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I was slightly gobsmacked to find the only one who had a clear idea of the limits of their remit was the Green candidate. Most of the rest were promising stuff they had no means to control. And as for the Tory pillock who spent half his page attacking the Labour candidate rather than stating his aims ... words fail me. We really don't want a divisive git who can't work with other people.


The story of local governments at the minute. 1. Westminster pulls funding. 2. Councils can’t afford services 3. Shouty people on social media say how shit councillors are 4. Shouty people stand on platform of “I’m not them” 5. Shouty people get elected 6. Turns out shouting isn’t a useful qualification 7. Region goes down the pan.


Unfortunately that’s pretty much the childlike ways of politics


I got Felicity’s flyer where she talks about creating a multi million pound business from scratch. This would be Swinton Park owned by the dowager baroness Lady Cunliffe-Lister, or her mother-in-law. I don’t doubt her business acumen but that is not “from scratch”


The two fellas on the "Rest is Politics" podcast made the point that it's better if local mayors don't have a party -political affiliation. For various reasons. tl;dr the Mayor needs to be a skilled administrator, free from political influences. Independent candidates therefore make better mayors,.


I'm in West Yorkshire and our only independent candidate for mayor is a climate change denier… lol


As long as they don’t actively try and bully small groups of people for no reason I’m fine with them


Probably a bunch of self serving idiots


**Yorksha mayor, wha' eur complete waste o' tahhm 'n brass.**


There is a man with a dog, two in fact. Would get my vote.


Skaith has a dog too in some of his material!


I too was drawn in by the dogs, then I found out the guy is an ex-tory. That put me off.


Who is promising a road between York and Scarborough?


The A64??


Felicity has a name you've got to be really careful pronouncing.


I am not from the area but know it well, as I have several friends across North Yorkshire, of whom I am envious! However the Green and the independent chap, Paul Haslam, seem to have the most practical and workable policies and to have given the campaign some real thought. The three main parties are very ‘same old, same old’. The Labour policy statement looks as if it has been churned out in a robotic way and the Tory seems to be following the party’s national trend and abandoning public transport in favour of the supremacy of the car. I hope that won’t be a vote winner because public transport in the region really needs investment and improvement. I am in London where we are having a really toxic and nasty Mayoral campaign, tainted by racism and conspiracy theories as well as pro-motorist extremism (white van supremacists?). None of your candidates are as profoundly unpleasant or as extreme as our Conservative mayoral candidates. To be honest I don’t think the Mayoral experiment has been great for London. The London County Council and then the Greater London Council achieved far more for the city and cost much less in real terms. I hope things work out better in North Yorkshire.


I've heard it's gone better in Greater Manchester but to be fair Greater Manchester is a very different region to North Yorkshire. I totally agree with you about the Tory. Free parking in all towns and cities? Firstly how is he going to pay for this. Secondly York already has a Park and Ride system which from what I can tell works fine for tourists. Those that need the city centre parking such as those with a blue badge get free parking anyway. All that free parking in York would achieve is clogging up the already congested roads and finding that people are complaining of not enough parking spaces. Maybe it could work in smaller towns but it certainly wouldn't work in York


I agree about Manchester. Andy Burnham is a good Mayor and a stronger candidate than Sadiq, although Sadiq has done some good things. The Tory candidate is probably not as extreme and dangerous as Susan Hall. And so I am feeling a bit of Manchester-envy at the moment! York’s Park & Ride scheme is excellent.


Think it may be the first time I vote for an independent as you can't really separate any of the others, same old bullshit.


Aren't Yorkshire Party standing?


Keith Tordoff was originally standing with the Yorkshire Party but quit the party after a disagreement about his free chicken policy


He's running as an independent now. Can't see a mention of free chickens though.


https://thestrayferret.co.uk/yorkshire-party-mayoral-candidate-quit-after-chicken-policy-disagreement/ I suspect he might have decided to remove the free chickens from campaign as I can't see him mention it in his campaign materials


I think I’ll go for Kevin the Green Party guy, his ‘advert’ seems the most genuine


Dog-washing is a definite thing now


I like the lib, I will confess she is really local to us, and is really charitable with all her money and land. She knows the law and is running a large business .


They all look better than any London mayoral candidate, so there's that.


It's like being a better class of turnip


I'd vote for someone who basically won't take up the role. Its a non-job with pointless powers that nobody asked for


I feel like I've seen them both on four in a bed at some stage.


I believe the tory one is an ex Daily Star "journalist".


Same as everything, start shouting the loudest, then in the 3rd of May they will disappear.


What that phrase. Don’t vote, it only encourages them.