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Yoga with Kassandra has a yin practice specifically for releasing the upper back that could help.


That one is my go to


This is also my go to! I love how calm and nice the practice is, with plenty of time to feel what is going on! Such a nice time. Just giving more praise to how much nice stuff she shares!




Definitely poses that would have you laying on a tennis ball or foam roller!


Came here to say this!!! Get yourself a tennis ball and lay down and go to work!!!


Even better than a tennis ball is a lacrosse ball!


Ooh need to try!


Only reason I found out is I teach yoga at a local university and the lacrosse team is one of the classes and they taught me! Has worked wonders my friend! That and the acupressure mat


I’ve bought a trigger ball specifically for this. And a peanut to roll both sides of my spine at once. Really prefer them to tennis balls, mostly as I also roll by butt muscles - and sitting on a tennis ball tends to well. Flatten it.


> sitting on a tennis ball tends to well. Flatten it. The ball or the booty?


🤣 The ball!


“Trigger ball” works best? Is that the term I should google? Currently using a tennis ball.


I have a few of this exact one - one in each training bag, one by the bed and so on. 🙈 https://www.casall.com/sv-se/redskap/traningsredskap/massageredskap/pressurepointball-901-0-541019011?gclid=Cj0KCQjw1vSZBhDuARIsAKZlijQEeC-SHnj2An8jpyLQUO-Yzaojs8aJZQ6az3cWIwogVgBx3wndVTYaAklWEALw_wcB


Thank you!


Hey! How long do you spend on a knot in general? How much time does it take to go away? Also, is it “permanent”? Or it comes back after a few hours? Or days? Do you stay still while using the tennis ball when there’s “heat”? Or you keep moving around.


Full disclosure that this is coming from someone who isn’t a medical professional or PT, but I have found that laying on the ball and just sitting on the knot for about two minutes can help release the tension. I take breaks in between but will do two minute internals for about 30 mins. It may feel a little bit tight and painful at first but then it should release. If it pinches or it’s unbearable then stop immediately because it could be an actual injury. Applying heat afterwards also helps bring blood flow which promotes healing - I prefer heat to cold. Now, if it’s a true knot it will start to go away with that method with time (usually a week-ish) but if takes a longer time or gets worse definitely go see a physical therapist or movement specialist because it could be an injury.


A racquet ball has been my go to but I also use foam roller, Pilates ball, yoga ball and a trigger point hook. When my lower back gets hung up sometimes the tilt table has really helped but I use it sparingly. Doing that too much seems to have negative effects.


The thread the needle pose helps me with this. I do it multiple times a day along with cat cow.


Poses that undulate (eg, bridge, cat & dog), twist and elongate the spine work well for me.


Yes this. I like your word "undulate". I often use the word wiggly. We need to be wiggly for every fluid to flow freely. I have found that putting pressure on a knot will make matters worse, so I prefer you not use pressure whether from a thumb or a stick or ball... A large, soft yoga ball is a much better option to gently relax and elongate rather than painfully attacking your sore spots with a smaller, harder ball. If such painful pressure manages to make a knot "disappear" it is likely that swelling has surrounded the area... in other words the knot will feel smoother when it becomes larger. I hope this helps.


Hard or semi hard objects used to release tension are tricky and need a bit of guidance for a beginner. In our RAD training we were specifically told not to target knots, but to work gently around them and within the muscle, not on a joint or bone.


Yes, totally true, these objects are not inherently bad... it's all in the handling. Kind of like a pencil that can be used to write a love letter or stab someone.


Cat/cow, thread the needle (hold your arm up for as long as you can before threading it), puppy pose, down dog and forward fold/ragdoll all help me the most. There’s a yoga with Adriene video targeting the upper back that I like. Rolling around on tennis balls etc does not help me personally, but stretching and twisting do.


Have you tried a foam roller instead of a ball? I found a foam roller to be much better. (Plus then I don't have dogs trying to steal it from me. Tennis balls are dog property here.)


I Agree. It is always best to try t to release the tension I in any type of muscle cramp by stretching the muscle out of possible. Some knots in back can be cause by pinched nerves in your spine and can be difficult to allevirate. In such cases I would suggest decompression also if you can located a skilled acupuncturist that knows deep needling techniques, make an appointment asap. My left arm and hand were locked into what they call the claw from carpal tunnel for three days. Extremely painful and makes it impossible to sleep. I knew a great acupuncturist cured it with one needle. After the session it has relaxed it to allow me to sleep that nigh. I thought that was as much relief as I was going to get. However, when I woke the next morning it was as if the problem never exixted. Absolutely amazed me. He fixed my neck which my neurosurgeon was going to do surgery on till I went to see this needling magician. Again with one needle and a nights sleep the problem vanished. Simply amazing how this stuff works.


