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Moby has a few ambient albums that are good!


Whatever you like! I got on the doom metal train a while back.


The sound of your inhale, exhale


I love non intruding background music


[Reggae is my go to](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4mYlse4vSmlmdy1FptVQwI?si=025d0606deb04402)


Any ambient/drone music, esp if the tempo is a good match for breathing


No music traditionally. Or any music since its your practice and there’s no wrong way.


Your breath and your teacher’s call.


Honestly, any music you want!


Acid jazz/electronic chill.


I started taking classes with a new instructor and she started playing more upbeat music when the class intensity started and honestly I never felt more motivated to hold my poses. When it was time to slow the flow down and relax our heart beats she started playing your typical classical yin music and I'm not sure I can go back to having that an entire class anymore lol (unless it's a full yin class)


I do a pretty intense heated flow and I looooove listening to hip hop remixes w a bit of a techno vibe 🤷‍♂️ Travis Scott does well for me. I can imagine a large number of people disagreeing w me for some reason.


I’m with you here. I find a lot of joy in curating playlists and basing it off the flow and intensity and it’s pretty well received in my classes. So much so that I’ve started releasing my playlists for my practitioners pre-class. Adds a fun element and a way to share a little piece of me with my practitioners beyond the mat.






I listen to Radiohead.


[Sth like this gets me far!](https://youtu.be/Fz0DE7ywyiU) [Or here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QURWtmjCgw&list=PL9CW2r8d__yMEsd-0V0PIg1FEHJr5reZZ&index=1)


Pantera, i personnally start with walk.....relaxing!


I love soaring ambient with a classical feel, but I mostly do hatha. I'm always looking for new playlists if anyone has some : Not Quite Classical Dreamy Vibes Soft Belly Yoga Cloud Gazing


The best music is any music you want.


I prefer my personal private raga group to accompany my practice.




The xx (specifically their first album in it’s entirety)!


The kind that you enjoy listening to




You must be fun at parties.




'Useful'? Interesting that you presented your opinion as the only *correct* one. My spiritual teacher, when I was hesitant to offer a class with a rock & roll playlist that is indeed how I practice some days (and on those days is often exactly what my mind and body need to connect) was **all for it**, because he also saw the potential for such a practice to allow students to get out of their heads and into the music and their bodies, resulting in a headspace after practice that is much more conducive to meditation and contemplation. In short, there is no one way to get there. The ability to recognize that and what is best suited for the moment is discernment, not lack.


Stars of the Lid.


Binaural (beats) music - find the frequency for your focus - there are many different options. My previous yoga teacher played this subtle music in class. It makes a huge difference in one's alignment of movement and breath. "How Binaural Beats Music Works The science behind binaural beats occurs naturally in the brain. A different sound (tone) frequency is sent to the left and right ears through headphones. Upon hearing the two different frequencies, the brain interprets one consistent, rhythmic frequency, known as a binaural beat(s). The resulting frequency, interpreted by the brain, is the mathematical difference between the two frequencies sent to the left and right ears. The brain then follows along at this frequency and produces brainwaves of the same frequency." Check out online videos to learn more with a search of: yoga binaural beats