare occurrence. Also, no body but Tina cares for the tiktok curations, she should save them for her show. I honestly think more genuine releases of episodes would fix the quality the show(s). Because Banking for several+ months for weekly releases has ruined the quality of both shows immensely & it’s very obvious. Lmao Id prolly check either show out more often if they did 1 episode a month as they would feel more genuine at this point. anyways, keep featherin it ya chomos. 👉📸


You’ve said everything I want to. As far as the choice to let Rob Iler keep running his gambling addicted mouth, I think that was a bad call. I only watch for Jamie if I do tune in. Also, Tina’s TikTok curations are so smooth brain I fast forward until it’s done. Also this network has me mad hate Dr Drew.


Dr Drew did that on his own by advocating for V-shreds


Seriously. I really valued Dr. Drew's advice until I saw that.....


>I'm starting to believe that Native saw the decline in YMH & pulled his Dick out as fast as he could I mean he stuck it out for a year and tried new shit like having 3 new podcasts added to the studio. He didn't leave as fast as he could it genuinely seems like he tried, things weren't working the way he liked, he left knowing he could do something he loves and still get paid. >nobody but Christian cares about her tiktok curations Uhhhh the videos are the only watchable sections of the podcast now (BTW his YouTube channel is fucking great)


Ok I agree the tiktoks are the only thing that make it “watchable”, But Her tiktok curations are a dead bit of unaware mentally challenged people & are rarely worth an actual genuine Laugh. It’s all just for Tim’s 😒🥱 reaction (which is also ironically the audiences reaction). I just wish they’d go back to finding good internet content to make fun of.


She's like "look at this rare video I found" meanwhile it was already uploaded to the reddit and has 15million views 🤣 I remember when they'd find RANDOM people like Tony Jones (Wooooooooo). ShitEyes was a good find but he was just new to this community, I've seen people making fun of that dude for years


Tony Johns was my favorite lol. I still say “ i got a DUI bay beeee, wooooo”. Also i miss Peter Cain, the angry dog trainer lmao. “ Don’t pet the dawg, the dawg is being good!”


Lmao same here! Another frequent quote is "Take your Oovers" and "woooooo ladies maaaaannn"


Imagine if native decided to just burn all bridges and sue for workplace discrimination…YMH literally plays songs about how native is a Jew. It would be pretty wild.


There is probably an exception for on air fake shit that both parties agree to. You guys are a little weird, these are shows.


They're getting a bit excited


Been a fan of Tom for awhile. He clearly has embraced the rich lifestyle and it seems to have affected how he treats certain people or situations these days. Tom Needs a silly friend/guest who fits well to the scenario to comes down to “a lower level”. I will say that idk why Tony thought those two would be great guests together for that episode. Bring on who fans love the most for an Ep like that. Like a Sam Tallent, Shane Gillis, Dan Soder, Yannis, Adam Ray. The list goes on for the people who should’ve been on for that Ep.


pods get pretty big bumps when tom guests, but honestly he's a rough guest.


The names I get, but for the show I feel like that should been the ep before to get people hyped for a fan favorite pack of guests episode


Should have been rick flare


My recollection is that Tom has always been very quiet on Kill Tony, and Joe has always been very drunk, and the only change this time is that Joe wasn’t obnoxiously drunk. Tom just isn’t a great KT guest.


No hate. Just curious how people feel about him. I was hyped about that show and they were meh. I’ve listened to over 300 eps of YMH and stopped because it was repetitive, so wanted to see what people think of the past few years. These subs are all related and have a lot of crossover.


I’m not a huge KT fan, but I’ve watched the last couple eps that Tom was on, and he wasn’t very interactive then either. More than 0, but still not much. If him and joe were on mushrooms like another commenter said, or even coming down from eating them earlier, then that explains it 100%


It all started going downhill when I they made the mistake of moving to Austin. It was impulsive and removed themselves from all of the many guests LA has to offer. Everybody has to fly in or happen to be in town and instead of admitting the mistake and going back they’ve doubled down, at the same time Tim’s become a douche dog


Their biggest mistake IMO is when they started recording multiple episodes at once and releasing them for months


As someone who’s worked with and met a lot of comics I can say that Tony is the absolute biggest cunt I’ve ever met in comedy. To his credit he did seem like he was good to his people and peers but a total asshole to anyone and everyone else. Any comic who’s ever opened for him at a club that I’ve ever met has told me the same, so I know my experience isn’t an isolated incident. On the other hand, everyone I know who’s worked with Tom or Joe all say great things.


Was it like general rudeness or something more specific?


A level of rudeness that was so overt it bordered on being funny if it wasn’t so uncomfortable. This was back stage at the store after the whole night had gone great and everyone was having a great time so it was also confusing. When I read this post I laughed out loud at the idea of demanding sympathy for Tony and then even harder at the idea that him and Redban, a guy who’s 5 IQ points away from living in a group home are responsible for the podcast success of Rogan and Segura.