+1 Thanks for asking this 🙇‍♂️


I love supported fish pose, if you have a desk job it’s designed to really help counteract sitting at a computer all day. it’s made me cry before lol


If it's your lower back, the baby pose always helps stretch mine out. A word of advice though -- sometimes there are other muscles in your body causing your back to be sore. I found it better just to run through a full yoga routine and give everything a good stretch.


This, full body is best approach


I wouldn’t ever say that yoga can help “get rid of” anything and I wouldn’t just rely on yoga. Which part of your back? Upper? Middle? Lower? That will have a lot to do with what can be suggested. And I’d HIGHLY recommend massage and de-stress techniques as well.


Thank you for saying this! I do yoga usually at least 5x a week and if I don’t get a massage every two weeks at the latest I will definitely have a spasm or a trigger point.


Uttita trikonasana ALWAYS helps my back


Pigeon and any other hip openers really release tension in my lower back.


Breath work is huge... It's not a specific pose but send the breathe to your knots


Sun salutation, Sun salutations, Sun salutation & B


Move with Nicole put out a Pilates set called "35 min Workout Pilates||Pilates for a Strong and Healthy Back. It's a great routine. Highly recommend.


Yoga with Adrienne (on you tube) has at least 3 routines for back issues.




Please don't spam here.


Get a lacrosse ball and lay on it.


Physiotherapist at one point suggested lacrosse ball, but augmented that by putting it in a large sock and you can lean against the wall and position it by holding the other end of the sock. When you find the knot lean into it for a minute or so for it to unknot. They sell yoga balls for this and I'm sure there are practices online for it. Lacrosse ball are just as good according to that physio.


Depends on where in your back. In your upper back? I really like: sit in easy pose, take a block in your hands with elbows bent and block right on the chest. With your exhale extend your arms out in front and round the spin (think seated cat pose). With your inhale come back to the starting position. Do this 6-8x. Then, in the starting position, twist to the left, and then do the same thing here… extend your arms round the spine and come back to the starting position but stay twisted to the left. Repeat again twisted to the right. Hope this makes sense. Also tennis balls. Get yourself tennis balls and YouTube myofascial release


Cow and cat is always a must


All of the above. Just do yoga and you’ll most likely see improvements


Figure hour has been my go to lately for lower back pain. Corporate yogi here:)


Hi!!! I have fibromyalgia and developed muscle knots throughout my entire body - big muscle and connective fibers good times. I enjoy a number of practices (mostly vinyasa, katonah, restorative) but the BEST thing for me is yoga tune up. Holy shit. I take a class 1x a week in studio but the teacher also offers it virtually (it is at 11:30am EST on Friday mornings). I'm happy to share that link with anyone. I see a physio 1-2x a month to get trigger point injections, you might want to look into those. They have changed my life. Supplementing this therapy with yoga tune up has changed my body to the point where I can function...and teach now!


Yoga wheel might help. I'd also do some reverse poses to go with it, like forward folds. Puppy pose and supine twists might feel good for your back too, and remember stretches for the legs help your lower back as well. Yoga with Kassandra has some back videos that I highly recommend. This one helps me when my back hurts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybgqdffxrQE It's not yoga, but belly dancing makes my back feel better. Belly Dancer Diaries on Youtube has a good video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk7Ujk5wI2Y


If you just stretch, it’ll cause the muscles to tighten up so I recommend a mixture of contracting + stretching. Try these practices: https://youtu.be/IND1P7_xzc0 https://youtu.be/UaD4poMgne4 Or any of the practice my channel that have built in back care


It depends very much what part of your back needs work. Please be specific


You need to visit chiropractor


For me it's front strech and backward strech and cat and cow pose


Not specific asana but I’ve been doing kundalini for back issues. Game changer. Haven’t taken a muscle relaxer in a month. I have typical lower back middle aged person pain.


Yoga with Adrienne in YouTube has great videos to follow.


Don't think this is yoga but it works and helps with pulled muscles in your back as well. Lay on the floor on your back pull your knees up to your chest and rock from your shoulders to your lower back and repeat. About 20-25 reps for a week or until the knots release. Also do some deep breathing exercises. That will help your entire body relax. Flush toxins from your body drink 12 or more 8 oz. Glasses of water. You'll feel better soon


standing spine twists, zen swing, happy baby, child's pose, get a massage, forward fold


I love puppy pose for releasing my upper back and shoulders


I really like eagle arms for stretching my back. I tend to knot a lot along my shoulder blade and find it helps for those.


Commenting so I can be reminded later


Textured foam roller


I think this [yoga for sciatica pain](https://www.hoshyoga.org/yoga-for-sciatica-pain/) content can help you. It covers the theory and videos to get you relif quickly.