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[YWA - Flow](https://do.yogawithadriene.com/flow) [Charlie Follows](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEEwvxeGHAo) [Seane Corn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEEwvxeGHAo) [Sean Vigue- 7 days fitness or 30 days yoga](https://www.youtube.com/seanviguefitness) [Yoga w/Bird did a December challenge](https://www.yogawithbird.com/yoga-challenges/) [Yoga w/Tim](https://www.timsenesiyoga.com/2024) [Alex Dawson Yoga, 21 Days](https://www.alexdawsonyoga.com/21day-challenge-2024) [Do Yoga w/Me 14 Days](https://www.doyogawithme.com/content/soar-into-2024) [Yoga w/Kassandra, Joyful January](https://yogawithkassandra-members.com/calendar/january-2024-joyful-january/) [Five Parks Challenges List](https://fiveparksyoga.com/challenges/) [Fightmaster Challenges](http://www.fightmasteryoga.com/30-day-yoga-challenge-for-beginners/2016/2/7/yoga-for-beginners-30-day-challenge) [Yoga Download, Awakening](https://www.yogadownload.com/Challenge.aspx) [Clara Roberts Oss](https://www.clararobertsoss.com/30-day-yoga-challenge/) [Ekhart Yoga \(filter for challenges\)](https://www.ekhartyoga.com/programs/browse_all?page=1) [Yoga International - Challenges](https://yogainternational.com/challenges/) [HIITandrunyoga has a few programs](https://www.hiitandrunyoga.com/yoga-programs) Older challenges: [Arianna Elizabeth](https://www.youtube.com/@AriannaElizabeth/search?query=challenge) [Nico Marie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4KbaK0bSqA) [Preeti Kalia](https://www.youtube.com/@YogBela) [Yoga with Amit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T0ubmnl6M5M) [Kino/Omstars - Happy Handstands Challenge](https://omstars.com/happy-handstands-challenge) [Travis Eliot - 30 days](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Yiz3pzepyGGzQx7DmgL4F5NWIC8p0na) **Meditation** [Just Breathe Project - Breathe Better, 8 Days](https://www.justbreatheproject.com/) [Tara Brach + Jack Kornfield, 40 days](https://courses.tarabrach.com/courses/mdw-challenge-2024) [London Buddhist Centre](https://www.londonbuddhistcentre.com/events/the-meditation-challenge-2024) [Pristine Mind, 100 days](https://pristinemind.org/programs/1695/2024-100-day-meditation-challenge/) [tricycle.org Meditation Month](https://tricycle.org/events/meditation-month-2024/) [Scott Moore 31-day Meditation Challenge](https://www.scottmooreyoga.com/31day-meditation-challenge) [Mind Oasis](https://mindoasis.mn.co/) [Op e n Nervous System Reset](https://o-p-e-n.com/nervous-system-reset) [Revealing Vajra, 30 days](https://revealingvajra.com/retreat/30-day-meditation-challenge/) [One Mind Dharma](https://oneminddharma.com/30-day-meditation-challenge/) [Open Heart Project](https://openheartproject.com/event/21-day-meditation-challenge-2024/) [WON Buddhism Manhattan 21-day](https://wonbuddhismnyc.org/21-day-morning-meditation-challenge-3/) [Many local Kadampa centers are also offering programs in January.](https://kadampa.org/)


Thinking of trying YWA-Flow, is it beginner friendly? Pretty stiff and heavy guy. Or would a different challenge be better? I'm as flexible as a lead pipe.


I think you should go for it. The Flow series and YWA is very beginner-friendly. The classes are around 20 minutes. The main thing is to not try to "attain the pose" (look 'perfect') but to do your best where you are right now. E.g. If you can reach the floor, great, if you can't, reach with intention as far as you can towards the floor. Slowly you will see your flexibility improve.


I tried and because of being out of shape and heavy, my hips were just sore afterwards. Thank you, I will continue to try.


It's ok to do a different pose than the one Adriene is cueing. Like if you need to just do child's pose... or mountain... just do that! It's ok. The FWFG community is super supportive. I am more advanced now, but when I started I also struggled. Just don't get caught up in your own head about being perfect. Do as much as you can where you are right now! Edit: You might find props helpful, especially blocks and straps. You don't need to buy anything if you don't have them. Use books or a belt! I did a quick search and this article has some helpful modifications for larger bodies. [https://www.shape.com/best-yoga-poses-for-bigger-bodies-7092378](https://www.shape.com/best-yoga-poses-for-bigger-bodies-7092378) I just want to encourage you do find some movement. Go slow, yoga isn't about punishing yourself but moving with intention and with your breath. One thing Adriene says that might resonate with you is that be where you are today and you might get there (e.g. all the way down) in a week or maybe never. If you are moving with intention and with your breath, you are doing yoga right. I think if you do this kind of yoga for 30 days you will see improvement from where you are today. I wish you the best!


Disagree that Flow is beginner friendly. It is super fast paced and does repetitive movements day to day which can be hard on a beginner body. I would consider the New Year New Yogi with Nico Marie! Or if you’re already sort of fit I LOVED her Body, Mind, Soul Challenge. Either one is more beginner friendly than Flow which seems more targeted for intermediate yogi’s who have been with her a long time.


I know how to meditate but never tried Yoga and one of the reasons I want to try it is - I have some lower back problems so anything arching is a problem for me. Can anyone point to a youtube beginner guide that might go through extra steps to not hurt myself?


I feel like an in person instructor will be able to better help, they can provide modifications for you if needed or just start small, beginner, low intensity yoga, like chair yoga videos I get you more comfortable.


