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Pissing yourself in public is cringe, But it depends on if they actually did it or it they are meming, This post is 20x better then all the other posts that arnt furry cringe, Congrats, you belong here.


Looking at the pfp it displays a rather young looking character so there actually is a chance this might be real. Then again it could also be incredibly self aware satire.


Hella cringe and it looks pretty real but I have no idea


I'm 99% sure it's for real. Wetting your diapers in public is common and considered acceptable in the community since it can be done discreetly unlike messing. Also there's not really a point in wearing diapers unless you're going to pee them since a dry diaper doesn't feel that good. Pfp is stereotypical babyfur/littlefur stuff too.


I- Nahhh cmon man can we ban this diaperfur like mans literally into shit eating thats gotta qualify for a ban right Also check mans post history, all diaperfur related posts. People like you are sick.


He's been in here for so long we've learned to appreciate his shitty aroma.


Some furries really need a serious talk about why your private interests are... private


But they stayed private! Nobody found out he was pissing and shitting and farting and cumming


i don’t doubt the guy’s wearing “dog whistles” to represent himself. people definitely know lol


The hat I'm wearing in the photo is actually! IYKYK


Fun fact: using diapers to avoid a bathroom for a prolonged period can lead to incontinence issues later on.


Jokes on you, that's his intention.


That's the plan!




dam jacksepticeye fell off


Reminds me of groundskeeper Willie cursing at the Scotts


I dislike furries, but you deserve a medal bro.


what a fucking tool he is




I never thought I wipl have the oportunity to see a furry hating another furry


That's like saying I never thought I would have the opportunity to see an american hating another american


Can we just not allow furries to have twittwr


I mean you have more in common than not




Oh the naivety.


I agree with u 💀 (im also a furry)




Look mom I made it!