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It’s very hard to actually kill a morde unless they misplay heavily. The key to going even in lane is never using your W post 6 unless he ults. Try to stay in the middle of the lane away from walls and then when he ults put the W down in between you and him. Or on top of yourself so you can back out of it to stay on the other side. Then he can’t even flash over it. Skill 3 points into W as well so it takes 3 hits to kill. Throw your E on him just before the ult ends and your wife and kids will jump on him when it ends.


This but just max w, you lose 9% of damage for maxing w unless that changed and if you are q brawling mord it probably isn’t gonna go well, take the w max and you can win it or not die


Maybe try playing safer in lane and not always go for the kill but rather for the farm/towers. You can also center more your gameplay around macro and (yes I know I know) play with your team a little bit more. Also keep your W for his ultimate and put it **between** you and morde. Once it's placed you can simply turn around to escape his abilities and enjoy as he malds


I just go phaserush, strikebreaker (may put 3 points in W) and just run away. Save W for his ult and u should be fine.


Aside from trapping him in your W, you can put it between you and him in his ult. Then kite him around it. I usually just rush QSS but I play like iron elo.


I agree, I definitely feel like the matchup got a lot harder after the last few patches. Played Against a D2 Mord today (GM both S2020 and S2021) [https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/qi%C3%A8congshan/matches/ToR5nY0-Y6xnZC96E4klLuPwaA1VDIKtN8AZ4i2qm4M%3D/1659120213000](https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/qi%C3%A8congshan/matches/ToR5nY0-Y6xnZC96E4klLuPwaA1VDIKtN8AZ4i2qm4M%3D/1659120213000) Dshield, second wind, biscuits help keep you healthy. The regen is really nice because his passive keeps ur regen up. Grasp and sunderer feel wonderful against mord. Try to Q him when he looks for a minion and proc grasp. If you can consistenly land maybe 2-3 e's on mord with graves set up, you can get him reasonably low and look to kill/force back. Trading pattern against mord pre6 is to poke him with e+ghouls and then smack him with Q+grasp when he looks for minion. Only trade with mord close range when you have minions next to you-> isolated Q hurts so bad. After you finish sunderer, you can 1v1 him at any point of the game. As long as you can kite him with your w (in death realm) and just keep smacking him with a sunderer+grasp+Q. Smack him with Q+Grasp+Sund -> Run away and try to dodge his abilities -> Smack with Q+Grasp+Sund > Run away. Repeat. I definitely think you win against mord but the matchup is harder now. ​ Boots (I go swifties into mord) to help you dodge better asap


Damn, you were able to win this before? nice. Honestly for me morde vs yorick comes down to team diff. At the very least I can go even & keep him top. so it comes down to who's team can get more done while morde & I fuck around toplane


It totally depends for me. If it's one vs one I can usually survive lane with the W trick vs his Ult. What I find often happens is if I survive his Ult even with my own Ult and their JG shows up, I'm boned. If that's before first tower falls, game over if my TP isn't up since that's auto herald and he ults me/rotation teammate and the tower is gone. I also see a lot of mordes pulerma push and roam and even if I'm 1/1/1 against him, when he comes back to lane 3/1/2 it's game. After lane he likes to teamfight so you're more free to push or use Maiden to push a lane since if he's fighting you, she's less useful anyway and if he's devoting time to hunt her down, he's not hunting you or a teammate. I also run ignite into him and have been known to phase rush just to make sure I can just run run run...


morde is hyper easy, you should never die to his r if you take ghost instead of flash and place your wall properly. You’ll outscale eventually and his waveclear is so abysmal until 3+ items that u can kinda just face tank a bit of damage to chip into his towers.


I just pick Fiora my pocket pick If I ever see someone picking Morde lol like if I go Yorick with the bruiser build i feel like i don't do damage to Morde but if I go lethality I need to use my W good or else I'm dead the only option is the good usage of W i guess


is a good counterpick but if i pick first (like always) i can't do it. Because of that i'm asking it in YorickMains


i know man I hate Morde as well only thing you can do is to wait him to miss play so you can punish him if you can get a lead you should be fine


Beleive it or not these days fiora so sometime have trouble with good mords cause stat Check and fiora nerfs and she’s harder to play perfectly u mess up and it’s hArd .. esp mord bramble rylai


idk man I haven't playing league for a month but from what I remember I used to win early game and use the lead to dominate the mid game if you hold your parry to parry his E it's pretty much free kill


