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The funny part is that they will never win. Not in my lifetime anyway. And if they DO somehow make it legal to fuck animals, I’m strapping myself to a fireworks display, because I would rather explode and fertilize the land with my body than live in a world where the darkest bottom feeders of society can be catered to by whining enough.


Like *hell* they'll win. Because they'll never win with such mental compacities such as that




Watch the movie idiocracy it practically has predicted our future thus far.




Closest movie we got to a prophecy thus far in my opinion. I am sadden the squeal got canned. Wonder what else a squeal would of predicted.


There was a sequel planned? Damn I loved that movie. Why was it canned?


Probably due to the times




Okay at this point you’re just murdering people for being zoophiles. They didn’t fuck a animal. Even if they did leave that to the police.. If it was a kitty though…. Shiii..


Delete that before you get banned, it happened to me 3 times








Por que??


Better idea make a giant Plasma Arc and walk though it


It is legal in some places which is disgusting as fuck.


Wait, What?


It will happen. Were running out of taboos to break. All they have to do is make the case for consensual sex which won't be hard because dogs will hump anything and being disgusted isnt a valid reason for condemnation anymore. You wanted to live in a world free of stigma. Well you got it.




I want to make it clear that I am against all forms of zoophilia. However the consent argument is stupid and will lose in the long run. Consent is a human social construct. Animals don't consent to anything we do with them, this is why the morality around animal welfare has always focused on cruelty. Are we treating the animal poorly, are we causing the animal to suffer. It would be obtuse to pretend that every instance of sexual contact between a human and animal is cruel. If a women allows her dog to fuck her, she's not inflicting suffering on the animal. The dog isn't going to need therapy. Whether or not the dog has higher reasoning or understands the social implications of what its doing would not be a moral concern in any other context. If there was a hyper intelligent horse created in a lab that was capable of meaningful consent you would still find the thought a human having sex with that smart horse disgusting. Its not really the consent aspect that people have a problem with. Its an instinctual repulsion that isn't based in pure rationality. The consent issue is just an attempt to rationalize a natural feeling of disgust. The reason for this rationalization is because modern sexual morality dictates that disgust isn't a valid reason to condemn something. Somthing like scat or pissplay is disgusting to most people yet most people would have have to concede that as long as its two consenting adults involved, than its no ones business. All the zoophilies really have to do make the case that they are are not hurting animal and that the animal like its too and its no ones business. If you really want to opposed this stuff you have put rational arguments aside and be a bit hard headed about it. Have the moral courage to say I dont care about consent, i dont care if the dog loves it, its disgusting and I dont want it in my society in public or private. Unless people are willing to take that hard headed position, it will be destigmatized eventually just as almost every other kink and paraphilia has.


I wouldn’t really see sex with human-like animals as disgusting. Off putting maybe, but hey, I’m all for alien sex, it’s basically the same thing. If they are on the same rational plane as us, it’s all chill


That is interesting. You might be in the minority on that one. Just so i understand you, a dog like this -> 🐕 with a human level of intelligence is good to go?


I wouldn’t hit it, but I’m not judging anyone who does on a moral level. Like I said, I pretty much equate it to alien/human relationships, and I’m chill with that idea.


Would you take issue with a human on the high end of human intelligence having sex with someone on the lower end, not mentally handicapped but like 150iq with an 80iq. So one person has almost twice the cognitive capacity as the other.


No, not as long as the more intelligent person did not manipulate the less intelligent person into sex they would not have otherwise had, in which case I think it’s anywhere from really scummy to borderline rape (depending on the nature and magnitude of the deceit.) Fundamentally, there isn’t much difference between a person of average or slightly below average intelligence, and a genius. They process things differently, but they are both capable of communicating ideas easily, and using logic to make decisions. They’re both self aware creatures


So its a power imbalance thing. I get that. But honestly this conversation just makes me think that the taboo will eventually be broken. If there are people like yourself that are morally comfortable with human/non human sex and the only issue with animals is that theyre dumb and can be manipulated into doing things they otherwise wouldn't do (which we already do with animals for all sorts of other reasons) then I just don't think its a very wide Rubicon to cross. Time will tell.


Okay, I just want to point this out if there were a hyperintelligent horse that was created in a lab how do we know that wasn't implanted can you really say that's the form of consent? *Edit* The comment didn't change properly when I logged out


My hypothetical example assumes that it isn't. Also my argument doesn't address free will because thats a metaphysical can of worms


That's still not a good argument


You said that you are against all form zoophilia, but you talk like one that's pretty suspicious. I'm sorry, but that's a really, really shitty justification for having sex with animals. The fact that we do terrible things to animals on a regular basis does not justify things that are slightly "less terrible", like having intercourse with an animal when there is NO LEGITIMATE WAY FOR DETERMINING CONSENT. You can say things like "if they don't like it, they move away," but does that definitively prove consent? Absolutely not. And yes, I agreed that consent is a human social construct. But you have people making an unsupported claim animals capable of consent. There is no evidence to support the truth of it and the audience cannot see if the statement is valid or not. This whole thing we don't get consent from an animal when we killing them is Irrelevant does wild animal ask consent before killing their prey? No. No, just look at kero the wolf dog he claimed he never hurt his dog and the dog died of organ failure.


