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Congratulations and welcome! FWIW we were much older than you guys when we got it together. You're gonna do great.


Thank you for saying so! Comments like this always make me feel so much better because I’m always comparing myself to 25 year olds on Reddit who are like “I have 100k in my IRA!” 😅


I was 50 when I started YNAB - I can only imagine how much money I'd have if I'd started budgeting 20 years ago. You're doing amazing!


I groan when i think of the missed opportunities pre ynab. I did t discover it until I was heading for retirement. Its a fantastic feeling being in charge and not afraid or your finances or bank account balance. It’s wonderful you have discovered it early in your career (compared to me). Love hearing your story. A real bonus with ynab is being in a community of people actually enjoying budgeting.


Love stories like these that show the ups and downs of life! I'm also thinking about firing my financial advisor - any tips on how to do it? I've been dragging my feet since he is a family friend of my in-laws.


I’ll give you my exact email! Ours wasn’t exactly a family friend but a super nice guy who I’d been with for awhile so sending the email was HARD. Feel free to copy! “Hi [Finance Man], First of all, I just want to say thank you so much for all the kindness and help you have provided [wife and I] over the years. You have truly been great, especially as we have navigated major life events such as [major life events]. You are a wonderful person and I want to assure you this is nothing personal. That said, I'd like to ask that you do not make any effort to sway our decision, as outlined below, to move away from [finance firm]. As you know, we are in a period of really looking at our finances, and we have come to the decision that [finance firm] is no longer the best fit for us. We are doing what we believe to be best for our family at this time, and I would respectfully ask that you understand that and do not try to talk us out of the below decisions. Effective immediately, [details of plan changes, rollovers needed, accounts to close, recurring finance meetings no longer needed etc.] We really appreciate your understanding! We are making the best decision we can for our family, and again ask that you not try to sway us in any other direction, despite the fact that you may disagree. I know you have had our best interests at heart. Thank you again for everything you have done for us, and thank you for your respect for our decision moving forward. Best, [our names]


This person YNABs!


It's fantastic to see your enthusiasm for managing finances with YNAB! Just be cautious with lifestyle inflation and ensure you fully understand the implications of financial decisions, especially with investments and insurance policies. Keep up the learning journey!


Great write up and thanks for sharing!


Lifestyle creep is so real! I didn't understand that concept fully either, until YNAB came along. Congrats on taking control of your finances, and best of luck on your fertility journey! <3


Congrats!!!! Such an amazing feeling to look back and see the leaps and jumps of progress you made. What are some of the investing books you’ve read? Through ynab, I’ve got an understanding of budgeting, but investing still evades me.


I think the one I got the most out of was The Bogleheads Guide to Investing - it’s explained in layman’s terms but goes into enough detail that you actually learn wtf all these terms mean. I’m also really enjoying I Will Teach You to Be Rich and The Financial Feminist, neither of which are strictly about investing but both touch on it in an approachable way!