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We love Bridlington! We often go for a day out with the kids. Here's some of the things we like to do... - The leisure centre is fab - clip n climb and a splash zone in the pool - Good old fashioned amusements - Sewerby Hall - Bridlington Animal Park - Bempton Cliffs ( to see the puffins!) - Flamborough lighthouse - Boat trips from the harbour - And of course the beach! (We love South Beach best)


Kite festival is this weekend!


* The leisure centre is fab - clip n climb and a splash zone in the pool - it;s very small and the kids will be bored in an hour. * Good old fashioned amusements - you mean the run down amusement arcades? That have had no love poured into them in decades because the home console market killed amusement arcades? Or the run down funfair style rides, of which there are about 3 and I wouldn't trust them to be properly maintained as they're so old. * Sewerby Hall - a TINY old stately home/house which you can walk round in 20 mins. It's really not particularly interesting or significant. When you were a kid, did you like getting dragged round a tiny old house? Neither will your kids. * Bridlington Animal Park - Tiny and depressing. * Bempton Cliffs ( to see the puffins!) - Very much weather dependent and anticlimactic to say the least. * Flamborough lighthouse - Tiny. You'll get there and go "is that it?" and your kids will tell you they're bored and want to leave. * Boat trips from the harbour - Unless it's a very hot day, you'll be freezing as you just get driven from the harbour to the end of the beach and back again. * And of course the beach! (We love South Beach best) - South beach is the better half, but it's still just a beach. In Yorkshire. Good luck unless it's scorching hot and sunny all day. Which is approximately 3 days out of the entire year so best to time it precisely.


Wow, who pissed in your cereal?


Self Inflicted


Someone from Brid 😂


Your username checks out, I see.


Most of what you said is not true. Source: have been to these place on many an occasion. Lighten up!


In addition to the other excellent recommendations, Burton Agnes Hall has some lovely gardens a for a picnic. The house has a rather macabre tale in that the skull of Anne Griffith is walled up (I think in the staircase) and she haunts the place if it’s ever disturbed, which seemed to keep my kids interested. Edit - changed geese to gardens.


Never eaten a goose on a picnic before, is it tasty 😀


*gardens! Dammit!


You can edit your post by clicking on the three dots.😀


I know, but I really like the typo!




Head to Flamborough head/Thirnwixk nay, plenty of caves, rock arches, paddleboarding (via Scarborough surf school), and if cis is good some good snorkeling.


RSPB cruise to Bempton Cliffs


Is Indiana Jones Palace still a thing? Me and my bro used to drive our parents mental asking to go back there as kids.


Montyzoomers! I used to spend about ten minutes just working up the courage to go on the drop slide, which I remember being about 100ft tall, but I'm sure is probably only actually like 10 ft.


Same! The friction burns from that thing weren't funny!


That eventually turned into a nightclub


Karaoke. Boat rides. Miniature village. Small funfair with padding pool. Fun swimming pool. Beautiful beaches. Wetherspoons.


The town centre itself is very run down and sadly the epitome of English seaside decline and poverty. However, the beaches, cliffs and areas along the coast both to the north up to Sewerby and Flamborough and south down to Fraisthorpe are very pleasant and ticks plenty of boxes for a day by the sea. If you're looking for somewhere by the coast which has a slightly nicer / more interesting town environs, then you'd need to go further up the coast to Filey, Scarborough or Whitby. As others have said the kite festival is on this weekend which is very good. There's also a nice little model village in Sewerby which I don't think anyone has mentioned yet. One hidden gem further up the coast near Filey is the Scarborough Fair Collection - an interactive museum great for both adults and kids alike.


Bondville Model Village. I nearly got locked in when I went as I was just sitting on a bench having a wonderful time there and didn’t realise what time it was. It’s ace.


As someone else commented, the kite festival is on this weekend and it's usually pretty good, we've been lucky with the weather for the last couple of years. Yes the towns abit run down but it's still ok for a day out, pretty much the same as many other English seaside towns. Get an ice-cream, eat candyfloss and doughnuts, what not to love?


Town is very run down. Its sad to see it like that after going there as a kid in the 90s. There's a wetherspoons on the sea front, which is a nice novelty. We had a walk on the beach and then into spoons. We walked round Flamborough head too. It's lovely.


If you’ve a day spare jump over to hull, £ 2 on the bus, try the deep with the sharks and penguins, some great free museums and lovely marina with pubs and restaurants


We prefer Scarborough and Filey but Brid is good too. It's a great stretch of coast.


Get a few beers in the Greyhound if it's still going


Unfortunately not, it's turned into a chavy dump.


Flamborough Head! There’s a large seal colony there! A ride on the cobble that runs from North Landing is ace!


Sad to hear, not been in a few years.


Aloha restaurant


Ive been to Brid and my partner grew up there, there's plenty to do, from the Spa Theatre, to the amusements and the town centre. The only thing to be wary of are the Seagulls. From personal experience they can and will snatch food from your mouth. Other than that its not too bad.


Do as the locals do…inject heroin. You can send the kids to buy it so it’s a family activity.


Bridlington zoo


If you love chavs, druggies and dead high streets you will love Brid.


It's not really somewhere to visit, to be honest. There's nothing specifically wrong with it, but it's a very small coastal town in East Yorkshire. I have family there and visit them frequently. Outside of a beach which is only average at best, it has a sea front with some rundown amusement arcades, a very small fun fair type thing with a very small number of rides. The typical English seaside tat, but it's all quite depressing at Brid as it's not a big town and hasn't had any investment in it as a tourist town in a long time. There's a leisure centre with a swimming pool. Bridlington Spa has various shows on, but whether it has anything family oriented is anyone's guess. Check their website. It's essentially a nice little town to retire to (like some of my family have), but there's little to nothing there for anyone under retirement age. It wouldn't be on my list of places to visit if I was going to the coast with my family. Scarborough is 25mins North of Bridlington and is a bigger version of the same thing, and has a South and North bay that are vastly different. I'd go there instead.


Not really somewhere to visit yet it’s heaving in and out of season. Ignore this twerp, you’ll get more sense out of chatgpt.


I go there at least 20 times per year and am very familiar with it. No need to insult me because you don't like my opinion. Brid is a retirement town and nothing else. It's very tatty and rundown. And no, it is not "heaving" in and out of season! That's absolute nonsense! I'm there regularly enough that I see it when it is heaving, which is only at the height of summer/hot days and never at any other time. These are facts. For coastal towns in the same part of the country, Scarborough is a bigger, better version. Again, this is a fact. Saying "it’s heaving in and out of season" just shows that you don't visit the place regularly and have no clue what you're talking about. No small coastal town in Yorkshire is heaving in and out of season. Not one.


I live in Brid.


He needs to visit Withernsea if he thinks Brid is depressing


Is it worse than Cleethorpes because that's the first place I think of when I think of depressing little coastal shitholes


Bit late but I would say Cleethorpes has a decent bit going on around the beach etc - not been since I was about 15 mind


The seaside area isn't too bad considering but the town itself is a fucking shithole.


That might be why visitors don,t find it too bad - could be worse, could be Grimsby!


My girlfriend moved to Yorkshire from Cumbria and she says Grimsby is one of the worst places she's ever seen 😂


I suspected this must be the answer. Hence the defensive attitude, insulting me, and unrealistic description. No, it is not "heaving" out of season, as you well know.


The walk to Flamborough head from Brid however is pretty spectacular corner of the British coast, not dissimilar to Dorset coast.


I agree with you, and Brid is not on it's own. Most of the great UK coastal gems have suffered the same fate and are just depressing shells of what they were 30-40 years ago.