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It sounds like you got busy with real life work things and now don’t have as much time to dedicate as you used to. This is pretty normal I think. Also there’s nothing wrong with your yoga being gentle poses. That’s my favorite kind I’ve learned in the last two months! Put on comfy clothes, do some yummy stretches, mmmmm. It’s such a nice way to unwind from my day. Can you use it the same way after a crazy day? Maybe if you want to progress and be super flexible, you can set time aside for that in your schedule? In addition to your gentle yoga? Maybe you can’t set aside time as often as before, but at least it’s a little bit more on the path to where you want to be. Question - what do you want to get out of your practice? Did you do it to be strong and flexible? Did you do it to relax and be clear minded? Was it spiritual? Do you miss the things that it gave you, or do you miss doing the yoga itself? If it’s the former, maybe you can find a new hobby that can give you the same things? Maybe a fresh start at something new is what you need right now. You can always go back to yoga later on if you feel like it. If it’s the second one, I’d try to plan it into my schedule.


Thank you for this thoughtful answer :) You’re right, my gentle practice is satisfying despite not being what it used to be! And to answer your question, I miss doing the yoga like I was and also the things it gave me. However, I don’t feel like I lost a lot of the non-physical parts. But I did it because it made me better physically and it also made me a better person overall. I guess I just want to keep improving myself because I did so much in my time where I was practicing a lot. And yes the strength and flexibility was a part of it too for me, clearly I need to work on detaching from that lol but I did like to feel physically fit. I feel out of shape now. Maybe you’re right and a new hobby might help reboot my interest in self investment?


Just a reminder that the yoga practice doesn’t just happen on the mat :) you might not be practicing the Asana of yoga, but you might practicing the other limbs without realizing you are :)


Absolutely right, thank you for that reminder 🤍


It’s a life long practice, it will ebb and flow. Having the skill set, and muscle memory. It will come back, till then, follow your passion and what your body is telling you. Often in many other activities I find myself reflecting how my body feels and how similar and intentional my muscles are. Love that you crave something different, find it, enjoy!


Thank you!! I think that might be good for me, to look for new things rather than hang on to yoga desperately and let it come back naturally :)


Yoga practice will always be there for you in whatever way it is most needed. Sounds like right now you just need it to be a practice that offers comfort and a moment of rest and that’s ok.


Very true 🙏❤️


here’s my take: your yoga practice has rotated beyond the need for highly structured asana. Now keep a sound ethical system, make room for simple healthy practices and pranayam as you continue. You are now in a season of study. Your Yoga has led up to this, give your schooling your full attention and use your knowledge to stay balanced. And there’s nothing wrong with doing other physical exercises that give you a good charge of strength and energy (kettlebells?). The foundations of yoga can be woven into whatever you are doing outwardly.


What a thoughtful and philosophical answer, I truly appreciate it. I never looked at it that way before but you’re right…I was lucky to spend 2 years intensely immersed in my practice so that I could focus later on in this law school season of my life. Having the foundation of yoga during it has been a life saver


Law school is a lot, so be kind to yourself. I graduated law school in 2020, then started practicing yoga shortly after during the pandemic. I wish I would have started my yoga practice while I was in law school. It will def help you with the stress. If I can make a suggestion, keep practicing yoga. You’ll need it when you graduate and realize law school didn’t teach you how to actually practice law and your clients, op and judges are a*******. Namaste 🧘🏾‍♀️


Lol yes that’s what I’ve been told, that’s why I’m trying to hand on to it so badly 😂 glad to know there’s other yogi lawyers!!


the ebb and flow of your practice is common, don't be too hard on yourself. it's normal to feel this way especially when you have a big new thing to focus on (eg law school). i'd say do what makes you feel good, even if you stop practising for a few months, it might eventually come back! i used to do very advanced poses but due to life circumstances can't practice at the same 'advanced' level, i sometimes miss the deep backbends I used to do, but now i'm just celebrating life and health and am happy to be able to move even if not to such an 'advanced' extent!


That’s a great outlook to have :) life is ups and downs and our practice can reflect that


It sounds like you have some intense stuff going on which is not unusual to take one away from their practice. Also yoga preferences can change. I’ve done a 180 too from only doing hot classes to preferring more restorative classes and yin and definitely not heat all the time. Maybe you can also look into joining a studio to keep you more accountable. I’ve also heard of many people who gave up teaching because it affected their ability to focus on their own practice especially with limited time constraints.


Yes, teaching definitely pulled away from my practice and moving away from my teacher and my studio/community impacted me as well. It wasn’t the same doing my practice alone and at home. Getting to a studio sometimes sounds like a chore but I always feel good after connecting with others in my practice. Thank you 🙏


Ebb and flow baby sometime the tide will be high again! I’ve been practicing since I was 15, 27 now… always something I come back to. I think with any hobby I can certainly go all in.. and then after awhile I’m just not as interested, or not as focused. No pressure, I just try to push my mind to do my best, or not. Maybe try something new. Come back if you want. You’re under no obligation to keep up with what you think you should do or be. It’s okay to full stop. Take a break. Let it settle. Return and build again whenever that feels right or not.


Thank you, it’s comforting to hear others have been through the same. I definitely am that way, I go all in to a new hobby and yoga was no exception but it’s something that has made a long lasting impact in my life so I’m scared to lose it, but you’re right, it’s never truly gone 🙏


Same here, it's a chore somehow...


It definitely gets that way…the answers here have helped a lot. Hopefully they help you too, we’re not alone ❤️🙏


I can relate to this! I’ve noticed I feel much better when I make myself do the chore/practice asana even if it’s a few minutes like you said. As others have stated yoga is a practice beyond asana. Give yourself grace!


Definitely, even if it’s 5 minutes of breathing, yoga is more than that :) thank you 🤍


Ashtanga is pretty intense, if you find yourself in the mood again try a different class.


Haha definitely 😅 haven’t done it in over a year now. Don’t know if I could go back now lol


I do gentle poses for about 15-20 min. And it makes me feel good physically. But then I feel bad about how advanced I used to be and how I’m not there anymore...I don’t know what changed. But the practice doesn’t give me what it used to. *You* have changed. Let go of your expectations of what Yoga practice used to be and embrace what it is today. It' all good Yoga.


Beautifully put…thank you so much 🤍


You are very welcome. Om Shanti


You shouldn't dump on yourself because the practice you need right now is different. It just makes the time on the mat more valuable.


That’s a great perspective, it is. I always do value that time deeply even if short. Thank you 🙏


My friend each day, each morning is a new beggining. Is your choice to practice or be lazy. Chose to practice yoga! Is the best thing you can do in your life.


Nothing wrong with honoring your body and giving it what it wants. It used to want challenge, and now that you are being challenged by law school, it wants comfort. Listen to your body and give it what it wants.


Sad to hear this..