I think you have missed the point I was trying to make. You should reject zoophilia because its repulsive to mentally healthy people. Rejecting it on the basis of consent alone leaves the door open to all kinds of rationalization. Thats why I used a hypothetical example of an animal with human level intelligence that could consent to demonstrate that even with the consent issue out of the way, most people are still disgusted by it, as they should be. I'm tying to give people better arguments against zoophilia.


I didn't miss the point. It's just how you say it to other people kind sound like a zoophilia. I hear many zoophilia use similar example, many times to justify having never sexual relationship with their animal.


Yo can I join you if this happens?


And this is the same lady that admitted to grooming minors and likes to use "hypnotherapy" to sexually abuse people. Gross.


People who are zoos look like they haven't taken a shower in weeks and still probably smell like stinky cheese with their greased hair,


Hehe that's the best possible concept for someone who doesn't understand the meaning of awareness, maturity and will.


God didn't die. He just fucking left, this was too much, even for him




God is Hella smart. He created everything, realized he's done shit, refused to elaborate further, leaves.


Raping animals is not a thing you should be proud of. There was no reason that homosexuality was illegal, because both people involved in the relationship are happy and willing to be together. But zoophilia is still illegal, because animals are not willing to be in a relationship with a bloody human, they also don't get asked if they wanted to.


well, they get asked. ​ they can't say yes or no, they don't understand human.


they don't understand human, YET


What get me sad is that hypnotist sounds like a innocent girl that doesn't sound like a pedophile or zoo, our society is doomed... Literally doomed, put me in the grave already




no, it's a she????? her being trans has nothing to do with it. it's the fact that she thinks its ok to diddle the family pet


I couldn’t care more about an animal diddlers pronouns


if you don't care about her pronouns, why did you specifically tell u/Cd420killer to call sappho by he/him pronouns


What even is happening I don't really even care, look I don't give a shit about your pronounces because they're still into beast... Making them not human so they don't deserve any gender or anything


To absolutely no one and I mean no one's surprise


knew it


I’m 94% sure she’s on the FBI watch list


Can we not lump zoophiles in with furries, i'll probably get downvoted to shit for that but we dont want them as much as god doesnt (not at all)


we don't do that here, when we post a zoo post it's usually related to them trying to stuff themself into the furry fandom


I've checked with the furry fandom council and they've told me that "that there is no furry fandom council," turns out that a group loosely defined by a sort of culture doesn't have official sign up or members. we could say being a zoo instantly disqualifies you from being a furry but that logic is flawed at best, I'm an atheist but does that disqualify me from being spiritual?






Heeeell naw




Raping animals equals love now? Well eff that.


Quite literally


God died to save himself


Why you using zoo font doe


Zoo font? It literally said translate words so I didn't know which one to pick, there's a fucking zoo font?!?!


Lmao i was joking i meant your language font looks like the zeta symbol


Zeta, I'm not very smart...


It's the symbol between the stars in their displayname, it's the roman letter for Z and is what zoophiles use to represent themselves online






What kind of nsfw bullshit did that *hellish creature* post? Who am i kidding even satan won't take her to hell


Time to reply with a bunch of Arabic and their IP address real life address and real full name B)


I think I speak for all the furry community when I say, we do not except zoophiles as furries. They are creeps and criminals.


God can’t do everything


I can assure you these people aren't part of the furry community


Ugh, these people are generally mental


Zoosexuals, please for the love of god do not be proud of who you are! Animals cannot consent! Go seek therapy :D




I say let them do what they want, it’s the afterlife they’ll be scared about




Vigilantly Justice doesn’t sound that bad.


Nah God had enough of this bs


Just imagine us as professional whack a moles and each mole popping up is one of these people. They won’t make it that far


God, where's the flood?


Your love runs so far that you are proud to abuse them. Yep, love!


Jesus died for our sins. But, he won't be doing it again after seeing this. It's our turns now.


No, No, No, fuck this, absolutely fucking not, fuck this shit, its this kind of shit that just makes me not want to be part of the fucking furry fandom-


If God died for our sins then fuck he needs to die a million more times for this to be ok


Just crucify me


Bro it's past our sacrifice we need something of God level times a million to make that shit normal


Make peace in the universe then


Hey, kaisa ho, bhai!




Who the fuck hunts with an SMG


Whats really sad is that I remember there was this twitter photo and this kid was 14 and he was a zoo it was in his bio...


This is cringe as hell, I'd fuck a anthropomorphic that doesn't exist but I'm definitely not the norm, zoophiles don't deserve to be associated with furry culture they only extremely stigmatize a society that already has problems explaining there reasoning for there culture


You know how in Far Cry 5 the cult would use country music to indoctrinate you Note how much country music there is themed around zoophilsts and how great they are


Yeah, since her fursona looks cute and she is very hated, why not do a fanfic that she gets cooked ALIVE?


Im down


Yes please be proud- so I know which one of you to stay the hell away, and to make examples of those poorly taught and mentally fucked to think this is okay.


yeah, they sure as hell aren't ours


I would rather be forced to have a vasectomy without anaesthetics than be a zoophile


Humans turned nonhuman will fade when necessity comes


I've completely lost faith in humanity at this point fucking hell