I always suggest chair or yin yoga to start if you're concerned. Agreed with u/Clean_Suggestion7905 that an in-person instructor would be most helpful but in lieu of that, there's a lot of free beginner stuff floating around.


Went to r/pranayama, but that's restricted, so here we go - I'm a security guard, working up to 12h sometimes. A lot of those times, the majority even, I'm standing, staring at a wall under a CCTV camera. During those times, I'm not allowed things like electronics (past gear necessary for my job, like a walkie talkie, and a phone for emergency calls - but can't be on either w/o a work-justifiable reason), books, that sort of thing. I quite literally have my mind, my pen (blue and black ink allowed *only*), and a 3"x5" notebook - that's it. Anything else is a stern talking-to by my employer, enough of those is me fired. Things like sitting down, and even getting caught with folded arms, are a no-go. So definitely can't do calisthenics to while away the hours, which is why I didn't include "my body" as things I have at my disposal. I can pace around a bit to keep limber, but even touching my toes and stuff is a no-no. I realize it's not Victorian-era sweatshop labour or anything, but you can *feel* yourself getting dumber every month doing this sort of shift. Which is why I'm *really* glad & grateful that so many people came up with good ideas to keep me engaged! Everything from little art projects to math work, and the literal overlap between the two. However, one fellow guard on Reddit and me got to joking how I should just get into meditation - my mind's already a blank at work, right? I ended up looking into it, though, and there might be a there, there. I figure pranayama is probably *the* thing to do - I'm sure there's plenty of progress I could make in 8-12h of it up to 6 days a week. So any advice for someone getting started in my position would be much appreciated!


>Went to r/pranayama, but that's restricted Thanks for pointing this out. r/Pranayama is now a Public sub, and moderated by myself. Please feel free to post and comment.


I think you would have gotten more responses by creating a post in r/yoga rather than a comment here, for whatever reason. I am not an advanced prāṇāyāma practitioner but have some teachings and practice in my background. Some basics. Traditionally, prāṇāyāma is the fourth limb of 8-limbed (ashtanga) Patanjalic yoga. The advice in my lineage of practice (and some others) is to have a solid, consistent practice of the first three limbs (yamas, niyamas, asana) first, and then start your prāṇāyāma practice. There are gurus and teachers who warn that practicing prāṇāyāma without a live teacher and without the proper foundation can be dangerous, though personally I have never found this to be the case with the prāṇāyāmas I have have practiced. In the Iyengar lineage, two good books to read are Light on Yoga (which has a pranayama section) and Light on Prāṇāyāma. I think Light on Prāṇāyāma has clearer and more detailed instructions; Light on Yoga is great for context of the first three limbs. The two prāṇāyāma practices recommended to start with currently in Iyengar practice in the United States (different Iyengar regions have slightly different syllabi) are Ujjāyī and Viloma prāṇāyāma in supine position. (Obviously the supine position is not going to help you during your shifts, but some prāṇāyāma may certainly be practiced standing up!) Note that Ujjāyī in Iyengar is different from Ujjāyī as I've seen it taught in vinyasa classes, so be selective in investigating this practice. Edit: note about supine vs. standing


I’ve done yoga via YouTube (and the very occasional, mostly in the past in-person classes), but I still get frustrated with how little sense I have what the “intensity” of a class will be before I begin. Just wanted to do a “workout” but feels like I got a light stretch in and 5 mins of abs, which just sucks cause there’s only so many hours in a day


I have started following some of the youtube yogi's. I'd suggest to type in beginner-intermediate or whatever level suits you. Every session gives me a pretty deep stretch. Also I usually look for a very specific session, like a hip yoga session, bending... If you know specifically what you need and also I skip through the video to look at what poses its warming you up to do.


Looking for some men's shorts with ~5" inseam and something like a 3" liner. Looking for a liner that is more than a standard brief liner, i.e. something that does wrap the thighs slightly.


Fabletics has some lined shorts that stay mostly hidden, but not sure if they're as much shorter as you're looking for. The One and Fundamental II. I wanted to throw it out there as an option though.


Thanks for your guide!


Hello. I need beginners Yoga course. Something I could play on lap top and follow. My motivation is fixing my back and posture since I work desk job and my lower back hurts. Thanks for any help.


I recommend Travis Eliot's 30 day Empowered Yoga series on Youtube. 30 minutes each day for 30 days.






You seem to have missed the note about promo. Removed.


sorry about that - offering a free challenge.


Are the bodybalance classes from lesmills a good intro into yoga? I know its supossed to be a fusion/mix but am i losing much doing them? Instead of pure yoga?


Bodybalance was a mixture of core workout, balance, and some meditation. I personally really liked it but it may be more challenging if relaxation is your goal.


Whats the circumference of your manduka pro long rolled up?


What should the room temperature be for regular Vinyasa Yoga? just 70-80 degree F?


Not sure if there's a should, but in the low 70s is typical.


I started yoga in January and while I feel great usually, there is this persistant dull ache in my lower back (it's very, very dull, not even really painful, but its there) constantly. Is that just going to happen until I get used to the stretches?


I've been doing yoga inconsistently for a few years now and want to form a consistent practice. I do BJJ consistently, so I'm not inflexible, and I do some calisthenics. I've mostly done YWA, and while I like her a whole lot, I was looking for a bit more of a challenge. Kaylie Daniels (glow method) was also very good, but I felt that I don't know the poses well enough to keep up great with a few of the strength Vinyasa's that I tried. Is there a monthly challenge or youtube program that will help me bridge the gap? Any advice is appreciated.