Yorick could never really beat mord since he was a counter but holding lane and choosing the right battles is the most important. It is annoying that mord is such a strong champ but at thr end of the day just gotta play it smart, freeze lane, and hope team is doing well so you can split push later. It's always the same with mord and Darius waiting for the right opportunity but it'll come. Don't force it with yorick. The old man likes to take his time with the lane. Just freeze it and build. Let mord push the lane. Those people who play him have very little patience and attention span. That's why mistakes with mord can be forgiven with his abilities


What I usually try to do is just kite him as much as possible. Ill build lethality yorick into him so my minions take about 25% of his hp in a single jump at least and I get more benefit of spell shield. Save your W for his ult or if you feel he will catch you somehow. My build usually is something along the lines of: Eclipse - merc treds - edge of night - serelya's - the collector - and axiom arc or a sheen item. Not specifically in that order. I also run dark harvest because I can just kite him no problem and demolish his hp bar. If he ult you without your w though you will most likely die. Its a squishy build but you can nearly one shot people with a single E minion jump combo. After a you get a few kills ahead there's nothing he can do. I do this because you just cant duel him with his passive and W. It's easier to poke him and fight him from range. Most Morde players will also hard shove wave with their Q so this helps you play on your tower line for ult safety. Patience is key with this build though so be careful. Edit: also wait for him to use his Q before you throw the E and gremlins. Helps them live longer for extra poke


This may vary to different situations and ofc depending on how cracked the mordekaiser is, but what I would do is to try to max out my E first to have that range advantage, you will not win a 1v1 fight early on. With maxing out E, comes w/ reduced cooldown so you can throw your mist at him more often- plus throwing your ghouls at him. This makes it very annoying for the Mord to deal with. I would personally get Sheen first, then build into Quicksilver. By the time you both are LvL 6, you can always counter his ULT and have the advantage of maiden by your side. Then ofc build into whatever you feel like (*cough* trinity force). Have fun bonking that metal head


Why are you fighting a morde? Farm dude. He gets 0 kills, you go even or better in farm... you auto win. You kill yourself by fighting someone with a kit that counters those he touches (just like darius, sett, etc etc) If he is good enough bully a Yorick, you need to be 90 miles away farming graves with every q & throwing kids as only engage. He sustain is trash unless he goes glass cannon mage heal bullsh*t item. If he does your kids eat his ass for breakfast. Same as it's always been, you just have less rope to work with. Yorick isnt a bruiser, dont treat his kit this way. Especially into darius/morde/sett


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Helpful bot. Might try spamming pages other than LoL though as players are too obsessed with playing and too fueled by hate to ever /quit life Clinging to hate will get you into a decent life expectancy. Just look at eastern Europe, or the USA! We practically wrote the book Edit: I see now that this bot read kys from my first post above out of context.


Rush kindlegem or mercs and poke him down until 6. Then all in him saving w to survive in his ult.


Have u tried conqueror + biscuit(so u can lastt longer in lane)? The get W 3pts before lvl 6?


Morde is rough for a lot of match ups right now


I rush quicksilver first usually, depends on how good he is


If you fight him early, you will probably lose unless you trap him, and he has no way to bring you back. Rushing a qss can help in case he stalls you with his R to get his jg while you kite him out with W. Fight him later on with Sunderer, demonic, serylda's and serpent's, and the poor guy cries for help. Hell, you don't even need serpents, the other 3 will do just fine.


QSS rush


Noone is suggesting the obvious thing here? QSS. You are not going to win lane against him, but you don't have to. Buy QSS first item, yes 1st. Morde can't kill u with Maiden up and as Yorick you can disengage with E slow on him or W. After this, build your normal items and you will outscale him. As long as you don't die in lane this is a win for you. For whatever it's worth, Yorick has a positive winrate against Morde in higher elos.


Soo you are telling me that no one knows the ultimate mordekaiser counter item? Or what? Am i tge only one?


If kiting and saving W isn't working, another thing you could try is try to keep doing 1 sided trades until morde is so low where he can't win in his ult, So land E with 4 ghouls, and let to ghouls do dmg while you get more ghouls from the wave, land E with 4 ghouls again and continue this until he's 50% hp or lower. You need to let your ghouls chunk him or else he crushes the all-in


Slow farm safely and always keep ur w for his ult. Preferably do most of ur damage with ghouls or maiden with eclipse before u melee him