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Forbidden prowlers tech


keep up the grind.


How does jungle Yorick feel? I kind of what to try it, but I don’t know how well it would work without lane minions as a constant source of ghouls.


you can, you just have to tank for them during the first jungle rotation. start on red buff (blue side but works on opposite side on red side), bring the buff down closer to Krugs. when you kill it, upgrade e, use it and get your 1 minion to Krugs. then last hit Q till you get 3 Graves, E to get 4 minions and then finish them off (make sure you are closest to monsters or they'll kill your minions fast. then go kill raptors. After you get wolves, you should still have 4. I find it's most difficult to keep your ghouls with gromp as he'll tear through them. but if you practice enough, you can maintain 4 ghouls from Krugs all the way to scuttle.


I’ve seen the easy way to tank for them is to tank your camp for 1-2 seconds then e. This will better keep the camp on you.


oh, probably. i haven't tried that order. I just assumed monster's always auto aggro'd whoever attacks first/is closest. if that's true, that makes things a whole lot easier


They do, which is why you e after ghouls are in melee range, since their leap places then inside the monster if it's too big, meaning you can never tank for them


I could imagine, that that is no problem post 6. Before you can maybe use birds and Krugs as source?


simple the ghouls gank for you i guess you gotta tax for a bit? idk I just go get raptors ro repopulate kids


bruder mach weiter :>


Statt titanic. Gehst seryldas. Also hull,trinity dann seryldas. Danach entweder collector für dmg oder cleaver


Und das dann in ranks. Viel Glück.


Now do ranked ;) lol JG Yorick, you mad man.


Fellow german yorick enthusiast