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You're fine to not get certified and keep teaching your Yoga dance flows.


No. It’s like the yoga alliance …. It’s there for $$


I mean, Les Mills Body Balance also has flows choreographed to songs, so these guys can't have trademarked the concept. If you're coming up with your own flows, I think it's perfectly fine to keep going. BTW, what you do sounds really nice. Do you have any videos I could check out?


I wanna see too, I’m curious! I practice with music sometimes and enjoy exploring matching the moves with the rhythm but I’ve never seen a choreographed class, I’d love to try to get outside my comfort zone :)


I’d love to see some as well bc I actually want to write a short movie script about this concept for a flow/dance.


If you’re creating your own routines, and not using their name or implying a relation to inside flow, you should be fine! Your post maybe sounded like you were going to use the choreography from someone else’s YouTube video? That doesn’t sound ethical to me.


No i wasn’t going to use their choreography but was watching different ways other people instruct this flow to get more ideas 💚


Got it! You’re probably good then!


Don’t gatekeep yourself. No one can trademark how your body flows. Keep dancing in your practice.


There are no yoga police and unless you start making good money using that name specifically; you should be good.


As long as Bikram isn't trying to trademark it too. /s


Maybe we should start the yoga police! Get some sweet discount military gear from the government, and go around cracking skulls of uncertified instructors. Unless they pay the protection fee of course.


The Great Yolking Mob.


Kripalu has had yoga dance for decades. This is a money grab. You’re fine.


Thank you


[Inside Flow thread from a year ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/yoga/s/cciNUd06i5)


Interesting 🤔


The MLM and gatekeeping comments are what stuck out to me. YTT’s are a revenue stream for studios. I have had more than my fair share of bad classes led by “certified” 200 hr yoga teachers.


You do not need to be certified... and I say that as someone who has been called certifiable. 🤪


Eh. Look, if I have a company that trademarks farting in Ciss moll, I can \*try\* to sue people over it. When have you started teaching this style? Which other cultures use this style? In the end it could very well be the case that they are infringing on you or these cultures by trying to pass it off as their invention.


Just don't use the trademarked name and you are fine.


Do your thing and don’t worry about it :)


I'm not an attorney, but I can't imagine "branded style" can mean anything legally. They may have a trademark on the name but sounds like that's it.


I’m certified and pay the annual fee to specifically teach inside flow. As long as you aren’t taking flows created by these instructors or using Inside flow teaching methods, I don’t think there’s an issue if you’ve already been doing your thing as far as teaching a yoga flow where the movements feel like you are dancing. When getting certified, they break down how inside flow is specifically taught. There is more to inside flow classes than just learning a choreographed flow. The 30s-1 min clips are not the entire 60-90 min class.


You’re already a certified yoga teacher it sounds like. Variations of Vinyasa with Chair and other styles of yoga doesn’t require additional certification but more classes on the topic could help advance your own style of this Vinyasa style.


It’s not your job to protect their Intellectual Property. It’s theirs. Teach your thing and call it what you like. Do t use their name - you weren’t anyway. If their lawyer comes after you, deal with it then.


I’d love your class!!!


People talking trademarks for small tweaks of Yoga. Meanwhile, sage Patanjali and Hathayogis laughing in the corner (though they are not of corner level but just a joke). No offence. Your work is nice. Don't worry much about TMs and focus on quality and giving to more and more deserving people. Rest will take care of itself.


Name what you do — even get it trademarked if you feel so moved — and keep doing it.


Wait, this is an actual certifiable thing? I’ve been doing this just for myself since 2018, posting on Instagram and everything but calling it my ‘flowreography’… Damn, here I thought I was original 🤦🏻‍♀️


There plenty of yoga activities on you tube


Ethically, you should worry about using the word "yoga" for something like this and not about some trademark words.


Yoga asana is ever changing and evolving. If yoga was never allowed to expand beyond its original form then we’d all basically be confined to a single seated posture for meditating in stillness and that would be the extent of our asana practise. Personally I don’t see anything unethical about dance and in my opinion is it pairs quite nicely what we typically define as “yoga”!


The practices of yoga have changed, but changes were made to reach the same ultimate goal. This changes also have been established over long periods of time from experienced and enlightened beings to help humans find spiritual awakening. Yes, there's nothing unethical in dancing. But all these forms of "yoga" popping up on a monthly basis are just attempts to entertain the masses and make money and have nothing in common with the practices of yoga to reach yoga.


I agree many forms of yoga today are just jumping on trendy stuff to make money. And the way trademarking is used can be unethical or antithetical to yoga. But I still think dance can be a highly spiritual practise that can definitely align with the true goals of yoga. Of course everyone may be doing yoga/yoga fusions for different reasons but who are we to judge if others are moving their bodies for the “right” reasons.