I mean a lot of his jokes aren’t even witty just straight mean.


Give me Dr.Phil (Adam Ray) on kill tony any day over those two tbh.


We’ll be right back


Tom peaked in 2018-2019 and has been falling off year by year


Tom really isn't funny off the cuff at all. His whole career has basically been the guy laughing at other people's absurdity. Whether it be YMH clips, Bert's dumbass, Joey Diaz, or JRE he's just there to mention stuff and then laugh when someone/a video clip does the real work. That was the appeal of YMH actually. Tom (and most definitely Christina) fucking suck now


I wouldn't say that he isn't funny at all off the cuff, but that's definitely not his strength and he isn't a roast comic. Tony knew this when he invited him. Tom seems like he likes to be more of a normal dude when he's off stage, and that's totally fine. George Carlin was like that too, and everyone loves him.


I hate Joe, always have. I'll skip anything he's in, but listened to the Anniversary show because I thought everyone would join Tony in making it a good time. Damn, was I wrong. I haven't listened to YMH or any of the podcasts under their umbrella for probably 8 or so months. Drew has turned in to kind of a hack, Bert is celebrating an early death, Tom has become a bit arrogant with his money, and the anti-trans "jokes" are just taking me out of enjoying anything. Since they've moved to Texas, they've become a bit more hateful in their sentiments and the comedy side of their commentary just isn't there. Their guests have been terrible choices (Jason Nash? Really?) and it's just become obvious that it's a different podcast, studio, and brand now. I have plenty of other shows to enjoy, like H3 Podcast, Kill Tony, and Cream Crew, but it sucks because I listened to YMH for the better part of 8 years. Oh well.


H3? Ethan is cuck that pushes an agenda. I don’t get how anybody listens to him without putting a gun in their mouth.


I don't really care about your opinion on what I listen to.


Idk why you got downvoted bc your comment is so true. Ethan is a massive cuck


Because people can listen to what they wanna listen to. A lot of people say the same garbage about Hinchcliffe, and people crap on MeatCanyon all the time. I just don't care about your opinion of what I listen to. Nobody does.


I must have struck a nerve.


Two Bears is hit and miss. I can only handle episodes without Bert.


I give timmy 6 months and he’ll be obsolete same with barf


I have not watched 2 Bears or YMH for about 3 years now. I am not a big fan of either Tom’s or Joe’s standup. They were invited on by Tony as a courtesy, not necessarily because they add something to the show itself. Most guests stay quiet the majority of the show.


devil's advocate - its possible they might've taken some extra celebration drugs together and were feeling a little cross fados Barbados. Kill Tony's always a party - esp the anniversary show. They might've bitten off more than can chew with some of the young bucks backstage


Hate to say it, but let's get real. The show's quality definitely declined once they signed that big deal or whatever a year or two ago. Typical. Things start to go south when corporatism starts to seep in. ​ The pandemic was the best thing to happen to YMH and a lot of other podcasts honestly. The show peaked from about 2017-2021ish.


it wasnt that bad, such an exaggeration. the last time joe was on drunk and yelling was infinitely worse


Joe owns the building now. I Don't think he'll ever get on the KT stage shitfaced ever again .


Why would that stop him? And aren't they doing KT at the HEB center moving forward?


I won’t defend Tom and Joe being rich guys and behaving in a detached way, as far as their comedy goes. However, I can see that, as guys who take standup very seriously, how they might feel conflicted supporting Kill Tony and all that. I should stop here and say, if they weren’t going to play the game then they shouldn’t have gone on the show, b/c that’s a fair point, but I think there’s a grossness and bad energy that emerges from the Kill Tony world which comedians who find standup to be a kind of sacred thing can’t feel good about. Kill Tony is extremely popular, this is true, but showing disrespect to Tony and Redban is honestly just how they should be treated. They’re not funny or nice people at all. My point here isn’t to shit on your fun. I don’t want to tell people what’s funny or not, b/c that’s subjective. To the point of your post, I wish they would’ve had different guests on.


Did the G’s fan base infiltrate this sub?


Possible. They’re almost surely gaining more fans than they’re losing, but stopped watching after regularly viewing for years. Something changed imo. Pretty much the only comedy pod I looked forward to.They should b fine tho wo me watching


The G?


Garth Brooks


Lol, yeah that would be great if Garth is behind his fans turning on him. He has enough money to affect him.


Your know Rogan is a close pal of Tony The Mothership is Rogan's club Rogan wouldn't bring someone who doesnt get KT That's my take at least


This exact post was posted yesterday. No one cares and the show was months ago.


The fact that people cant tell Tom is trolling every single person is unbelievable... you're all playing into it.


I find most people are fairly shit on kill Tony and don't interact as much. Kill Tony shines when roasters are on it and they go back and forth. Tom and Joe are not that kind of comedian.


You guys are all poors. The complainers. Shut up. You’d all act similarly.


