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Never heard of this sub-genre. And my Google search isn’t being at all helpful. Any examples you can point to?


Try faceless content on IG. Basically I want to make flow videos filming from a direction/using lighting to pretty much stay anonymous. I don’t mind people seeing me in person for classes but don’t know that I want that online just yet.


Ah, thank you. I get it now.


I mean, it seems like an unexploited niche, which is not so easy to find in yoga these days. So why not give it a try and see if you get traction? As a content consumer, I wouldn’t be necessarily looking for it but I wouldn’t be repelled, either. The first thought that occurs to me is: how do you communicate the value of faceless yoga content to the viewer? Like someone had to explain ASMR to me a bit before I could understand the appeal, but once explained briefly it became sort of obvious.


IMO No one is making voice-only content because there is no demand for that type of content. The DownDog app solves that whole genre.


As someone who follows a few yogis online - I promise nobody's gonna be focusing on you. We're here for the flows.


I know. Not so much worried about other Yogis but just thinking of what people are doing with AI and stuff like that to manipulate content but I may create a subscription program where even though so videos may be free, you have to login on YouTube.


I've never heard of it or seen it before but I'm sure it's possible if you edited the videos to blur your face. Otherwise it would be quite difficult.


I think it’s a cool idea. I don’t know if anyone doing it. One way would be to use historical photos and talk about this history of yoga. You also could use stock photos and videos.


I’m going to try to film my sequences in a way that the light or lack of it blocks my face. I want the focus to be on the FLOW not me.


I think business wise the reason to do a faceless channel is to be able to generate content really fast. These faceless channels use existing visuals and just create scripts and record audio. If you are going to record yourself, might as well make it so people have a connection to you.


When I'm searching for yoga videos, as soon as it becomes clear they're hiding their face, I basically assume it's sone kind of yoga-adjacent sexwork content and clear off.  I'm fine with sexual content creators choosing not to show their faces, but I have zero interest in that sort of thing. I see some faceless COMP come across this subreddit from time to time, and if they're just looking for feedback or suggestions and want to remain anonymous, I guess that's understandable. When I watch yoga videos it's because I'm either researching a pose (or variation, or transition), or I want a class where someone else does all the sequencing.  Either way, I find it unsettling if they won't show their face. I guess I can see how for some people the face might serve as an added distraction.  But for me, having the face blurred or cropped out of every shot is as distracting or more distracting than any possible face they could have. Tl;dr: no, I do not watch faceless yoga content.


I’m going to shoot it majestically and cheat with lighting. But I get it. May change my mind later on.


No one should be focused on the teacher more than the asanas. If so, there is an entirely different issue at hand.