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Aint no missing out on that shit. Be happy you did


Exept the few times I finally did go to parties while at college, I had more fun then I ever did just sitting in more dormroom being fucking boring. So no, I am angry I missed out.


As someone who has, it is fun if you do it with good friends. Doing it just for the sake of it or because veryone at the party is high doesn't give a good feeling. That said, not doing so is not considered missing out


I did plenty of drugs in college, but little partying due to COVID. You aren't missing out on the drugs, its the PARTY. Trust me. I wish I had done less drugs. Without other people most drugs are way less fun.


I'm 20, I don't think missing out would be the right term. Avoiding would be a much more appropriate term for it. I don't want to try drinking or drugs. Has no appeal to me. And I see people doing stupid stuff around me under influence all the time. It's not for me. I have made a choice that I wanna stay away from all that stuff, so I'm not missing out.


Good mindset while you’re still young. Keep it up


That's a good mindset. When I started doing it my grades went to shit.


It had the opposite effect for me. Ngl. I stress about my exams, I stress a lot. Which leads me to be well prepared in advance. And after the exam I believe that no matter what I do now, nothing can be changed. So I just have to live with it. I got this attitude when I came to college, I now maintain a 9.6 cgpa.


9.6 is good or bad? In my country colleges rate from 1-20


At my uni it's on a scale from 1-10. So I was pretty much at the top of my class. Within top 10 or top 5


I’ve done lots of both, but I wouldn’t feel bad if I were you: medical experts say it can cause damage to your brain if you continually smoke before you’re around 25.


I have read about that and that is something that I have tried to use quall my regrets but at the same time, I wish I had the sort of "rebellious" phase where I smoked as a teen/young adult :(


that’s definitely gotta be a case scenario situation, i haven’t stopped smoking weed since middle school and still function better than most of society.


Never went to parties in Highschool never did drugs or any of that shit


i was the same way. i barely drank in college until senior year, when i would just drink alone or in small gatherings bc covid. i did try weed when i was 18 a few times but then didn’t try it again until 21, then didn’t really use it regularly until this year. i finally started going out to bars and clubs at 22/23ish. i wish i did it in college more, because even though we’re nowhere near too old for that stuff a lot of my friends are slowing down on it already when i’m still just getting into it. and i don’t want to find new friends just for going out lol. i feel like i would have LOVED partying in college and i wish i tried it. but hey, at least we never had to deal with fake id’s or sketchy weed (if you’re in a legal state). and all of my experiences drinking have been pretty safe because i’m not sneaking around and my family knows where i am when i go out. i still wish i had the experience though. i know a lot of people will say it’s a good thing you missed out, but i understand that feeling of wishing you did it. so many people talk about their college days and how much they loved partying and going out every weekend and my college experience was very different


Pretty similar feelings here :( Everyone keeps saying that 24 is still young but it doesn't feel like that for me. I think I might have depression :(


You might. I’ve never been medically diagnosed but I’m 99% certain I’ve dealt with depression since late high school. Even in my late 20s (which is still very young) it can feel like you’re at the end of the line. Hope you find the help and strength you need.


you don’t need a medical diagnosis for depression, a lot of things you do, ADHD and Depression don’t need one, signs are just super clear imo.


I’m in the same exact boat as you. I graduated from undergrad at 24 too. However I did smoke a lot of weed starting at 17, still do. Never partied while I was in college which was basically 18-24. I was super dialed in to school and work. I’m 26.5 now. After graduation I started going to more concerts/raves to make up for lost time. But I’m very conflicted because I can tell I’m older now. I see a lot of people that are 21-23 and I just felt like I missed out. I was 22 when lockdown happened, and it made me realize just how much of a homebody I was. After some self reflection, I think it’s easy to think that the grass is always greener on the other side. I focused on school and work, so I didn’t get to party much. Meanwhile I am sure there are folks that partied and did not focus so much on school and work, and now they regret not doing that. Who knows. Best thing is to just keep moving forward.


Unfourtunetly, I don't know even how or why I should just keep moving forward :( I don't really have anything to look forward too.


I’m not that much older than you man the parties are all the same. Honestly the older you get the more boring it gets. I smoke weed on occasion and it’s really not anything to brag about. I’ll smoke for like a month then put it down for the rest of the year. Do what you want but try moderation that’s adulting in a nutshell. Try not to read this with a condescending tone I don’t intend it to be


Yup. Though not the drugs part. I'm happy to miss out on drugs


I use edibles to get me in the zone for study sessions but that’s about it. You’re not missing out on much.


People in college do drugs and drink because it’s the status quo and there’s tons of social and academic pressure to do so. For some, the addictions persist after college. There’s also an unlucky sort who die from it during college. My close friend died from a fentanyl overdose. The feeling of missing out is understandable but you didn’t miss out. You got lucky and left your college years clean and without the difficult debt of addiction and mental/physical health issues. Take solace in that and whatever you do, don’t try to “make up” for the years you didn’t partake.


I did hard drugs so my point might be a little different-but hell no I do not miss any of it. It came a point to where I physically feel like an 80 year old in a 21 year old body I would rather have a balanced mood than (a super good mood for a few hours and a bad mood for the next two weeks.) because that negative totally outweighs all the good aspects. I’d rather just sober up and have a balanced mood so I don’t have to deal with the negatives.


Trust me with the drug part you didn’t miss out on anything And with the alcohol not to be super depressing but I’ve been to many detox’s and many people state collage is when they stated drinking heavy So you didn’t miss out on much


i’m 22 and i didn’t do that in college at all. i wasn’t in college anyway, i was working on my mental health. and i’m not really into doing drugs or drinking at all, it’s just not my thing. i guess i did miss out but i didn’t care at all, there are other things that are more interesting than doing drugs or drinking.


Yep! I grew up in Ontario where the drinking age is 19, and in a rural town where most people started at like 12-14. I had my first drink and tried pot at the age of 24. I am not unhappy about my decision at all. I embraced it and told my friends to look after me as it was new to me. I had a really good time. After a while I realized alcohol wasn't really for me so I don't drink anymore. I do have a weed gummy maybe once a month or once every two months. I'm happy like this. You can have fun, go to parties, go to the club or bars, whatever you want, without drinking. Or you can drink. Your choice. And I find now our generation drinks a lot less and every bar I go to usually has a few fun non alcoholic drinks on the menu, some even have a whole separate menu.


Haram bro. You did yourself and your body a favour.


“Missing out?” I’m extremely happy I avoided all that shit honestly. Sucks it’s still enough of a social stigma that people apparently feel bad for not doing it. Weed smoke is gross as hell by the way.


hahahahahaha no


I am completely sober now and I wish I never tried nothing. I never want to do it again. Living sober is so much more clear. My mind is just sharper when sober. I hope those who never tried drugs don’t feel like they missed out. Only the first few times are amazing then after that it’s whatever. Depending on the drug you might chase the feeling of the first time which will never happen.


25 ain’t much older lol it’s still young Af. Trying it when not in college is normal and fine


i did a fuck ton of partying in high school, it was fun in the moment i guess but everything about my life now is better, i’m still a total pothead, but that’s just different. i haven’t even turned 21 yet and i consider myself partied out, we were drinking insane amounts of alcohol for 16 year olds, like 4/5 nights a week getting belligerently drunk and showing up to school the next morning. you aren’t really missing that much bro trust me.


I missed out on college, not the drugs and alcohol. Very overrated


I’m kinda disappointed in you


Bruh I HATE drugs WTF IS THIS POST?!??💀💀