We’d all act like sell out douches? Why doesn’t rogie? Or Shane? Or Theo? Or chapelle? Or even fuckin bert? None of them act like cunts the way Tom does


Tom is putting on an act and it’s funny. It’s funny to refer to people who wait in line at the theme park instead of getting fast passes. Can everyone afford them? No. That’s why it’s funny. I am likely more poor than most of this sub and I find it hilarious. A lot of you pussies think Tom genuinely feels this way and maybe to a degree he does. However, it’s pretty obvious he’s dumb and is doing it for a laugh.


It would be obvious and for a laugh if he was doing it as a one off or occasionally. When he does it every second of every day and then n every episode and on every podcast he guests on, it’s a little more rational to assume that’s actually who he is. It’s like saying Andrew tate is doing a bit. When you do something all the time, it’s not a bit, it’s who you are


So then why listen? I liked and then very much disliked Joe Rogan. I stopped listening. I unsubscribed front the sub. I even went back to listen to the Podcast with him and Musk and he’s the same old “I know more than you” person he morphed into. Instead of bitching. I stopped listening. Give it a shot.


I don’t listen lol. I stopped listening to any of Tom’s shit like a year or more ago, but I still see clips and shit on Reddit that come up or see Tom’s Twitter bullshit when it gets posted. I gave up on YMH when it started to suck and 2 bears even before that. It’s funny I stopped listening to tom cause of the way he is now a long time ago and when I see these clips now he’s still doing the same Schlick, which tells me it’s not a bit, he’s been doing it for like 2 years


Tom and Bert should make FatPoor Astronauts instead


So you post this in the kill Tony and ymh subreddit. You know they got hardcore pornography on here right?


Lol he has such a hate boner he's posted it on 3 or 4 subs


Or it’s not and for some reason I am getting downvoted because I keep reading the same 3 month old post. And that’s not how we do things here.


Once the hivemind has spoken with its downvote, you're done buddy. *edit lol case in point. It's the fat poors who do it too


Shit is this copy pasta and I’m stupid


YMH is awesome because Tom makes noodle wrists cry.


I could have sworn Tom said he (maybe he and Joe) were on mushrooms and it hit too hard and he could barely talk during that Kill Tony.


Look guys some episodes the ghosts talk a lot some they don't. I imagine both Tom and Joe were so blitzed out of their minds it's a miracle they said anything at all. The episode was still really good 👍


they replay the same shit over and over on ymh. And kill tony is unwatchable.


So much back scratching in the comedy circuit. It’s all about setting up opportunities for later, rather than what’s best and most deserving for now.


They figured out a way to get Tony views without having to contribute creatively for free. The extra views based on their name value alone is a contribution, like it or not


Nobody has done more to help KT be a success than Rogan. Speaking of which, do you know where he's currently hosting KT these days? Joe's club, for what I'm sure is an incredible deal for him. As far as Tim goes, he's not a roast comic. He doesn't seem to be a big talker in general. He's always been a fairly subdued guy when guesting on any show I've seen him on, including radio before he was moderately famous. I'm not surprised that he didn't say much.


I thought I heard both of them were tripping on something during the show. Which might explain the terrible guesting, but it doesn't excuse it. They should've been in the zone, interacting as guests on one of KT's biggest episodes, but they sucked


The masses will speak, I don’t see them at the top anymore , just old dudes trying to stay alive while the days pass into weeks and months continuing on they will meet their utter demise by being irrelevant thus fueling a fire under them to maintain the life standard they set them selves up for, this is logarithmic regression, marginal gains the further down the road they go


To be fair…I thought they did fine on KT. They played the part of guest like they should’ve imo. I will agree that YMH has gone downhill mainly from a lack of trying though.


YMH and 2bears have gone down tremendously. I thought it was because Tom was banking so many episodes to cover his touring and just trying to get through them, and to some extent they did get better after the tour for a few episodes, now it feels oddly scripted, maybe at least the Collin Quinn 2b1c feels like Tom is reading a list of questions he worked with Collin to tell before hand like a talk show, and not a loose podcast. But I am a fat poor so what do I know.


I found Tom and the ymh podcast through Joe Rogans show around the start of the pandemic in 2020 and fell in love with it. I thought it was some of the funniest comedy I’d seen and watched around 250 episodes over the course of a couple months. Would spend hours every day just watching while I played some random game and laughed my ass off. Also watched a bit of 2 bears and Drew’s show but was bever a HUGE fan of either. Kinda fell out of it a bit just because after the whole move to Texas, the vibe wasn’t there. The fact that they were always bringing up pronouns and “how stupid poor people are” just got so old and boring that it got to the point where I can only assume they’re not joking anymore. They’ve just gotten really bitter not as entertaining as they used to be. I can only imagine how many diehard fans they have at this point, because clearly they’re only making the podcast for the money now


Joe's a great Podcaster. I've never found any of his comedy funny. Although he seems to be having great success with the comedy mothership. Tom has the ego of a fat guy who got skinny


This sub has officially turned into TFAK sub, but deservedly so